PAGE 20, WH1TBYREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUAIRY,16,1991 0-i-D>..: * *:. ....... Why using wood . s good for the environment>, Solid Oak Pedestal Table(nnished).. Solid Oak Kitchen Chairs, Solid Harvest Oak, Round PedestalTable... ... $ 832.00 $,,172.00 $ 722.00 Solid Harvest Oak Windsor Back Car..$190.00 $733.00 $ $ 151.00 W36.00 $168-00 8 ,pc. Pine Bedroom Set... .$21 59.00., ."$j831.0ù 6 pc. HoneyOak Finish" Bedroom Set........ 6 pc. Renaissance Oak Bedroom Set... 30" Windsor' Swivel Bar Stool (unfnished). 3011 Captain $1 608.00 $2796 .00 $ 203.00 Swivel Bar Stool (unfins. f»M. $ 223. 00 $1419.00 $2465.00 $ 179.00 (Atrear of plaza) 432-3980 udsS 1990 PRICE 1991 PRICE ADVERTISEMENT More than -fence s & decks Decks, gazebos, pools and cabanas. There are maxny ways to enjoy the outdoors duringthe summer months but now that we -are in the middle of winter, Whitby Fence & Deck Inc. is busy doing custom interior work. If you Gazebo are thinking of adding living space by utilizing your baseinent, have us construct a sauna, gaines room, bar or maybe a complète lower level apartment. Give us a cail for a free estimate.1 Drop into our showroom at 1380 Hopkins St., Unit 14 to examine -the Lindal Cedar SunRoom. It's the m ost beautifuil, durable way to let the sun in. Framed in natural cedar, the Lindal SunRoom expands your horizons while conserving energy; available in kit form, or have it pro fe ssio nail y ~ in Also available . nthe showroom ar a variety of wooden post caps and plant hangers .,fý available in i pressure-treated or cedar wood; a1so , g at e hardware, especially the à "unique Kant-Slain, excellent for pooî enclosures. Pie ase phone ahead before, dropping in. WHITBY FENCE & DECK Inc. à Lindal Cedar Sun Rooms 1380 Hopkins St., Unit 14, Whitby, Ontario Tens of thousonds, of North- Arnericon liomeowners turned te woodburnirig stoves in tiie late seventies as sheiter. from risig energy. coots. Woodburning seems right for tii. tixnes and auggested a simpIeér, moreindependent way of living. -But the burning 'of wood in.» stoves, fireplaces and furnaces bas corne under fire in recent years because .ýthe.resuIting smoke'ieoan air pollutont. Now, as scientiats learn more about the. full impact,0f energy production, wood is eniergingr as on. of tii. moot environmentallr friendly It is suggested that the. burning of fossil fuels,. sucii as gasoline,' diesel fuel, fuel oil and natural gs is ciianging the. climats b increasing the concentration 0f carbon dioide (C02) in the upperatmosphere. The...risinglevels cf C02ar producing a greenhouse effect by- trapping the. sun' heat 'and raising -the. average globa temperature. Scientists now ogre. tht global warming could wel b. tii. greatest environ-, mental threat we face. Fossilized hydrocarbon fuels, sucii as Cil and gos, are tii. foundation. cf industry and transportation througiiout the. wonld and toredùe their what is left becomes part, of the oEil. Tii. decaying . prcîes oxidation atujièower-"form tAhon occurs during bùrning.,The main byproduet,-0 f, thus s low on-dationis 002.,*m fooët, whether wood is-burned -for heatior b'is left, te rot -in the forest, ýthe- à mme amount, of C02 is released to the atmosphere. 1Accc&dinig--tô a ùreport ýon the grenho use effect prepared by the. EnrRepe =rh Laboratory cf EneryM eL nd -Resolurces 'Tp),,1he comnbusion of wood proauit tus i1 offset by OO2flxatn in young growth. shn.coe ü 1is. rle ased as mature forests decay, com bustion oni;y ncassthe rate of C02 release, bi>t odiai. ovemriamount." Thus means that as long as-ti. forest is flot depleted by éverus, it con produce asutial yield of fuel, the. burning of wiicii dom. not affect the. total amount cf< C02e in 'the. atnosphere and"n WWIMmu %à f r eport concludeo, Muitable iiarvst gand to cdean and efficient Ilnbstonsytema, Wood fuels conm tul~ redue. the. total'C02 enmsons.. consumption,, or even silow ..the growth in theiruse, will b.a' monumeital task1 Conservation can help, but alternative energy sources will aise be needed to slow the global 'ayin trend. Al1though li the wddhat is burned for homeheating. i. also casd a ,adrocarbon ,ful, it is a renewable ýfuel not afIl fuel. ItîIs the status 'of wood a r-enewýabie .fuel tbÃŽat makes oý Of "the 1leading contend"er sas an alternative, te fosil fuels.,. Ai ooregardiesa ýofsces is m ade. up .primarly . of -thre chemnicais: oyehyrgnand carbon, hence e term hydocrbn. .The-.-,heat of combutionbreaks dw h wood on4 the.rapid addation .of thé. resiIlting coitipounds releases the. energy used for home heating. When wood or anyhydrocarb6t fuel is burned, one cf the.mmin byproducts. is -CM , the. "greenhous. gos" tiiot contributes to global warming. Tii. important difference betweenwood'and tii. fossil fuels is in the. way th.y are formed. As tre.. grow, th.y absoeb C02 from the. air to build their structure. In fact carbon accounts for about haif the. weigiit of wood fibre, s0 trees act asu-one of the earthls carbon storebouses Put simply, the. more treesthere, are, thei. i. C02 tiere te in the. atmosphere. This itewiiy environmentalists are se, alarmed by the destruction of forests in South America - trees con b. the., engi. ' u salvation from global warniing, if w. dont cut them ail down first. Tihe rois of trees ini aberbin1r C02 from the atmosphere woul seem a good argument for not using wood, for fuel. However, as1 witii ail energy sources, it is important te, look at the. entire' fuel supply and consumption cycle before reaching conclusions. .When a tree dies and falls to the forest floor, it decays until Tlii.fsdl, euhcii oand gas, contain' carbon that was abmorb.d from the. atmospiire tiiousands of. yeaa. Restng. tiiousands 0f feet, below , te eortii' furface, tii... depoits would -neyer oxidize -unies. * brougiit 'ote i.srface and bured. When fusil fuels are bunied4, th&. resut is a neiât increas.iniatmospiierk'icÃ"02. And since their formation took tiiousands cfyears, once burned, tiiey are- gone ond.connot b. replaced. Futiermore a large.amount cf SEE PAGÉ 21 ftheWa__a-J I FOUL iUEm