Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Nov 1990, p. 30

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PAGE 0i, WHBY "M PREOS, WDNESDAWNOVEMBER7, 'M9 SATURDAY'8 AUCTION ACTION ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS BAT. NOV. 10 - 630 Pi.. AT DEC. 1 -10 A.M. PETflICK AUCTION BARN ANNOAL SNOWMOBILE HAYDON 10 MILES N.E. OPi! AUCTION AT ORVAL McLEAN OSHAWA ÈVERV BAT. NIGHT AUCTION CENTER - LINDSAY AT 6:30 P.M. This weelc contents of ostate of' the late Viola Parsons cf Toronto: 10 pc. dîning rm. suite 5 pc. walnut bedroomn suite, walnut Canopy queen size bed, mahogany carvod high-back sideboard, mahogany-2 dr. armaîr, mahagany 4 dr., fiat-to-wail bookoase, stacking tables, p;estal table, 4 matching chairs balloon backs), pr. Victorien Mr. & Mrs. chairs, 3 pc. italien leather sofa set, Victorian sottee chairs, Tiftanyfar&tbelm, pr. largmOintal 4 fI ases, round cave walnut coffee table, oek beau-front china cabinet, oak corner china cabinet, oak drop-beat table, oak hait seat w/mirror bwak, set oak dining chairs, oek rail-top desk & swiveF chair, aid hait fixture w/ruby giesa, crystal chandelier, pr. crystat table lampa w/sllk shadea, 9 x 12 handmads woal carpet& severai other carpets, oak wali phono, mahogany whet- not shelf, showcass, pins dlock shedf 6' pine harvoat table & set of win'cisor bk. chairs,. carved wood elep-hant, g. brasa horse, pr.- metchinÏ F PR chairs & foot abtois, plus lots- of glass &. collectibies. Tsrms are cash, Choque or, Visa.,For more 'info, catI 416-263-4252. Sais -managed -and soid by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS"' - svsry' Wedniesday et 6:30. p.m. Locatod on, Brack Rd., Pickering, 3 mites north of Hwy. 401 (Exit #399. Foaturing svery Wed. an exce lent selection of antiques, tins furniituro,- glass, china, catiectibies, primitives, and the unusuals. Sa tain us every Wed. and participaIs in ono of Otario's "truen auctions with no- buy-backs or resorves. 'Consignmont & estate seliing aur specialty." CatI us today. Previows tram tW0 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRI., xNov.9 AT 6 P.M. Bird's-eyà maple dresser<wt beveled mirrormahogany curmo cabinet, aval t ,op trurlk(s, parlor tablés, 1 lcWer -fsrn s ýtand,, mahognbuftslMaxRO 21 meIeet rccash regter, mlcrawave aven, Victrola coites & end tables, modernm mqls dining table & 6 chairs, almond Admirai refrigera- tor,- blariket bxs 4 drawer metai f iling",cabine, washst , ata .si.dryý washer, wapden roclclng chairs,, antique dressera & cheats- cf'*'drawera,, beaur ct ter- (maùfeýtured by Wfilam M. Tiny-& Son), excellent bondiion qty.-1- c<hina lss&cilcil DON & GREG, CREIL, AUCTIONEERS RR. #1, LITTLE BRITAlN (705) 786-2183 GIIVE -THE 0,F LIFE, .Now acceptlng.,conslgnmients. of snowmablles, cars," trucks, , 4 x 49,. plaws snwblowers, RlVs, con- struction .&. woodworking equip., farm machlruery. Ons of the lergeat snowmoblle auction events. Don'I misa thlisoppartunity. Expecting 40 - 50 snowmobitea Oelil now ta consign. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS (705)324-2783 LINDSAY CONTRACT W90-67 RENOVATIONS TO "FUTURE USE"w AREA Tenders MI be rocelved by Ginny Loci, Purchaming Agont until 200. pm.,, Wêeisdey, L>vembor 21 90for the suppty of -am'tabour, matoria, equipm)ent aând services to complets renovatior. ithe future use oa of th lower lovel of the Municipal Buildng. A cortifled choque in the amollit of110% of the tender amount muet -Vcmpay ach bod. The succosful bWder wil b. roqwirod ta provide a 10% performance bond upon executoon of the contract agreement. Specofications and tender formfs are avalahloeg the Town of Whitby Tmaswy Dopwrtmont, 575 Rosslad Road East, Whrtby, Ontoeio. Telephone (416) 6683-580, extension 236. Lowest or any tenders not nocessarily accepted. GINNY 100K, PURCHASING AGENT. - --e Tenders are invted ta provide Eîevating Devices Maintenance for f ive yars et Variaus Locations n LINDSAY AND WHITBY, Ont. TENDER #ORI-90147 Sealed Tenders will be recervod until 2:00 p.m. lcal time. on THJURSDAY. NlVEMBER 15. Tender ýDocumfents may be obtained -from 1he.