Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Sep 1990, p. 23

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WHITY FPM PRESS, WEDNESDAY, S IVIEBR 19, 1990, PAGE 23 GCST, affects uergoups solutions.ousto ~~tby ith four members, a resoble reresentatioun. HowverfnOataivolurareaclwaysCentecoedubicsayso Gal awormpbi aticipaon fDrailaltorfr ura reports (a eries of stdPirng tetontheent owatec maÈknagement), nhos ulimetin gs, assised the Reguioo Lithesomnain oitePcy for rsiets bordeinolna potiena iadfhl sihtaDurha ad ths iees andmte public frgartivg pandticipaninceain crs Thes group mes rtnwiamth th enofDrokmin ommunityp Cfe te (Hwy 199northeyofW htpfromc7:30in9:30 pame If yo ivfole dbut ouldarelike amoutre inom atinre g ring the Drcame)olytiona o ev ometsetfryu input, ntctthefurMstersr l Htlne: 1-800465-4216. o - Oweentarjocrtsets throw aea lionts wlof g" arbag - thl ife of aPblfas t oodpakn ag i toftnmiue, u . a -2or enpat yf thoe Pbuy ends up inthe arbae reots( whenisosciers are dumedinhe landfon sitste mantaeand otewastcseepsintosthe groudhpolutngo theevomentooiyfrrsdnsbreigo oeta -adl theiaer aeduCadnhoseld prondtpub 0 li res ofin harou was tec earnha h roki omnt ated packgaccountsfor a/by eght and 1/2 nby vome o riod utial garbagreinomaioegadi h -YOntcardo fourthngs thway7milotnsf garbage Youcaebyifeo t fo akg sotn iuebti Or youcn tseen ionea Carbea voyage.nÈurKoch - 2 pe cnt f he oo webu Former i th Mayrbf ew ok -COM n iN EV bE: Ot. 1r- 1,rWdsor, inarUi io es R eyn Coeunil f Otando thAnal Cses oetne. "low to for '92 the eChallneneot ecig2%Wst iesoy19. Conf ere nforainan Laass (416) 96e 0-05.re o ByT1rudle Zavadovios In addition te new fées in,1991 for park's, recreationai facilities and pograms, ail user groupa in Whiby illbe subject te th per cent GST. Town operations committee rprremmn ledtenew fee sche- dule at Monday night's meeting. Arena fees, aquatic fees, com- munity centre- rates- and park permit fees have been reviewed and adjusted. Some facterïs taken inte con- sideration when compiffing the new rates were cost of operatinýg programs and facilities, comnpari- sons te other such services and programs, and iength of terni of use over a 12-mont eriod. It is recommended that ail new hall rentais be subject ta a 12 per Sos FPROM PAGEZ1 of the concept of continuous pub- lic access te the waterfront in Witby IH.arbour," in bis recoin- mendations. However, Crombie aise coin- mends Whitby for its "excellent waterfrontý planning", a fact - noted by councilior Ross Batten, chairman of councils planning and developinent committee., «We deaIt witb Crombie on the whole thing, tbey clearly feit we» did our bomework andmore," said Batten. "Thy've seen the site, they've seen thbe proposai, they had ne problems with it." Batten said council bas been, «very responsible on the whole waterfront issue, and the «Crombie commission backs us up on i. cent increase effective Jan. 1, 1991 te March 31i, 1992, for customers who are not currently under contract. An eight per cent -increase is proposed for the nextfiscal year endlng March 31, 1993. Also proposed is that the prime rate for ice rentais be limited to an additionai four per-cent, effec- tive April 1, 1990. Prime ice fees were prevrioualy adjusted on Jan. 1, 1990 for the perodending March .31, 1991, nd the communit user group fee cankIeixed at 80 per cent of th rime aduit user fee. r a review of the current uses of sport fields, the parki and recreation dep.rtent will submit aseLarat. report for councils consi rton. Participants age 14 and, under have the option, of -agpling to the federallMinistry vimenue for a GST rebate. Please give generously toI TuiL KIDNEY FoUNDATION- 0FCANADA. I A building 130 years old FtiOM PA GE2.1 Now, we reach the most recent stage in the buildings- Chronicle te Consortium history. Early in 1989, a group cf investars bought; the buiding with an aim te, locate their new investinent business there. 