Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Nov 1990, p. 33

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WHMTY FREPIRESS, WEDNESDAY*, NOVEMBER 28, 1 990,ý PAGE, 33 *NON-SMOING GENTLEMAN ta share 3 bedroom townhause. 2 bathrorns, 4 applances. Close ta transit and alil arenities. First & last roquired. Available immedi- ateiy. Caîl Jim evenings, 683-5292. WHITBY - CLEAN QUIET, furnished roam. Gb/shapping. Phono, parking, kitchenuse. Shifts welcome. $85 weekly. First & last. 668-3640. Dshawa inished Fened HOUSE FOR RENT - 0 near Civic Centre. Fi basoment near park ýarea.F yard. $971 + utilities. First ar EXECUTIVE HOME - nor Oshawa, Rossland/Sumr area, available Nov. $1,251 f irst & Iast. 985-7930 after 6 PLANNING TO SELL yaur home? Interview David Raney ai NRS Reaty One lnc. 8 yearst expenience and ful-time commitment. 436-1800. FORECLOSURE SALE - Oshawa executive home, lot 60 x 200, heated concrete pool. Now renting for $1,500, plus utilities. $279,000. 985-7930. WHITBY - 2 BEDROON subiet. LOST CAME ov BROiOvCH yOfl LAKESIDE CHRISTMAS Craft LOSE WEIGHT, FAST: 10-29 Ibs. Avalablo Dec. 1. Fresh paint. ,Nv ' nVCflt iSale, 23 Ontoro BIvd., south af in 30 days. Earn $$$ as you loge.ý 666-86,73, leave message. Whitb GO Station or on 8:46 a.m.LaedgRadAj.9am.t4InlodFreachlessfr _____________ train ta Toronto. Reward. Lkrdgarod jx 9a.to4Icupso:Free andilssn o 416-372-2689. pm., Dec. 1. > grupsof96 an more. Cl BROOKUN - 2 LARGE ane bedroam apartments. Fridge, stave. Hydro6 extra Immediate accupancy if required. Renting for $500 and $525. First & last months' rent. Caîl 655-4544, or ovonings 655-8989. NEW TWO BEDROOM apart- ment in Whitby. 1,000 sq. T., 4 appliances, $850 per month. Only stops ta GO train and 401. 668-8551. WHITBY - LARGE one bedroom apartmnent available Dec. 1. $587 manthly. Includes. fridge, stave, arki ng and utilities. Apply: 110 VîiraSt. W. 666-0271.' nd~ 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT inl tdls.triplex. Living raom, dining roarn, kitchen, bathroom. Common coin- rt hwest aiporated washing machine* and Tevledryer.Lag backyard. Centraliy e(Ii ocated in 'Whitby in wel 50plus established, residential area. 1 p.m. block tram shoppng shaols, n ibrary andbuses. vai lablo Jan. 15. n$640/manth plus hydra. For appaintment please cali 668-4542. WHITBY - SPACIOUS 2 bodroom basement apartmont. New laundromat and 3 pc. bath- roam. Kitchen/dinette and large living raom. 4 appliances. Close ta travel and ail arnenities. Parking. Available immedîately. First & last. Calil Jim ovenings, 683-5292. LARGE, BRIGHT, CLEAN one bedroom; basement apartmont (Rossiand/Taunton) -f ireplace, drapes, kitchen, shower, share laundry. Non-smoker preferred. $650/month, utilities included. Cal 725-7474. BUILDING SPECIAL clearance. 20x2Oft., $2,900;.24x24ft., $3,100; 28x36ft., $4,500; 32x36ft., $4,900; 36x48ft., $6,900; 40x6Oft., $8,800. Cali 985-7930. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - taie place ta go when your bank says 'NO.". Serving Whftby since 1973. 668-7200. A NU BIS INVESTMVENTS. LOTS - CRESSER AVE. 80Oh x 150 fi. Enquire at 31 Lakeridge Raad, Whitby. PROFESSIONAL, airconditioned offices available. 100 - 1,500 sq. fi. $3/sq.ft. 1621 McEwen Drive, Whitby. Cail Teresa, 925-1432. BROOkLIN - STORE for rent. - Beautiful intonior, new carpet. Iîdro extra $600 per manth. Cal 655-4544 or evenings 655-8989. OFFICES FOR RENT dawntawn Whtby at 4 corners. Second floor. Suitable for lawyer, dactor's office, accaunitant, etc. 200 ta, 2,000 sq. fi. 623-5524. Lordy, Lordy, I can't believe you're Love Frnlty Wj HAPPY BIRTHDAY ta my mani I wish you ail the best i can, 'cause l'Il aiways.*be your #1 fani Love, your new wffe, A M. To DAVE! Happy 45th Bîrthday to the sexiest Vkco4 man alive! [ HRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE Fr1., Nov. 30, 3 p.m. ta 9 pan. Sat.9 Dec. 1, 10 a.m. ta 5 p.. Handcrafted dnied floral Sbaskets, wreaths & topiary trees. Folk art, bunnies & bears ~and Victorian accents. gPlease came& enjay a 1friendly, roaxed shopping atmosphere. ' 66 Plîklngton Cres., Whîtby at Mafnning off Bradley A BARN SWALLOW POTTERY Greenwood CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE atDec. 