Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Jan 1991, p. 1

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4, 1' SUser,-fee.k Perit eeswil no boimposed on <mnr prts teai Üsigpblie facilities > ~in Whtbyhis suimler._. Inanunnious diecision '.Monday Twucouncil voted k> deiay, oronyer lm iemepntig a .centroversial, user fee. po eyaprvd;oniy tWoe months ao Snalmnrorts ilorganizationsin ~Whitby., Thefrp rt illstudy the effect of fees, nwmeports *o p, uh as hockey, ~and-fgue kating hihae-paidk Suse arenas -for on iio h It illaio ivesigthe: impact give ôn-yer.rep rievýe permit: fées will have, on sumimer sports groups .which. have nonver paid for using imunicipa1 bal diamondi * and soceer Aot350 -peoplo packod tho council: chambors k> demonstrate Afainst theý,' useir foe"o'oliy instituted iast NovomÎbr. Waving placards ,bearing slogans -such as:«User feos-- anothor formn of taxation» the audience was warnedfrom the outset by Mayor BobAttersiey not to interrupt, But tho crewd, did net, obey 'as it ap auded ýlor heckled councillors on .more WhitbY, Mine"r Basebal 'Assoiation, spoke -.on behaif of thel thre greups allected by' the decision., TheMWitby,,Girls' Softball Asocation«,, andWhitby. Iroquais ocr Club are the other twoi organilzations c omprising-, tho, Youth Sumnmer Sports Group. As ho ddring< an appearanco bofore, council's opérations; commttee' last mth,1 Ciay beseeched cunilta reverse it mecson, (The userfo. poélicy...is a flrt for Whitby. Fees wiiI vary depending on the type- of facilityboingusdandwil in crease 10 percýent each year. (Asafrportesrtimhates that .$76,000 willb bo raisedlfrom minor sports qroàup based on the numnbor of'pomits ssW e iast year.)é Clay rpeated his previous argument that, user fees will pose a financial- burdènà on parents of children participat-ý ing nmer sports.. Usin hà own sport as, an exampie, Clay sid basebal officiaIs epc a rate increase of 62per cent Pr écl based on user feos' alone. wTIMs.ý before any other econonnic mncreaso or our famous GST (goods and services tax)," said Ca.- «lAlsb consîd r that tho useur feeshave a built-in 10per centincro.ase yar eo year. SEKÈPAGE 22 Bo y te second, timo in as *many -mntsaWtbfaor has eén shut down. Iiconsultation with, Whitby offlcialq;, the Ontario Ministry of *Enivi ronnien t, 1ordoired ..Atintic Packagin*g k> ,ceas oertions" iast->Sunday alter noise coin-. plaints were registered:*ith thoi Astpwork ordér was impôsed on th~e -now ppercdiyeng plant abou 1045 pm. undayan cmany, officiais s-nt the day Mondaytyigta deter ine, the, c u s e o0 h n i e Noise problem says gneral manager "W. toid them there- was a prbe.adtëýreacted té it Se epage 13 unm&atlyy sïaAttersley. "They have their engineers try- ina k> trc tdon hyreKendalwood -and 'Garrard Roads Corrcin taI - dso ay >in tho east k> Bradley and corre itth. itaton Anderson Streets in, tho north. wvill be .monitored by the ,mu .nici- tiiousa ofpeopieare bweng pnaiity and was hopeul tii. pro- abudyuss cofpopaney that bfim- will be rectified quickly. _bsdb hscmgy hî "It's an . inconveni ence for noise is enough to, drive YOU them, ne question, we -want >c~,siFt mak sue w ca ïý.tý emgoi. n wown -staff have k> keep on mak sue w ca ge thm gingthis, if need be close it down unil they have the equipment k> 'Bu A4osly poie twi muffle the sound.» net b. a 1 the iexpense of nearby Although Attersiey said- staff residents - will monitor the'situation, Fox, "Vie aise want k>, mako sure was net satisfied. .-tho cemplaints are adîdressed.» Ho toid reporters the company The shutdown' is the sýe, cond, inust improve its performance or impose'd p tThickson ]Rd. S. continue k> be shut down. factory in recent 'weeks. lIn fact, Fox said'h received a *~ ~.cail- prier tk> Mondais meeting L[asb mn'ont..DurhianlRegilon from -sojneone ,who -heard ýthe ordered the conlpany k> suspend noise again. operations after efuetreleased But lho said i a aebeen intô, the sewver, system flooded'the connected with the testing Corbett .Creek water jx>liution Fox si ha hletemui confrolplant. cipality has a noise pollution' *byl.aw, héwrr the offending The s"Wigei plant could, >net sound may not exceed unlawfu hantdie a sudden, discharge' of dclëibel levels four million gallons of wator over «It may be that the noise level a 24-heur period.. '1 dosen't infrinfe the bylaw, but it Vihilo aht probleni. was even- is a nuisance. tuallvcorected, the noise is Fox said Atlantic officiais a anoe or atter. aIea net be fujIy aaeOf tii. »Côunciller. Dennia Fox raised problem. the iàsse eat. oda counceil "The noise is net as loud at the, meetinig. fack>ry as whien you get' away' "The noise started up-again from it.» iast- night, I can 'assure you it Fox said the noise- apparentîy hasnt skpped,"soaid Fox. stems from gaz being- released Ti. astwrd«represetative inta the air but the actual, source 41 4iq .,q-p, f 1Pýdpi. Zf, fropi g Apetý id ntifi lis Mr e. s ¶ e * *owlage rs~ 06 VIL DEVnilSH-BARTHOLOMEWBMAR bounded back home after'a fourweek journey wiff a couple of cub l paw. Sb where'mamuma bear? Se. page B. joinstax-prtes By Mike Kowalski A Whitby businîessman wantste heip the federal'governmnent iower its co sta in admiinister1ng the goode.and services tax. As rsui, ichrdHaenda pesdent:of -M&D.Meats, Win. rfs tptheIro commerciaâlrei'it," utilities and services fe will later bereimbursed by *the government. Haienda recently wrote the governmient înforming them of his stand. As Haienda eàIainS, i opn must pay- the seveni per cent tax on the aremenindiesadte atfrOtw toepayhim.' Zfth9ogh federai officiais have told1 hiin the governient will po atsay interest on mnoney owing afler a six-week period, HaÙlenda is> no aifed. Haienda s'aid ho must, pay'.the tax firet' and then wait, to coiiect. UI 'ayr Why flot make us tax-exempt, rather than trade cash for câh. It's a ridiculous situation to bàrrow'money t> pay the e e Minists down Atanti à à #w "éý À,'* ýà

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