Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 31 Oct 1990, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1990 VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN The only Whitby* newspaper indeépendently owned'and operated by Whitby residents for Whîtby. residents. Eu B )ished every Wednesday By 677209 Ontario Imc. Phone: 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Anderson Publisher' 131 Brook Street North, P.0. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. LUN M5 Maurice Pif her Edftor Alexandra ~Martin Production Manager 2nd Cia. Posal Regstmaion f06351 Whether for or against, an upomring decîsion by Durham Region will likely have no effect on the operation of the terrporary dump site at Lasco Steel.' Lasco Steel hasi been using a terrporary dump site for months, but without the blesslng of -Durham Region planning staff, ater the demonstration berm reached capacity eariy this year. Lasco received, almost lmnmme- diateiy upon requeést, a temporary certificate fmom the Ministry of Environment for the new site. The Town of Whitby and Region of Durham weme asked only for comments upon the matter. The ministry has been monitoring the demonstration harm. madeê uD of waste rubber. nlastic. cloth and alass. Dump decision since the project began ln 1988. Perhaps the test results from that berm are sulflclent ta assure the Province that the temporary site willi pose no adverse envlronmental effects. But Region staff aren't so sure, to the extenlt that they recommend agalnst an officiai plan aniendment ta permit the temporary dump. They point out that if -the demonstration berm fails as a project and is reje cted, what wouid be done with regard f0 removai of wasfe from the temporary dump site. And-they have concems about the long-term environmental effeots on the i and and on nearby Lake Ontario. Region planning commttee mrnners shouid heed the concerna of Region staff. The resuits aren'iIn yet on the success of the operation of the demonstration berm, s0 any approval of the tenporary site could be regarded as hasty and sho *rt-sighted. Although Input from the Region has aimost been totaliy Ignored ln the decision-maklng' process at the provincial level that permitted the temnpomary dump, iR stili matters how the Region stands on the Issue, a local ate.And the Reglon, has so far, propedly, shown caution on what has been, and romains, an experiment, Fi1scal, decision S mu st* be made, says MP. To the editor. Be:' Propaganda government,' editor Oct. Free lm'rss 1'tyicar <>1- latter to the 17p Whitby It is with interest that I read the letter written bý AI Werd on the sûbject of the GST. e tx I ulicly supprtedsae x ror dunng the last election caxnpaign, and amn now implamenting policies on which I campaignd.9I would think that Mr. Werd would want someone representing hi-m who is front and -centre on the issues, and net saying one thing batbre the election end another after. Mr. Ward mentions numerous organizations which are critical of government policy, and then cites the Economic Council as an example. If Mr. Ward would read this report he would find that they support the GST (pg. 22); free trade (pg. 22); revisions to our unemployment insurance (pg. 46); worker retraining programs (pg. 51); and our inflation control policy (pg. 55). Mr. Ward suggets that we look at a proposalby Nseil Brooks for t'airer tax reforrà.. Mr. Brooks suggests, we cancel the eisting federal sales tex and raise income tex rates for low income Canadians by 20 per cent, for maiddlle income Canadians by 22 paer cent and high income By BurbaraBlack Another Canada Post delivery arrived at our residence yesterday, and our first thougbt asM'iy God, what on earth do we owe now?" Upen opening the bermetically sealed, embossed, tear-open envelope, mnside was 4, letter from ex-Olympien Otto Jelenik stating 'If the GST is passed, as of Dec. 1, we will acces you, as a Canadian taxpayer, with a $95 reimbursement, part of an instalment plan calculated by Ottawa . --" If Mr. Jehnek and Mr. Mulroney ame se naive te think this pittance would influence our view of the gouge end shyster tax, they are more paranoid about their Ipolitical subterfuge than one could imagine. Thâink of the turne, paper, lithographing and auditers employed i their alculations. sent eut te Canadien taxpayers .. . insurmnountable and insane! If end when Brien and his buddies, Michael Wilson end Otto Jelinek, have the GSI' passed and in force, then is the appropriate turne te let the Canadien public know the rebates and/or repercussions. 'The rebate is a drop ini the bucket compared te the outright prayment ef the a1might~y booney this tax wil inflict on taxpayers' pocketbeoks. Ottoesheuld go back te bis skating career, prforming achool figures. And just as sehool -fgues have been taken froin cern titive skating becauase they have no actual beanng on artisic performance, se, should Brien and bis delegation be removed from dictating te Canadien taxpayers. Send Brian and Mila back te civilian life where they cen reniinisce about their demie in the view of Josephine and Joe Texpayer, end let thein make plans te emigrate te the U.S. as edvisors te George and Barbara (Bush). "Home is where t he heart is," in Briaes case, the US. 0-o-o ezAccolades and congratulations te general Canawwuis about 20 per cent and increase the deficit by $8 billion. I support none of those views, and I suspect that Mr.