Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Jan 1991, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WH1TBYFRME PRESS% WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 199eI Water, seer ratesgu 7% By Mike Kowalskl Durham - Region' water and sewer rates will increase almost, seven per cent this year. Regional . council recently aprved 1991 water and sai- tar ee user rates that cern- bned wIllesuit in a 6.9 per cent increase. This will add $18 to the average tai bill. However, large users such*,as factories and cern- paIewil be hit much harder tanresidential users. Homeowners can e ct an average increase of abo.u 4>.6 per cent. Although sanitary sewer rates, have actually. gone down, con- struction, and. maintenance, of pipes axid filtration plants-have caused thejump ini water ratesi. Té the. Editorn I Doug Anderson's stand againat the (3ST is higly commendable. The GST is. an unfair and inefficient tax which places a heavy burden en samall buâsiness. The gevernment in Ottawa bas not listened te those of us who Hon. Siblock, manager of water and seWer billing for the Region-* said the increase is determineci by. the level of activity. in a particular system. e«It depends on what's ping on in what system,» said Sibock.,' 'The rates have -been pretty good the, last few years but there are s ome things 'in the water system we're looking at, plant expenditures for example. Inadditio n te approving the user rates, council also author- ,ized a $14 million debenture to pay for *coste not covered by the rates. A brochure outlining the new rates will- be. included with- the water and sewer buis, said Siblock, along witb a listing of what services are subject te the new. goods and services tax have pointed out far better and neater ways te deal with the old manufacturera' sales tax. Keep up your pressure on tis goverument until it changes its ways or is changed. Donald IM Warn., whitby Although user rates are not taxable, "misicellaneous» charges are taxed, said Siblock. These'charges include fees for disconnecting sud reconnecting service-,and preparing a state-- ment *of account 'useci primna!Ily by lawyers'neecling information about a property. 1 . Mixed ýreaction. ,to GST FROM PAGE 1 culating the 0GST, «w. had te, buy new cash reÉister6,» it did cause gref for some patrons. "People are complaining. If someone asked to buy four donuts we would teil them te buy six to, avoid the tax,» said Rush- ton. The. goverument gave a break te those who buy nmare than six donuts. The. GST oxîly applies if a person buys eue te five dougb- nuts. Don Edge, who along with wife Elsa operates a childreu's dlo- tbing store, is worried about the impact of the GST on the dlo- tbing industry, cbildren's wear, specifically. Prior te, the GST chldren's clothing was not taxeâ. "For children's clothes it's a brand new tai,» said. Edge, owner of Elsa's Children's Things on Brock St. S. "It will very likely affect the clothing industry. l'm concerned, it will talc. three months b.fore G. SI means ntigto The oodc ljftAfter 17 years of history we weren't about to change the lhe traditional appeal of our January Sale just because of ___ some new 7% tax. You'll fmnd the same incredible prices Janiuaiy Sale Wall Units & Entertainmhent Centres 15% OFF Including the brand new model shown here. Serta Mattresses, Country Lore or Country Concepts upholstery UNBEATABLE PRICES ! We guarantee tome or beat any competitors price on these items on fine solid wood fumniture that our customers have always eagerly anticipated at this time of year. And you won't be paying that extra 7%. Because to keep this new year as happy as possible, Woodcraft is lowering prices to absorb the G.S.T. So as far as we're concemed, it means nothing - SULi.DL NEyER BEFORE REDucED ! Siat Bunk Bed (as shown) Reg.$555 NOW $375 also shown - single bed, chest of drawers &'bookcase OPEN SUNDAY OPEN SUNDAY OPEN SUNDAY 'Ibe Barn: Workshop & Showroom: Whitby: - The Market Village Markhani Rd. & Steeles Ave. 370 Denison St. E., Markham. 