WMUTY FREE PRESS% WEDNESDAYo OCTOBER Se12Me PAGE 7 PAGESEE B~IV~IED EflGIS oWRECKED VWHICLES or.AMRADE O 1F The sceine: a cottage in the New Engand stats. Two North J American senior politicians -ponder the affairs -of the world while -A their wives feed the id and grandchildren, put boer on ice. - X.- BRIAN: I sure hope this thmng works. If not, rii trouble. GEORGE: I guarantee it. Here, let me help you tie that fly. No, flot that one, the -one you fish with. Whatdya.take me for? Now relax, will ya? You have my word that war works. I waan't head of Ihe CIA for nothing. __ BRIAN: But sending ail these troupe to the Middle Est And my boats.;Do you have any idea of how much that is costing me? -GEORGE: Have I any idea cf what it cont you? Listen, take whatr you've got and multiply it by ten, twenty, I dunno. BRIAN: But you're doing ail right, your domestic poils are up, the people love you. A shoting war wifl just mean theyll have te love yueven more. But consider my postion .. JW ho needs losers? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GEORGE: Listen, Brian. I am head of the mont powerful nation this planet han ever known. Do you think we got that way by looking at the world through the eyes cf losers? But stick with me. BRIAN: George, please let nme Iinish. My polas are down. Can youî comjrehend what 18 per cent is like? You proniised that this war .. GEu ORGE: wownders, that we'd both get re-elected. v:~~. GOG:Have I ever lied te you before? Canadians wiil die algtlng for honor and truth and low cil pries. Trust me, the CIA andthe publicity people wiil make sure cf it. We've got the media contacts. Youll be a hero. And lock, I have this backup scheme if the war thing starts te sour. This wiil make winners cf us both. i BRIAN: Whatsit? GEORGE: Rids. BRIAN: Yeah, we got lotta those, Mila and me. Mainly Mila, though I changed a lot cf diapers i my days. That's cause I can't emeil. Years in politics will do that te you. LotsapoorkIdds GEORGE: Teil me about it. But rm net ta]king about your kids. rm fnot tafldng about my kida or even my grandld. n taiking about other people's kida. I BRIAN: Other -people have theni? GEORGE: Our PR people just disccv ered that- last week. They're other people'n kida, and theyre poor'. Whatever that la. Just say you like kidà , poor kida, and Party dnations and votes just pour in. Ites magie. BRIAN: Weil, I dunno, that sounda okay for you, but I don't even ~ 'r think we havré kida up in Canada, let alone poor cnes. Heck, Canada is about the second best place ini the world te live. Next te ... M RL M O 'LSSP M R1919 GEORGE: ... good or U.S. of A., yeah, yealx. But- hey! we're Ths cidrSOtede h Orle PulAS Sch, wFFE mB deR 1 1893978 Th talking about votes and donations. These poor kids were invented byTeecidenaen dth MrtePbcScolwihwsdmliedn178Te my pulici1ts Since were richer than you, they did give us imore teacher, at rigrht, la John Murkar, grandfather cf Whitby optometrist Neil'Murkar, who was *A public echool Teachers' Ceuncil lias been formnedin Whitby. M aim lem im* eFive firms have tendered te, build a library and gymnatorium at E. A. Fairman Schoel. * Whitbys population is decining, as 37 families moved to town ini July and August and,49 left town. BRIAN: We have that problem with our medicaie up ini Canada. One of the largest underground manholes in the Bell Telephone system wiIl be bufit at Give those poor people medical care and they utedupusingitBrkanCobretets Why, its like rich folk can hardy get in teseea specialist these days, their offics are so crowded with pople. Poor ids, teo. GEORGE: We seS eye-te-eye ere. See, if this poverty thing doeal exist, we could really help these poor ida stand on their own two i ER G feet. BRIAN: Right, it's the American way. from the Thursday, September 28, 1865 edition of the GEORGE: Let our bankers boan them ail the money they nee<i WHITY CHRONICLE That'd get rid of poverty. e TIËere are 1,460 entries in the l3th annual exhibition of the Ontario County Agrficultural BRIAN: I like the sounds cf it. Hlow many more troos do you Society at Whitby. want in the Middle East? How about some airplanes, uxke somne The Chronicle in complaining that the members cf the volunteer mnilitia have net been more? And now that the trops are out of Oka, why... GEORGE: Hey! nowwere talking. I can haul those troops back paid for the drill they carried ont earlier this year. from the desert if peace breaks out. Then can we reaily have a war The Town Council lias î>aid $10 each for the relief of two destitute persons., onpvrty. Rea]ly put the boots te thosé poor kda. John Miller lias been fined $18.69 for non-payment of wages'te an employee. BRA:We did it te women and kIda at Oha. Proves it can work anywhere. We're a coupla winners, yun know that? GEORGE: Histexy wiil remember us.