I.~~ ~ -1711rr -li.,~. /C 'M' F :;ji-;"![prV7 PAGE 2, WH1TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1990 Pat Yackisois hîb'sneet normatingi1 By Trudie ZavadovicaO' When Pat Yackison applied to be Information Whitby's new in- formation officer she thought ber organizationai and communica-. tion skills made ber a good con- tender for the job. Now, six weeks into bier new position, the job is everything she hoped it would be, and more. uIt'5 just great," says Yackison. Vin an iiWormation gi*ver. I like to help people find thir wýay. I love public relations and infor- mation-giving. That's just the wayI amn. I fit the job." nformation Whitby located in the Whitby Public Tiýary, is a resouroe centre that puts people in touch with al the key coin- ponents of Whitby. If you have a guestion about Whitby, regarding services, businesses, recreation or whate- ver, chances are Information Whitby has the answer or can connect you witb someone who does. Yackison bas lived in Whitby for 'the last 10 years but it's really only in the past four years that sbe got te know ber com- nii'ty. Sg'hopesto help others gain tbe insights sbe has. "One mandate of Information WVhitby is to get people involved in communcation. We can direct tbem to the right services wbether it's registration for soc- cer or gettin g assistance for an abused wife. W e see ourselves as' a service to the coznmunity." If Yackison bas one major goal, it is to heigbten the profile of Information -Whitby s50 everyone knows about it and bas the opportunity te use it. Yackison says that a lot of people miss out on what Whitby has to offer because they miss out on the resource te direct tbem wbere to, go. Besides providing information, the centre books meeting rooms, and looks after the display cases and the bulletin board in the library. A future goal is to be affiliated with ail the information services tbrougbout the province. "We would like to continue grwng in the community. This tLwkwe've had between 400 and 500 queries. We are open fromn 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.» For queries, cali Information Whitby at 668-0552. $1imillion raised for United Way ~r.- 4000sqft.* *Firshed Basemont . .. .. .. .. 1.6 Acre Gof Course Lot Lot 1 ______$7450 e 49200 sq. ft *2.1 Acre Golf Course Lot *2 Firepaces * Jaocuzzi ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ _ *AJilBrick OHM HOUSIS Sunday, Octber 28,1990 2pn Ito 5pm Trades and Vendor Take Backs Considered Locd i0akidge Golf &County Clu<5 Tun. noth oAshbwT2 m fUtan AshtumnRd) Cal Evenlngs (416) 885-043 or (416) 985-4209 Fuel Economy And -Performance System 10.25% BETTMER GAS 16MILEAGE *Saves on fuel and maintenance! Can actually pay for itself Reduces polluting eunissions! Improves performance! Reduces engine wear! Bemoves carbon build-up! ,60 Day Money Back Guarantee 10 YIEAR WARANTY For ail engines and fuels except propane! Boat, Motorcycle, Car, Truck, Bus, Transport More tban $1 million bas been raised after tbree weeks of tbe six-week United Way campaign for Oshawa, Whitby go Nwal- tle The amount represents about as tbe campaign reaches the balfway point. The seventb annual United -Way Face-off Breakfast will be held by tbe Oshawa Generals at General Sikorski, 151 Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa, on Wednesday, Oct. 31, 7:30 a.m. Guest speaker will be Bob -.MacKenzie of tbe Hockey News. Tickets, $15 eacb, are avail- r5able from tbe Generals adminis- rE trative offices at 433-0900, the EES United Way at 436-7377, or any b ranch of the Bank of Montreal( IProceeds will be donated to the United Way. o r leave message on answerng machne PRVATE m OAK Hli6o STAI NOW SAVE $509000 + REAL ESTATE FE PAT YACKISONý has taken over the reigns as Information Wliitby's community information offi- cer. The office is located at the ýWhitby. Puibliç Library. * ~ your chanc Call 655MS6,26 1 f