Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Nov 1990, p. 18

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PAE9WITBY FIEE PREU WMWEDN8DAYm ffl P,21,10 (lunilaproves prvae, Muaoikup-servie By Mii, Kowall A private company wiIl assume responsibilityfor collecting Whtb'1"bueboxes»during the =next 13 montho. Town council lat woek appro- ved an operations comnil tee rocmmondation that Muscilo Transport Ltd. of Kleinburg be hired for the job beginning in Docember.' It wll cost the Town $28É.948 te, cover WNhys portion-'of a co-operative tender put out by Duiam àwon mumucipatis TIe. tondorwas nessaitatedi 4y the planned elosin of Dur- hum Recycling Centre lato'r this month., Tho centre w as responsiblef~ blue box collection in' Durham but failureo te win a long-terz cornmitmont of work from th' R.egp»on forced the centres boar4 of iretor toceas. operations.I Although the . gon s worké department will take over blué box processing operations Dec. 1, loa municipalities muet colloct blue boxes inithirar'ea.' Councillor Tom Edwards wai the:only one ooppose the recom- Edwards disiputed dlaims that private service will Bave Whitby residents money. Even though tho Région will covor tho cost of collecting the blue boxes,' Edwards naid local taxpayers wvill stilI pay for il; through the Regions portion of their taxes. Ho mid the issue of contract- ing out Whitbys garbagecolec- tion ha crojipd p thredif- feront timos m the past 27 years and in each case it -was more economical for the Town 'te pick up its own grae necou pr tn por pick-up~ was botter for taxpayers thun that put forward by pivate con- tractors» saîcÉdardfs, He argued ~ tblue.bocle- tion shouùld tb.Ipaosed o n to local muni ialitios simply becausogpe collection is a local responmiibty "It shc>uI To done rogion- wie»suid Edwards, adding that contrating o it will only lead to rblom an~ osing conîtrol over prgam. Edwards alo criticized a pro- visionof th en"der which aflows the private c ompany to use Riq1on trcw at a nominal cost. "I uspctMorcello Transport has nover recoived a Christmnas peet likoit wl get Dec. 1,18 trucks paid for by Duhami Rogion taxpayers.» Councillor Itoss Batten coun- terod that contracting out the service waa nec$sar «fyou reallywat ontrol anàd *have someono Worriod about the bottom Uine, ýgâve it to private enterprise'azny timo, sald Bat- ton. He compare the situation at Durham Rcylin tothat ofa 4«car out Of control. "It was an open cheque book. TIhe Rgon said wo have te bring garbageecollection and recycling undor control "» Batten naid the 13-month con- tÏact *111 give munlclpalities time te ,assese how the now system ifs working without being committod te a long-term deal. Councillor Jo. B lIH dis- agreed with Edwards atut sav- nig rnonoy wlth a private opera- tor. Bugelli said it wlll cost 40' conta! lesrhoumohold In Whitby or $177.O for the . me service promvlded by Durham Both ho and Mayor Bob Atters- loy said even more money could' be saved by loesfroquent pick- ups, every two weeks as opposed te wekLyservice. But -Town treasurer. AI Cluringbold naid the tender spe- cifles weekly collections. Coumcillor Marcel Brunelle mid the Région was Mcaught mhort" by the recycln centWe' deciuion te close and- had no alternative but te take the actions it did. .. Hopefully ,in the. noxt 13 monti we cari move ahead,» mid Brunelle.. