WH]TY FRE RESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9,'1991, PAGE 25 DINGO! YOU'RE A -WINNER if SHIH-TZU -for sale.-8 years aid.i you are a first-time home buer or 668-6220. investor in today's market. Homes-____________ under $99,000,- 99.9 per ,cent,_______________ financlng or low per cent assum- able mortgages on many proper7.RAL robîem. If, you are content -ta reènt V C TI N rever or do. not' wish ta i,,be. ____________ financially secure please' dono cali Rick Danlels <416) 263-2616- "LEAVE YOUR CARES at home LRes) of Dave Marden Associates with us'. Professional pet/home Real Estate Inc. (416) 433-7000. sitters are fully banded and PLANNING TO SEIL .yaur, home? Interview David Roney of' NRS Reafty One Imc. 8 yearst- experience and fuli-ime cammitment. 436-1800. - -A-- -- -- --j SeWig Mahe Repis AI/Mda/es Complete Tune-up $39.95 TRecondltioned Sewing Machines 00from $59.00 TrOPLINIE SEWING C ÇNTRE 571-1385 40Kn St. W. Oshlawa, HANK'S- APPLIANCES. Apart- ment fridges. & stoves, $350. a.set, and , "up. >*Guaranteedl.1 'Hank's Appliances, .191 Bloor St. E., Unit 6. APPUANCE REPAIRS ta' washers, dryers, stoves,- dish-, washers and microwaves. Al makes and models. Also small appliance repairs. 430-7382, 683-8519. ERROL REFRIGERATION and appliance repair. Repairs to apartment-sized fridges, washers and microwaves. Double GST discount (15%) off, labour. 432-7734. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving -record, or suspension of license'? Perhaps we can help. Phone 666-2090. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - theC place to go when your bank says 'NO." Serving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMVENTS. insured. Gustom -lome-watch International, 666-5353. MEGAN. WE METr ONDEC. 14. Vour views on'children and familles were of great interest. I would like ta get back in tauch. Single dad, Tom. 432-7496. FRIENDLY, unstructured, spiritually-ariented study. group, meets Wednesday evenings. for discussion and meditation.-Roam for 2 or 3 mare hap members. Phone Freda, 668-231. THANKS ýTO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favars- received. May, the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, Ioved and preserved .,throughýout the world now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude worker of miracles pray for us, St. Jude helper 0f the *hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine t imes a day. By the eig hth day your p rayer wil be answered, r egad 0s f how hopeless your situation seems. Publication must be promised. ~E.Monday to Fritay 9 arn - 9 p.rn. BAHA'I FAITH: Man's merit lieth in service and virtue and not in the bâ668-8665. anrihs THANKS TO BLESSED Virgin Mary and St. Jude for favor received. DD. BIRTH CONTROIL and family planning counselling. Free and confidential, available Monda y to *Frlday, 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. Clinic every Thursday 3:00 p.m. ta 6 p.m. For further information, cal 420-8781 or 433-8901. vices at the Michael Starr Bldg., 33 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. for a 2 year periad. Tender #001-90-182 Sealed Tenders will be recelved until 2.030 p.m. local time *on Wed., January 30, 1991. Tender Documents May be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Governrnent Services, Orillia Distnict Office, Memorial- Avenue elt the Huronia R~ ional Centre, P.O. Box 790,'Onillia, Ontario 13V 6K7. Note: For further information regarding the Tenders, please calî the -Tenders Office at the above address, telephone (705) 325-7403. The iowest or any-Tender not necessarily accepted. LOSE WEIGHT NOW. Hottest diet today. 100% money-back guarantee. Caîl 1-416-760-3218. