Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Jan 1991, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1991 s,- *y buines iïOiU B mnUIESS1 Face. of- the, leisure. ark, .et, Tho nineties will boa décade of change for. leisure timo activities,. say the experts. In Ontario, the population wÎll move from a sports ago to a cultural ago. And baby boomers will be driving recreational activities over the next 25 years. These 'are the findings of the Ontario Leisure Activity Participation Studios conducted by the Ontario Research Council on Leisure for the Ministry of Tourism and 1ýecreation. In ail, 2,024 pereona aged 15 and over were contacted during a two-wave telephone survey that took place in FebruarylMarch 1989 and July 1989. "TII. samiple was closly aligned with the. provincial population by ago and. gendor,"- said Terry Smnith, chairman, recreation division, resea rch departmient. When asked what they did in thefr leisure time,' 90 per cent replied they read for pleasure, socializing .- visiting with friends or dining out - was next, fiblowed by listening to radio, recorded material and watching television. Moreover, three-quarters of Ontanians spend thefr Urne outdoors either walking or bicycling while two- thirds engage in hobbies or home improvements, 48 per cent hunt, campý or alh 45 par cent attend popui.ar entertainment,- 39 par cent partaicipaté in church or, spiritual, acitivities, 34 par centý are engaged in voluniteer work, 33 par * cent participate in, adut education or continued education and 33 per cent attend sports events. David. Foot., a demographer, took the resuits of the survey and plugged them into the population projection for Ontario, matching the current level to the Pr *jected level of participation te the year 2011. Among t he assumptions ho used were that every year the population aged by one yoar and that the mîjority of our activities are influence& by baby boomers, who make up -34 per cent of the current population. This showed volunteer work as the nuinber on. growing leisure activity, with an expected 49 -par cent increase. Darts toppad the sports Et followed by curling, golf, walIng, bowling, aerobics, dancing, swiniming, skiing, sailing and boating, pool, billiards, and teami sportsrub and football rankcing last. Pr red outdoor activities included gardening, hunting, pic- ïickdig, with snowshoein~ n cros-contr àsking rseaing alpine skiing. "As baby boomers age, they will ýrealize -that lifestye is more important than cimbing the corporat. ladder, and turri to recreation to.balance their 1fe.In this light, the new resources in recreation- should b. directed towards cultural activities and those associated with the natural Fox critcizes noi. se, diseharge FROM PAGE 1 em ang fo the facor was did discuse it with Town staff included intoday's concil and rais.d the matter at Mon- major dainage to the environ- agenda. dayis operations committee meet- ment. gFox said. ho received several ini wThe public parception is that com laints from residents and toson said the company firet w. caused a massive amount of hana r'dthe nos i»f learned of the problom when seaete enter the system,» fsaid qI know what theyre talking informed by the municipality let Nelso. about. I dont know what it is, Friday. "It was effluent, mostly water. The sheer irolume is what caused thiole DurhamRegion staff plan te nmonitor the situation regional coiýncil may have to deaf with the Company on another matter. A letter from a ILewder Place couple coemýlaining about noise miŽcrOBi The leading Point, 0f Sale software * "now,4 tracks G.S.T.I1 The Coniroller Series is a. pourufzd POS series of programs tbat are so cost effective tt oucan't afford to bewtho u t i t MicroBizO Controller series coveis Most type of retail environments,j with sophisticated fea-i tures; layaways, kits,1 matrit, 2 for X$, ser-i vices, invoicesi î ro-1 krss packing slp, wokorders, quotes,1 purchase orders, Iaste active reports, sort bym margin. query andà many many more! j Jf you are replacing your cash register or' sirnply want to pur- chase a total retail Isolution to maximize profits, Te "Control- Prom Sports Stores to Appliance Stores with service, scheduling & serialized inventoiy MicroBiz@ is fe solution! Fromt single user to multi-user/ mufti store locations & the ability to export to aÎy ACC PACO0 software There is not a more productive, easy to use POSIGST solution. We S50rA&' ayS m- ïwui i p/e/e/- /» & of