Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Nov 1990, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WHITBYME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER241M99 ESSE ~ ANNUAL FALL BAZAAR Westminster United Church, 25 Manning Rd., will hold thé. annual bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 24, 1 to 4 p.m. There will b. crafts, home baking, tea room, aewing, *novelties, T-shirts, white elephant, candy, knitting and plants available. All weloee. rCMMDqWMBCRFT "SHOW The. Craft Show at Christmas will be. ield at the. Metro East Trade Centre, Pickering,* Nov. 29 to Dec. 1. >DAKE Aà&" ORAPT SAL Reformed Church Women are havng baceand craft sale on Nov.24 10 a.m. te 3 p.m. at Emauel Reformed Church, 401 Rossand Rd W., Whitby. BAZAAR St. John's Anglican Church, Brock and Victoria streets, Port Whitb, willi hold the. annual Snowflake Bazaar on Satprday, Nov. 24, il a.m. te, 3 p.m. There will b. tea tables, home bkn, craftsknitting, white elephant and hristian 'books. Ail wel- corne. BUSY HANDS BAZAAR Busy Hanmde Bazaar wifl be held on Saturday, Nov. 24, 10.-30 a.m. t 4 p., atSt. Johnthe Evarigelist Catholic Ciiurch,' 903 Giffard St., -Whitby, just off cf Cochrane and Dundas St. W. There will b. unique gifts, crafts, Christmas decorations, * hite elephant and book table, te. a o and bake goods. Ts erIhlei a speial chil&Wren'Som, where films will b. sbown, and chlldren con buy gfifts for up to $1. This bazaar is organizod 1w the church's Catholc Women7s Ileaue. CRAFT SALTE'. Col. J.E. Farewell'public' sehool, 810 McQuay blvd., will hold a christnias craft *sale on Sunday, Nov. .25, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. here will b. more than 40 tables of crafis. Admission is free. Proceeds go te school activi- ties. SALVATION AEMY CrIMtSTMAS TEA & RAZAAR Salvation Arn Christmnas Tea & Bazaar wid-bo held on Saturday, Nov. 24 fio= 1 - 3 pa. at Salvatiomi ArmyHa, 122 Ket, St., Witly. home bkng3, cras knim*, Wlieelephnttable andttng, wites cfmtsest. For more information, calI Jane sSheasby,68-355 or 668-7477. BUSY HANDS RAZAAE The S& John the. Evangelist Church - Catholic Women's League will hold their annual bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 24, from 10:30 to 4 p.m., at the. church, 903- Giffard St., Whitby. There will be unique crafts, Christmas decorations, gift baskets, handmade items, whxite elephant table and book nook. Aise availablo will b. -candy, baked goods and preserves. A a acialature will be the. e le ps romwhere films will b. shown throuhot the day. Boy» and girls con purchase their own small gifts, from five cents to $1, at their own 'bazaar table. There will b. a tea room for visitors te rest and socalize. POITERS GUILD A Christmas pottery show and sale will b. held b the. Ajax- Pi'ckering Potters Guild at the Pi*ckeningz roc complex, Valley Farm Rd. S. (off Hwy 2), on Nov. 30, 7 to0p.m. Dec 1 9:30 am. te, 7 p.m., and bec. 2, noon te 4 P.m. DAVID FENNl *David Melville Fenn of Whitby died recently ini hie 73rd year. He is sur-vived by son Peter daughter Carol Maillet and grrandchildren Donald and Dena Maillet. He was predeceased by hie wife, May Betty. . Puneral services were held from the Town. Funeral Chapel. Interment at Thornton cemetery. w R 1JAMEWIS William George David Hewis of Sunnyrest Nuraing Home, Whitby, died on Novemnber 12, 1990 at Whitby General Hospi- Wa. He was 93. He wasborn;ýin Whitby on July 6, 1897, son of William Edward and Catherine Jean (Bone) Hewis. He married Hilda Constance Poynter on November 19, 1932 at St. Andrews Prembyterian Church, Whitby. A lfelong resident of Whitby, Mr. Hewis was employed as a butcher and as a custodan. He was a member of AF&AM Com- pos-t.Ldg. #30 Whith~y and a longtime member of l~e St. Andrews Presbyterian Church 6 Generations of * Service, Quality & Thist *Family Monuments *Granite or Bronze Markers *Cemetery