Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 Oct 1990, p. 21

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ýWHITBY -RME PRSS, ýWEDNESDAY, OTBE'?,19 PAGE 21 Alzheimer Society of Durham'n Region have their monthiy *meeting on the fourth Wednesdy of each month. The. noxt meeting is Wodnesday, Oct. 24 at 7:30 p.m. at the Senior Citizn Activity Centre' 910 Liverpool Rd., just south iof. Bayly Stp Pickering. To ic for this màeet"ig willho 'HYow- Children .-and Adolescents Deal with AlzheMimePr Disease.' Refreshments will be servod. Everyone f icos FASHION SHOW A fashion show will be heid.-at the Prospect' of Whitby (Upstairs), PearsonLaes, on Mond ay Oct. 22,8 p.m. In addi-- tion te &rho Toast te Pail Fash- ions fromn the Heart of the Town,' there will also be an auction of Marg Roseman prints.,Cost is $15 per person, includes refresh- montis and door primes. Tickets are available fromn merchants at Pearson Lanes. Seating is limi- ted. WORKSHOP FOR TEENAGEIRS The Family Education Resource Centre of Durham House is offering -a two-session workshop for those aged 12 te 16 te help them cope. wth their parents' separation or divorce. The workshop will ho heid at Paul Dwyer .1fgh Schooi from 7 te 9 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 22 and 29. The cost is $16 but some subsidies are available.-For more information and to register for this workshop oeil the. centre at 579-2021. CLUB MEETING The next meeting of the Dur- ham- Business & Professional. Women's Club will be on Wed- nesday, Oct. 24, 6 p.nx., at Lance- iot's Steak & Seafood House, 1527 Bayly St., Pickering. Guest speaker, will be Dinah Howe of London Iàfe, who will discuss fmnancial planning, and Julie Oakes from the iÀteracy Council of Durham Region. Reservations only.Cost'-s $25 for members, $30 for non-niembers. Caîl Karen Graham at 497-2443. àýarle Eugene Gladweil of Whitby diod on Friday,-October 5, 1990 at his residenco. Ho was 62. Ho was born on May 22, 1928 ini Hamilton, Ont., son of. Earie Gladwoil Sr. and Zillah Cooke. Ho married Doreen Mandar on January 26 1952, in Hamilton. Ho was a Wh7iby resident for 16 yoars. Mr. Gladweil is survived by bis wnÀawi ANNUAýL MEETING The Neurofibromatosis Society of Ontario will hold its annual meeting on Sunday,' Oct. 21, at the Travel LodgeHoe (formerly the ViscounÏt), north fromn 401 on Victoria Park from 9:30'a.m. te 4 p.m. For more information, cal Stuart Drew at 668-9915. CANADJAN ORGANIC GROWERS The- Durham Chaptor of Canadian Organic Growors will meet at 7:30 in the Program Room, Whitby Public iàbrary on Oct. 24. Wendy Woodworth, the gardener at Spadina House in Toronto, will discuss organic approaches te gardening in the past. Cail 434-6231 for further information. MONTHLY MEETING The Durham Region Fleld Naturalists will hold the next monthly meeting on Monday, Oct. 29 at 7:30 p.m. at the Northview Public Library, 250 Beatrice St. E., Oshawa. The scheduled guest speaker is Ken Towl who wil ho talking on "Canadians for Conservation of Tropical Nature." New members welcome. WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS A social club for widows and widowers will hold its next meeting on Sunday, Oct. 21, 7:30 pm inthe 420 Wing, Oshawa Aipr.Dancing, shuffieboat-d, darts and cards. For more information, cal Ernije at 683-2045, Forbes at 430-0130, Marion at 683-3855 or Ralph at 72,5-7203. 70OX POP FORUM Thero wil ho a Vox Pop Forum twn 'hall style meeting) with Ontario riding MP Rene Sootons, at the Ajax municipal building, Friday, Oct. 19, 7:15 to 9 p.m. *SILVER ANMSATIN ICELERITY Olympie Games comptiters Anne Ottenbrite and LoriStrong of Whitby will ho among modeis for the Si1ver and Satin Celebrity Night Ite ho held by the Durham Roégionai Multiple Scierosis Soie ty at Géneral Sikorski Hall, Oshawa, on Thursday, Nov. 15, 6:30 'p.m. ickets are $35 each, available. at Benjamin Barrett Bridai Boutique, 137 "Byron St. N., Whitby and. Audrey Jane's Lingerie & Parfumerie Shoppe, 135 l3yron St. N., Whitby. SUPPORT GROUP MEETING The Head Inury Association of Durham Region will ho holding a support group- meeting on Wednesday, Oct.