LYIDM IlDIL /,adwaro; receipi pnntef4 cddc&'d ,Apdor. pp/e dikpay, dra»wYO71c ashOther specific drM*2ý af dupor-solutions availi twdbyMwBizU abie are; Hair/Nali Salon, Rentai "~~~JBusiness, Liquor For Free Dem 1$ Wine Store, Auo *DskOr Th çI*i motive Repair Doealer Nearestll Shop &Video but ire enougn 1o drive you crazy,» uaid Foi, Describing, it as "droning sound,» Fox said the intermittent noise often occurs at night or on weekends. "Itfs the kind of noise that if it was there all the time -I would- have te moe.. Foi had not contacted Atlantic officiais about the problem but «W. were somnewhat taken aback we were not aware of it,» said t4elson. An investigation indicated that the problem was likely created when steam was released into the air, said Nelson. «Given the proper conditions it could b. audible.» 1Corrective action will be taken Nelson promied. environment," suggests Sm--ith. The 1988 Campbell survey on well-being in Canada, by the Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institut. <CAFRI), showed sirnilar trends, with paricipation on the rie, but joggng -way down. Over 40,par cent of the*most fr-equently practised weekly activities were scheduled while 40 par cent were practised casually with no structure. About one in five parsons engaged in an activit directed by an instructor, =oac or suparvisor; 17 per cent were involved in competitive activities wvith organîzed teams, leagues or races. 'lMoSt of these activities cari be done really close to'home, at little cost, except in thecas of golflng and skiing," points out 'Cora Craig, executive, diroctor. "Small businsss cai ain- visibility by providing, marketing items te participýants ,In structured acétivities 'such as aerobicà or tying in their .-,servces to municipa facilities where they can, reh a fair number of people. The - envirormèntal movement loading more people outdoors le-i another potential market." DAT courses off ered Several1 courses, sponsored by the Durham Region Action Comi- mittee for Training will soon b. offered by the Durham Manage- ment Contre. Courses offered are: microcom- puter B'peciàlist certificat., (PCs IF YOU WANT TO PA Y LESS TAX IN 1991 A NO/OR IF YOU WANT MORE GRO WTH IN VOUR RRSPy THIS RuSP/muSP/muSP A great deal of the next two seminars will be devoted ta RRSP's SPCA GUS Paul Linden, renowned financial consultant, Alan Duffy, local reaf1 estate expert, and Don Tumbuli, RRSPspecialist. RIL AI-ýflýleu *RRSP'sIRRSP's/RRSP's *Tax Planning, The Tax Squeeze - What's left to write-off ? *Retirement Planning in the 90,s. RRSP'sIRRIF's/Annufties *Limited Partnership Tax Shelters. * nvesting in mortgages * nvesting in*Prime Rentai Condo and Commercial Real Estate *Spcial Stide Show C-1:*L'i OSHA WA PUBLIC LIBRARYAUDITQRIUM THURSDA Y JAN. 17, 1991 1:30 PM & 7:00 PM Two Seminars For Your Convenience to kTilLi1 Aë 1f 1L i Thurs.. Feb. 14, Thurs. Mar. 14,- Thurs. Apr. 18, 1991 1991 1991 For reservations in business), Feb. 19 -to, March 28, Tuesday, Wednes!day, Thurs- day; effectivre supervison certifi- cat. (level 1 starting Feb. *25, level 2 Jan. 23,lve< Jan. 15); triainn ndeeomntcrii cat. (in.tucioal dsinstart- ing Jan-. 26, instructional techni- ques,ý Feb.-; 7); business9- manage- menti certificat., starting Jan. 14. Registration is $50 te, DRACT (430-8511). Space is available at f150 pa course for indivduals or organizations who do not qua- lify for DRACT sponesoréhip. Jýohn'ston recgniedfor .contribution John Johuston is the firet reipent 'of' the Oshawa & Diricýt* Real Estate Board (ODREB) Hall of -Faine Award, sponsored hy the Canada Mortgage aýnd ..H-ousing Corporation (CMHC).- The.purpose of the award is te recognize a board member who has made outstanding contribu- tions te the association. Mark Tokiwa of CMHC presented Johnston of Sutton Group Statues Realty hIc., with the &art annual award. Johnston bas been a meniber- of ODREB for 16 years. H. bas served as a directorof the board, and was vice-president. Currently sitting on two of the board's committees,'Johnsto alo found tUrne 'te help ôut with the Durhamn Ducky Race in, organized for Rose of Durham. ~ïi. "Lelsure? 've tiled golf, walklng, bowling, swlmmlng, skllng and dlnlng oui-I preter dlning oui!", ICALL 571-07711 DoWs RIBNER & ASSOCIATES Financîal Advisors ln Retirement And Tax Planning "Services Catering To The Conservative Investor- i 17 KING ST. VV., FI) ýrDf Pn- Y 7 L-i

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