Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Nov 1990, p. 24

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PAG 2, KITYFEKprES8% WetSAY, NOVEMBER14,1990 RAI. 'ARTCLESI ~5V~IAPARMENT __________ __A__AL--_ CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR made by Sterling. Like. new. Traditional style, 3 seat, Sreen/gold. $550. Caîl alter 4 p.m. MATTRESSES and box Springs at hait prico. -McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. NEED HELP PLACING your ad? Cal Joanne, Whtby Free Press, 668-0594. 1984 GMC CITATION 23 ft. motorhome, certified. TIlR, cruise, roof air, rear bedroom, corner bath, stereo, GB. Runs excellent, ready for Florida. Cai 324-2783 or 1-800-461-6499. EXECUTIVE HOME, WHITBY. Large, well-decorated home. Bright atmosphore. $350 per month, utilties included. 666-8210. PLANNING TO SELL your home? Interview David J. Rloney of NRS Reafty One lnc. 8 years' experience and ful-time commitment. 436-1800. FORECLOSURE SALE - Oshawa executive home, lot 60 x 200, heated concrete pool. Now renting for $1,500, plus utilities. $279,000.-985-7930. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS' SAT NOV. 17 -10 A.M. REAL ESIATE AUCTION AT 120 ANGLELINS ST. S., LINDSAY Older 2-story homne, concrets block construction, 4 bedrooms with watk-up attic. Lge. kitchen with plenty of cupboard space, Iivg - roomn & family zoom. OversiZed 124' x 80' treed lot. Excellent location situated near aquatorium, college, new arena, medical bklg. Bus ad front door ta nearby shopping mail or down- town. Great potential. Flouse needs some T.LC. Property selling as is subi ect ta reasonable reserve. $5.000 deposit, balance 30 days. Property must be sold to settle estate. Shown by apointment. To view or for f lyer, cali: BROOKUN, 2 .LARGE 1-bedroom apartments. Fridge, stove.* Hydro extra. Immnediate occupancy f required. Rentlng for $600 andé $625. First & last months' rent. Cal 655-4544, or evenings 655-8989. LARGE, BRIGHT, CLEAN ans bedroomý basement apartment (Rossland/Taunton) - ftireplace, drapes, kitchen, shower, share laundry. Non-smokor preferred. $650/month, utilities included. Cal 725-7474. NEW TWO BEDROOM apaît- ment in Whitby. 1,000 sq. ft., 4 appliances, $850 per month. Only stops to GO train and 401. 668-8551. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in triplex. Living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom. Common coin- oetd washin chine* and located in Whitby ln',wei establlshed, residential area. 1 btock from shppng, echools, library and buses. A" liable Jan. 15. $640/month plus hydro. For appointmnent please calI 668-4542. LARGE EXECUTIVE-style homo for ront. Availabte Dec. t. Phono 668-0451 alter 6 p.m. BROOKUN - 10 ROOM century homne. 4 bedrooms, largo lot, central location. $1.250 plus utilities. Cati 655-3321. WHITBY - 2 BEDROOM town- house avallable immediately. $860, p lus utilities. 4 applianices, carpot, finished basement. 668-8946. EXECUTIVE HOME - northwest Cshawa, Rossland/Summe(ville aiea, available Nov. $1,250' plus f irst & last. 985-7930 after 6 p.m. WHITBY. - RAVINE. Lovingly maintained oxecutive 4 bedroom, greenhouse kitchen, 2 firelaces, hugo roc. room, famnily rom w i-out ta dock, mn-g round rpool, treos, close ta GO. $1,350+. 666-3794. OSHAWA (noar Oshawa Centre). Clean 3 bedroom freehold town- home. Close toalal amenities. Weil decarated - move-in condition. $900 plus utilities. 666-8210. LARGE, CLEAN,' BRIGHT 2 bedroom aatmn.Executive area of WityClose ta ail amenities. $80ï uiiies included. Please calI 666i-8210. WHITBY - LARGE one bedroom apariment available Dec. 1. $587 monthly. Includes fridge,' stove, aerkinp and utilities. Apply: 110 V ictona St. W. 666-0271. BROOKUN STORE on the main street. Available Jan. 1, 1991. CalI Herb 985-0856, or Dave 430-7341.- AJAX - PRIME OFFICE space. 600 sq. ft. available. Excellent location. 683-7515. BROOKUN - STORE for rent. Beautiful interior, new carpet. Hydro -extra. $600 per month. Cati 655-4544 or evenings 655-8989. OFFICES FOR RENT downtown Whitby at 4 cornera. Second floor. Suitable for lawyer, doctor's office,- accountant, etc. 200 ta 2,000 sq. ft. 623-5524. BUILDING SPECIAL clearance. 20x2Oft., $2,900; 24x24ft.,$3,100; 28x36ft., $4,500; 32x36f1., $4,900; 36x48ft., $6,900; 40x6Oft.: $8,800. Caîl 985-.7930. ... ... .... ... ...... ... ... .. . ... .. 