Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Oct 1990, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WH1TBY PME PRESSý WEDNESDAY, 0GWTOBER 10. 1990 WOMENf' AGLOW *Women's Aglow Fellowship willl hold a meeting ËÈon TIhursday. Oct. il, at the arts resource centre behind cityr hall,, off Centre St. S., Oshawa.. Fellowsbip is a t 7pm. praiseand wrhpat,7ý:30 pm pekrwill be 'MaryJn Bilndke.'Ie Novr. 8 meetCing .will be at Cullen Gardens. Cl 436-9425 for more, information. PSYCIJIC FAIR The Psychic Fai will be held at the Kmnsmen. C lub 109 Col- borne St.,- Oshawa, <Sct. 12-14. Lectures and demonstrations will feature tý'fi*e such as 'Deve- .j1oping Yu *EPand astrology. tapes and related producta. 2ACCESS TO ABORTION The- Durham Chapter of' the Canadian Abortion Rights Action îýefe(CARAL) is sponsoring a .pEcual Day of Action" event on aturday, Oct. 13. A panel .,.discussion will take place at the LviCommunity Centre, Lavai ,Drive ini Oshawa (off Stevenson ýiRd. S., just--south of the Oshawa ;Shopping Centre), from 2 ta 4 p.m. Bill C-43 wMl be discussed. Literature will be available. Free admission (donations accepted). For more information cal 436-6866. SMORGASBORD The Ladies Auiliary, Branch 112 Whitby Légion will hold a smorgasbord on OctL 13 at the li-on,, 117 Byron St. S. Cost is $20 a couple. Tickets are aval- able at the bar of the Legion. THEEOS THEOS, a self-help group for widowed peéople, will hold their monthly meeting on Sunday, Oct. 14, 2 p.m., -at St. Andrew~s Preshyterian Church, Cochrane $t., Wihitby. Ail widowed men and women are welcome ta attend. For more information cal e68-2648. SPINABIFIDA wSpina Bifida Hydroencephalus wilmeet on Monday Oct. 15, 7:30 p.m., at the àrandview Treatment Centre 600 Townline Rd. S., Oshawa. here wil heaa photo presentation 'Skin care with the supina bifida child,' and a nurse wil conduct a discussion and answer questions. Al Wel- come. Admission is free for mem- bers, $1 for> guests. For more information cali Kimi at 263- W8929. BRIDGE CLUB The WVhitby Duplicata Bridge Club meets every Wednesday, 7:30 p .m., in the games room, 215 Rýeeâaîre Court, Whitby. New members are welcome. BELLWOOD COMMUNITY SOHOOL, PREEDOM WALK The Freedom for- Nitassinan Peace Walk will be in Whitby on Monday, Oct. 15, 8 pm. at Al Saits ngica Curchi, 300 Dundas St._W.' Thé walk across Ontario "for justice for «the Innu» la1 a roioet f the Alliance 'for Non- <ïo ent Action.. Cail 668- 5 101 for 'more information. mELF STEM A book.caIled .'Your ChildIs Self Esteem,' by- Dorothy Corkil Brigg, 1ff orai the basis for an eight-session study .group for parents being offered. by the Family ..Education IResource Centre of *Durham House. The, group -will meet on Mbnday evenings ,from 7 to 9, .. starting- Oct. 15, at Sir Abr Love School in Oshawa. The cout is $40 per person. For mor'e information. and to.register a 579-2021, or 686-4353. DOWN SYNDROME The Durham Down Syndrome Association will meet on Tues- day, Oct. 16, 7:30-. p.m., at1 WhityBpist Church, 411 Gil- bert Ft., Witby. Guest speaker will be Barb Border, from Resources for Exceptional Chul- dren. She will give a presen- tation about su pport and resouroes available for children. For more information cali 831- 8300. liVmNGWITHTEENS Improving, relationships between parents and teenagers will be the focus of a eight-session parent study group starting Tuesday, Oct. -16 at Paul Dwyer i-gh School, Oshawa. The cost of this study group is $40 per person. F or information about this or any of the other study groups offered by the Family Education Resource Centre cf Durham. House in their fali program, cail 579-2021 or 686-4353. NOCKIN'SESSION Pineridge Bluegrass Folklore Socety will hold a piclun' session on Sunday, Oct. 21, 2 to 5 p.m., at Camp Samac, main council bail, north entrance of Conlin Road. Everyone welcome to attend an afternoon of bluegrass music. RESOURCES FOR EXCEPTIONALCI RE T.he third annuall meeting Of Resources for Exceptional Cil- dren will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 23, 7:30 p.m., at the Deer Creek Golf and Country Club, Ajax. Gary Zemlack of Tykris Inc. will demonstrate the newest technical adaptive equient for the 'differently able .' There will aiso be a discussion of Durham Region's integration cf children wlth special needs. For more information cali Aidan Prince at 427-8862. VAL COUBROUGH ret vie president et the AlzemesSociety <i Durhaip 1.egioei, an& Margaret Annan, co-owners of Garbds fashiei boutique, hbave a- littie help to display one cf thé fashioea that will be shown, in the Autumn Evening ,aehien show (hafr lby Valentino's) on Thursday, Oct. ' 11, 7:30 p.m., at Annandale Golf and Curling Club. Prooeeds. go to the Alzheimers Society. VEuf. Boe4e photoo RENGTHENING YOUR STEPFAMILY The Famnily Educati'on Resource Centre cf Durham House is' offring