WIIBY P fl REEESS, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 2. *191,PAGE 5 Developm nt will alter perne of Whitbyw trrn By MiheKowali A major developmnent that will dramatically alter the afppearnce 'of WhitbY's water- front recived the go-ahead ini 1990. Last June, Town council gave its approval to a controversial residential-commercial develop- ment at the foot of Brock St. S. The $150 million Harbor Isle poject will ho bujît by Coscan Developent. Corp. on 'proert McNamnara in Port Whitby. The development will spread across Brock St. S. covering 16 acres of land on lfe west aide and six acres on the east. It wiIl include three 15-storey apartment buildings, 54 town- bouses, a recreation centre and commercial units. A source of controversy since it was first announced two years ago, Harbor Isle was the focus of opposition from a citizens' group concerned about the future of Whitby's wae*ont. SOS (Save Our Shore) Whitbýr was formed to fight the project on a number of grounds. The group argued for more parkland, greater access to the wmaterfrot,1 a lower density of housi*ng and more affordable housing. SOS Whitby took its fight before the Royal Commission on the Future of the Greator Toronto Watorfront. The commission, with former Toronto mayor and federal cabinet ministor David Crombie as chairman held a ono-day hearing in Oshiawa last spring. In addition to their aforeme#- tioned concerns, SOS Whitby argued for restoration of a public walkway betwoen the develop- ment and the harbour. The walkway was contained ~ Coscan's original propos al to Town council, 'but - atr liabilily and maintenance concerns were oxpressed by Whitby officiaIs, thé walkway was eut back. Approimately 300 metres of waterfront will -ho cut off to the public. AhohSOS Whitby con- sided challenging thepZroject at the Ontario Municipal oard, the cosi of such a fight was too prohibitive. Members took solace, in the fact that their opposition may haire prompted Coscan te modifS its initial proposaI.; The company originally plan- ned te build four 15' storey build- ing instead of three. Moe than eight per cent of the site will be used for public park- land, whereas the minimum roquirement for subdivisions in Whitby is five per cent. SQOS Whitbyý and ather Harbor Isle oppononts were also bouyed by last month's announcement of continuous walking trail plan- ned along Lake Ontario. The 90-mile trail will run from Burlington te Newcastle and link NDP captures two Whitby ridings By Mike Kowall Whitbyi residonts followed the trend i last Septeniber's provin- cial election by electing two New Democrats te Queen's Park. Drummond White was olectod in Durham- Centre riding, whilo fit took a judi rucial recount te con- fmGrMils as the new MPP for Durham East. Whito,' a 39-year-old'\ social worker, was olocted in hià first attemt at public office. Ho dfeatod ià beral incumbont Allan Furlong by almost 2,300 votes. 1ý-White *took 12,593,:votes' te Furlongs 10,246 whÊile Progres-» sive Conservative Jim Flaherty collected 9,126 votes. Candidates for three other par- ties combined for slightly more than 3,000 votes. In 1987, Furlong a lawyor, was elected as the fhrst MPP of the newly-created riding. Durham Centre includes the Town of Whitby south of Taun- ton Rd. a.nd, a major portion of north-central Oshawa. Although south Whitby resi- dents knew. their MPP's name electionnpight, their north Whitby neighbours had te wait SER PAGE 10 The summer is gone - so is pasture putt. The hilîs are ready for winter fun. ,,Remember our pies & tarts, available year round. Information, colt1655-3091 15 miles north of Whitby, on Lakeridge Rd. up. te the Bruce and Ganaraska trails on eithor end. The trail and other -rolated waterfront initiatives announcod by Ontario Environment Minis- ter Ruth .Grier were in response te a recent report from the Crom- bie commission. SPACE AGE- SHELVING) SPACE PLUS 2 BASKET SYSTEM AVAILABLE AT A SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE 0F development will be subjoct te, agreoments nogotiated between conservation authorities, local government and landowners. The restrictod accoss contained ini Coscan's proposal mnay be sub- ject te, further scrutiny, say pro- oo THRU' JAN'. 31 ST* Mor whllo Initial quantities last S Size 181/2" X 191/2" X 41" *5 pull out baskets * Buit-in stops e Roller track with nylon rollers e CUt away basket front e High quality finish * MEcIRCANTILE TM "Quiality Brand Name Ladies'& Mon sFslrs" I wish to convey rny very best wishes for a happy 1991 to ail rny constituents. I have had the privilege of being your Member of Parliament for the past two years. I thank you for the trust you have shown in me and 1 look forward to the challenges ahead. The turning of the year marks a time of hope and promise for us ail. These are times of momentous changes, and we should be aware that the eyes of history will be upon us as we continue to build this great nation of Canada. I arn proud to be able to extend my warmest wishes to each of you. May the coming year bring you good health and every happiness. René Soetens, M.P.k Ontario Riding 4> %V9. iý 0,771 'f ,*i . a ~ie.;ë-e mw321 BROOK ST. S., WHIITBY WHITBY PLAZA 668-3468 V~~3 4.~: i ~'~qVt t? >'~~.1~y VI.2 A "For more i