85 BUICK CENTURY LTD 'agon - dark blue with wood grain, dar blue interior, f uily ioadod, third seat, Zebarted, 86,000 miles, original owner. $5,400. 427-2170. 1990 PONTIAC SUNBIRD. 4 door, Michelin tires, deluxe sterea, air. $10,500. Must bu sold. Cati 324-2783 or 1-800-461-6499. 85 CHEV. CELEBRITY. 4 door, 6 cylindor, maroon with maroon intorior. Air, PW/PL, rust proofed, 68,000 km. Oile ownor. $5,400. 427-2170. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS COMING EVENT? Cati 1980 PONTIAC WAGON, 324-2783 LINDSAY 668-6369, Whitby Fiee Press. automatic, PS/PB, air, cruise, AM/FM cassette. $650 or best offer. Catl,666-1781. ELSTON, EWART EDWARD. Family g athered et the Martyn Funoral -ome ln North, Bay on Wefdnesday, Nov. 7, as Rov. Stan Hibbins conducted -a- private service ln memoryo Ewr Edward Elston. Paibarers were Alvin, Ross and Norman Mason, Terranco and Ronald Elston and Bill lreland. Interment followed at Terrace Lawn Cemotery. Born ln Crediton Devon, England July 8, 1900, Ewart was the son of the late Mabel and Edgar Elston; Ewart came ta North Bay at the age of nine, where ho later met and mfarried Catherine Diggles. Mr. Elston worked as a CNR- ticket agent for 45 years. Formerly of 580 Rose Ave., North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Elston in rocent years have buen living et 100 Glen Hill Dr. in Whitby. Ewart will bu dearly missed by his son, Richard, and his wife Karen. Lovingly remembured byhi s grandchild ren Perry and Carol'y n. Sadly missod by his brother Ken and sister Pet, both of North Ba. Predeceased- by his brother Reg inald. Ewart died quietly aI Whitby Gênerai Haspital on Sunday, Nov. 4, 1990. Ho was in his 9lst year. CHRISTMAS GIFT SALE - Gift baskets, bunnies, Christ mâï mugs, wreaths and crafts. Saturday, Nov. 17, 10,a.m. -- 4. m. at 7692 Ashburn'Road, Brooli'n. 655-30t' CRAFT SALE - SUNDAY, Nov. 18 from, 1 - 4 p.m. al 39 Michael Blvd., Whitby. OPEN HOUSE CRAFT SALE. Saturday, Nov. 24,- 10 a.m. ta 7 p.m. 16 lnglenook Court, Whltby. 666-2557. ï GaI1 Us NcwI LOST BLACK& GREY short- haired tabby caL. Has a white tip on end af tai. Has been miss-ng since Sunday Oct. 28 from Reynolds st.-CLiego Downs are a. Roward. 668-7421. Sacred Heart of Jesus for favors. rocelved. May, the. Sacrod 1Heait'ofW Jesus .bu adlorod, glorifled, 'loved and preserved throughout the world nowand 'fore ver. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for 'us,, St. Judo workor of miracles pray for us. St. Judo helper of the hopeless, pray for, us. Say t his prayer, nine tîmes a day. By t ho eighth day your p rayer will bu answere, regardless of how hopeless your situation seems. Publication must bu promised. CJ. WANTED - MEN & WOMEN ta, lose weight eating choc. chip, cal- meal & peanut butter "Nutritional Diet Cookies". 1 iost 32 Ibà. in 6 weeks. and earned. $6,200/ part-time (Dan). "Lose weight, feel great, don't watt.w CalI- Orma' 668-8944, MarIons 430-2832. WOMEN IN' ABUSIVE relationships. For help, cal the, Denise House for Womon and,ý Children. Toîl free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. (Formier.ly Auberge,) BIRTH CONTROL and familyý planning counsolling. Fresý and, confidentia-ýl, ---availabLe Mondayt. Friday, 8:30 arn. ta 4:30 p.m. Clinic every Thursday 3:00 p.m. ta 6 p.m.- For fuît her information, caîl - 420-8781 or 433-8901. BAHAI BEUEVE: Thus have We instruicted thee, manif ested unto thee Words of Wisdom, that thou maest- bu thankful unto the Lorýdh God, and glory therein amidstail people. Call 668-8665. THANKS TO ST. JUDE for prayer answored. BJ. ST. JUDE O HoIy St. Judo, Apostle and Mryr, greaI In*virtue and rich ln miracles noar Kinsman of JosusChrist, fat6ful Intorcessor of ail, who invoko your specia patronage In timfe of need, to you I have recourse f rom -the depth of my heart and hum~ beg ta whom God' has givon suce h groat power ta come ta my assistance. Holp me on my prosent urgent petition; iln returnI promise ta make yaur name known and cause you ta bu invaked. Sa three Our Fathers, three ~ HlMays and Glorias. St. Judo pray for us and ail wha invako yaur aid. Amen. Must bu told for nine consecutive days. GMCD. à- 1

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