Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 Oct 1990, p. 6

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PAiGE goMM1TY F'RE flES,ý WEDNESDAYe'OUFOBER 17, I990 VOUCE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN The 'on'ly, Whitby newspaper indepondently owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents. j I Pubiished every Wednesdlay By 677209 Ontario Imc. Phone: J668-6111 Toronto Line ý427-1834 Djoug Anidoreon Publishe'r la1 BrokStreet-North, P.O. Box 20O6, Wh 'itby,: Ont. LiN5S1 Maurice Pif her EaorI Phr Alexandra. Simon ProductionManager 2rid Cla Postal Rsgist railoI1foS3.l lu.s indeed a "homÏe'." Rut ft wilI not romain so much1 longer, asË R becomos another statlstlc in, the provlnice's graduali mpemnen- tatIbni of tho dolnstlttitonalizatlon of?*hoalth caro. Ken and Penny Barnes, have'operatod the Ch ristophor Roblrr 'Home for.Chlldmen"for23 yýars. What began as a, hom'ne fori seniors. graduaily beca me a< home for sevorely haridlcapped Infants. And Rt was a good home, with an attçnt[vO, professional staff, for chiidron from -a!l over HOm e Oôntarlo. ln ý March, < th oseo chlldren w!ii be rnoved to group, homos. In many ways, the province's plans to move varlous typesof heaith care.frm insatiutions to the commin"unlty areý sound, ,progressiveiýrencs, that deserve, public support. But are them eèxceptions', such 'as the' Christopher Robin Home? ýWiiI, care1 outslde, of an Insitutionai setting have -that,,same ýpersonai, Ioving, touch as was shown withinthat Institution?.' We trust. the province wiIi see ta it. Vet we at hel'P but feel that when something is worklng 'weII "- 50 weII that Rt has.gained pralse ald fame.- w'hy change L:t. Popaganda &'typical'. of governmen To the editor. I amn inoensod by the lettor from Ontario r'iding NP' Rene Soet;ëns chastising the Senate for its attompt ta block the GST (Oct. 3,1990)., Contrary ta the headline, they are %ot thwartingý the public will. It is oiqr Prime Minister who is thwprting the public will. Mr.. Soeten's letter is but a small saznpling of an insidious propagan da.caznpaign, typical of the Mulroney government. It is designed te' divert public attention from' their doter- mination tÎa foist ,this abomination, the: GST, upon an outraged electarate. More than 85 p er cent,-of the Canadianpoople are, adariantly opposed ta, this nightmare ta x. Had the other "Big Lie, " the free trade issue,'not overshadowed the GST in the 1988 election, it xight have received at -least a minimal exaininatièn. Had that taken place the, Mulroney goverr- nment would have been soundlly defeated. They have no mandate ta implement this tax. Their protest, against. the Ms ignore. people's wishes To the edîtor: Copty.of letter to Bone Sote, Ont!Irio riding MP Be: .Wbitby Free Prees, Oct. 3P 1990) If there was a way ta recali éecited members of the House of Congmonrs for their failure ta repeesont the will of the people, the Consorvative- govrnment woiÛ1d ho out of poweryosterday. Your govrnmont supported Moech Lake. Your govrnmont suppot outdated language po*cies. Youir governmont supots the,' GST. Your got.erment opposes "an lected, equal, effective Senate. 'Your government, choosos ta crate a new "Cash Cow"' in the for-i of the GST, instead of cutting government spending and repiucing the doficit - the reason yoa were lected i n the first place. We did not give you a mandate to incroase taxation and expand governmnent spending. Thank goodnoss for the Senate and thoir sober reflection of the real will of the people. Your governinent je practising the saine kind of wantan patronage that you-accused the Lihorals of Extend the season To the editor. The 'Town of Whitby placed lots of plants in the parks and at the Information Centre. It takes until the end of June hofore you get a good show. July and Angust they look beautiful, by the end of August thoy're at their poak.