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOICE SIDEWALI< SNOW CLEARING DargleVintr monts, t ris Aindt&mmeMs mmh. mioiali s in' h i on 0 f WtiIb. lae h. ad t dmatSuToin wI t *h. esosbb 1«oram dnescausedby munlc. dd mlsiwmeC"rboa equlpmt tb mbetsschnwood, oncesor bridveay.dg0 _heg o shnbe fnce, iduowob"eckpaed by reseton pblc = . dlownom er or a4umt t fie sldowalk. Repaira bdanagedsod wII be undarlken by Rie Tom#nas denid necesaa. Shouldyou require adilru nionnatio, pimese=a us. Vomir conânued co-opmraon la epredwed PUC WORICS DWARTMT OPERATNS CENTRE @08-37 ____ s Tow wants court injunction. to have ferryboat removed By Mike Kowalakl ts efforts by the. fedorul govern- Only if an emerecy occw 1urred The Town of Whltbiy wlll seek ment, or ti. threat of Imminent danger a court iuijunction te, rid the Town officiaIs were not aware existed could the. overnment hurbor of the derelict ferry boat. that th. oentwsle t ek, action. Town council luat woek m ec ng oknfees from R~obinson. Howevor, Town adinistrator ted ils solicitor te seek a manda- As for the PCBO, foderal regmz- BOi Wallace told council the tory irlunction which would force lations stipulate that as long as govorMent la bringlng forward boat owner Art ]Robinson te .the transformera are considered new rogulations naxt yoar a'tbat removo the Prince Edward operable, the governmont cannot wJIl1 "iUIYadrssthe.Pjro- Isadfry from the. harbor. order their removal.bem Council aopted the advice of$2fo Th.n layer David b..s Uat a $23 1;* onfrUntd T a court lt»juntion would proveo m ilo v a more effective than a conviction for tresuing. * yTruiIO aadoi«Recent donations by Whitby ibimsoibu been charged The Coshawa-Whutby-Nowcau- U5n ncluded $1,500 from under. the. provincial tle United Way cumpa*gn ha ofthouse Brasa, $265 from Mc for havinîg the. boat dckedat Moff icially» ended, about.1pe Swiah Maintenance, $1,000 from theharor.cent below the goal of $3 milion. Sandoz and $415 frcom Duntri Thl teea. n har geora Thun far, !2,370 000 hua been Constructon. Thetrepasingchage asraiso.Anne Knuel ,dietr of Rab Owens, aIUJ schedul.d te b. hoard in provin- teedaqay anr* liitsy 5a 'lanuns ciad,-offencS court earlier this 'un msiu ta te oa.ar ne rnonth -but waadjourned oUIavbut Q opiit iIti Oal frece lcome.T im . se.dWa Mdarch 4, 19919,tte allow ]Robinson ~~ofc aa 2iceS.S Although Sima recommended ttiete ran onchrgesPro m o s é ho laidthe. maximum fine isn Cr 8 e t a $1,000 and a justice of the pouce Morrow also id that tie would have no authority teo rder FROM PAGE 1 issu. would have te b. discussed th ve ineun re onisra t he ii.Town was that TSN hawiti all current les uera. t by a civil court and Robison in a l ihu fa Mucini rne roed to toleviso gamem delermine if muci, a undertaln orded te remove the boat, ho nato lWwt im contract would ing upon their uneof would in contempt of court Ibis year and a promise of a the ice. should h. fui! te comply witi 1h. flve-year contract af~.ter t'ha. It makos it apparent that terme. They would televise the game of there la a groat dea! more infor- Possible penalties could in- the. week and the playoff. mation.we need before we cari clude fines and/or imprisonment. "laye interest is - provon,» deal wit Iis intelligently," nid l he Prince Edward Island hamid Duegnan. Ho mid tiiattli& councillor Tom Edwirds.- been a thorninh councils saide for team would play 18 games, witi Councillor Denmis Fox auked the. past *four years as varlous n. of those games played at when the. agu would play and lovels of govornment battled over homo. how soon te would neod an which wa respnsible for ordor- He mid the three major advan- answer. ingitsremovul. ltagos would b. te provide "The longue la scioduled te goeboat was origmnally des- national mediaexpoure have tart i Januarty, 1991 and run tined for the. Caribbean as a major sports atta ted ro- te Aprfi,M midDignan. "Playoffai floatinggenerating station until