Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Nov 1990, p. 12

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pÂdÉ Ü~, * yKoe N, i r Non-profit, communlty groups whlch are baIn. *Whitby or have a substantiai Whltby membership may place their upoomlng meetings or activifles on thts page at no cost. Profit making or non-W1ttbyç followIno week's Insertion lu Frday at Sp.m. MENGSILVER AND SAINEP"LPSY LUNCIJEON 3rd Thursday Breakfast is -a women's network which meets monthly at the Old Munich Caf.. The next meeting is Nov. 15 at 7:30 a.m. Joanne Argente, the guest speaker, wills' peak on Christmas decoratinr. Members and guests are we écorne. Cal 723-1142 for information and reservations. EUCBRE Ladies Auxiliary Branch #112 Euchre wiil b. onfThursday, Nov. 15, 8 pm. at the Royal Canadian Làegion, Br. #112, 1:17 Byron St. S.3, Whitby. Admission ia $2 per persan with. cash primes and lunch available. There wiil be no euchre in December. DOWN SYNDROME The Durharn Down Syndrome Association will hold their monthly meetinn Nov. 20, 7:30 p..at Witby\Baptist Churc rj ibert St.,%Whtb. Gueest speaker will --b. Linda Watson, director of Grandview Treatment Centre, Oshawa. She will discuss servces available throghthe centre. Cail 832- 8300( Pickering for more infor- mation. MEETING Durham Business & Professional Women's Club wil b. holding their next meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 21 et the Club. Loeey, 389 Dean Ave, Oshawa. Recptin i at6 p.m., dinner 6:45 p.m. Guest speaker wiilb. Rene So.tens, M. Topic for discussion wil b.4'Current Political Topic of Interest.'Diniler pnieu are $25. (members), $25 (non-members). Reservations muet b. made in advance b calling cmof0<the foilowing.i Mijori. Green, 686-2085, Fra Taylor, 985-4451, Karen Graham, 427223,Joyce Maruhail at 668-5504 or- Dineh Howe at 430-1944ý or"write to: DBPWC, P.O. BK 222, Ajax, Ont., LS 3C3. SANTA SUITS lb. Wihitby Jaycettes are again renting Santa Claus suite for the holiday season. Coet of rentaI for a 24-hour period is $40 plus a $20 deposit. lb. suit package tacludes: jacket, pants, spats, beIt, bat, wig and beard, bells and a sack. For more information or te, reserve a suit, cail C.c. Wagar et 668-1612. Reserve .arly te avoid disappointment. FASHION SHOW A 'Holiday Spirit Fashon Show' will b. presented by the Fashion Retail Administration students from Durham Coilege on Wednesday, Nov. 21, noon (lunch included) and at 7 p.m. (dessert and coffe included), tn the Durham Coilege dining room. Paricipating retailers include: Catherine Lyonds, Daphnes, Sth Ave. Jeweilery, Images, Northern Reflections, Paula Lishunans and Tuxedo Town. Tickets available at Images- for - $15. For more WorMation, oeil 576-0210, ektension 521j - - - - ý- -- Olympic Games competiters Anne Ottenbrite and Leri Strong of Whitby and Terry Evanshen of Brooklin, former all-star receiver in the CFL, will be among models for the Silver and Satin Celebrity Night te b. held b the Durham Region chapter :1~ the Multiple Sèlerosis Societyo Canada at General Slkorski Hall, Oshawa, on Thursday, Nov. 15, 6:30 p.m. Tom Gibney of Whttby, CFTO-TV news anchor, will b. master of ceremonies. Tickets are $35 each available at Benja- min Barrett ýridal Boutique, 137 Byron St. N., Whitby and Audrey Janes ingeie& Parfumerie Shoppe, 135 Byron St. N., DRAUG Th. DRAUG (Durham PRegion Apple User Group) for Apple Il senies and compatible computers will meet at St. Andrews Presb*teian Church, 209 Cochrane St., Whitby, on Thursday, Nov. 15, 7 p.m. This month, Don Lindhourst will demonstrate <Publish It MI,' a deektop publishing progrem for use with an Apple Ife, and IIGS computers. New members are welcome. For further information, cail 427-8204 or 668-5022. WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS A pleasant socal club for widows and widowers will