Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Nov 1990, p. 26

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PAGE 26, 'W! TBMUEPRES8% NESAY-j NOVMBE-14, Ù9 I *.~.*.* -t ~ I - ~ I *~. .. -I ~ _________ _________ :«:~*:».:...:.: b U .. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS SAT., NOV. 17 -10 A.M. Large antique estate sale, gargeeus dining roam. stos, 5 qaiybedroam stes., circulai g lass china cabinets. Sbn.i et ORVAL MOLEAN - AUC ON CENTER - LINDSAY. Preperty ot Mrs. Foster Graham, long time rosident of Fenelon Fells & the lae Mrs. RB. Bond, contents ot ige. summer estate on Sturgeon Lake. Fentestic selection cf- Victorien fumniture, 2 round oak tables, caw foot & 2 sets oak chairs, hundreds et antiques & coileotibles. Col- lection of over 40 Book et Knewledge c1950 Mechanical Banks, Victorien cranberry glss Drssden figurines, pr. Royal Dux; figurns 2 RylDoulton figurines, Limoges dinner services, Tliff eny-style leaded Iamps, pine fatbeck cupboard, jam cupbeard, ~3e. oak carved hlilseet. Partial list. ýne at our Urgest & most intorestin sales of the season. For info or tlyer, caîl: ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS (705) 3242783 LINDSAY AUCTION SALE 0F ANTUQUE TELEPHONES & NOSTALGUA ITEMS! SAT., NOV. 17 AT 10 A.M. Selling a large privte collection et antique telephones and nastalgia items at "KAHN COUNR AUCTIONS" en Brook Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north et Hwy. #401 (exit #399). Sale includes a 20-year privats collection oetmn rare and one et a kind items sc as: 2 Blake 3-box phones (188Os), 2-2 box phonos, 1879 Charles Wiliams switchboard, 40 single box phanes, 2 Grocer phoes, 10 candlestick phonos, meny uniqus pay phonos, several phono bo'rs, varous dosk phonos, q uantity of 9oad porcelain signs&pses pinba1 machines, seme toys, and othr phono reiated items. Auctionoor's note: This is a rare appertunity for al antque telephone buff s. DON'T MISS IT. Torms: cash, choque (with ID) or Visa. No reserves. Owner meving. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES 1-416-683-0041 OR 416-985-8161 CORNEULS AUCTION BARN FRUDAY, NOV. 16 AT 6 P.M. Large hall stand (lion head hooks), pine bonnet chest, wicker chairs, German Mauser rifle (1871). mentie and steeple dlocks, church pews, Edison cy linder gramophone, upholst ered chair, blenket boxes, argan & piano stoals, marble top washstand, book case, antique ail Iamp, chandelier, apen-face -wash- stand, 9 pc. Qusen Anne style dining roomn suite, Hoosier kitchen cupboard, 8 h.p. John Deere snowblawer, qty. of art books, pet- ternod ceai oiî lamps & chimney s, sterling depression glass, cracks, china & glass. DON & GREG CORNEUL RR #1, LITTLE BRITAUN (705) 786-2183 AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" - every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north cf Hwy. 401 (Exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine turniture, glass, china, coliectibles, primitives. and the unusuals. Sa loin us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's "true" auctians with no buy-backs or reserves. "Consignment & estate selîing our specialty." Caîl us today. Previews ftrom 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTUON SERVICES (416) 683-0041 SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION SAT NOV. 17 AT 6:30 P.. PET'HCK ÂUCTUON BARN, HAYDON, ONT. 10 MILES NE. 0F OSHAWA, EVERY SAT. NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M. This week contents af 2 local homes ta include: tridge, steve, freezer, 9 po. dining suite, Amherst piano, living raom suite, new unlinished pife turniture, pool table, pr. wicker chairs, oak secretary desk, mahog1any pie crust table, pine bonnet chest, plus lots mare turniture te unload. Lots ef colleotibles and china. 1979 Cedillao Rleetwood seld certified. For more info, cal 416-263-4252. Sale managed and sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS lIAN1T. ___ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY cD UTSTArNODUNG ALÀICT I CN « FURST UN WHITBY AREA TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION ANTIQUES, ESTATE FURNISHINGS CLASSIC. REPRODUCTIONS, COLLECTOR'S GLASS. POhCELAUN, PAUNTINGS, ETC. ETC. Very partial listing.'Foaturlng magient p.mhoganyrigetwh g:r tiied lasschina cabinet, banquet table, six nibbon-backed chairs and et absolutely beautiful;' 9 p. walnut buibous Uog ciner plus othors to select fromi Interosting pcB. include magnificent Victorien throe seater sofa with double humps - must be seen, Orientai plant stands, Victorien gentleman's chair, Royal Doulton figurines, knee-hole desks, pie cruat tilt, top fables, wing chairs, cedar chests, pine kitchenette set, mahogany poster belibrary tables, Oriental soapsoe maiets, dressers, mîrrors, 'cfrum tables, Oriental area rugs, partor lamps, spinnet desks, hall consoles, pictures, Oriental gold-leafded soreen, porcelain plantera, bookoases, Queen Anne curio cabinet smali, odd chairs, step tables, country coffee table, sword collectible1 antique slgnod doîl Chupponidale ieather-top carved end tables, china cabinets, Victoian mille topped coffee table, bric-a-brac, bronze statuary unique tray topped three "Do carved coffee table, globe bar, Victorian outlor planter with heads, etc. etc. AUCTION: THURSDAYI NOV. 159 1990 AT 7:00 SHARP VIewi ng tram 6:00 p.m. day of sale LOCATION: KNIG HTS 0F C OLUMBUS HALL (WHITBY) 133 Brook Streot N. TERMS: Cash, Visa or choque with .D.