Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Nov 1990, p. 32

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PAGE 32, WHMTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28,1990 WE'RE, LooKING FOR MATURE, RELIABLE HOME DAY CARE PROVIDERS With Wee Watch Private Home Day Care., you can earn a good incarne tram your home! We offer: *Full training and ongoing support *Payment for statutory holidays *Necessary equipment for * Payment for the first 5 days children*6 weeks and older of a childs illness OLD FARM BAG SCALES for '"Ie. Good for coffe. tables. Phono Bob in Brooklin 655-8049. TENT BY WOODS. SLEEPS 4. 9 x 9 x 6-1/2 ft. with canopy, scroenod door covers. Excellent condition. $65. Phono 668-1081. SKIS - 5 pairs. Lengths 160 - 175 cm. Blizzard, Canair. Price $60 - $100. Boots and polos aiso - availablo. Cali 683-6638. AN ASSORTMENT 0F TOYS. Ail haff price or Iess. Girl's bicycle, excellent condition, $55. 655-8764. RIVAL DELICATESSEN-sty le, eloctric food slicer. Ail stainiess stool, hoavy duty motor, mint condition. $60. Phono 668-1081. EVENFLOW CAR SEAT/ carrier/rocker. Infant to 20 lbs. $35. Wickor carry basket complote wth white eyoîot liner/hood, washable mattross pad, foîd down canopy. Ideal for travelling wth small infants. $35. 666-4177. SEGA SYSTEM. 14 games, assorted, controller, rapid f ire. $500. Ready f or use. Makos a great Christmas git. 576-7371t ANTIQUES FOR CHRISTMAS. Collectiblos. November discount. #7 Hwy., 3 miles west of #12 (Kinsale). 655-4267. CHRISTMAS TREES CUT YOUR OWN or pre-cut spruce or pin. One mile east of Thickson Rd. on Conlins Rd. OR 2 miles west 0f Durham College.à, THOMAS ORGAN & BENCH, fruitwood. Double koyboard lights up. Color coded for easy learning. Instrumental sound. $1.200 or best off or. 839-8816. FOUR-SEATER chesterfield (teak), daybod (toak),. sectional chesterfiold, quoon-size box spring, teak storeo unit, oxorcise bîke. 430-8243. FIREPLACE & WOOD STOVE owners why tolorate down draft smoke and woak chimney draw? Instaîl AEROCAP, the guaranteed solution fram J.M. industries. For froe literaturo 416-986-5417. BAR PORTABLE, black leathor uphofstery. 2 matching armchair stools, built-in radio, turrntable, tape dock, sholvos. Light flash to musical beat. $1.200 or best offer. 839-8816. SAXOPHONE - Clarmnot - flute. Piccolo - ail compîetely over- hauled. Idoal Christmas gift for studonts. Priced to soîl. Complote with cases. 416-985-8967. MATTRESSES and box springs at hait price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. WHITE CANOPY BED wth box- spring, curtains, canopy cover, bedspread, window curtains. $250 or best offer. 430-8209. TIRES - NEW AND USED. Al sizes instaîled and balancod. Cal 428-9775. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, loveseats, sectionals - less than hait prico. 'Large selecUion. McKeen Fumiture, 524 Simcoo St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. DO YOU HAVE a special service or product? Caîl the classifiods and find out how to soîl it. Whitby Free Press, 668-0594. .F. . S..L. . ..S.A.E WANTED TO RENT or purchase: SmnaIl scale, new--or used, good condition. Must bo capable Of weighingin grams. Trade legal. 668-2952. 82 DODGE VAN, certified. One ton, PS/PB, 8 cyl., AM/FM. $2,500 or best offer. 668-9780 AUCTIONEERS The people of Whltby and surraundlng areas enjoy attendlng auctIon sales. Let them know about your next sale by advertislinô-In the miostwldely read pages ln Whltby - The Whltby Free Press, Ctasslfleds. caîl: 668-6111 BUY THE RIGHT- O through' the 'right saIes, reéesn tative. Have 8 ya ré, experiec workIng for you. David Rny NRS Reaity One. mc. 461800 NEED HELP PLACING-,your ad? Cail Joanne, Whitby Fr..' Preis, 668-0594. CROSS CANADA -MARKETPLACE' IT'S FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIIS NEWSPAPER* FOR DETAILS. AUCTIONS ESTATE AUCTION. Dec. 1, 90. lpm. 1.15 acre, 1,800 sq. ft. Terms: $10,000 cheque day/sale, 30 day balance. 30 minutes north Markham. Auctioneer Jim MacMillan (705) 374-5511. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHINCHILLA: C.-nadas largest chinchilla ranch offoring high-quality herd starter or improvement animaIs. Lowest prices anywhcre. Profitable, small/largo scale. Contact: Riedstra & Sons Chinchilla, RR2 Narval, Ont. LOP 1iKO. (416) 4 57-4660. EXTRA INCOME! Graw baitwarms in your basement or garage. Qdarloss operatian. Low investmcnt. Market guarantead! Frc information. Early Bird Ecalogy, RR#1 Smithville, Ontaria, LOR 2A0 <416> 643-4252. LEARN INCOME TAX by correspandence. Earn extra income:. Local Franchises Available. Contact: Tax lime Services Limited, 1304 Spears Rd., Oakville, Ontario, L6L 2X4. (416) 827-1455. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS. Earn thousands stuffing envelopes. No lay-affs. To'start immediately send a self- addressed stampod envelupe for details ta: J. Lameront, 500-E Grey, Brantford, Ont. N3S 7L4. HELP WANTED WANTED - Advertising Ropresentative for award winning weekly newspaper. Start Feb. 6, 1991. Apply ta: Chris Brodeur, The Hub, Box 1250, Hay River, N.W.T., XOE ORO. (403> 874-6577. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide ta home-study correspondonce Diplomacourses: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetalogy. Eîectronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psych.olagy, Traval. Granton <5A) 263 Adelaido West, Toranta, 1-800-950-1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Sauthwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next tlass: February 9-16, 1991. For information, contact: Southwestern Ontario Schoot of Auctioncering, R.R.#5, WoodMtock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. PRODUCE WILD RICE - Case, premium grade, praducor direct, 12xl1b (Recipes> $4.75 lb. postage & COD paid. Xmas gifts. Cliff Milko Wild Rice, 555 Gilmore Ave., Wpg, MB, R2G 2M6 (204> 669-4886. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LAND availability and Ontario propertios ta be sold for unpaid taxes. For information write: Properties, Oept. ON, Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. FARM EQUIPMENT BARN CLEANER REPLACEMENT CHAIN far ail makes fa Cleaners. Quantity on hand at gaod price. Caîl Husky (519) 846-5329. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - STEEL STRAITWALL type - not quonset style - 32x48 $4.983; 40x64 $8.079, 50x96 $14,908 - nan-expandable ends, ather sizes available - imited steel. Paragon - 24 Hours - 1-800-263-8499. BUILDINGS - Year-end Factory Clearance - Beat the Janu *ary price increase. Quonset 19x26 $1.829; Straightwalî 30x40 $6.199, Free storage tilI Spring. Discounts on var*,ous sizes. PION EE R/ECONOSPAN 1- 800-668-5422 (24 hours). STEEL BUILDINGS. Many sizes ta choose from for Value, Quality and lntegrity one phone caîl 1-800-668- 8653. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. FOR SALE Do-It-Vourself SATELLITE TV starting at $1495. delivers aIl American nctworks plus TSN and more! STATION EARTH, Fergus, Ont. NI1M 2W5; (519) 843-3474 (local) ar 1-800-461-0122-(tolîfrea). HALFORD HIDE & LEATHER, your mail order leather supply warehouse. Write/phone free catalogue: 8629- 126 Ave., Edmonton,,AB, T5B13 lG8. (403) 474-4989, fax (403) 477-3489. JOIN THOUSANDS 0F SATISFIED Customers. Buy wigs at wholesale prices. From $39.95. Shop by catalogue and save. For FREE catalogue cati tollfree 1- 800-265-7775. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. Cassidy School of Billiards Beginners Six Course Instruction Book designed by warîd professionals. More included an deîivery. (416) 628-4606. BRASS RAILINGS, bar, stair. Also hixures, ighting, furnishings, beds, giftware. Factory direct pricing, Xmas Specials. Slashed prices. International Brass Railings Ltd., Brampton. (416) 790-0515. Fax. (416) 790-0520. ADOPTION PREGNANT? Happy, Ioving couple wishes ta adopt, provide a home and best cf care far your unborn child. With approved agency. Caîl Pat collect (416) 482-2731. PERSONAL WOULD YOU LIKE ta correspond with unattached Christian people, ages 18-80, the abject being companionship or marriage. Write: ASHGROVE, P.O.' Box 205. Chase, B.C., VOE 1iMO. PAY OFF BILLS? NEED CHRISTMAS MON EV? Do you- a wn your home? Borrow $ 10000. Repay $195. monthly. No qualifying hassels! Intransican Financial, dial colîect 0-416-650-9455. SERVICES SCHOOL PICTURES IMPRINTED on a puzzle 11*x13 112" just $12.75 each. For information caîl (705) 436- 1671. Here andJNow Computer Portraits, Box 37. RR#1, Lef roy, Ont. LOL 1 WO. WRONG FOOT AGAIN? Teaching system heîps- children put shoes on the right foot carrectly. Results guaranteed. SASE: Home Helpers, Box 59, Jarvis, Ontario, NOA IJO. FOR LEASE WELL ESTABLISHED RESTAURANT Facility - Large 3- Bay building - Formerly Gas Station Commercial Land. Busy Hwy. il Location North Baund Lane. Just South of Gravenhurst (705> 687-6244. Vour ad couîd appear ln communîty newspapers ln Ontarlo, or rîght across Canada, or any indivîdual province. Space Is Llmîted, so Cali This Newspaper Today! BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE"I To reach a wider market, advertise throughout the regional membership of the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations Central Ontario 55 newspapers - $160 for 25 words -Al Ontario 171 newspapers - $350 for 25 words Výf Ali Canada 572 newspapers - $974 for 25 words For f urther information please caîl the Whitby Free Press Cîassif ieds - 668!-0594. ........ .. 'Ifb F e P rés s 668"0594 ------ ---- --- ----------- *Full insuranCe coverage For more information cail: 686-3995 We a icensed Agency --i r- 1-

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