Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Jan 1991, p. 17

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WH~FBYJ 1991, PM~E 17 Mor ghgedvetd than .expected in 1990, By 1fk oauI e Durham o%ë'n .buried ls garbage in 1990 tan expected. SA recent repott o the aegion's waate., reductiojn coznmitteo in-, dicated that "mreab wù * diverted frDm landfill' sites last year'than originally fdrecast. > A waste diversion tàrgt of 16 per cent was excèeded',by 2.4 per 'cent by the end of. the yoar. Region: officia1s attrhbiut this p le'asant s*ituation to greater par- iia Uon of -both homeowners and business in waste .reduction Weèttho l6per-cent diver- îinprojected ô; 1990 was raï'ther agressive but weexpeted toreach it,7 snidKën Donnelly Duhm's solid 'waàteop 'a -manageri. ooain «W. were pleasantIlysurpised when wehit 1847pejr ent bylate Based on: Iast a'ssucxméss, ,DoiellY saidýofuila s areë-n fid enit«1992,8:25i6r cent. target canUhomet. .wNentr-five per. cent is' an ambitioéus;-go.al aÏÏdçl ,our intont has always..ten tè6,reach it, now w.feel w. have aû'evon botter Aboùt10.9per cent (33,860 metric t onnesi) of the 18.4 p r cent -figure î "' -divreFWed by te inïdustriàl'-commercial-institu.ý tionà .l sector, oxplained Donnelly.- Tho <'uebox»' homàe, recydn proram accounted 'for six per cent(18,;84 tonnes). The rem ainder came from gar- bage< divorted at transfer stations, leaf and backýyard com- posting, ecycling Of clear plastic gagesused in the. leaf collectioni propgrami and the «txic taxi" ed'o atter la, a new endeavour not yot, used in' ail xriuricipaàlitios to. collect- and dis p oseo miaterials deemod harmfui to the environinont.) Wihile Donnelly -believos next year's 25 po cent target can ho' achieved, ho nid it ca I nly h acDcomplishod* with continuodl co- operation from businesses and Companies must bo aggressivo ini their waito mianagement pro- grains and-houseoldé continue usinghblue boxes, nid -Donnolly. In additîÃ"fiote.Regionill ho oxpa-ding, its'baclWard compost- ing and leaf.collection programs, flnnelly added. «Organic material makes ,up about ono-thirdof the waate' stre a m ,' h t s a n o v o sare a to per cen goal.» -S THE CORPORATION.F- F THETOWN 0F.WH.ITBY' NOTICE' ON-STREET PARKING& WINTER SNOW CLEARING To asslst the Town'of Whitby in keeping tw hesets dear of sflOW, 11e publieclsreqested to co-operate by MM parking In a marner that wii in" r wimmunicipal snow cleanng operations. The Town of Whitby- has a Traffi By-law, By-law 1862-85, that statesi, in part, the followlng: No geron shail on any highway park any vehicle for more than three No pe=n shall on any highway stop anyj vehicle in such a manner as 1 ntreu with the movement of tiaffic, or lie dearing of snow from the highways. Secion 23 )- A Provincial Offences Officer appointed, for. the carryinq out of the provisions of Ibis by-la, po cscovery of any vehcde parked,, stoppod or standing in conraenion of this by-law rnay cause ilt t be moved or taken Io and placed or stored In asutable place and ail casts and charges for removing, care and storage thereof, if any, are a lien ~ 1 upn1 eiclwhc may be enforced in th1e manner provided by 11eMcant L' Lieact may b. amended from lime t Ume. ShuM you roquire additionai information, pleas call us. Vour continuod co-operation is apprecaled. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OPERIA10NSCENTRE * 66 844M,7 B FIRST GRADE * WHITE, VELLOW.OFLBEIGE ý idmmButter. fiimfsu i " It1>bPACKAGEj PAKGOFfLS I WITH THIS I WITH THIiS,1 a~1 99COUPON ilCOUPON L <~~~'"'> - L .EuMMww ZUffiîâ'ff FIRST GRADE 'WHTE, VELLOW OR BEIGE Wildmoe Butter ;DelseyBahmmissue' 1 bPACKAGE PAKG'F OL Il.~ 4 f WITH THIS ue ¶ WITH THIS I~U.NUCCUPON"' COUPON breââ". M. 103 ms .iSt 19,1 î 19 ci.~* L, ...e-m ---L FROZEN, SELECTED VARIETIES i savarin Dinners 2M5 g -07.gPACKAGE I ~ WITH THISg I * ~ OUPON' I ~~~V03ML. 191 .84 L (F" MMep aeUit1.49) FROZEN, SELECTED VARIErIES. Savarin,Dinners,,I 295»9-307 0PACKAGE, I I ~ ~ftWITH THIS i COUPONI je 9. C.646M CHIÇ)CEN NOODLE OR iVEGETABLE ~ INam pbeI's. SSoup 284 mL.TIN IN TOMATO SAUCE OR BOSTON STYLE' A&P, Pork & Beans 396 mL TIN SELECTED VARIETIES, PROCESS CHEESE F00D Bîack.Diamond> 500 g PACKAGE 2.,99, PLAIN, SALTEDOR MIH0LE WHEAT1 Christie Cramcks i ~ ~ 5g BOX I,îýk WTHIT~S9 COUPON=-m L PLAIN, SALTED OR WHOLE WEAT1 Christie Cm'c kers-, ~ 450O9BOX.. . IT WTHI~S9 ~ BACKS A1TACHED Fresh ~d~Chicke'n ~ Legs lbB9 SELECTIED VARIETIES INCLUDING Apple Juce 1 LITRE TETRA OR PACKAGE 0F 3-250 mL TETRLA PAK 991 PRODUOT 0F MOROCCO, EASYTO PEEL Sweet Clementines. 2.181kg ibM99' [WTH THIS.SAVE H1 Wl s COUPON, + GST + PSTII COUPON WHITE, YELLOW OR BEIGE Delsey Bathroom Tissue wid PCKAGEOFSROLLS 1 MM1package par copn UMM 1 pack#ge par coi 0<1er eld un.'Ja . e.Jan. 19,'1991. <1r voild Sun.' Jan. 13 (FuusprIce wthout coupon 2.79) G/P S.C. #647, (Psy uer pcewlh. FWITH THIS »SAVE 5071 IîWTHIS ICOUPON i COUPON BA Savarin Dinners Christ! < 95g - 307 g PACKAGE I IUmmT ipakgepa oo. UMMI1 ~ibox par coupon Offer val S n.'Je.13-Set. Jn. 19,1991. OffervalId Sun.' Jan. 3 L.. pcewiout 2 pon CL C (Petrepdce iimott W. have lowered prîces on thousands of Items In supplier cost réductions resultlng from the remove sales'tax. G.S.T. and .Twhr pplîcible, will1 reglster. Basiàc grocerles.were flot subjecttoF.E - SAVE FIRSTr GRADEI ie.re Butte ri 1 bPACK1 oupon. . 13. Sot ian. 19,1991. C__ . SAVE$1W , TE'D OR WMOUE WHEAT ýle'CrackersI M9g'Box i our stores to reflect al of the "Old" Federal "4. ~' .4 'TI-E ORPORATION0F' THE T'OWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE- SIDEWALK SNOW CLEARINiG Du)ng 11enne onhs u nicipality deans 11Mesnow fmom al Pleaso be, advkMs that th1e Tow«n wil NR be responible for any' damages caused, by municpal sldealk snow deaninq equipment to ojecs such as wood, concrets or'brick driewayedgn~sedso shrubs,,fonces, and flower beds placed by eeienso public road allowance near or acacent tothe rskieMalk.. Repairs to dmgdsod willý be undertalcen by the Town, as dee nocessay. Shiould you requwre adcltional informalion, pins. eil us. VYour continued co-operatibn is appedate6d'. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTENT. OPERATIONS CENTRE O 68447 "j 1* * 44 'i .,wnrrsyl

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