- AUCTION BY COUNTRY AUCTIONS Note: Accepting consignments day of sale from 2:00 ta 5:00 p.m. with no buy-baks or reservos. Thank you. AUCTIONSj......... ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS SAT. DEC. 1 -10 A.M. 21ST AI4NUAL SNOWMOBULE AUCTION AT ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTION CENTER - LINDSAY Now accepting consignments et snowmobiles, cars, trucks, 4 x 4s, piows, snowblowers, riding gardon trecters, RV, matorhomes, con- struction & waodworking equîp., tarm machine y, tracters. One ot the Iargest& longest runninp snowmobiie auction ovents. Don t miss this opportunity te turn your unused machine inte cash. Expecting- 40-50 snowmobilos. Consign by NOV. 22 ta advortise your sied. 89-250 Skldoo Safari, 89 Skidoo Citation, 74 Skideo 340 TNT, 71 Sno-cruuser, 68 Sno- cruiser, 86 ChrysUer conversion van, 65 Valuent, Foôrd 8N tractor with chains & blae, 65-Mustang, 81 cube van with reefor,18 tibergîass boe 130 Chrysier& tradler. Partial list. Cail now te conslgn. ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTIONS (705) 324-2783 LINDSAY AUCTION SALE SAT. NOV. 17 AT 5 P.M. AT ODbFELLOW"S HALL IN PORT FERRY Estate o etCcul Walls et Oshawa p lus consignments. Cortitied 1988 Le Baron, 73 Motoski, excellent biantique furniture, dishes, miUk btes, collectibles, ike-new chesterfield suite, appliances, air- tight steve, turnituro, bar and stools and much more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 ARE YOU OPEN FOR BUSINESS? THE CLASSIFIEDS Thre classitetd pagos are for evetyoflP whethet you are Wv sell ifla r bu 'ng PLACE VOUR AD TODAYI HTYFREE PRESS 668-6111 NOTICE TO CREDITORS» AND, OTHERS ESTATE 0OF WALTER JOHN LOVELL Ail persans having claims against the 'estate of 'Walter John LovelU, deceased, late 'et the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipaîity of. Durham, who died on or about the l8th day of November, 1988, are hereby notified to send t hem ta the undersigned, duly verified, on or befre the 28th day of November, 1990. After which date the assets of the above-named estate will be distributed amnong the persons 'entitled thereto, having regard only ta dlaims of which' the adminustrator shaîl thon have notice. DATED at Whitby this 24th day of October, 1990. SCHILLING, EVANS Barristers and Solicitors 330 Byran Street South Whitby, Ontario LiN 5 Si Solicitors for the Administrator NOTICE 0F INTENT TO DESIGNATE in The. matter 0f The. Ontario Herbtage Act, R.S.0. 1980, c.337 And In The Matter 0f Lands And Promises At The Foilowlng Municipal Address In The. Province 0f Ontario TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to designate the property, includlng lands and buildings, at the foiiowing municipal address as property of historic and architecturai value or interest under Part IV of the Onttaio Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980,c. 337 The. Gr.on-Lswler Hou.. 616 King Strt WHITBY, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 616 KING STREET, WHUTBY UITOR The Green-Lawler House was buit in 9B76 by William Green, a wealthy gentleman. Mr. Green died in 1884, but the tamily continued to own the, house until 1901 when it was sold to Arthur Thomas Lawler. Wr. Lawlr was an active member of Town Council in 1902, 1903 and 1905, and Mayor in 1906. Mr. Lawier was aiso a member of the Whitby Board of Education for 20 years. ARCHITECTURAL The Green-Lawier Nouse s a large two-storey brick home. t contairs several features of the Loyalmt-Georgian tradition, including symmetrical elevations, two windows on each aide cf the central doorway and a gabied roof. The rakdng tnim on the gables, speciflcally the gable ends of the main block of the house, are a4gmented by large boards which have intricate scrolied ornament appIied to the wood skirt. Any person may, before Deceffiber 14, 1990, send by regstered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby, notice of bis or her objection to the proposed designation together with a statement of reasons for the objection and alU relevant facts. If such notice of objection is received, the Counicii of the Corporation of the Town ef Whitby shall refer the matter to the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. DATED at the Town of Whitby this l4th day of November, 1M,. Donald G. MNcKay Town Cierk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossîand Rod East WHITBV. Ontario LUN 2hM PHONE: (416> 668-5803 PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place te go when your bnk says "NO"7 Sorving Whitby snco 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. ARE YOU KAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of ege, poor driving record, or suspension of license? Perhaps we cen help. Phono 666-2090. B UYING A HOME? Work with David J.» Roney, Sales Reprosentativo for NRS Realty One Inc. Fuil-time, dedicated service for purchasers. 436-1800. LOTS - CRESSER AVE. 80 t. x 150 tt. Enquire et 31 Lakeridge Road. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL $20 service char ge is back until Dec. 24, 1990. Repairs to washers, dryers, stoves, dishwashers and murowaves. Cail 683-8519 or 430-7382. Sevwing Machine Rpairs Ail Makes Complote Tune-up $]39.95 Reconditioned Sewing Machines tram $59.00 TOPLUNE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400 ing St. W. Oshawa ¶ - . . ~,-, 4un clair mwmmwmwmmmmý MRwwý 1 .........................

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