* Ward is in a rninority if he supports Mr. Brooks. Mr. Ward also suggests we lool at the proposais by Dennis Milîs, a Liberal MP. Mr. Mfills proposei te increase the incarne tex for lom income Canadians from 17 pei cent te 25 percent, lowar thE incomre tex rate for high incorni Caniadians from,29 per cent plu-, surcharges te, 25 per cent, increase the income tex rate foir small business from 12.5 per ceni te 25 per cent. and lower the te, rate for corporations from 28 per cent te 25 per cent. I support c s r s manager Cal Murphy of the Winnipeg mue Bombers football team for flot allowing some femme fatale factfinder and media madame into the dressinff roomn of his football team. Any lady" would be totally embarrassed and adamant about exposing herseif to an expose of football heroes in a state of undress, or in ail probability, nudity. Obvi*ously this danisel in distress was desperate for publCity whether it be demeaning or complimentary. Women's lib and women "wearing men s shoes" are like wolves in sheep's clothing, and do flot gIorifyr their images by their complete lack of couth and gentility. lIn no way, shape or form should females be allowed into the dressing room of maie athletes, be it football, hockey or basebail. Interviews can be given in full dress on the way to the field, or on the field before the gane, or after the gaine on the way to the dressing room. The media 'have special "field privileges,"e and have had for years, se why ail of a sudden should there be a big exposure to the public of this ridiculous writer of rhetoric because the poor dear can't get her story first-hand, firat foot, first chest, first navel or first ... AUl this reporter wanted was te, set a precedent and make the headlines, which, she did, te the disgust of any reader or spmosfan with a vestige of intelligence. She was "way out in left field."t Society in general bas become an amoral armory of violence and sexual ' perversion. Sports was one of the few viewer entities ini which "sexual trash" did flot enter. Let'skeep it that way and a]low our athletes a degree of digrnty. Give our youth and young atbletes someone te look up te. Teil thiis woman te take a hike and look for publicity elsewhere. Opinions given in the colwnn are those of the writer and do net neoesaarily refleci those of Vie Whitby Free Press. none of these proposais, and 1 suspect that Mr. Ward is in a rninority if he supports Mr. Milîs. Canada is in a very difficuit fiscal position, caused by spending more than we were collecting for the lest 20 yeers, including the government Of which I amn now a member. Fiscal decisions must ha made. and I arn quite prepared to make them. We canuiot solve our problem in one yeer, but we must solve it. I said that during the election and repeat it now. René Soetens, MP Ontario riding No cost to Ilsten To the. oditor. t On Tuesday, Sept. 9, a ýrepresentative of the CAW r appeared before council and t sked tospeak on béhafof the bus drivers conoerning their future employment with the Town eof Whitby. I would like te address the taxpayers of Whitby as I would have done had I been permitted toespealc.. "Mao and Members of CounciL' 'Before I begin,, I want ta t/tank you for the opportunity ta speak thia evening. Thze decision you ma/se tonight concerning a tender subritted by Trentway- Wagar could have adverse repercussions for the present bus drivers, and I wvould as/s that you consider this before casting your vote. 'Much has been said lately about a low bid and a savinga ta thte taxpayer over a five-year perocl As I ar nont in a position on suc sha/ort notice ta refute thse figure beibr you, I waulda* t/sGt you osurthse latter I1 hie subrnitted for your consideration, a copy af which yau ahould have in front of you. I would fike ta read my latter ta yau and anmer any questions you miglut have." Well, I neyer did get a chance te thank council. kn a recorded vote, council stifled any chance of what representatives of the CAW had te say, althouah councillors Edwards and Brunelle did vo te te allow us to speak. It's a pity the rest of council didn't because, if they had, alwe wanted toask council was that tbey, ensuire a guarantee of.employment in eny cotattender and show- some social responsibility and fairnesa te its bus drivers. We neyer intended te demand that they turn 'jown the tender'submitted byTrntway- Wagar and stiff the Whitby taxpayer. Too bad they wouldn't. listen - the price oflistening was fre. Gerdm iVickers Bowmanvile - ý Lo%.uw...mn. u wwImm ~ ------- ---- ................ .... .. ................ ............. ............ .................................. IL Ïm M.

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