WH1TY FRUE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12,1990, PAGE r, TT WDIR{ To the editor. On behelf of the clergy, choir director and senior choir, Iwould like to thank you and your staff for your support in announcing the recent Christmas Messiah concert conducted at the church. The evening was most succesful, with approximately 240 people in attendance. We were pi eased to share this musical experience with the commnit at hisfestive time of the year. Again, many thanka for reporting this event in the 'What's On' section of your newspaper as well as displaying a Poster in your Brock St. window. Graham Lennard AHl Saint.' Anglican Church Bazaar a success To the editor: The St. John the Evangelist Catholic Women's ILeague would like to thank their parish com- munitY and Whitby for making Our parish bazaar such a tremien- doue success. Winners of the elimination draw were: first, Rose Wineck, $100; second, Gianelle Costan- tino, afghan; third, V. Kass, oil pig. LYnne Chllderhouse TEGIFT of Christmas food and toy be collectîng food, toys and cash for drive supportedl by the Durham the needy. Above, Oshawa Mayor AI Regional Police Force Fitness Mason gets a ride fromn Santa, flan- AWareness Association officially ked by Durham police members Car- launched this year's campaign on mela Gradanti, Sandra Meecham Monday. Members of the force wiil and Dan Denyer. MBoepht Construction mostly residential Future residential develop- ment accounted for almost ail of the building permits issued ini WhitbylIsat month. Accorcimg to figures supplied by the Town's public works department, $7.9 million of per- mits were issued in November. The residential sector accoun- ted for almost 99 per cent, $7.8 million, of the amourn. Industrial permits were next with $54,300, followed by com- mercial, $2 1,500, agricultural, $5,000, and institutional $1,000. For the year ending ko'. 30, the total value of building per- mita issued by Whitby was $210.3 million. Last year the igure was $207.4 million. Although the value of residen- tiaI permits in 1990 ($155.8 mil- lion) ie down slightly from 1989 -$171.6 million), the number of dwelling units is up to 1,276 from 1,249. Industrial development is more than double last year'e total -- $32.7 million as opposed to, $14 million. Commercial deve- lopment also increased from $5.7 million te $8.7 million. nutri/syste