*Ontirlo MinIsîry, cf -1,Government Sevices, OrÃ"llia ,District'-Office, Memorlal Avenue in the Huranla RI lonai Centre, P.O. Box .790, Orflai,Ontari6o, 13V 6K7 Note: For further information regerding the Tenders, pteese catît ho Tenders Office et th. above eddress, toiephane (705) 325-7403., Th e owost or ,any -Tender, not nscessanly eccepted. .1 JORDISON: ln loving momnory of a dear husband and father, Cecil, who passed away suddenly Nov. 11, 1989 whiie marching in the Rom embrance Day parade. This month cornes wit h sad re.grets. It brings back a day we wili nover forget.- We didn't know. that mornig what sorrow the day wouldrlbring. We miss you mare than anyone knows. As each day passes, emptiness grows. Yau gave us courage.ta go on alone and lot us memories we are proud ta own. Sadly missod and atways remembered. Winnie and tamiIy. CORPORTO F11 M14. TOWN OAlNH0FTHE PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Metig al, hltbyM uip q HaWhltby0 ntodop A Public Meeting wiil be held by the Pl anmd Developmient- ofmttea Counci of the Coroaio -fthe Town -of Whltby ta considler a concurent OffiiW nArnencinent, Zoring By-law Amncknont and Plan of Sudivision applications e slbitted by- Revyork lndustrnal Estates. The sulject propot is tocated at the sooth-west corner of Vitoria Street East and Hpkins Street South, asshown on the skech boiow. i *1 ll Il iI111I1I/.19- 1 The pw'pose 0f the IdstrielPan of SI*ldvision is ta creatè 16 lots on 18.1 ha (47 acres). lnced in the pion la an auto deeiership which require an aenkent ta the Region "n Whitby Officiel Planis. Also proposed is a gas bar which requiros a zordng by-iaw amenicknent. The pw'pose of this meeting is ta pro"id adequate information ta the publiceandta permit interested prasthe opportunity ta make représentation in respect of the officiaipn, subcvision and rezoning application. If you are unable ta' attend the meeting, your ropresontation con be fled in writing by mail or personal drvery ta, reach the Planning Department not later thon regular workng hous on November 26, 1990. tntorested persans may inspoct adclitionai information relatingto the above application in tho Planning Depoetment, Level 7, 575 Rssland Road East durinq regular worki hours, Monday ta, Friday or may contact the Planning Department by telephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT Dîrector of Plann Corporastion of the Tw fWhktby THE CANADIAN HEARING SOCIETrY PRýOVIDING*SERVICE S TO THE DEAF' AND HARD 0F FIEAR!NG. For more Information; cail us at (416) 964-9595. (TDD) 4I6-964-OO23;, or write to us at 271 Spadina Ro:id. lbrontci. Ontario M5R 2V3 Ilq- Y e le LEO DE BRUYN,- of the Town of Whitbyarn sparated fromemy wife, Carat yh Jean DeBruyn of theý Town ofWitby jIwill no longer be respansible forý any. debts or financial obligationsincurred by my wifo, Carolyn De Bruyl,^ fromthis date forward. NOTICE TOý CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE. OF RACHEL MATILDA HARPER ALL PERSONS having daims a gainstthe Estaits of RCHEL MATILDA HARPER, laie af the Township of Scugog ln the Roglonal, Municipallty of Durham who, died an 'or about the llth,.day of .October, 1990 are hersby niotiîd ta send ta, the undersignsd on or befors the 24th day of Novsmbey, 1990 full particulars of their daims. IMMEDIATELY ater.the said date the assets of the sald decoassd will be distributed among the -parties ontitled therto, havng .regard only ta dlaimfs io which they. sali. thé.n have notice. DATED at"PortPerry,,Ontar- this l6th day. ofOcýtober, 1990. FOWLER, DAVIES Bàristers and Solicitora ÙSNorth Street Port'Perryý, Ontaro LL11B7 Salicitors for Madeleine Bilan, Executrlx NOTICE TO, CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE OF WALTER JOHN, LOVELL Ait persans having dlaims against the estate of Walter John LovetI, 'deceased, late of' the Town of Whitby, in the Regionai Munlicipality of Durham, who died on or about the l8th day of November, 1988, are hereby notified to sènd them to the unidorsignod, duly verifiod, on or before the 28tK day of November, 1990. After which date the assets o)f the aboVe-namned estate will-be distributed among.the ,persons entitled the reto, havîig regard only to claims of wh ch the administrator shail thon have notice. DATED at Whitby this 24th day of October, 1990. SCHILLING, EVANS Barristers and Solicitors 330 Byron Street South Whitby, Ontaria LUN 5S1 Solicitors for the Administrator'

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