Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Nov 1990, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WHITYFREEPRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1990 diaerage cildenarebeining 1141to rAethe cuncel 'Sedng,'c omfiedcatt lanne ette dfly ,(fipe-r ta srve au owire f blor a reusable ae.Sdiae egd pduet ha dioulad ot olbeenronennt suerlior toeud als of ant spoadeadia fors omfovbra d enen. lAilble, comorabl brieo f Mt. ieOrslalnd ovans omplted the' alaniî e ak6them isnvitingIthe oulbentead, hovr that dry eremafrrm-fittin diaparsheism apromatly 45 milnut. nl ernenal sugetion s apenut wthalsth dreeor frenfivemnes then hang temd onve rac ovaiht.e onei r moe nformaticon aosut th Sedlings icorttn ikap, confta Whiby'seprentaivsandaula Canpn ts427-5990.h dearmnt torect diap lorsmre eno on .The sevns o moaert pma Ã"rrks a n g stors j pruday4 minthesunrome I wasugnvgedtonparforth eccingh concti fOtaérrios eatie Woman pnat how-on9hom coemost. Lynne LechasPiering l reprentae and xpbi deaten By ocusing otheiattentiofln o h ron antvshef wasaota sherareano teidtoesta aefo e w ConIlasf onatahavTe een on and pptahothe homde with tir proact of tha Pierwichga ratingndAatx pice hshold eaer ectipo bookcorso e fnoryeddhaing rotai Earl enducaYýiigte tetion onth environatlpoeton has be wsesse a s one of aurofthipor tat ndeoTahers of I asfrent toshave loudernthand wods, tdeyouil e ask e oe a, y or he le, "Whh a d yo etga dan aur hsea h do waerre sbook.aurlawnCan e compost? id Ieer ear dispble dead s?"n' éendo terpaett Dipaledaiapoershve reatedtan roenormouslastoee ptroem am oeicans trow awaym18rbillin divry diaars ofc =ea " nutatose a tha oon an dksavdon ti e CoMNEVENTS: N cil, ht ovembe 1 u-e, Rac cn ek'9 Self-hsaepdi etoytvaaal Tha directory of self-elp r aups in Durhuam. egon A ugust, 1990) i. availabla from the Canadian Mental Health Association, Durham branch, for $10. The directary lista- over 100 gro0u Ps,8 wffithcontacts, niember- ship and meeting information. To ordfer caîl 436-8760. REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE GLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EXTENSION OF TRUNK SANITARY SEWERS TO SERVICE THE COMMUNITY OF BROOKLIN N THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The Regional Municipality of Durham is undertaking a study to determine the aignment for the future extension of a trunk sanitary sewer required to service the community of Brooklin to the existing sewerage system in the Town of Whitby. The projeot is subjeot to the Class Envlronmental Assessment for Municipal Sewa ge and Water Projects and a planning process approved by the Ministry o f th e Environment is being foîîowed. A public information centre to discuss the project and to seek public input will be held: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1990 3:00 P.M. TO 6:00 P.M. AND 7:00 P.M.' TO 9:30 P.M.- BROOKLIN COMMUNITY CENTRE 45 CASSELS ROAD EAST » BROOKLIN I Staff of the Region of Durham and Proctor & Redfern Limited will be in attendance to answer questions. Under the terms of the Class Envronmental Assessment, written or oral comments from the public and review agencies will be reoeived and addressed in the evaluation of the proposed trunk sanitary sewer routes. If significant environmental impacts are identified or objections are received which cannot be resolved, provision exists for the Ministry of the Environment to be requested to change the project status to an individual or full Environmental Assessment. This is termed a "Bump Up" and can be requested by any agency, group or individual member of the public. Further information can be obtained from: MR. KEN THOMPSON, P.ENG. REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM WORKS DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE (416) 668-7721 8:30 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. MONDATTO FRIDAY G. HERREMA REGIONAL CHAIRMAN W.A. TWELVETREES, P.Eng COMMISSIONER 0F WORKS C ommtergru devasttedb' GIOý b-us »>diecis ion By Milce Kowalskl Ail-day GO Transit bus service ta Durham Ragion and 'Pater- borough ha. heen blasted by a commuter lobby group. Paul Pagnualo, presidant of the Torbnto-Peterboôrough-Have- lock Lina Passenger Association, was extremely critical of the naw bus service annaunced Monday by Ontario Transportation Mfinister Ed Philip. Pagnualo termed Philip's announcement "somewhat deceit- fuI and bordaring on fraudulentn in liglut of a provincial alection commitment made by- Premier Bob Rae. Philip ennounced that aIl-day bus service will soon be establ- ished ta, serve a number -of com- munitios, including Peter- boroughu, Port Pry Oshawa and Toronto. 1The governrnant will negotiate with private bus carriers and is hopeful the service will be in place by February. The service was part of an overaîl pacbage of transportation initiatives unveiled in the legis- lature by Philip.