Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Jan 1991, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WHJTBYFRME PRES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1991 Iitems .with an asterisk * have been corrected, revised or clarifled from Iast week What canyo 0d about ,tho GST?' Write, phono or fax us your commeInts. Write -to oth er papers. Phone: your favourite radio station. Buy'from.shops that',refuse,,tocharge the tax. Talk to shop'owners who are charging the tax. Chances are they like it eèven less than you do. Give them a photocopy of the bottom. portion of th is page'. Tel them that they are flot alone in opposi'ng the tax - there are 25 million Canadian consumners behind thiem. Don't buy taxed gosand, servicesIf you can do without. Don't buy goods from shop"s: that are ""absor bigVu the 'tax Thesebusinssesafraladjvstretched ta the limit b>' hard egonamflc times.Wh shauld thev scrimen mare sa Brian can have anather 791. Suggest that they flot charge it ... perlod. see below. Contribute financially to: 1. The, Whity Free Press so that we can continue to publicize the campaigfl locally and generate ýthe kind of.nation-ýwide-publicity that can -make this work. 2. The Vote Funfd; (see ad on page 2),so .Carl Sinding can expand his ,country;.wide, ad campaign. Get, a GST Prevention Kit from Box 2500, Station 'A', Weston,, Ontario'., M9N 4R2 (only $4.- includes a letter to give to merchants, forms for declining the GST anda newsletter to keep you posted on anti-GST campaigns f rom' coast to coast. Thé 4$ wîil nly partially defray the costsof ,postage, post box, -printing, etc.')- Put a sign in ,your car window.ý.' When'you use a staImp for which you had to pay GST, write your pr ote st on theènrvelop>e' This spreaâds your"protestat no' extra cost. ' Include a proôtest with any cheques that include the paymentof GST BeUN-Canadian,-. Don'tjustu mbe r.M > somnet-hin bout-it!,ý Who really hasmore power l1 58,Conservative M.P.s or 25 ýmillion,,Canadians, - (f oI~ 0 Try .P's wlth hrse, ulrïoney wouldfhave armlnorlty) M8ltheooc ltt ouc U o r o ln.Teeae2 Mako sure your motomrko abo.tyo....an. Pu.........do ...W...v~ eÃ"Pr~s iI~ovdev (JJ<~thêWhtb Frs rns, oM. thn*) When ayln invoçes hat cntai the....d.....y..t -~AtohantesaI~ rposto o h ax fyo epth et1fyu aceuntourent yor oedtor ar unlkey t prssyou- mat f tem hae.*:m .........e... w re ne iW""' ü«1 eJ ....k p.. .....as.. .... a... r.....e... s............. arid rayin to al theqode bove hat ti.s .. te.t.........dd..s ...h .....ivs yu ,l uUrat .be epcet p... % on...taabe...s r I knwn Vte.meanime, here In't m.h.th...a..o.to..... . If yu tti t reit tt.te goerfmen wihev~tua1~ b fored o tae yu t ~.C.I .e..udtidi a k ar a b s.t 10e ve ho sn ~busneses lesstha O k)coas tacoai Te thusatd outdinae là:. IniposslblM .......t ..... ~'If you pay the fax atA tîm eoegîi ooutyuwulicrf ut penaltes thnthos abov If yu arepa.....ar..un..peratve.yo....J .QOft~al b.hare wt....... outBt uhscnrisae er .aayani r pr~y calmi i w sad ogthr 0oîtfe.ulyMou ragteIw yur lt tI h go venmen mat ~s boken he mst baic .l.s...d....a . Y P ~ S ~ WUSU-*.US USUS US US USUt*SfPW ~-US WNiWWW~~ ~ ~ ~ * 3L~;~~0- 34 J~f~LL ~3d~U~t~W 1 THE TA I REVOLT FACO AND FALLA.IES, &d&gmewid Unleessyoù've been asleep-for the last two weeks, youl know. that the Whflb FmeePresa la snot cpilecting thé. Ger~.-The imat two weeks have been flhled with ' ' - cals, .fa and interviews -from JLotreal ta Vanco bèrée 6 nupecdae level of angor out -the éîéa.weil as a lotcfornacmurate Infrmation-. Below are si. of the fallacles that-are fgdiaround. fIE0fL 1W. ame break t#he law 1w na ollectlng OST. tth ti-t d..so iiqjIie u t lletii r eg à n' üN-ý we!ro ot.îTe Sal emdontCcllc k e tatremit k, wemeCh % 4w4 venU, If we and otheu:.