hold its next meeting on Sunday, Nov. 18, 7:30 p.m., in the 420 Wingo, Oshawa Airport. Dancing, shuffleboard, darta and carda. For more information call Ermi. at 683-2045 Forbes at 430-0130, Marion at 683-3855 or Ralph at 725-7203. PICK! SESSION Pineridge Bluegress Folklore Society will hold a pickin' session on Sunday, Nov. 18 from 2 te 5 p.m. at Camp Samac, Oshawa, at the main council hall, north entrance off Conlin Rd. Pickers, grinners and listeners are welcome to attend an afternoon of good dld bluegrass music. SUPPORT GROUP Fatrview Lodge Family Suppr Group is meeting on Wededy, Nov. 28 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium, lb. tepic for the evening is the. importance of recreational and leisure activities for the aged. Family members, friends, volunteers and staf are welcome te join. For more information, contact Heither Tim, co-ordinator of volunteer services et 668-5853, extension 49. FAREWELL RECETION j~~puepsy usnawa ~flQ £ir~u Chapter will hold a asPial meet- ing onF ga, Nov. 16,17:30 p.m., at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. Guest speaker I>.I4eil Hobbs will discuas 'iàving With Epi- lepsy.' Ail welcome to attend. Cal1436.3152 to pre-register. LADIES CLUB The Tuesday Mor'n Ladies Club will hold a râ'Cristmaf extravagaza on Slaturday, Nov. 17e il a.m. te 2 p.m. featuring Mickey Land new ciidren'sCIO- thing at warehouse prices sizes infant te 16, manty price from $3 te $5; Discovery toys; specials on baked goods, crafts, Avon, tupperware, Rgal, rummage items ABC toysanrd crystal. tek. Ierwood south te Clements, turn west on Clements, then south on Frazer Rd., east on Tanner Lane, te 1 Hayward Lane Co-op (recreation centre). For more information caîl 668-6674 or 427-6657. ORENTATION Big Sisters Newcastle-Oshawa- Whitby invite ail potential volun- teers te attend the monthly orientation night on Wednesday, Nov. 21, 7 te, 9 p.m,., at the Big Sisters office, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Caîl 436-0951 for mr information. DINNERANMDANCE Th. Dutch Canadian Club of Durham Region will hold a Sin- terklaas dmhner/dance at the Kinsmen community centre, Oshawa, on Dec. 1, 5 p.m. te 1 a.m. ickets are $25 per person. Caîl 576-5377. TeDurham Addiction Awareness Week bIc. will hold their opening cereony kick-off luncheon on Monday, Nov. 19, from noon te, 2 p.m., et the Holiday Inn, 1011 Bloor St. E., Oshawa. Guest speaker CpI. Jake White, RCMWP, wiil discues the drug scene in Durham. Registration fe. is $15 per person, which includes 'lunch and resources. lb. deadila.for vngmstiation is Nov. 9. For more in~aie, oei 523-6814 or 576-277. ROTAIY AUCTON LoAcal businesses and orgarizations are being given the oppotunity te have input into the lineup of items for the ninth annuel RotaXy Auction which takes place on Dec. 7 and 8. This todyaction wiil b. televised onRoers Community 10. Prior to the auction, a specàia supplementdis -rnelisting the items and donor=n time they wiil b. auctioned and the value. Items for the auctioui vazy, everything from automotive items, electrical tools and applian*es te dinner vouchers end tickets te gemes. Pickup of doaated items can be arranged byr celling Fenning ut 579-9412. Money raised through this aucticm in put into Rotary Club chanties such as the Oshawa GSeal HSpital, Ph"ysial Chaflenged Children <of hwa the 151 Chadburn Air quadron. Mense Hosel Services,=Dra Colleg Bursazy Fond, Durham Save-a-Hesrt, etc. For more infrmaion contact Day. Fenning at 579-9412., i SILENTAUMfON The University Women's Club of Oshawa and ]Disotrict will holda its. annual Silent Auction on Wednesdy, Nov. 14 at Kingsview United dhurçh, Oshawa. lb. bidding starta at 7:30 p.m. Monies raised wil provide funds for post secondaiy scholarships for Durham Region students. Admission is $2. Articles ulp for auction range. from