-* And by the middle of Septeniber, guess what? The hods are empty. What a shamne we had a great Thanksgiving woekend but no flowers. Our seasons are short enough, please dont mako when -John -Turner' packed the uppor house. And how quickly we forgetthat Alberta and British Columbia have prossod for an elocted Senate and that Stanley Waters is Canada's first elected senatair. When a cloud of, suspican surrounds an elected memor',c the usual practice is that he rosigns until the -mattor, is clarified. Wo seem ta have overlooked this in our recent Senate appointments, and rather than waiting until ail Thanks, neighbor To the.edito= Thankis, neighbors, and we dont'just mean the people next door, we mean the residonts of Whitby. When kil the residents of a tawn like Whitby respond ta fellow residents ' caîl for help, the way they did as I write this letteèr, we can caîl everyone a neighbor. The people of Whitby heeded the call for help by the people of 200 Garden St. who loet everything ta, an early morning blaze. This je how neighbors should act and it makes us proud ta hoe residents of this friendly community of Whitby as we joined the hundreds lending a helping hand in one way or another.- Our neighborhood school, LeslieMcFarlane publice chool, was buzzing with activity as farnilies arrived ta pick upmuch needed items ta replace those lot in the fire. Our Whitby neighbors continue 'ta bring in their donations' of pillows, blankets, clothes, tays, baby thinge, food, or just a pair of helping hands and a kind heart ta, lend a hand. So, thanks, 'fellow Whitby neighbors, and may God blees you investigations have beeti comiploted in Nova Scotia, your governrnent bas proceeded ta, appoint an, individual ta aa position of' honor. and 'trust regardless' of 'these lingering doubts. I do not kuioW how much longer the people of Canada will stand for the fact that* their o lected representatives continue to, igoe their '. wishes - and I crtanly- holipe that these samne represontativos have. made plans for their fully indexed- pension retiremont, ta commence the day aftor the next éection. David Barber Whitby Senate respecting the democratic process is an affront to Our collective intelligence. I support senate reform, even abolition, but their present trespass, if :indeed there is one, pales into, insignificance. beside the, bullying, brawling, unconsionable, tactice of our Prime Minister. I arn astounded that- none among bis flock of sheep, the Conservative cau 'cue, has the courage to, stand up for the public.- No doubt they fear thé banishrnent infficted upon, their, Conservative -bretheren,, . from Alberta. .Numerous'esteemed individuals and organizations have declared the GST to, -ho wrong for our country, especially now. Many have severely7 criticized the economic policies of the Mulroney governinent, including the prestigious Economic Council of Canada. Two -thoroughly researched,' vastly superior. alternatives, for -fairer taxation and debt reduction by Neil Brooks and Dennis Milîs have been put forward. The GST must ho withdrawn ta, allow time for their consideration. The GST, at seven per cent, will not derive any more revenue, beyond a healthy slush fund, than- the prsent MST. It Winlmoet, erany be raised nile or, 10. per cent in order tORsigrnflcantlY reueour .national debt._ The public m ust 'not » ho "ýforced ïo endure this tax, a t, e<norm ous coo, for -two ~before i t çan ho rej.ected. Wel "muet--flot ho punished any. l ongerfor thie government's 1finantil mis- management. The truth je i -that Briffn Mulronýey cannot afford*to wait. He..needs the money'.now -to buy the, neit élection. He e'cheme .je tha . t " w ya . vilha'ý -otherpeocptns We are hoing mampulated.,Mchaeli were ho alive today, would blush. Mr. Sootens, I think t le timie for an hoes, bective, introsection AuhburnL Support apprec'iatedý Té the. ecitofi We would like to' thank al those who 'ga ve enormnous sup- port and donations during OUr 1990 fundrai*sing evrents,1 includ- ing the walk-a-thon on June 10 and golf tournainenton Aug. 25.ý Dietrese Centre Durhaim ç wbitby 1

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