Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Nov 1990, p. 35

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(~pp rc'~aoe35 WH3TBY ~ rLX~~ --------------E-$.... SOMETHINO DIFFERENT? 750 Honda Supersport. New springs, shocks, Chain. Rbbr custom-buiit detachable trailer hitch with brand new complote trailer. A stoal at $1, 100. Caîl Tony 430- 6952. 1976 CHEV 12 TON. As is. Best aller. 576-7503. 85 BUICK CENTURY LTD wagon - dark blue with wood grain, dark blue interior, fuîly loaded, third seat, Zebarted, 86,000 miles, original owner. $5,400. 427-2170. 1986 CHEV 1/2 TON pick-up with box linon. Fair condition. Repainted. $4,900 or bost off or. Phono 666-3634 and beave message. 85 CHEV. CELEBRITY. 4 door, 6 cylinder, maroon with maroon interior. A ir, PW/PL, rust proabed, 68,000 km. One owner. $5,400. 427-2170. ALL COMFORTS 0F HOME- Oshawa/Whitby. Furnishod, color cable TV, fridge, single & double. $75+. up. A lso mnonthly rate. 4 wooks f roe. First& last. 433-1769, 434-940. I... ....................... LARGE 2 BEDROOM APT. ta share with oldor reliable woman. Close ta downtown. Reasonable ront. Phono ater 5 p.m. 668-4409.- BROOKUNI 2 LARGE 11-bodroom apartments. Frldge, stove. Hydro extra. Immediato accupancy if roquirod. Renting for $600 and $625.1 First & last manths' rent. -Caîl 655-4544, or evonings 655-8989. LARGE, BRIGHT, CLEAN, one bedroom; basement apartment (Rossland/Tlaunton) -tf.irep lace, drapes, kitchen, shower, share laundry. Non-smoker prof erréd. $650/manth, utilities included. Cal 725-7474. NEW TWO BEDROOM apart- ment in Whitby. 1,000 sq. f.,4 appliances, $850 per month. Only- stops ta GO train and 401. 668-8551. WHITBY - LARGE one, bedroom apartment available Dec. 1. $587 monthly. Includes ridge, stove, aerkinq and utilities. Apply: 110 V ictoria St. W. 666-0271. WHITBY - HOME FOR RENT. Execuitive, home, Brock & Manning, 2,300 sq. ft., 4 bodroom, walk-out ta large stone patio. First & Iast. No _pets. Non-smokors preborrod. 430-1315 ater 6 p.m. WHIT13Y- 2 BEDROOM town- house available immediateîy. $860, p lus utilties. 4 appliances, carpet, finished basoment. 668-8946. EXECUTIVE HOME - northwest Oshawa, Rossland/Summerville area, available, Nov. $1,250 plus f irst & last. 985-7930 after 6 p.m. WHITBY - RAVINE. Lovingly maintained exocutivo 4 bedroom, grenouse kitchen, 2 ireplaces, nugo roc. room, family noom, walk-out ta dock, mn-grund pool, troos, close ta GO. $1,350+. 666-3794. WHITBY - 3 bedroom townhouse. Fr e stoe, arage, pol. Burns St. es COple. AaiabeJan. 1. $790 per month plus utilities. First and last req uired. 1 year bease. Please caîl 666-4.463. I.. ...LDN.. BUILDING SPECIAL clearance. 20x20ft., $2,900; 24x24ft., $3,100; 28x36ft., $4,500; 32x36ft., $4,900; 36x48ft., $6,900; 40x6Oft., $8,800. Caîl 985-7930. ooMftcIAL sPAc5 FOR RENT OR $M5 BROOKLIN STORE on the main street. Avalablo Jan. 1, 1991. Cal Herb 985-0856, or Dave 430-7341. AJAX - PRIME OFFICE space. 600 sq. ft. available. Excellent location. 683-7515. OFFICES FOR RENT'downtown Whitby at 4 corners. Second floor. Suitable for lawyer, doctar's office, accounitant, etc. 200 ta 2,000 sq. ft. 623-5524. BROOKLIN- STORE for ront. Beautiful interior, new caret. Hydra extra. $600 per month.Cai 655-4544 or ovonings 655-8989. FORECLOSURE SALE - Oshawa executive home, lot 60 x 200, heated concrete pool. Now renting for $1,500, plus utilities. $279,000. 985-7930. PLANNING TO SELL your home? Interview David J. Ronoy of NRS Realty One mnc. 8 years' experience and fuHtime commitmnent. 436-1800. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS SAT., NOV. 24 - 4 P.M. BEAUTIFUL VICTORIAN BRICK 5 BEDROOM HOME, PROPERTY 0F MR. & MRS. ERIC BROWN, 23 STURGEON ST., OMEMEE 3rd floor family roomn with pine wainscottlng, 2 bathrooms, coun- try kitchen, formaI dining room, Ige. front room, Ige. foyer, 200 amp service. This immaculate home is welI decorated and ready ta move in. Large dock, 10 x 15 utility shed, fencod backyard, lot 66 x 160. Doub le drivoway. Ideal location, close ta school, churches, shopping. Town sower, weIl wator. Proporty selling as is, and subjoct ta reasonablo reserve bid. Tenms: $5,000 ai sale, balance 60 days. Opon hause 12 noon ta sale on Nov. 24. View early ta arrange f inancing. Cal: ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 OR 1-800-461-6499 BUYING A HOME? Wonk with David J. Roney, Sales Representative for NRS Realty One Inc. Ful1-time, dedicated service for purchasers. 