8 -10 amn. ta 4:30 p.mn Sun., Dec. 9 - il am. ta 4:30 p.m. Funtidonai & decorative Dea.nna Jane Top of the hili, 6 Concession, Greenwood (Westney Road, H4y. 7 aiea) 427-0598 CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE. Gift baskets, bunnies, some crafts, g fts and Christmas gift mugs Draw for a FREE g ift basket. Saturday, Dec. 1, Sunday, Dec. 2, 1-5 p.m. 7692 Ashburn Rd., Brooklin. 655-3071. WHITBY FLEA MARKET - Sunday, 9 arn. - 4:30 p.m. Over 40 vendors of Christmas crafts, unique gifts and general merchandise, bakery, produce, al at 1910 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ont. Admission free. WINHESERCOTAG 2-DAY CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE SAT., DEC. 1 - 10 A.M. - 5 .e SSUN., DEC. 2 - 10 A.M. - 5 PM The beginning ai the Christ mas season has arrived . We ho pe aur 2-day Christmas ~ SOpen House will help get.you ahead af the rush, knowing yau've found just the right gift Sfor that special someone: f ram beautiful Victorian gift fidoas & stocking stuffers ta reaiR1 evergreen wreaths and swags ta decorate your home. SPlease join us & brng a friend. ~76 Winchester Rd., Brookline ( acs fronaen WANTED - MEN & WOMEN ta lose weight eating choc. chip, oat- mal & peanut butter "Nutritionai Diet Cookies". I lost 32 Ibs. -in 6 weeks and earned $6,200/ pait-time (Dan). wLose weig ht, feel Sreat, don't wait. Call Orma 68-8944, Mariene 430-2832. BROOKUN STORE an the main M~çfçA VS street. Available Jan. 1, 1991. Cali Herb 985-0856, or Dave 430-7341. 'JOAN AJAX - PRIME OFFICE space. Monday to Frday 600 sq. fi. available. Excellent 9 amn. 9p:M. THANKS TO THE HOLY Spirit, Sacred. Heart af Jesus and St. Jude for favors received. LB. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relatlonships. For heip, cail the Denise House for Women and Children. Tolilf ree .1- 800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiallty assured. (Formeriy Auberge.) ST. JUDE O Haiy St. Judo apostie and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near Kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor ai ail who invoke your special atrnag intime'of need, ta you I aercuse tram the depth ai my heart and humbîybeg ta wham Gad has given suSh great pawer ta camne ta my assistance. Heip me on my presont urgent petitian; In return I promise ta make yaur namne known and cause yau ta bo invakod. Say three Our Father's, three Hail Mary's and Glarias. Publication mnust bo promised. St. Judo pray for us and ail wha invake u Id. Amen. Thanks ta et Jd for a petitian grantod. This Navena has nover beon known tofal. Must bo tald for fine cansocut ive days. WJF. BIRTH CONTROL and family planning counseiling. Free and Friday, 8:30 a.m. ta, 4:30 p.rn. Cl'inic every Thursday 3:00 p.m. ta 6 p.m. For further- information, cail 420-8781 or 433-8901. MRS. MARRA - TAROT cards, pam, tea cup & crystalil roadigs. 35 years experience. Salve ail problemrs. Al readings guaranteed accurate. For appaintment caîl 728-5480. AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" - every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brook Rd., Pickenin ,3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (Exi t #399. Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection ôf aintiques, fine furniture, glass, china, co1lectibles, primitives, and the unusuals. Sa loin us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's "true" auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Consignment & estate selling aur specialty." Calil us today. Previews from 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 GUN AUCTION FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30 7:00 P..M. D r&M SALES BAIN, LIND)SAY 1-705-324-2472 k~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...... rG ......*O .. ~»s~ ody oPrdy, ;~Oanb O m 'Fa 6~O9

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