Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Sep 1990, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WMW BYFI=E PRESS, WEDNESDAY, EI!MBER 26, 1990 .MOST sTrORES Open Sunday CHECK STORE LOCATION FOR SUNDAY OPENINOS à HOURS. PRicES EFFECTiVE SUNDAY** SEPT. 23. I&TIRDAY SE". 2%9, M )v . 4o CUTRUlPIoU. 1<UnIAP md. 4 A PREMIUM HEARTY BLEND B3okar Bean Coffee <300 g BAG (1 kg BAG - 3,29 WITH COUPON BELOW) ITHANI IPRICE' IWTHI STIRREDOR DIET STYLE, SELECTI .Becl Yo! CASE 0F1 5. LESS TH ED FLAVOURS Ettrice gourt 12 -175 gTUBS 99 HAN 1/2 PRICE ..Bravo Spaghetti Sauce CASE 0F 18 - 796 mi. TINS WITH COUPONBEv E.D SMITH, TOMATO CLAM OR Garden Cocktail *=..g 79 9ML BOTTLE PR LiMt .. BTUS PER FAMILY PURCHASE IWITH THIS CM SAVE $1.W0 iCOUPON A PEIMHAT LN IBokar Bean Coffee I300 9gBAG UiMflr1 bag peT coupon. muervoid Sept 23*- sept. 29, 90 scM#~ I I Bravo Spaghetti Sauce 1 ICASE OF 18-7W ML TINSI IUMn'.1 ce».per coupon.I Lr01Offwvelld Sept. 23* - Sept. 29, IM (F«tws rie tthutcouon «ch) ______ Start Saving Your FREE Stamps Now! Save up to 50% off manufacturers suggested retail prce. You'II receive one saver stamp wvith eachi.'000 purchase, two saver stamps with each 120.DO purchase, three saver stamps wth each $30.00 purchase, and so on. Twenty saver stamps equal one saver book. IWITH TIUS SAVE $2-00 i COUPON A PREMIUM HEAW *BLEDI Bokar Bean Coffee I I~ kg BAGI I UMIT1 bougper coupon.I L 1f valld Sept. 230 .-Sept. 29, 1M9. (Futue ore wthout coupon 5.29) V.C.# Q IWITH THIS .RM SAVE40 iCOUPON CEREALI IPost Bran Flakes I Im I IUulHp.1rCoupon. I ISe 29** - ipt.29,19 Zfby STE VENS. Cn IVERYDAY W1H ON[E VjITMV Pecirîr-, RETAIL FILLO F11 Ei iMTMOUI SITJER SIAMP 'AR SfiDmiP TWIN SIZE 2.92. 99 3-Piece Set2992491.9 DOUBLE SIZE 4-Piece Set -44.991 39.91 34.99 eSe 54.99 49.9ý 4499 KIN4G SIZE 6.96. 99 4-Piece Set u99 495.9 Subdivision prpoas wil be focus of staff report, Yhen The Stars Corne Up, The Prîces Corne Down! PROM PAGE il done,» said Henry. iiii r Henry said GO ofialar stili working on a timetable of the fail of 1991 for opening the Peterborough extension. «I dont think it conid ha done for this fail, there are no station sites yet," said Henry. Even though Pagnueio's group suggests using the former VIA stations, Henry said this niay not ha practical. H e sad existing stations may ha too oid and in the wrong locations ta meet current requirements. Pagnueio's letter te Rae aiso outlines the history of the asso- ciation's campaign to restere commuter rail service. When the federai government cut VIA Rail sem4,ceý the -associa- tion commissioned a $33,006 study te determine the feasibility of a privately-peratect rail net- work for southen Ontario.- The study, which found that private service couid ha success- 1,, was only undertaken after the provincial governinent said it had no intereat in taking over the VIA routes. However, the province effec-' tively derailed the proposed Canadian Commuter Rail system in last spring's budget. The government announced that GO train service would ha extended te Bowmanviile, Barrie and Guelph and that it wouid study expansion te, Peterborough and Brantford. The passenger-association said. te government was obligated te rovide GO service te Peter- ruh as soon as possible because the COR wouid have filled that need. T he associationijiade- this an election issue in ridings along the Peterborough route. By Mfike Kowsleski A conmprehensive report on deveiopnient in north Whitby will ha prepared by the Town% planning department. Councillor Joe Drumni calied for the report during last week's meeting of Town council's plan- ning and development commit- tee. Dru m'sre9uest was prompted by a, major subdivison proposaI from Fine Glen Farmis for the northwest corner of Brock St. N. and Dryden Blvd. Fine Glen's plan ýcalîs for a combined total of 672 housing, units on the site. The subdivision wiii include 