Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Sep 1990, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WHTFY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPUYMBER 2,1990 ~at5p.. .&ZERIER The Alzheimer Society of Dur- ham Region will meet on Wod- ns day, Sept. 26, 7:30 p.m., at the Senior Citizens' Activity Centre *910 Liverool Rd. Pick- ering. àFhere -willrbe a viUeoas- sotte presentation of 'Alzheimer: No Easy Answors.' Al welcome. Call 576-2567 for more informa- tien. LA LECHE La Leche League Oshawa will meet on Wednesday, Oct. 3. Mothers and nursing babies are welcome* For more information about the meeting, including location, call 723-0542. 'XIIION «The Station Gallery: The First Twenty Years,' an exhibition in- cluding the work of 28 artiste will be hold at tho' gallery unif Sept. 30. FAM[LY SUPPORT The family support group of Fairview Lod -1 od is st meeting of the new season on Wednesiday, Sept. 26, 7 . i the auditorium. Guest spe&ýke will- be Susan Ellis who will discues "How te visit and com- municate with yor fainily mem- ber.» Family, fiende, staff and volunteers welcome te attend. CAR WASH A car wash, with proceeds te, the United Way, is being sponsored by the Canadian Mental eéalth Association/ Durham Branch, on Saturday, Sept. 29 from 9 a.m. te, 4 p.m. (Raindate: Sunday, Sept. 30, 9 a.m. te, 4 p.m.). Cost is $3.50 for cars, $5 for trucks. The car wash will be held at the Rebel Cas Station, Thickson and Hwy 2 in Whitby. ORGANIC GROWERS The Durham Chapter of Cânada Organic Growers will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 26$ 7:30 pm. inthe program room of theWhit6 Pubhic Library. There will be a silde preffentation about daylillies bDoug Lycette, hybri- dizer and orgaic Mrwer. Al welcome. For more information call Jane Moore at 434-6231. BREBUILDING If you have recently become separated you are probably eriencing the painful feelings hatr corne when a love relationship ends. There is a proven 15-step processa of adjustment te this loss which forme the basis of Bruce Fisher's book, 'Rebuilding."' The Family Education Resource Centre of Durham House is offering a discussion group for people who are- single again which will explain the pattern of building blockse suggested in thie book and lead participante through their feelings of lose while pointing directions for the future. This 10- session support group will meet on Wednesdaye from 7 te 9 p.m., starting Oct. 3, at, the Ministry of Revenue Building in Oshawa. The cost je $50 and there are some subsidies available for those in need. For -more information and te register for thie group, cal the Fanilly Education Resource Centre at 579-2021 or 686-4353. CILBIRTH ISSUES 'Childbirth Today -- Consumer Options,' a free, public informa- tion seminar on childbirth issues, will ho held Wednesday, Oct. 3, 7 p.m., at the Pickering library. The seminar is sponsored by the Childbirth Education Association of Durham. Ail welcome. For more information caîl 420-3890. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY The Whitby/Oshawa branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 2, 7:15 te 10 p.m., in the Whitby Public Library auditorium. Guest speaker will ho Allison Lobb, president of the Ontario Genea- logical Society. Topic wi1l h 'Photo aphy and t he Genealo- gist - Wgays and Means of Using it Efficiently.' For more Informa- tion caîl Bessie Gannon at 723- 7460 or Joyce Hilton at 668- 8177. GOOD CAMPANIONS Good Campanions wlll hold a card party on Thursday, Oct. 4, 1 p.. at St, Marks United Church. Admission is $3. Door prizes are available and refresh- monts will be served. Proceede go te, Whitby General Hospital. RUhMAGE SALE Rummage sales are held every Wednesday, 1 te 2:30 p.m., at St. ORIENTATION iBi¶>Sîasters Newcastle-Oshawa- Whty(NOW) invites potential volunteere te attend orientation night on Wednesday, Sept. 26, 7 te 9 p.m., at the offce, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Caîl 436- 0951 for more information. PARKINSON FOUNDATION The Parkinson Foundation Durham -Region hapter, wiif hold a general meeting on Oct. 1 7:30 p.m., at St. Mark's Uie Church (Centre St. ontrance). Guest speake will be Bob Slack, niedical liaison speaker and con- sultant with Sandoz Canada. Ho w*Illprovde a general overview on Parkinson dtisease.- A ques- tion-and-answer period will fol- low. Refreshments will be avail- able. There is wheechair accese te the church àssembly hall .'-Al welcome. For more information coul 668-6580 or 666-8576. CO-OP HOUSING 4 Co-operative Hosig wil ho the topic of disusio at a meeting of the Durham Regional Accese te Permanent Housing Committee, on Sept. 27, noon, at the Community Nursing. Home, 451 Lilla St.,' Port 'Perry.. Maggie Keith of the Co-operative Housing Association of Ontario will be the gueet speaker. To register, cail 686-2661 by 5 p.m., Sept. 21. CLUB MEETING The Durham Business & Pro- fessional Women's Club will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 26, 6 p.m., at the Thunderbird Golf and Country Club, Ashburn. Guest speakers will be Mary-Ann Roman, president of the Down- town Business & Professional Women's Club, and Shelley Craig, executive director of the Durham Industry/ Education Council. Reservations muet ho made in advanoe. Caîl Maijorie Green at 686-2085 or Karen Gra- hami at 427-2443. ANNUAL MEETING The communlty advisory board of Whitby Psychiatric Hospital is hosting- ita sevrenth annual meeting on Sept. 28. This is a luncheon meeting and wlll ho held in building 30 on the hospital grounds from noon until 2 p.m. Dr. Peter Chang, chairman of the implementation committe. of the report of the community prograins work group of