436-1800. I LOFM: LOTS - CRESSER 150 t. Enquire at Road, Whitby. AVE. 80 ft x 31 Lakeidge v "I __________ WANTED - LARGE QUANTITY ai sholvos, books & bookcasos. Also paraphernalia and artifacts related ta the manufacture, of books for the oponing ai a bookstore-museum, cfawntown Whitby. 1 yean subscription ta The Plowman, '112-page lîterary magazine ai pootny, art & culture. For ail nowcomers, corne j .oin the author-publisher-prprietOr foran'.a g lass of wine. Thankyu. 68-7803.. KIMBERS CRAFT, 2nd Annual Sale. Saturday, Nov. 24, Sunday, Nov. 25, 10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. (Otter Creok). 15 Jacob Drive, Whitby. Something for everyone. CHRISTMAS GIFT SALE -, Gift baskets, bunnies, Christmas m ugs, wreaths and craits. Saturday, Nov. 17, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. ai 7692 Ashburn Road, Brooklin. 655-3071. CATHERINE WILUAMS cordial/y invites you to an OPEN HOUSE and SALE Saturday, Nov. 24, 1990 '11a.m. - 5 p.m. 9 Stone Sound Rd., Port Perry Featuring .children s clothing *Original sweaters -folk art *hand painted silks and many morgft- iving items Ph 85-4114 WHITBY FLEA MARKET- Sunday, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Over 40 vendors af Christmas crafts, unique gifts and general morchandise, bakery'rduce, ail at 1910 Dundas St. E., hitby, Ont. Admission free. OPEN HOUSE CRAFT SALE. Saturday, Nov. 24, 10 a.m. ta 7 p.m. 16 lnglenook Court, Whitby. 666-2557. DABBER BINGO - up to $3.500 in prizes; up ta $1,500O jackpot mustgo Binigo stats. 12 noon Sat., Nov. 24À. Gaetane Ollesch PTA Association, Monarch Hall, 610 Monarch Ave, ai Clements. Phono 427-8572. "LEAVE VOUR CARES ai home with us". Prof essional pet/home sitters are fully borKIed and insured. Custom Homo-watch International, 666-5353. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and:the Sacred Heart af Jesus forfavor's roceiveci. May thq Sacreci Heart. of Josus bo adored, glorlied, lovod and proservod throughout the world now and foroyer."Oh, Sacred Hbart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude worker of miracles pray, for us. St. Jude holper of the hopeloss, pray for us.Say this'prayer nine times a.day. By the eighth day yourp rayer will. be answerod, regardlss of how hopoless your situation seems. Publication must b. promised. CJ. 1W'ÂNTED - MEN& WOMEN ta loso weight eating choc. chip, oat- meal & peanut butter'wNutritional Diet Cookies". 1 lost 32 lbs. in 6 weeks. and earned $6,2001 part-timo (Dan). «Lose weight, fool reat, don't wait." Cal r Orma 6884,Marlene 430-2832. Monday to Friday 9 a.m. - 9p:M. [~' 30132 WOMEN I N ABUSIVE relationships,2/For help, cal the Denise House for Womoen and Children. T911 f ree 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. (Formerly Auberge.) BIRTH CONTROL ,and. family planning counselling. Free and confidential, available Mlonda y to Friday,. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Clinic every Thursday 3:0 p.m. ta 6 p.m. For f urther information, caîl 420-8781 or 433-8901. BAHAQ S BELIEVE: Thus have We inât ructed thee, manifested unto thee Words of Wisdom, that thou mayest be. thankful unto the Lord, thy God, and glory therein amidst aIl people. Caîl 668-8665. ST. JUDE O Holy St. Judo apostle and Martyr, groat in virtue and rich in -miracles, near Kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithbul intercessor ai ail who invoke your specia p atronage in time of noed, ta you 1 have recourse tram the depth of my hoart and humbly beg ta whamn God has given suh great power ta corne ta my assistance. HeIp me on my p rosent urgent petition; in roturn i promise ta make your name known and cause you ta b. invoked. Say three Our Father's, three Hall Mary's and, Glorias. Publication mnust be promnised. St. Judo priay for us and ail who lnvokeyour aid. Amen. Thanks ta St. Judo for a petitian grantod. This Novena has nover been known ta bail. Must bo told for nine consecutive days. WJF. MRS. MARRA - TAROT cards, palm,.- tea cp4- crystal. bal readings. 35 years experience. Salve .al probîems. All readiMns gurarqtd accurate. F or appointmîent caîl728-5480.

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