Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Nov 1990, p. 21

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WH1TY PIE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28,19, A~2 Mie Whitby/Oshwa brandi cof Ontario Genealogical Society'Winl hold a meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 4, from .7:15 to 10 pa. i the auditorium of Whftby Public Ljibrary.- This la a Christmas social and afilmnon Irisi immigrants will be shared. For more information, cal Bessie Gannon at 723-7460 or Jee Hilon 668-8177. M"L FOR VETERANS Vterans or meinhers of veterans' families can get infor- mation about pensions, allow- ances or medical assistance by calling Denis <Miles) Dlaney at 668-g730 or the Legion hall at 668-0330. AIse, veteirns'widows. who lest their pensions when they remarried can probably get their pensions resumed. BOOK FAIR St. John. the Evanglist on Giffard St. wil hold a bo fair on Nov. 28 and 29 from 7 te 9 P.m. The Gerontolo.ical Nursing Association, Durham Regon chaptr. presents Maria Wir--ams , an occupational therapist at Centenar Hosjital, on Wednesday, Nov. 28-r at Fairview LdMa32DnnasSt. W., Whitby. The topic is 'Love your .BackL back care for the caregIver. The business meetmn.g willcommence at 7:30 p.m.wath the speaker scheduled foraà p.m.. Themeeting.will ho in the upper boardroom. Everyone is.welcome. Refreshnients will ho available. For" additional information oeil Betty Plaskitt at 668-8530. 71I D]MU« TRE PROGRAM -lJntil Dec. 15, the Whitby K Mart store located at 180 Dundas St. E, WItbyj,. will have a children's Christmas tree triinIed with colorfulpaper taps. is te provide local needy children with a new gift for the holiday. Each tag'Illiv information on an unrderrivifeged child such as first name, theiir soi, clothing sizos and age. People inter=se in . -m"ain a needy child's Christmas brigliter select a taâ from the children's tree and purciase a gift for the child. The child's name muet ho registered at the Whitby K Mart store, but gifts can ho purchased at any location. Presenits for the children should ho returned to the Whitby store with the tag by Dec. 15. Mie Whitby K Mart staff will inake sure each child's gift is wrapped and ready to, open on Christmas morming. RECRUITJG 151 Squgdron Royal Canadlian Air Cadets- (Durham Region) is accepting new members. Cal Mark at 576-1551 (office at 254 Centre St. S, Oshawa, is. open Mondays and Wednosdays, hot- The Durham chapter of the FPO Gospel Business Monts Feilowship wiil hold a spei 'Family Emphasis' dinner meeting Monday, Dec. 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the- South China Buffet Restaurant, 1300 Kling St. E., Oshawa. Special guesta for the evening wil ho Rev. Steve Macleod, youtli pstor at Christian Life Centre in Njax, and Beacon, a youth drama team. Recently returned from a thre»week tour. in London, .England, pastor-Macleod and the draina team wiil share music, draina and testimonies. Tickets are $14 'per person, .$6 for chlfdren under 12, and may-ho ordered by phoning 725-8363. Reserve early as the meeting wil ho lieavily attended and space is limited. CKRISTMAS SALE 'Cildren are Special Show' provides one-step. shopping for cildren of aIl ages. The show is on Sunday Dec. 2,lte 4 pi -., at Ircouois paraena Whitney Ahmaiyyia Muslim Com- muiywiil liold their first annual SymposumDay' at the Henry Street Higli School on Wedniesday, Dec. 5, 6:30 te, 9:30 p.m. Guest speakers will discus drug abuse. For more informa- tion caîl 666-9539. BONSAI SOCIETY MEIG The Matsuyama Bonsai SocieWys next meeting la Monday, Dec. 3, 7:15 p.m. at the Faith Place, 44 Williamn St. W., Oshawa. This meeting features the Christmas socal and silent auction. It ia open te ail interested in bonsai. CaIl 416-683-2568 or 416-668-8333 for more information. OPEN BOUSE The Ministry of Government Services is holding an open house in Oshawa on Nov. 29 te, hear the viows cof interested citizens on tho development of its Parent Clasm Envirotnmental Assesment. 'The open house wil ho held at the Donevan Recreation Complex, in the meeting room, hotween 3 and 5:30 pam. and 7 and 9 p.m. For more WSfomation cail 1-800-363-6098. Canadian Diabetes Association general meeting is te ho held on Wednesday, Nov. 28 at 7:30 p.m. at the - Holy Family Parish Church iWhitby. Tho guest speaker la Dr. Lawrence Léitor who Winl speak on diet control and cholestèel. Cail 436-6648 for more information and*directions. The Canadian Club of Durham ]Region will ho meeting. on Tuesdy Dec. 4 at the Holk Inn, yslM84acommencing dinner at 6:30 p.m. 1There will ho the annual Christmas Wassail and musical evnn rranged by Elinor Kidd fetrng the Oshiawa Festival Singers.- For reservations and further information, oeil 668-4522 or 668-433. PENNY SL The Whitby Senio rs' Activity. Centre, 801 Brock St. S., is holding a peny sale On Saturdayr, Dec. 1 at 7:3 p.m. Everyone is welcome te join in an evening of fun at a reasonable coot. Refrealiments wil ho servod. For furtier information cail the centre at 668-1424. SENIORS TRER TRIMM1NG Ail members are invited te the Whitby Seniors'Activiy Centre, 801 Brock St. S. on vThurday., Nov. 29 at 10 a.m. to jonin I trimming the tree and docorating the centre for Christmas. Bring one ornament te han& on *the treo. and enjoy carol singing and refreshments.