"Our customeis'eII us thot ty don't shop anywhei eswe,,work hard at IGA to keep it, ditot waiy.! DALE"& ýRICHARD DIDIER; DIURIGA' 1II~II IGAFRUIT DRINKS Assomd'. avou5 SAVE 392CASE' ton, of 9x 3 à io 50n ttra boxes, Bonus P"c SAVE -191 r For y@Ur <00Vi morked -w10 li 4509g pkg. PRIMO 100%.Pure 3 L JUg, HEINZ I NSCF KEG-O KE1uwHUP INSTANT COFFE S orCombla. Viva or EncRe A L btl. SAVE 1.60 130- 2009g WýADA'DRY SOFT- DRINKS Assoted Vorleties Except Bitter Lemor, im re Rkkey & Coins Mix LUvs Assrted Voriees, For 0oysSor-".., IGA HOT, DOGOR' HAMOURGER DONS' FRESI!DONESS CHICKEN DREASTSa Sklrilekk ss Pardon lb. 11.00 kg INUSAVE 3.0010LB TURKEY WINGS OR DRUMSTUCKS Pmb %Frzen 1.96 kg SAVE MAPLE LEAF SIleSide 5 00 g pkg. MARLE'9 LEAFq WIIENERS w 4509 pkg. SAVE .0 B 750 mL HUMPTY DUMPTY CHIPS OR SNACKS Assorted Varltls 190,- 200- g 2-L cow of 24x, luqè fEiÃbtl. 260 Mitiu PRIMO PASTA .Assorted Varleties 9004g pkg. SAVE .66 .99 IOA DRUWN 'DRIAD 20% Cracked Wheo, 60% Whole Wheot or 10%Whoe Wheat 675 gloof .. AUR A-d P4g. ofa 3AVE .30. .09 ORANGE JUICE Fiozen, Concerîtrted 0zà * cont. SAVE'0 GU-JREENCARE PRODUCTS- MAPME LEAF9 BOLOGNA - or Celo 4 b 2.50 1009g SAVE 1.02 LB. MAPLE LEAF9 SeALeAMI A,9 REDUCE P.Dy'1 f~SHOPPNG Là AGS AG W REUSED lsGreenCare -Ice Melter contains no sait and therefore reduces the corrosive effects on most surfaces and the harmful effects on pets and vegetation when used as directed. GREENCARE ICE MELTER, 99- 10-lb. bog SAVE 1.00 ROLIS f SAVE .50 Look for this symol Foods té fit UR M yourlfestyle. Look f * »»W". Tp @ p.dImorkd d "e. RED -EMPEROR GRAPIS Pý wof U.S.A., No. 1 Grade 1.74 kg SAVE .O0 ID. ~~79lb. RED OR'GOLDEN,'ý DEICIOUS APPLES*,< %odmc of&WmWlo,ùCnodExt, Fancy Gmd 2.1 kg *O .50 LB. e..~ HONEY STANGERINES >Poduct'of U.S.A., I lb. l. 73 kg SAVE .30, LB." GREEN hEANS Prducit of U.S.A.,* 2.4 kgl 129 r-