Lettering 'Sandblastling Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas &. E, Whitby 668-3552 -AfterHours 668-4460orf66-1513- Home appontome lgladly armnged Choir. Ho in survived by bis son David (and his wif. Jean) daughter Jean (and her husbanA George Jeffrey) and grandchil- dren Steven, Michael, Phili and Elizabeth Hewis, Peter and Ay Jeffrey. He was predeceasod by bis wife, and brother Harry. Services were held at tii. W.C. Town Funeral CharelWhitby o Névembee 15Henry Oyck of Whitby Ba'ptist Church conducting. Interment was at Groveside cemetery, Whitby. DORA LANG Dora A. Lan of Whitbydi.d on November M. 11990, at Sunny- crest Nursing HÜome, Whitby. 5h. was 83. *Berni in Brinsten Ont e was a reuident of Wiitby ?o 10 5eh. is survived by her daughter Sandra Purainen son Peter Long and grandchldren Peter, Kyle, John, Bil, Givena and Janice. 8h. was predeceased by her husband Richard Lang. Funeral services were held ini MorriebuiX, Ont., on November 19., 1990. Interment at Brinston. LL4N MUREY Lâillian Mudrey of Oshawa cied on November 6, 1990 at Oshawa General Hospital. -She was 73. 8h. was berri in Pickering on October 27, 1917. She is survived by brothers Gordon and Bill, son John (Serin) daughters Yvonne (Mrs. Ron Weterup), Audrey (Mirs. Mel Peyten) and Patricia Knight, and eight grandchildren and four great-grandehildren. She was predeoeased by her husband- John -and daughter Robin. Marfan Syndrome Awareness 'week Nov. 18 -24is Marfan Syndrome Awareness Weêk throughout Canadla.- Marfan Syndrome in a- life- threatening genetic disorder that weakens the connective tissues of the body. It can affect tii. ekeletal sysem, ý tii. ey.s and, mcut seriously, ti.he ad major blood vesses, causing death or disabilityr. However ifdgnSsd early, receotly Jeveîopedm treatinents offer lnrad length and quality, cf lif. for Marfan patients. About &,000 Canadians have Mlad=a The. Cmnadian Marfan Association offers mutual support to Marfan-affected famihest *rvdes information to patients encuraes research, and increasopublic awareness about For More information on Maýr"a Syndrome in Durham Rtegion call (416) 985-9181. 4-H awards presented By Sandm ambl . Rural Or- iton pdu 4-H members hmornDurbam West gath.rod at the. Uxbridge Arena on Saturday, Nov. 3, to recoive awards for their y.ars work in 4-IL ThIere wore several individual club awards presented. The winners of the county specials and provincial awards are as follows. Top Prme Repoter - Ainher Frost, Whitby, South Ontanlo Daf-ry Club. Durham West,4-H Club. 0f 1%e Year - South Ontario Dairy Club. Canada Trust i4HTop Member Award - David Grandy, Brooldin, South Ontario Dairy, Rabbit and Poultry Club. Gate Sign Competition - lot - Michael Lancaster, Beaverton, 2nd - Kerrie Lamb, Wilfrid, 3rd- Amber Frost, Whitby, -Jod Traynor, Sunderland. 6 Proec Award - Shari Bty Brooklin, Aaron EHaney SunderILnd, Meagan Hny Werry appointed as specialist Marlene Werry has been appointed farm managment specialiat with thei.ntario Ministiy of Agriculture and Food field servicLe in Durham Regon. Werry was formerly with the rural orgapization branch of the same muuistry. 5h. bas a mas- ters degre. in extension educa- tion, and has worked in six different countries in the. past 14 years. Werry joins the. combined agri- cultural rçpresentatve staff-for Durham Region, and will work from the. Bowmanville 'and Uxbridge field offices until a new office is completed next year in the. Port Perry area. As farm managment specialiat she will b. involved with'farmi business management extension, will act as commodity contact for beef and sheep producers, and will administer tii. r.d meat program. Annalmeeting Brookdin* Horticultural Society will b. holding their annual meeting, Christmas show and dessert party on Wednesday Nov. 28 at 7 p.m. at St. Thomas Anglican Church, Winchester Roud, Brooklin. Bring a dessert. Set-up time