- For information caU 668-1424. CHRISTMAS MESSIAR An invitation is extended te everyono te attend an evensong service at Ail Saints' Anglican Churci, 300 Dundas St. W., VAtby, on Sunday, Dec 2 at 7:30 p.m. 1rhe service wil feature a musical concert by the senior choi silng excerpts from the Chrstm sèe -by George F. Hlandel. BRIDGE CLUB The Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club meets every Wednesday, 7:30 p .m., in the games room, 215 Rleeâaire Court, Whitbyy.- New niembers are welcore. The Pickering Rod, and Gun Club, a non-ift organization dedicatod te the conservation of. fiai and gaine, is3 sponsoring -a turkey shoot on Saturday, Dec. 8 from 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. For additional information, oeil 683-5481. The "MChidrn are Specal"ý show is being held on Sunday, Dec. 2 froen 1 -te 4- p.m.- at Iroquois Park arena, VWtby, and provides one-stop 6shopping for children of ail ages. OPEN BOUSE W.H. Bruckmann wildflfe photographer, will hoId an, open hu o-seon Saturday, Dec.* 8 from 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. at 9 George St., Broin. For further information cail 655-8934. CHRISTMAS PARTY The Big Brothers annual Christmnas, party will ho held- Sunday, Dec. 2, 1:30 to 4 p.m., at the Kinsmen commumity centre, Colborne St., Oshawa. -he Big Brothher award will ho iven at 2:30'p.m., Santa arrive at3p.M. For more information cal579- 2551. OPEN BOUSE An open houso will ho heldby> wildlife photographer W.H. Bruckmann on Saturday, Dec. 8, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m., at 9 George St., Brooklin. Caîl 655-8934 o more information. TOPS TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensi- bly), a non-profit weight loss and sBup.port group, holds meeting -in Whtby on Tu.esday and Wednies- day ovrenings. For more informa- tion caîl Nancy at 436-7706. CHRISTMASTREEB' Ist Whi tby scouts will seli Christmas treos from Dec. 1 te 23 at Jerry's the Drug Ware- house parking lot, 311 Broeok St. N. Spruce and scotch pino trees will eaci seli for $20, crm Mon- day te Friday, 6 te 9 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. anc1 Sunday, il a.m. te 5 pm Funds raised aid scoutillg in Whitby. CRi"ISTMASFOOD DRWE Seniors at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre are conducting a food drive to ensure that no one Cshnrthis Christmas. non-j>rishable food and baby food at the centre 801. Brock St,. S. anytime Mondlayto FridayS8:30 a..to 4:30 p.m. Al dàonaton will be-ý.given to the Saelvation Army for distribution in thea.. F & ' m ore inform ation Meil 668-14240 OHLDENSCONCERI Sandra. Beech, well-known chîldren's entertainer, is coming to Oshawa*on Sunday, Dec. 16. Thie Canadian Mental Health Association/Durhianî . Région (CMH) . posoinhler concert h ilh ed in the auditorium cf Eastdale Collegiate on Harmony Rd. N. at 2:30 p.m.* Beech in a Juno award-winner and Canadian recording artist. Her' albums 'include "Chickery Chick," "Inch by Inch" and "Yes, I Can." Proceeda from t"i concert are to provide mental lialth education for children. 'flckets are $7 eacli, or 4 for $25, and ame availale at, the Canadian Mental Healtli Association, 111 Simcoe St. N.; Family Trust, 500 King St. W.; Ribbnsm & Rwascas,39 Bond St. E., and Information- Oshawa, 50 Centre St. S. (city hall), of Oshawa. For more information, caul 434-7886. ALZHEnIR rMEETING 'A newý programn especiall for Amzhe .imýy famille9 s la eldthe fourti Wrdesday cf ssci month. The neit meeting is on 'Wednesday, Nov.-*28, at 7:30 p.m. 1in the Senior Citizens' Activity Centre, 910 Liverpool Rd.,- Plckering (just south cf Byl 'St.). Toplc: Discussion and vido on "Saety- in - the Home." .Refresisments; wiil ho served& Everyone welcome. Note: -There wiil ho no December meeting. The 'next* meeting le schedulod for Jan. 23, 1991. vox POP The next Vox Pop Forum will' ho held by Ontarie riding MP Rene Sootens on Frlday, Nov. 30, 7:30 p.m., at the Whitby. Public Llbrary. MEETING AMILY EMIASIS .DIABETES ASSOCIATION TRE HO THE CORPORTATION OF' THE TOWN OF WHITBY ATTENTION! BOOKING A TOWN FACILITY ? Commencing DECEMBER 3,19M90, ai permits for the use of ail halls, sprsflekls and recreation facilities wiIl be issued ft>m one centraimzed loain to serve you botter. IROQUOIS PARK COMPLEU 1111 ~ 500 Vctoria Street Victoria st. With hors more conducive to yourlfestyle 1 8:30 *r..to 8:30 Pi. FORUM Town Hall Style Meeting_ René SoetensMI>. Friday November 130» 7:15 pim.-9O0Plein WHITY PUBLIC LIBRARY DONT-- S.fL.. ýl'- Non-profit community groups which are based ln Whitby or have a substantial Whitby mnembership may' place their upoomin g meetings or activiti es on this page at no cost. Profit maklng or non-Whtby followlng weeks Insertion le Frlday at 5p.m. m -,oq9

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