âlis mae,,ucea~Jl tepp1gtIwG ,z tathe prIa, . WW fl hive ta p aay. iptloeý ei ritin tb daefmioe*f.af, dmmt1plnzl f dsinccracy - that we e-a euanater~ftUs. 1d~i~ . cn gt a~'with thim'eca n a r nemapflr.,- No, we have no upeclal pî ýredmoW promu, a a épa- rate rlght lu an AmerIcan lconcojet*4'he CaaI e. ai only the same 0 im f peec asevébod ee.'Néwuapenru have thia abllity .to directbr, publilclsecanLéain* une. xns«,y be»pmevda havihg power, Du t * 'beaf éthe pôwerofthe p i '~yai uiidéràtextent amd limitations of free s ~Jj~Ifw~Ai~,Cre):it it, ae'tuteemc oesvr No. If we ffie-the.necessary ferres wbîch acknowledge the taxo:even., if we don't remit tea ubect oiyp %peat (e h effective ti wlngbeco mesDI 3nyaln outstanding amounts4.. leidon a sumrnaiyconvitin b brtfoý-arqffenae undéier ti.ft Noofense - e n.Te rvision lspa pin*ly almed at- fraud ai~ th e .. Tilk of heavyýfles nd jai aw boi uda cr ati b y evenue'Canada: officiâa i l-a i- ta. eicecur CPIPP ce -We gave -Chie wernmenamafdiiWheGSt In 'elast elect eG8T d Ïted.Dâite'Io.é remndjuwu it; was ,only,"thiesecnd4phaseof tax reforre. NodeIs wer pvided'althoughcëleaAly tigoepn Iýevbat it vul e pro t~Wegae h go rTd nidt'fr4o er;E mayhave been C4h. wnrng e biam-w*e atuch wUiti. The ^fundanientaàl basis cf delnocracy la int u,.we. ectpeople ,te, Mp~resent us. With 85% of the ple opposed teatthe GSI', they are célearly not representin us. Unc these cimirnatances, we have a 'moral right ta use evezy legal means at ourldisposalt rn4hs Ch&Ho»r .>aefor Chia.. M 7 The next election is The message from people cf ail wake of life frosi aUloover CÏàiada la that we can't afford -te wait that lnth tus t ltaa showpi it ofttaly insensitive tthe pe mýîLdtaU uoe'n> lnhmaaent êtfoueconé 1y. e mess la clear. te done enoùkhdamage aleaytworeie ara <Mu& ibËbig inclcuabl dmage. W. know aise fornbittereperience that .elections rarelyofferra chics - eare cynlcafly. bombarded witii promises -fror al ti.. paios whicw. know they. will neyer fiffl. 1y voicing aur oin9p now, mue are, setting the agenda.- If w., eue ', inthat, tien a Wlo1" fý poiticians will b. forced ta reaLlize that0Ïý-.exËkct te b.deeltd their first responisibility àate theï r cntxtep Asý with GreatBiini the' people can fo"miü&ndreèt ha'nge'ua - i. e rnment. Even though Thatcher'sriidti pi a oa a.was eut cf office s'ix months 'later.- Even if ýa ti revoit is netý drdy uccessfu,.it can siupply a 'féw nMre nils la the. côffin.Ai3s with Britain, any chanw ng te i.govenument will have ta corne foIbù;' the. back lhcesof the.1Conservative -party. l f. only, eleven ý,Toriîeè jurnp ship, the. goversnentIlain a minority position, f.aIgj A tax revoithas no hope of succeee. TIle Message I arnm ttn from casat ta coast la that pur worêt' enemy la net the. government but ra,t ii general complacency cf the. Canadian people. Cefrtainly tiiere li'aa lot'cf truth ta that but there la aise a level ,cf anger an àd dtriainthat la 'nprecetientei la my experience. . Te problei at the. moment leaa =ac of unity and coordination. But given the level cf anger, I do sot believe it will subside easity, and that means the proteat lu bound te grow. At the. very ieast Brisa Munney will net have the. easy ride downtte isnt.electîon that i. was hoplnç fer. r.gM Islnt il improper ta odvoca*that people boycott busines Chat are chargirîg Ch. ax PAfter ail, Chey are doii, what Ch. law Cella Chem ta do., Tai revolte are at bestrnessy and- have ne wlnneru oti iertan, hopefully, the. people in general.'Ih sny situation likethiapeepl have te make difficuit choices. The choice.cf whetiier te- charge - 1 tar clearIy lies with the. merchant and the chiolce cf whetiier te« bue fros such* businesse s l clearly with the. conseumer. Altiaugi I ma advocate certain chaices and explala the. Implications as I see. tin,I do not make thos. decisions for anya. e lse. Sosie people abject te my advocating that consumera not buy' frm merchants who are abaorbing the. tai. I arn hoplng that it will, persuade such merchants te simply declare that th.y arenet going ta colet it. Absorbing it la casting thorn 7%Nat cellecting it wiil cest thei at mont the. samne 7%. If tie. 15.2'0% af retail busmneses that are currenly absaming it were <te take a. r pinclpled stand apntit, we wauld have an lunstoppable anti.&ugent 10-AUlChia taN o f democrac, hta, ad icaorh tgl littie oer.blownlIn'Mwit

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