Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 31 Oct 1990, p. 27

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BEST AVAILABLE COPY WHITBY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31,1990, PAGE 27 I LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F WALTER JOHN LOVEL Al persans having claims against the estate of Walter John LovelI, deceased, late of the Town af Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the l8th day of November, 1988, are hereby notified ta send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 28th day of November; 1990. After which date the assets af the above-named estate will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims af which the administrator shaîl then have nlot ice. DATED at Whitby this 24th day of October, 1990. SCHILLING, EVANS Barristers and Solicitors 330 Byron Street South Whitby, Ontario UiN 5S1,, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 0F RACHEL MATîLDA HARPER ALL PERSONS havingcaims against the Estato of R CHEL ATILDA HARPER, late of the Township of Scugog in the Rogional Municipalty of Durham who died an or about the 111h day of October,, 1990 are hereby natified ta send ta, the undersigned on or before the 24th day of Novomber, 1990 full particulars of their claims. IMMEDIATELY after the said date the assets ai the said deceased wilI be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard oniy ta dlaimns iof which they sali then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this l6th day of October, 1990. FOWLER, DAVIES Barristers and Solicitors 175 North Street Port Perry, Ontario 1-9L- 1B7 Solicitors for - CORPORATION 0F 1THE b.: TOWN 0F WHITBY "'%~~ * ~PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC* MEETING MnaNovember 19, 1990 @ 7:p.m. MeigHaNl, Whitby Municipal Bidin WhItby, Ontario A Public Meeting will be held by the Planning and Development Committee of Cauncîl of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby ta consider a revision ta an application ta amend the Whitby Officiai Plan as submitted by the Medallian Group. The subject property is iocated an the south sde ai Dundas Street East, east of Powell Road andi north of Manifiok1 Crescent, being part of Lot IB, Concessin 1, as shown on the map below. -'l L « 1 iL 1,LL~( ~ II The purpose ai the Officiai Plan amiendmient application as revised is ta develop the subject property for a mediurn density block townhouse prject (29 units). The pwrpase af this meeting is ta pravide arlequate information ta the public and ta permit interested persans. the oppartunity ta make representation in respect af the Officiai Plan amendaient application. If you are unable ta attend the meeting, your representation can be 1used in writing by mail or persanal delivery to meach the Planning Department not later than regiiv arling how's on November 26,1990. lnterested persans may inspect adcltianai information relating ta the abave application in the Planning Department, Level 7, 575 Possiand Road East durin9 regular working haurs, Manday ta Friday or may contact the Planning Department by telephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT Director of Planing Corporation of the Town of WhItby Il LEO DE BRUYN,. of the Town Of Whitby, arn separated f rom my wife, Caroly n Jean De Bruyn of the Town of Whitby. I wilI no longer be esosble for any debts or fiaci=obligations inicurred by my wife, Caralyn De Bruyn, tram this date forward. 1 Nominations macle for 'Women of Di*stin#-ti*on' The following have been venson by Ca HghSchol nominated for the Oshawa June Whte b lrs Social YWCA Durham Region Women Services, Singe et Employ- of Distinction Awards for. 1990: mentPora< Stephanie Balogh -by Dr. F.J. The awards be £resented Doevn olegte AnChromeýj at a gala dinî onrursdy by Ukrani anenadian Womens Dinner ticketsa, available at Committee; Marlene Gras by YWCA Offices, *i 576-8880, Canadian Diabetes Association-; 434-6411 or 623-'WA Reserva- Victoria Greene by Lisa Greene; tions will be acépted for com- Lorraine Guay by La Federation. plete tables of eig. des Femmes Canadiennes- Fran- caise d'Oshawa; Joyce Marshall W hite Ribbon b airt OhaaInternational ~ p r o r p i Helen LacDonald by Durham Nuclear Awareness; Sandra The WRAP (White Ribban McCormack by the Denise Against Pornography) Campaign H-ouse; Audrey McLean by Lnda holds White Ribbon Week Oct. Sauriol and Nancy Dîaxnond; 28 ta Nov. 4. Canadian anti- Rachel Jane (Asenhurst) McMil- pornography organizations, hi- ian by the Women's Institute of cluding Oàhawa-based People Ontario- Maureen Remington by Against Pornography, are wear- the Visual Arts Centre of New- mng white ribbons and sending castle; Barbara (Evans) Ross byv white ribbons to representatives Btesda-Reach Women's mati- at ail government levels,. ta fti'liaDBob.D.FJ.'cenntaeujptIo he5m - ioeivani3clle té i~&tne' -Pegl q.~p~.51V .~ '. P ~ - *~ **~******~*~*~* ~ - .*.~ 9- THflE CANADIAN HEARING SOCIETY PROVIDING SERVICES 1*0 ME DE,\F ANDi HARD 0F HEARING. Fer more intorilation, cal! us ar (416) 964-c)595. (TDD) 416-96.1-0023, or mrite touLs at £.271SiimRt.~o~Otuo6 V -~.--.-.--------E . - R- Rogers Cable on pumpin patrol Hy Trude Zavadovios Hloween. tra*Iitionally bringe o ut an array of0h' s n É bgis.O sCabletC a= e%;n adiâtion of 'pumpkln patrol.' SFor the fourth consecutive' cear1 volunteers from Rgr will patrol the busy stets of Durham Region keepmng tlieir ey; or dinm rouble. uWevebfeen doig this for thre ears," saye PaulColeman, divisionmanagr ,for ~r Gable. 'eask Our S volunteer their time.' "Itfs a communication service," says Caleman. "We're not trying to e olie.«We're another com- munication link to help kids who are picked on or if emiergencies The 20 well-marked trucks used ta be orange. Now they're red but well-marked as "pumpldn patrol" cars. "We're not picking up any kids or handing out candies. We simply phone for assistance if we see anwthing out of the ordin- ary., The idea origin ally came froni the Rogers Cabne oficein Van- couver. It took off well and it had been adopted in many communi- ties. Theïr main objective is to protect people and propex'ty. Simply turnnon.trchint can avert possible mishaps. Coleman says it i@ sad that so m4ny paents h ave ta accmpany their cirdren outdoors today. He recalîs when he was a child, free ta, trick or treat with his Moinda without the worries of today's parents. «mgoing walking with my kids,n says Clean. He emphasizes that in znoot cases Rogersý trucks will have two people in them. He alo emphasizes that theyre not there ta talk to children but ta watch out for them, ta alert the proper authorities of any trouble. They do not encourage children to approaeh their truckxs. Coleman is sensitive to, the fact that parents tell their children not ta talk to, strangers or approach or enter vehicles. «We're trying ta do it as com- fortably as possible. The public seems to, appreciate the servie we offer. Our concern is for kida andp'aryw il kids are trick- or-treating froni Wbitby to New- castle, several vâlunteers froni Rogers GCable will silently and discree L-y-be - n 'Pumpin.

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