111 DuçIop St. W. at Brock St. N.E corner Kennedy & Steeles 293-279475-2488 668-2770 (beside Cullen Barn) 477-6104 Edge said not many of his cutomers were overly, upset about ýpaying the tax at- this point. ItVs tooe arly te say now, most just shrug and say that's the way it is. Chris ýPelgrixns of Bell and Bowman Taxi bas two -major. complaints about the GST -- it cost him $8,000 te buy new meters for his taxi cabs and it might lose him some of his dri- Vers. «T'hese peopîe are taxi. drivers, not bookeepers,» said Pelgrime, noting that taxi cab drivers are classed as self-employed and must remit the tax themselves te Ottawa. «Several drivers have said that- unless,we pay ,the GST for themi they will leave after February. Mostý don't understand it. at all,» said Pelgrima. Since the drivers are con- sidered private contractors, regu- lations- prevent Pelgrim*s'. com- pany &6om paying the GST for them. "My accountant is checling it but as far as he can seS there' no way it's possible unleas I accept alI their buise and I won't do that,»" said Pelgrinis. Altbough the new meters will spare his drivers from calculat- ing the GST on. fares,, Pelgrime expects their income to' suifer from having te collect it. "Most of the time people will give even money if its $3.50 they ive $U and tei the driver te keep it,» Pelgrims explaied. "Now the?re takfng the GST out of the tip and not jyaying extra money in most cases. His drivers had not yet encountered any fares who refuse te pay the GST and Pel- grm was uncertain what action hewi1 take if this occurs. «What happons if they don't pay? Do we call the police or swallow itr» In order to b. ready for the GST, Bell and Bowmanwaon ofte ew ocl axi companies to have new meters installed for its implementation. 'While the company will receive $1,000 backas a. rebat. and a deduct the balance as a business expense, Pelgrims said it's fot that simple. "They say we can deduct $7,000 off our income, but first you have to make it. «Business is down 20 per cent. We're losing custamers, drivers and revenue, it's totally a bad Uiivnersi 'ty at Durham College Spring Session: 28 January - 30 April Fuil-credit introductory courses meet two evenings perweek: a VngIish 120: Varieties of heroism (MonlWed) 0 History 120: West European history (TueslThu rs) e Psychology loi: Intro to psychology (MonlWed) e sociology 100: Intro to social analysis (Tues/Thurs) Brochures are available at libraries throughout the region. For information on courses, registration and admission or for a brochure please visit our Durham situation.» Sal Oliveira, owner.of .County Courier, feit'it wa too early .te judge théeffect ofth GST on bis "I imagine, there would pro- bably b. a bit of *a downtùrn in the amount people ship out but some stuff bas te b. Bhippeâ,out anyway,» said Oliveira. Olveir-a - ýj3d that'bins m ay suifer initially as previously non-taxed couriers charge. the GST, but, he does not oxpect the saine impact as b.fell couriera with the introduction of facéiiiiile (fax) m achines. «I dont thiuk you wilI fsée, an appreciable downturn, *not 11k.it was when fax machines came. out .you can't fax boxes and the originals (letters) still have to get there.» Sheila Iniusini, manager of the, book store at Durhamn Cllage ini Oshawa, did not know' what * te expect w ihen students 'return ed' for classestis past Monday. S Textbooks and school> supplies will b. subject to the federail tax, but the Ontario sales tax only, applies to the latter. Booksof.an y.kind have neyer been taxed in this province. «Textbooks were neyer1 taxed, they'll b. feeling the full effect of it,» said Infusim. Frank Negeuman, qwner ofthe, South Mill Deli in the Whitby. MaIl, expressed the view of many couvenience and food* store operaters. «r've got' a couple- hundrod. items ber. and ve-no -idea what's GST and what isu't,» said Negenman. FoZr example, if cheese and deli meat is sliced, the GST applies, if the products are. sold wholel then no tax is charged.. Negeuman said attempts to, obtainpeie information about what is taxble generally proved futile. . He called the government's in- formation <hothiner but «they couldn't answer questions about an ethnic deli » However, officiais didpris to send hfim material ou wohat products are taxable. «Once I start reading 'throu«h it ]PUl have a b.tter idee, said But tgti then, unleas the pro- duct'is an obvioùs snack item such as a chocolate bar or potato chips, Negeninan plans te, treat most goodé as groceries. As a general rule of thumb food meant te b. prepared and served at home is not taxed. ,Don Srieor owner of Mr. Grocer on rocék St. S., was succinct about the GST. "My customers aren't happy and it cost me a lot of money te update my equipment," said Scrimgeour. "Itfs not accepted by the public, but we're ouly doing what w. have te do." He said some custemers are inquirn g at the check-out coun- trif items are taxed. One man, refused te _purchase Keep up the pressure

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