the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital Redevelopment Project, wiil ho guest speaker. Members of the public are invited te attend. Tuer. is no registration fee. Cail te confirm attendance as seating is Iimited. Ca the coinmunity advisory board office at (416) 430-4022 or (416) 668-5881, extension 4022. ORIENTATION An orientation session for pro- spective Big Brothers and moth-* ers will be held -on Thursday, Se pt. 27, 7:30 p.m., For more information or registration cal 579-2551.i. ON TUE AMR Starting Wodnesday, -Oct. 3 at 3 pm., Distrese Dentre Durham ill host a weekly, half-hour phoe-n television prograrn on RoesCommunity 10. The focus will be on families and how they cope with the socal diversities of today's fast-paced socety. Each week, Ronny Kisassen and her guesta w&ill be discussing different issues. The series pilot. will feature- Dr. H. Frazer. Hlie expertise is*in the area of fears and/or phobias. ACCESS TO ABORTION TWi Durham-Chapter of the Canadian .Abortion RightsAction League (CARAL) le pponsoring a spcal "D)ay of-Action" event on Saturday, Oct. 13. -À panel discussion will take place at the Laval Community Centre, Laval Drive in Oshawa (off Stevenson Rd. S., just south of the, Oshawa Shopping Centre),'fronil 2 te 4 pam. Bull C-43 will be diacussed. Literature wM lb. avafiable. Free admiission (donations accepted). For more information oel 436-6866. PHOTO CLUB The Whitby Photo Club will meet at the Whftky Public Libr ary on Monday Oct. i 7 te 10 pm. Topic willI be 'Filters for Tropical Vacations.! There will also be a slide presentation. New inembers are welcome. MEALS ON WHEEIS WEEK Meals on Wheels Week ie from Sept. 23 to 29, te celebrate the Whitby Community Gare volun- teers Who help with the program. Anyone whio wants te volunteer can caîl 668-6223. LEGAL AI) Information Whitby, *at 405 Dundas St. W. in Whitby, offers a legal id clinic from 7 te 9 p.m., the second Tuesday of the month, Septomber te, June. The service ie avoulable te anyone and there ie no charg. The clinic ie not intended for in-depth legal couneflngbut brief information isproided about legal probleme andwhore te obtain further assstance. Cail the 'contre at 668-0552 or drop by in person te make an appointment. The oentro' hors are Monday te Thursday, 9:30 a.m.- 9 p.m.; Friday, 9:.3Q am. -6 P.m.; Saturday, 9 amn. - 5 pam. Clients receive a private and confidential 20-minute appointment with a lawyer provided hy the Ontario TAW101 Aie : Aa in 110L CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY FALL CLEAN-UP WEEK OCTOBER 9 - 1251990 The week of October 9, 1090, has been designated as "FAL CLEAN-UP WEEK" in the Town of Whitby. A speciai collection service has been provided for the purpose of ailowing citizens the opportunity to dispose of household articles that are not normally 9rmitted by regular garbage collection or through. recycling with the Therefore. arrangements have been made for the collection from private residences, apartment buildings and townhouse complexes of lcre bulky items such as dlscarded household furniture, appliances, as well as limited quantities of materiais from minor household repairs, clothing and other like items. NOTE: Rocycable materlals wlll not b. plcked up under thîs speclal collection, as such Items muet b. recycled by use of the Blue Box. AIl materials to b. collected are to b. put out by 7-.00 amn. on the sanie day as regula refuse collection service and must b. aligned along the curb or ede of the road. They should be piled separately from regular collections and b. properly prepared in bundles or receptacles so as not to have any loose materiai on the street. Collection MIlb. limited to a combined total of not more than ten receptacles, bundles or items per dwelling unit. Brush, tree branches and hedge clippings must b. securely tied in bundles. Bundles are to b. less than 2.5 feet in any direction and weigh less than 50 pounds. This special cleazn-up collection does not apply to commercial or industrial properties. MAT ERIALS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS COLLECTION Rocyclables, such as newspaper, glass, lin and corrugated cardiboard. Quantîtîes of brush, tre. branches or hedge clîppînga that have flot been securely lied In bundles. Large quantiîlles of unwanted building malerlals. Dlscarded vehîcle parts, lIres, automolîve wastes and accessorles. Malerlals, bouvIer than 50 pounds or longer than 2.5 foot, except metal applances and household furniture. Hazardous household wastes such as Ieftover paInt. and thînnors, waste ohI, pesticides, herbicides, and th. 1ke con cause public health andlor envlronmental problems. Reaidents muet dispose of the8. materlals ai the Brock West Landfill site and for furher Information, please caîl 686-1137. Yow' continued co-operation will b. appreciated. RL A. KUWAI-A RA. P. Eng., Directoçqf,.p.$ýc~qIs A - iitcqL%41u l.ANN1VERSARY SERVICE a flm aZ £RAiJJAcJI m n Wa. Mount Zion United Church's LALECHE LEAGUE RT 134th anniversary services will La Loche Leagm e an AlreART SALE ilbeedatb. held on Sunday Sept. 30,il interntionail biest jedixngad ge rt alewil behel at a.m. and 7:30 prm. Ã"uùest speakeran Zion Christian Reformned Church, at ' the eveninoe service will hobe dgrU Plidng WOmOf 409 Adelaide Ave E., Oshawa, Rey. Robert Rkumball of the bras fedP nd %infrano Sept. 29, 9 a.m. te 3 p.m. Pro- Centre for the Deaf in Toronto. feÃŽi.Te.l local ceeds will mte Christian educa- Ail welcome. Tue church le loca- -9I lfc eese1i is tion at Ëmnmanuel Christian 'ted on Concession 8. west of WédnesdaYof. eoh month. For ~d, Dly, - içlqrn l__or -more î nat4 p eau1 (M PlIt pne, Rd, 24 -4 *#4ei ýKf

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