43 single-famiy house lots, 53 link house lots, 46 street townhouses 158 block townhouse units ýand two apartments with a combined total of 372 units. The Town's officiai plan desig- nation ailows a mixtue of low,. medium and high densityr resi- dential development on the site. Drumni said he has no specific objections to PinelGlen's proposai but is concerned about overaîl. developinent on Brock Street. Drumni said a report on al development proposais for the area aiong Brock from Rossland Rd. te Taunton Rd. would prove beneficial. «I want te see the overal picture, let's see what else is proposed,» said Drumm. C ouncillor Dënnis Fox expressed'concern that deveiop- ment is proceedinig on Brock even though parts pýf the street only meet rural standards, with no provisions for curbs, gutters and sidewalks. i > It makes no. sensp te, have this go ahead with' Brocëk as a rural' designation, we will bélooking at curbs and gutters in the future,» said Fox. Meanwhile, Fred Campbell, who lives near the proposedl sub- division, was worried about future problenis with his weli water. He wanted a guarantee that if bis water isecut off by construc- tion, the developer wiii pay the costs of hooking his property Up te the Town's water supply. Beef din ner A beef dinner will ha heid at Brooklin United Church on Wednesday, Oct. 3 at 5 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. Cost is $10 for adults, $3 for chiidren (12' and under). Preschoolers free. For ticket information cali R. Hodson at'655-8025 or the church office at 655-4141. NEW STORE HOURS Monday to Fridlay 7 a.m. -l11p.m. Saturday 7 a.m. - 10Op.m. Effective Mon. Sept. 17/90. RUB L GRADE "A", MIRACLE BASE OR BUTTERBAU. Self-Basting 32/gTurkeys 31ý 70 THICKSONIRDB S a- ;WHITBY** M by advance ticket -.Iàw Committee chairman Eàss Bat- ten pointed out that Durhamn Region has a policy to help resi- dents whose well water is affec- ted by development. In a subsequent interviewe~ Drurnm estimated that there are «10O or 12" different subdivision pooais for the area. «When you look. at them ail in isolation you don't get the saine sense as when you look at them ail together,» said Drumïm.* "I want to make sure we have the total picture.» Drummf said there are several profosais 'for- commercial and residential development in the vicinity of Taunton and. Brock specifIcally. He ie concerned about the phsical" impact of development on Brock and the eventual popu- lation density of the area. Pine GIen' proposai wiil be cfrcuiated for« comment from various public bodies and brought back te comxittee at a later date. News frcm Brooklin United Church_ The congregation of- Brooklin United Church heid a "covezpant renewal service on Sunday,Spt 16. Guest- organist ws, Daryl Linnington. Under the leadership of Sunday school superinténdent Gloria Jackson, 'the staff was installed andthe: ohldren. were promoôted te thefr new classes for, the coming year. Beginrning on Se pt. 18, every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:15 to 1:30 am., aYWCA program. for pre-school éhildfén will - é held, at Brooklin United Church under the leadership of Nancy Innes. Choir practice for the senior choir is every Thursday, 7:30 to, 9 p.m., under the tutelage of the new musiè director Jerr Miller. Junior choir practice will commencie on Sunday, Sept. 30 at 10 a.m., under leader Pattie Scott, A baptism service for children will be held Sunday, Sept. 30. Plans for the annual1 beef dinner are undeay This will be held- at Biooklin United Church on Oct. .3 with two sittinge, 5 p.m-. and 6:30 p.m..ickets are $10 for aduits, $3 chiidren 12 and under and free 'for-pre-achoolers. For tickets cail Ray Hodson at 655-8025 or the'church. office at 655-4141. Admission is by advance ticket sales oniy. Go >trectin perdomise Admission sales oniy. 1 4

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