-. "It'. not exactly what we're looking for at all,» said Pagnulo. "A lot of people will b. upset and disap ted. Tarightdecision would have been GO trains with complemen- Pa. nuéo group has been epushing for G O train service ta, Peterborugh which would util- ize trackformarly used by VIA Rail. During last summer'. election campaign, former p ramier David Peterson promisedl that GO ser- vice would be -extendad ta Pater- bora gh and have several stops in Durhm Region. However that promiseas p ut back on tl~e tabla forfurtlier review by the naw government. Althauçh Pagnuelo- admit. that during. the election cern- paign Raa did not specify a pre-, ference for trains over buses, the distinction is irrelevant. "Peaple had a choice batween the Liberals and NDP. The iAberals made a commitmont ta, GO trains, the NDP wera stong opponents of the VIA cuts and fa-vored trains instead of buses. "Voter. in savon of the eight ndi~ (along the routa) went Pegnuelo said the association has stressed repeatodly ta, the ministry that commuter. do not want buses. «We will, work with theni they shouldn't b. surpr: peopla will 'roject the bi theyre aven prepared ta, prmu prices for trains9.»ý Acrding ta the ministr commuter rail service hty~ Peterborough and Toronto w~ have an ennual cost of $8,0( $14 000 par rider. Tuaý cost of a. comprahai, bus system, serving more pe over a broader area4, i. quarter that'of a single GO ($1500,000 par yaar versus $2, $Z.5 million), claims the M. ti, U-l adseveral pe told ¶xthat- unlees a t service was in operation by 'Ji amry,"they'will be ýgone.»" Ho said peo ple will.,a-i move or qui' their jobs r a than spend hours'on the 1 way. Despite Piipsannoui ment, Pagnuelo said lhis g will not givo up their figlut. "It's one more battle, the continues.» said, Pagnuelo, neé that it was ironic' that lon and Brantford which lost Rail the, saie :tima, as P horough,- will se train isoi resuma in January. Old Tyme. Christmas, ILfghts festival upcom-in-, The second annual Brooklin Old Tyxne Christmas will ba held on Sunday, Dec. 16. The aven', held by Graup 74 in conjunction with local service clubs, begins with ho candîeîight caroling at Grass Park, starting at 6:30 p.m. Brooklin & District Kinsmen wilI provide hayrides from the park ta the Brookîin community centre. There, the Oshawa- Whitby Old Tiyme Fiddlars will perfiorm, starting at 7 p.m., and Santa Claus will greet visitor. In conjunction with the event, there will ha the 'Festival of Lights,' a Christmas ligluts com- petition. Thero will ha four prizes for hast ligluts on a residence, and one prize in the commeircial cata- g>oufry forms must includa name, address, location of home adtlephone numher, and ara ta ha rnailed ta: Group 74, General Delivery, Brooklin; Ont., LOB 100. Entry foris must ha received by Dec. 10. 2Judging for the competition, which takes place in,.Brook Ashhurn Myrtla and-Ms donian xhîîaga,'wil ha on el 12. i.but ýised, pay ya ween ould DO to L risiva 'ople one- brein .to mnis- 'ople Wrain lanu- ther àigh- nce- roup war, itinig idon VIA vce EDec., 1g epli- ved or a h t. dan« The Brooklin Women's Insti- tute aducation and cultural acti- vities meeting was held at the Brooklin community centre on Nov. 21, 1:30 p.m. Convener Wvas Sylvia Hahun. Motta was 'Children may close their ears ta advice, but keep their oye. opan ta example.' Hal caîl was "recaîl how the desire ta learn was instillad in you.' Tea- chers, parents, brothers and sis- ters were naxned. Current avents wera givan by Aleta Campbell. A eepart on thue 6Oth WI convention at the ]Royal eru 74 2 s A n a etv lefLg t IBrookiin, Myrtie, Ashburn, Macedonian Village residents are invited to participate in Group 74's 2*nd Annual Festival of Lights. CATEGORIES:I Resîdential: Commercial: AREAS 0F JUDGING: * 1 st Prize - $50:.- 2nd Prize- $35. * Honourable Mention - $25. * Group 74 Special Menit Award - $25. * 1 st Prize - $50. Originali ty . OveraîllEffect - lngenuity JUDGING DATE:, Wednesday December l2th/1990. NAIME ADDiRES NOATOF0F OME___________ PHIONE NUMBER_______ ______ Mai to:, Group 7,4,Gênerai Dellve ry: Brookiin, Ont. LOB ICO. Information: Jo-Ann Léedie 655-8094 Lesiio French 655-3244- Enty btobaê eoeîived by December MOt19W-' York was given -by Aleta Cai hall. It was stated that thea' X ued crib quilt i. -almhost finis thak ou card -was racei from the Brooklin 4H Club fc $25 donationà. The Wl donated $20. taO Andrew's Preshyterian Chruci memory of a resident of Hillsi Manor, Kay Hepburn. Thora was a first-time sjhowing of works 4y a Brooklin artist. Works includa local scanes - Chalk-Lake, Brooklin Elevatars, Bowmanville Mill, local" bernsé and scenesof a drought year. «> The Christmas party and pot- luck dinnar will ha hald at'thé community centra on Dec. 19, 12:30 p.m. Motta will ha 'May. the» s pirit of the season ha with yýou all thraughout the yeer.' Rall cal willhae 'Somothing for the po gramn' and a gift ar.change. Viit- ors are wolcomne. Craft pir«>oram= ut, libiraýr Thera ta stiil room for those à ed 8, ta 12 tosign up for . istmas.Crafts for Rids at the Brookln brench libray Datas are Mondy%,De3 from; 6:30 ta 7:30 p.m. or Seturday Dec. 15 froin 3 ta 4 p.m. Cài 655-3191 to register. The Brooklin iàbreuy Childrén' Club meets every. Saturda fi-om, 10:30 ta 11:30 a. N registraton ta raquirad. Thoe agéd 4 and up are wielcome. p Art'show at WLImeetin itvV

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