- 17, 7:30 p.m. at Whitby. Baptist» Church, 411 Gilbert St., Whitby. Everyone is welcome. wifo and Colin Cardwell Lisa CarAweli, Dara Cardwell and Bryan Forty,,grandchildren Mis- tee, Axuber, Rcyan, Chaso and Brandy mother, and sistor Elsie GladwZeil, Services were held from the W.C. Town Funerai Chapel- on Tuesda, Octoer 9, 1990, Rey. Brian Gee conducting. Intermont at Whiteo Chapel cometory, Hamilton. Non -rfit communityop which are Urn Whiyor have a dusatal Whltby membershlp may place tilr or activIes on this page at n0 cost. bloIa ng k Inwtlo F 8 S.y B. 0-RIENTATION Bf g-Sistors Nowcastle-Oshawa- Whiitby invite ail potentiai volun- teers to attend the, -monthly orientation night on Wodnesday, Oct. 24, 7 to 9 p.m., at the Big Sisters office 387 Sinicoe, St. B., Oshawa. Cali 436-0951 for more inforinatgen. SCRATCH & SNIFF.B NO-ODOUR? That's what you get wi th Airx odour eradicators. Airx products contain Airicide, a unique componient whlch physically alters odorous moiecules, so that your nase doesn't register unpieasant fragrances. Airx products were specificaily designed for commercial use, where foui continuous odours are a real problem - chronfic cars wards «in hospitals, nurslnghomne applications, the backs of garbage trucks, kenneis, etc. >Airx products are NOW AVAILABLE FOR HOME USE. For musty basements, garbage rooms or drains that smeil, try Airx 60 Foui Odour Eliminator. To eliminate pet odours in carpeting,ý add Aurx 60 to your solution -when cieaning the carpet. For continuous odours tram an incontinent shut-in, pets or cooklng, try Airx 19 super strength microceli. Whatever your odour probiem, we have the solution. Corne an down ta, the -Swish Clean-It Centre and lot aur trained, heipfui staff help you with your odour contrai probiem. MAiNTENANCE LTD. 500 HOPKINS ST',, WHITBY WHEN TURNING -OFF THE -LIGHTS IS A.BRIGHT IDEA.> I Obituaries CECIL PICKARD CouRussell Stanley Pickard of Whitby died at Oshawa Generai Hospital on Friday, Sep- tomber 28, 1990. Ho was 68., Ho was born in Billinge Town- ship, Maniteulin Island, on Juiy 17, 1922, son of Robert James Pic kard and Elizabeth Ann Brandow. Ho married Joyce Dai- glish on September 1, 1951 in Hamilten. Mr. Pickard was employed in marine construction and with Durham Regioni. Ho is survived by his wifo dauhtersJoanne (and husband Wiam Thrher),Patricia (and husband Paul Johnston), son James, grandchildren Christina, Jeffry and Lisa Thrasher, Marc and Mfichael Johnston, sister Eli- zabeth Robertson, brothers Earl, George and Alvin, ail of Manitou- lin Island.- Ho was predeceased by his sister Laura Rowe and brothers Robert, John and Norman. Services were held from the W.C. Town Funerai Chapel on Tuesday, Octeber 2, 1990, Rov. W.J.S. McClure of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church conducting. Intermnent at Groveside ceme-, tory. 666- 122.4 SAVEE- NERGY There are a surprising number of ways that you can easily save energy around your house, in your car and in the produets that you buy. PFrom heatingand'lighting youir home to cookinýgand cooling your food. Prom the way that you drive to the way that you work. We've got a, lot to get you started. And they're ail in our helpful brochures.' ~ SAVE MONEY When you're saving energy, you'l start to save money too. It doesn't take long for those utility buis to go down, orforgasmileageto goup.,. We can prove it to you. HELP SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT Each and every time you save a little energy, you'll be helping to save a littie piece of the environment. Just for starters, you'll be cutting back on greenihouse gases and reducing the use of fossil fuels. We created our currentenvironmental problems. We can find solutions, if we work together. So write tri us. We'Il help. Il ALL ADDSWU Mese rsh e yurSavings package Itoday. Name IAddress- ICity________________ Marnie Betty- died on Fridaty, Octeber 5. 1990 at Credit Valley Hospital, Mississauga She is guririved by husband Derek, Jody, mother Dorothy Mclvor, sistor Ruth ( Mrs. K Badgiey) and brother Ken (and his wife Jinnie). ail ofWjitby, ~ LolW Mranand' -Pat Koollee- Services were hoid in the Newedek Funeral Homo, Missis- sauga Chapel, on Tuosday, Octe- ber 9, 1990. Cremation, with future intorment at Groveside cemetery, Whitby. - . IDonatictn-.to.-the. Canadian Cancer Society. Hon, Jake Ena. MWgiuer Énegie. & maea Ressooecs Canada Ilion. Jare EPP.' Mw!wi e Canadâ THE ENRGaY O OUR ESUC TE OE FeUR E m Province - I Postal1 Code * Sendto:I *Energy PublicationsI *580 Boo9h!SIreet Ottaya, OntarioI KIA OE4 L-------- MIARLE GLADWELL .MARNIE BEITY

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