for show entries is from 6 to -6:45 p.m. Door prizos. Everyone welcome. Suderland, Michael.Hls Sun der.d Kathy HonSey, Pr Perry, Laura Phoenix, Greenbank, Ed Wetheral, 12 PrqSet Award Lesglie Carnochan, Port Perry, Ken Cason, . Sundefland, Yancy- Crosier, Sunderland, David Grandy, Brooklin, Phulip McLeod, Sunderland, Barclay r'ioenix, 18 Prqf oct Award -Lorna Durward, Sunderland, Kathy- Lewsn, oln, Anne Parrinder, Myrtle.. - 24Prcdect wr Iàm 30 Prjc XArd Karen Shli WilfridPat Shier, WiIfid, Kathryn'Wether aCÀnngton. Turkey supper on Saturday A tprkey supper will b. held at Oddfellows' and Rebekahe' Hall, Bagot St Brooklin, on Saturday, Nov. 24, 9 and 6:30 p.m. For tickets, caîl Orvis at 655- 8762 or Norm~a at 655-3434. Book, art sale The will b. a book and art sale at M.adowcrest public achool, Braoklin, on Tu.sdy, Nov. 27 fom 4 to 8 pmGood Christmnas gifts avlable. For furtiier information cail 655-3731. Funeral services were held from tii. Town Funeral (Chapel, Pastor Boomer conducting. Inter- ment at St. John's cemetery, Port Whitby. DOROTHY LAMARCHE Dorothy A. Larnarche of Agin- court died at Ajax-Pickering General Hospital on NovemWr 15 1990. 5h. was 72. ëhe was berri on August 8, 1918 in Montreal, Que., daughter of Thomas' P. and Dorothy (Thompson) Log<an. She married Adrien Lamarche on June 14, 1941 in Montieal. A longtime' Toronto resident she was a member of tiie Royal Canadian Liegion and Annuia tion of Our Lady.. She is survivedi by her daughter Jeanne L. Rlberdy and son Ovila T. Lamarche. She was predeceased by her husband, brother William and sister Isabel . lDier. Funeral services w.re beld in Whitby on November 19, 1990, Father O'Brien conducting. Interment at Resurroction ceme- tery. ~ CrfsmasOpen HouSe Dates to Reember. Thurs. Nov. 29 & S Fr1. Nov.30 '1 lam tolOpm Pâ PIcelnda Anderwso' RRit iBrooklln (4POuRL off cmatiaRË I ObituariesI ~) REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE DURHAM CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMVENT EXTENSION 0F TRUNK SANITARY SEWERS TO SERVICE THE COMMUNITY 0F BROOKLIN IN THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The Regional Municipality of. Durham is undertaking a study to determine the alignment for thé future extension of a trunk sanitary sewer required to service the community of Brooklin to the existing sewerage system in the Town of Whitby. The project is subject to the Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Sewage and Water Projects and a planning process apr dby the Ministry of the Environment is being foilowed. A public information centre to discuss the project anid to seek public input will be held: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1990 3:00 P.M. TO 6:00 P.. AND 7:00 P.M. TO 9:30 P.M. BROOKUIN COMMUNITY CENTRE 45 CASSELS ROAD EAST BROOKUJN Staff of the Region of Durham and Proctor & Redfem Limited wili be in attendance to answer questions. Under the terms of the Class Envlronmental Assessment, written or oral comments from the public and review agencies will be reoeived and addressed in the evaluation of the proposed trunk sanitary sewer routes. If significant environmental impacts are identified or objections are receiVed which cannot be resolved, provision exists for the Ministry of the Environment to be requested to change the project status to an individual or full Environmental Assessment. This is termed a "Bump Up" and can be requested by any agency. group or individual member of the public. Further information can be obtained from: MR. KEN THOMPSON, P.ENG. REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM WORKS DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE (416) 668-7721 8:30 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. MONDAY TO FRIDAY G. HERREb4A, . .i.< W.A. TWELVETREES, P.En- . REGI0N9LýCHAIf4MN'" COMMISSIONER 0F WORKS

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