quois Park, and te provide aIl would b. weekends hm a round- tii. deàfl througii levels of lacrosse te Whitby. robin format." He muid the noed However, the préence of PCB- Mie committo. membéesea- an answer as soon as possile. contaminated oil in the. vesselsa knowledgod the. bonefits of suci "I hate te<fprovide fime commit- two transformera has resultod in a franchise in Whli jbtte ens"n orw renewed efforts by lie Town te have major .,concernu.o, ver ti. « have te, meel with ice users. remove lie boat. exponditure foë- 'thelloorý as well If tiie Town is purmuing the. PCBs (polychlorinaled astietimeandipc* Îidirtil. acquisition of carpet or boards, I bipiienyls) were conlained i ils ciel flooring wouldlnývolve. cant se. il happenin.g until 1991 used as coolants for- electrical Staff m embers.also have major due te, budget àationsý transformera and .caactors- concernW-thh e requs.Duignan sid that, i hat made belween 1930 and 1977. "Tii. coaI cf acquisition scared case, Te. franchise would b i Tests have linked PCBs to us, and lie cost of storagre," jeopardy Ibis year. causing cancer and cther healti LarrY Morrow, director of P.rs 'This group ha made a suffi- problems in animale. and recreation, teldco ile cient impact in communily The. trespassing. chargewa members. "Two years ugo w. umlty," mu1 Edwards. "Ils a lai fllwin li.h rboe awau looked aI il and-il would lake exciling concept, Canada'm sification as a email craft harbor anotiier building te store il (the nationai o and lie boat earlier thie year, lierebv ig floor). I heer space il la an 85 x players. I ehould b. given lie municipality controg f lie 185 (ft. floor eurface. *hInvestigation." walerfronî. "Il would lake tire. and a haif 8 ameniberi were direc*ed to The Town iiad tried te force hours te instalI and lwo Iraclor review lie malter and report Robinson te movo lie boat lwo trailors te do il. Thei mrnl true back t e i. com mile s on as #f1j~5W1ff~btJtfW5qtJiy1IJjrjp,.f9; P 'fW 1s 5te».V W Éa 4V» -À,eà47 4w 7 THE CORPORATION 0F ... . T.HE TOWN OF ýWHITBY NOTICE Srmw Romovul For Senior Citens In. Town of Whkby h oowcdnabng a amierm0a1pgm o Senio OltzmnswimhNg to have cfrivWay e waIImi clod.nTho Senltgas' AcdvltyCongehmirecnit.d"eh àjlswho are wllng Io 9"o deths ic.Amiy senir i the Toin of Whlby equ#ls- sericesh l u ieSsilm'Actly Centreat 668-7919 boteen Mi horsofi OO a.m. and 5.Wp.m. woehdays. PuBUC IuonuoEPATE~*NT OPERATIONSCENTRE *é0084037 THE CORPORATION 0F TETOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE ON4TREET PARKING& WINTER ýSNOW CLEARING To ass"t wýToenof VWln keeplng *», street. der of amie, 1the isie- c!0 operate byM akighiamanner lthatwiil rul , "es --- Twno di niber - «ýKqfer ncplBsnow dearugoeain.TeTa fW ha a, Tralfic y-lai, By-Isw 16-0,Riat MMs, inpart, Rie folloing: No esn Mda on any hlhway park uny vehicle for more than Rires No peotishal on any hlghway stop airy vehicie i such a manner as to hInrfrewib Ri ovement o0Mf tior Rie dearing of snoie from Rie Nhas Section 234- A Provincial Offences Officr appointed for the. oerry4n out of the provisions ai Rtis by-law, upon clscovery of any veNdle parked, stoppldor standing in contravention of this by-Iawý may cause R t ta1e mdor taen îdanded or stored in asuitable plIaceand al cas and'dhaIe- for remo»ving. cure and storage thereof. if any, are a lien uponth. vehicle which rriay b. enfored Mn Rie manner provided by #iie4eý a Ws Lien Act aes may be amended from tine o U lme. Shoudy Li"re adcitional information. p leaoilus. Vour oaç o-opemain is'apprsdated. PUBLICWORKS DEPARTMENT ~PEAT1NSCENTRE 00683437 a a r t

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