study group for stepparents focussing on the advantages and positive aspects cf being a step-parent, and the adjustment issues faced by both parents and children in step families. The group will meet at St. Bernadette School, Ajax from 7, to 9 p.m. on Tuesday evenings starting Oct. 23, for six sessions. The cost is $30. For further information and to register, cal 686-4353 or 579-2021. TOMIES TO PICK CONVENTION DELEGATES Durham Centre ridingr Pro- gressive Conservatives will hold a general ,meinbership meeting Oct., 17. The purpose cf the meet- in a te sélect delegates te, the IOntario party's convention in Hamilton freai Oct. 26-28. The meeting will be held in the Gold Room of the Whitby Centennial Building 416 Centre St. S.., at 8 p.m. Alf'members are invited to attend. Refresl*ments will ha ser- ved. For fuarthex iýnformation.con- trding as!Èation rq2esdi - OCTOBER 24. 7-00 PM PALMERSTON COMMUNITY SCI-OOL - OCTOBER 10, 700O PM GLEN DHU COMMUNITY SCI-IOL, - OCTOBER 23.7:00 PM Non-profit whd-are, eIn' Whltby orhave a substantialWhIthy <membershlpmaY placEe ther '. OacJeS o . page at:nocs. grouawIIbchre 6611.Dealn followlng wek's nser1ofli - rlay a P.M. " jAENOVELT SAL The Cardiaej Rehabilitation Organization will hold a$W:'ake and, Novelty,-Sale on Sat*dy Oct. 27, 10 a.m. ta 4 p.mn., àtFiEve Pointa Mail, Oshawa. Ail; ,funds. raised will go towards purehsig an electric cardiogram moni> tor., Donations of baked goodsa nd/or resaleable items, (new or used), would be appreciated. Donations will. be accepted on Friday, "Oct. 26, between 4 and 6 p.m. at the. YWCA, Sixncoe St. S., Oshawa, or at the Five Pointa Mail , on Saturday, Oct. 27, beginning at 9:45. For more infrmation. cal Anni Presto>n at 728-9732, Isabel Jack at 725-4428 or Muriel Inch at 430-1593. COUNTRY NIGIIT Popular local band I'The Tradesmen' will give- a benefit 'Country Night' performance" for the Lung Association at Moome Lodge, 731 Wilson- Rd. S., Oshawa, on Friday,* Nov. 2 from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets, are $12.50 per person from Saywells (14 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa) or the Lung Association office (suite 605, 40 Kinig St. W., Oshawa). Ticket price- includes draw prizes and light refreshments, with a cash >bar available. For more information, or for credit tard resrvtioscal the Lung 'Association in Oshawa at 436-1046. PHOTO CLUB T1he Whitby Photo Club will meet at the Whitby Public Libr- arDundas St. W. Topic will be 'Anatamy of AudiW/Visual Pro- grammig' (showing gldes to Music) , resented bïy D. Broad- hurst.ý New members are wel- come. For more information cal 666-4467. HELP FOR VETERANS Veterans or members- of veterans' families can obtain informration about , pensions, allowanceýs or medical assistance available'1 by. phoning Denis (Mliles) IWeaney at 668-2730 or the Legion Hall at 668-0330, between . ýnoon and 6' p.M'., Monday' to-F'riday. Bazaars . ...raf.show. CRAFT SHIOW. The Fali Country Craft'& Col- lectibles Show will ha held at the Metro East lrade Centre, Pick- ering, Oct. 18-20. The show ýfea- tures handmnade products from 200 Canadian artisans.«- BAKE AND CRAFT SALE The Windsor Place Seniors Association, 315 Coîborne St. W., Whitby, will hold a bake and craft sale on Saturday, Oct. 20, il a.m. ta 3 p.m. Refreshments will be sold. Raffles will be held. CRAFT SHOW The Craft Show at Christmas will ha. held at the Metro East Trade Centre, Pickering, Nov. 29 to Dec. 1. BAZAAR St. Andrew's Preshyterian Church Women will hold their annual bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 10 11:30'a.m. te 3 p.m. There wil be crafla, knitting, sewing, decorations, .bak Ing, preevs white elep'nttble Pand tea «oprn, Te cuha29ph BAZAAR \ " The Whitby Seniors'Actvity DCentre will be holding their fa *Ihll bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 3 from 10:30 a.m. to, 3:30 p.m. The centre i i located at 801 Brock- St. S. There will be Christnias decorations, crafts, knitting, a home baldng table as well as a -white elephant, table. There .will .aIso be a tea roorn. Rae tickets will be on sale for $1, for a chance to win a $500 bond, an oil *painting or an afghan. Something for everyone, plan to attend. PROGRESSIVE AUCTION Friday, Oct. 26 is the day of this yearly event, te be held fromn ila.m»i. 'to 7 ýp.m. Soup 'ln' sandwich lunch will be served from il aan. to i p.M.$,:'chili supper frovm 4 toô 7 '.m. Browse through .the, country ldtchen,- bake table, Christmas ïdeas, Halloween \çostfmes -and mn COMMUNITY SOHOOLS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS IN THE TOWN 0F WHITBY SPECIAL NOTICE DUE NOTICE IS GIVEN FOR THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS 0F THE FOLIO WING COMMUNITY SOHOOLS. PRINGLE CREEK COMMUNITV SOHOOL- OCTOBER 17.7-30 PM ýýâ à

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