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE- relationships. For help, caîl theý Denise House for Women and' Children. Toîl f ree 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentialfty assured. (Formerly Auberge.) THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the, Sacred Heart of Jesus for favors received. Ma y the Sacred Heart af Jesus be adlored, giorified, ioved and preserved throug haut the world now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart af Jesus pray fo *r us. St. Jude worker of miracles pray for us, St. Jude helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day. By the eighth day, your prayer wilI be answered, regardless of how hopeless your situation seems. Publication must be promised. 16H-. SPaper Products, including *newspaper, comprise 36 per! cent of the garbage placed at curbside for . i pickup each- week. AIof *it is recyclable.e-- ROSS ST'EVENSONr, MP for Durham ta hie nnual NEW YEAROS LEVEE. Sunday,,JanLiary -131,_1991 2 -to 4 p.m. at Parkwood lEstatu 270 Slmoe Slctreet North Llght refreshments EzjyaddingVictonan accents ta your home at reduced prices.. Romantic linen, cherubs and potpourri, or a pretty lace collar and broochforyourselfi arejus saple ofwhâ yollfind at January sale prices. 76 Wincheste RoSd, Brookila (acrosa rom oewna) 0O 0 0 0Co0 0 CDUTr -rTdNE1 ClNc a LJ VC>N VE'LL PAY THE c3eST BRING YOUR TRUCKS - SAVE A BUNDLE - YOU WONT BELIEVE JUST HOW INEXPENSIVE GOOD QUALITY FURNITURE AND DECORATOR ITEMS CAN BEI Magnif icent.selection of antiques, estate furnishings, collectors' glass, bric-a-brac, classic reproductions, ail for auction ta highest bidder Unusual and interestlng Rtems include spectacular 3 pc. Louis l6th- style dlock set having marble and cupids » just beautiful, super stalned glass parlorý lamp,,superb'palr of Louis lSth-style fireside chairs, Louis l 6th-style end table wit h Ormalu, aid Vienna .vase about 10 ins. taîl, sofa with paw foot, drop-leaf serving table, Chippendale Flulry cffetable, beautiful not-sa-bi armoire ln mahogany, Royal u Iton figurines, unique piano lamp, ig. mahogany executive desk, beautifulFrench carved marble-top table, spectacular Oriental cabinet, Cloisonne mantle clock, antique signed doIl - very collectible,. 6 pc. mahogany paw-footed'bedroomn set, sup er-Queen'Arine' wing chairs, clack corner rack, lg. antique farm house corner cabinet, gold leaf mirrors, Oriental porcelain planters and vases., telephone drap- front -desk, drumn tables, carved walnut china cabinet*, hall consoles, super pair of clear hurricane lamps, knee-hole, desks, cedar chest, Torche floor lamfps, spectacular circulai liquor bar with green marbie top - must be seen, spectacular French curio cabinet round with top- to-floor glass, pine corner cabinet, chandelier, globe var, mirrors, dressers, etc. etc. THURSDAY, JANUARY 10 AT 7'00 SHARP VIEWING FROM 6:00 P.M. DAY 0F SALE KNIGHTS.0F COLUMBUS HALL <WHITBY) 133 BROOK STREET N. (WHITBY) CASH, VISA ORCHEQUE WITH I.D. AUCTION BY: COUNTRY AUCTIONS Accepting cansignments day of sale from 2-00 ta 5:00 pm. wth no buy-baks or reserves. Thank you.Tu-= those unwanted Rtems into cashl AUCTION:- LOCATION: TERMS: NOTE: COMING EVENT? 668-6369, Whitby Free Press. Cail CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, JAN. 18 AT 6 P.M. SEASONS OPENING SALE Cedai chests, modern 2 pc. htch, modern dressers & chests of drawers, 15 cu. ft. freezer, wash- ô stands, dining room extension table, bed chesterfield, or gan stools. More details next week. W e are accepting ail types of consigniments f or upcomning sales in aur auction barn. Or, if you' re planning any type of spring auction at your place or mine, contact: DON OR GREG CORNEIL, AUCTIONEERS LITTLE BRITAIN <705) 786-2183 :S: +..VJX