theatre tickets ane. crafts to donatigns from local business professionals. For more information, cali 728-5578 or 575-7188. MBI IUI!E Big Brothers Association of O"hwa-Wliltby' wilb. holding an orientationsesson for perspectiîve big brothers and mothfers on lbursday, Nov. 15. For more information and regulations, calI 579-2551. SUPPORT GROUP WMEEIG lb. Head Irnjury Association of Durham Region wiIl hold a support group meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 21, 7:30 p.m., at the Whitbhr Baptist Church, 411 Gilbert St., Wbitby. Everyone is welcome. AA MEETING An Alcoholics Anonymous open meeting will b. held on Wednes- day, Nov. 21, 8 p.m., at Heyden- shore Pavilion. *.. .. ..... B azaa <.... -"..........~ COUNTRY CHRIgFMAS BAZAAR A Country Christmas Bazeer, presented by Holy Family Parish on Ribbleside Ave. in Whitby, will b. held on Saturday, Nov. 17, from 10 a.m. ta 2 p.m. Christmas items, baking, sewing, knitting dras, kid's games, bargain ban and a tea room will b. featured. CBAPT SALE lb. second annuel craft sale at Myrtle United Church will b. held on Saturday, Nov. 17, 9 a.m. te 4 p.m. There will b. a bake table, sewing, woodwork and crafla 0ofal kinds. Admission in free. Th. church ta located on Hwy 12 at Myrtle Station, north of Brooklin. BUSY HLANDS BAZAAR Busy Handa Bazear wlII b. held on Saturday, Nov. 24, 10.30 a.m. te 4 pan., at St. John the" Evangeliat Catholic Church, 903 Giffard St., Whitbyr, just off of Cochrane and Dundas St. W. There wiil b. unique gifl, crafts, Christmas decorations, white elephant and book table, tea rooen and bake goods. Ibis year ther. ta a apecial children'a room, where films wiil b. shown, and children ca buy gifte for up te $1. This baea st o »aizdby the church's Catholc Women7s Lague.- BUSY HANUS BAZAAR Th. St. John the Evangliet Church - Catholic Womnen's LegewiIl hold their annuel baeron Saturday, Nov. 24, from 10:30 te 4 p.an.t the church, 903- Gifferdf St., Whitby. Ther. will b. unique crafta, Christmas decorations, gift baskets, hadmade items, white elephant table and book nook. Aiso available wiil b. cady, baked goods and preserves. A 'peilfiaur will b. the cildren' room, where films wiII b. ahown throughout the- day. Boys and girls oaa purchase their own small gifla, from five cents to $1, at their own bazaer table. Itere will b. a- tea room for visitera to reat and socielize. CRAFTSALE!.' Col. J.E. Farewell public school, 810 McQuay blvdl., will hold a christnias craft sale on Sunday, Nov. 25, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. There will b. more than 40 tables of crafis. Admission is free. Proceeds go to sehool activi- ties. Westminster United Church, 25 Manning Rd., will hold the annuel bezaar on Saturday, Nov. 24, 1 te, 4 Pmn. lbere will b. crafla, home baking, tea room, sewiag, novelties, T-shirts, white qlephant,; candy, knitting and plantsÏavaile. Ai-webom.. ANNUAL FALL BAZAAR Providence Place Senior. iApartments, 100 Glen Hii Dr. S., Whitby (b.hind A & P) will. hold its annuel Fail Bazaaer on SaturdayNv.1 rom il a.m. te 3 pim.There will b.crafts, bake table, woodwork, white elephant table, plants and much mocre. A delicious lunch wiil be available for $3. CLAFTAUCTION lb. annual craft auction of Xi Delta Omega (crafts baked gooda and foodstuffs) wih b. held on WednesdayNo.14i at St. Bernadette, 41 Bayly St, Ajax. lb. auction starts at 7 p.m. Al weiome. RAEAN» CRAFT SALE R.formed Cliurch Womien are having a bake and craft sale on Nov. 24, 10 a.m. te 3 p.m. at EmmauelReformed Church, 401 Rossland Rd. W., Whitby. POTIERSGUIL» A Christmes pottery show and sale wiil b. held by the Ajax- Pickering Ptters Guild at the Pickering rec complez, Valley FarmRd. S. (off Hwy 2), on Novr. 30, 7 te 1Op.m. Dec. le 9:30 a.m., te 7 pan., "udec-. 2, iioon th'4, '1

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