'We feil in love with the building," says John Craine, vice-president cf marketing for the Consortium Group cf Cempanies, adding,'We retained as much of the heritage look as we possibly couid." A tour of the building proves Craine correct. The resuit cf $1.5 million worth cf renovations a.nd restoration is a modern and very attractive office environment biended with original qualities of the building, such as the ornate brickworc. -Craine points out the walls that form the offices are actualiy Mhig quahity partitions, that could be removed with no effect an the original structure. The Consortium Group, as the naine may sugnest, is actually severai 'compamies, geared te service the investor. 'We do a littie bit of everything, we're kind of a ful package boutique mnvetstmnt house," says Craine. Involved in everything from property mainagement te accounting serv ices to design and construction, Consortium currently has a number of major developments in the works. 'ibese include a resort in the Bahamas, as weli as two vacation complexes in Ontarios cottage country. The innovative interiar design ocf the building shlows Consortiums fuli-time staff of 52 te, operate in comnfortable and reiaxing surroundings. 1Today's owners of 173 Brock St. N. paid special attention te detail when it came te restoring the original character of the building. So much so that the letters spelling 'Consortiumd over the large arch window on the front cf the buildifig were arranged in the same-inanner as the name ' Chronicie' appeàred in 1862. IDANNIY'S GENERAL CONTRACTORS Protect Yow' Invegmownt With Qualty Repaire and Improvoments Complte Renovatons Drvwall.- Paintina Skyites* French DOOis Paper Products, including ' Viater PofIg 1 Kces*Bahrooms s newspaper, comprise 36 per FEE ESTIMTES 66n cent of the garbage placed LFREE666MI28276 m at curbsîde for J282 pickup each ;week. Ai of [ COECUT CARIAGETRAD\ *it is recyclable. Custom.desÎgoedgowns& floral arrangements Weck5ngs a alilspeciaf ocasionlsH For your free comnsdorr W HOLES L JANICE (416) 576-1477 J U lf JOANNE (416) 263-8147J 1 INT RL KS LANDSCAPING by UNIVERSITY WERKS -since 1980 - Oua ity Construcion & Pro féssional Design Interlockinig Brick drives, patios, waiks *Retaining walls Wood Fencing- Wood Decks Free Gompetftive Estimates 666-969.0 IFOR FREE QUOTATION .CALL HERB TRAN 725-6564 EARTHWORKS GARDE SERVICE Garden Design & Construction (416 4307602 Joseph Palmieri' (41) 40-702 A BSAUni.y of Guee4 E OUTLET TONE SALESl eCobblestone 9 Multi Weave aRetaining WaIIs* Cuits & much more FROM $1.25 PER SQ, FT, OUR DîSPLAYS. 655-4749 Red Rose Nursery and Garden Centre Thickson Rd. N. Brooklin, Ont. I B & D FENCING& DECKS SriuDurham Reglon Save $$ on Fail Booklngsi fPô 668-7951'l sVe .aoi 24 Hin fOURS3E99Cer q l F~REE ES77MA TES 571-4630 IVGHTS Il (Osha wa) CELLULAR PHONE 433-7459 VA VS 1l 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE -Aumnum Silng Concrel Woe* Fencng à Decks *Crpentr,' - Buenwni Watrprooting -Brtkwor* .Interlocks . painting *Garden Mix .rpeMix eScreenings - Gravel Fine Gralng - Exoevatirîg 42843411 Quality Construction for Home& Business - Bathroome eKitchens aCustom Trim en Docks eGazebos e Additions, etc. %-f JR Md 1082 Westport Crescent Missîssauga, Ont.LCT iGi (416) 564-3143 (416) 564-2279 <Fax) Triple mýix soil - $1 3.00 per yard Screened soil - $1'1.80 per yard Unscreened sali - $700 per-yard Pries inciuce delvrny Same day Ser4S For Fast Free delivery c oNu ee rU 7,ir, i 1

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