Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Sep 1990, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNýEDAY, SEPIMOER 19,1990 f . Non-profit commuinity groups whlch are based ln Whitby or have a substantiai Whitby ýmembership may Place their. upoIngmeetings or actvtie on this page at no cost Profit maklng or non-WhItby gr swl écharr.dol followlng weksé Insertion la Frlday.,at 5p.m. 1 ORGANJO GROWERSl The Durham Chapter of Canada Oranic Growers will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 26, 7:30 P.m. in the Iprogram room of the Whits Public Library. There will be a ilide presentation about daylillies by Doug Lycette, hybri- dizer and organio &Tower. Al welcome. For more information cali Jane Moore at 434-6231. FAMLY SUPPORT The faml support group of Fairv'iew Lee1i hol its first meeting of t he new season on Wednesday, Sept., 26, 7 . M the auditorium. Guest speaïker will be Susa Ellis; wh7o will discuss "How~ to visit and com- municate witli yUr faniily mem- ber.» Faniily, fi*nds, staff and volunteers welcomie to attend. 31W THURSDAY 3rd Thursday Breakfast is'a women's network which meets monnthly at the OId Munich Cafe, 255 King St. E., Oshawa. The nýext meeting will be held Thursday, Sept. 20, 7:30 a.m. Guest speaker will be Joe Mar- shall. le topic will be day care. Members andý guests are wel- corne. Call 723-1143 for informa- tion and reservationp_. PHOTO CLUB The Whitby Poto Club will meet at the WhCtby PublieIàbr- ary on Mon day Sept. 24, 7to 10 p.m. Close-up photography wil be discussed, members should bring photo equipment.. The club, which welcomes new members offers dlinics,- field trigs and guest speakers, tobene it both novice and advanced photagra- phers. Call 666-4467 for more information. * he Alzheimer Society of Dur- ham Region will meet -on Wed- nesda, Sepýt. 26, 7:30 p.m., at the Senior Citizens' Activity Centre 910 LiveroolRd. Pick- erig.~Fhrewill be a videocas- sotte presentation of 'Alzheixner: No Easy Answers?' Ail welcome. Cail 576-2567 for more informa- tion. KIDS CLUB Ktids Club will be held at Emmanuel Reformed Church, 401 Rossand Rd. E., Whitby, for ldds aged 4 ta 10, Mondays, 6 ta 7 p.m., starting Oct. 1. Bible staries, crafts, -singing. For more information, cail Annie at 668-2850. CRAF'T, YARD SALE Brooklin United Church, as part of the lSOth anniversary celebration, -w'ill hold a craft and yard sale on Saturday, Se pt. 22, 10 a.m. ta 4-p.m., in the church- yard, *~eather permitting. Cal 655-8025 for more information. SUPPORT CROUP Te purpose of this group is to, he a1uit children of alcoholics makle changes in their lives by providing the needed information and support. The format will ho short talks, videos,' and gronp discussion. The Family Education Resource Centre of Durham House is offering this 12-session group at Durham House, Thursday Sept. 20, from 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. For more information and ta register cali the centre at 579-2021 or 686-4353. CAPIC The Canadian Association for Production and Inventory Con- trol (CAPIC) is forming a new Durham chapter and will hold dinner meetings at the new Whitby Conference Centre, Le Gala. Thechapter will receive its charter from the American Pro- duction and Inventoryj Control Society on Se pt. 20. F or more information cali David Cari, at 668-9539. ONE PARENT FAMILLES The North Oshawa Chapter of the On. Parent Famille-s Associa- tion will meet for cards and conversation on Wednesday, Sept. 22, 8 p.m., at Christ Memnorial Church, at Mary and Hillcroft streets, Oshawa. New members are welcome. For more information, caîl 668-5144 or 576-5853. PMAC' Durham District-Purchasing Management Association. of Canada will meet today (-Wed- nesday) 6 p.m.,ý at Ou lien Gar- dens. Mveetings are held on the, third Wednesday of each month.' For more information caîl 831-- 6541 (evenings). St. John's Anglican Church- will hold a flea market on Satur- day, Sept. 22,9 a.m. ta, 2 p.m., at the chtirch hall, corner of Brock St. S. and Victoria St. For more information cali 668-4535. BOUSE TOUR Thie Oshawa & District Reai Estate Board (ODREB) is sponsoring the Hqçuse Tour 1990 for Big Sisters Newcastle-Oshawa- Whitby. There are seven magnificent homes (not for sale) on the tour, and tickets are $10 each. The tour takes place on Saturday, Se pt.ý 22, with the homes open from 10, a.m. ta 2 p.m. There is a variety of housing styles on the tour, fio= century homes in -recently bufit residences. Ail money from the sale of tickets wil ho donated ta Big Sisters. Tickets are available at Big Sisters NOW, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa and Brenda's Country Elegance, 1916. Dundas' St. E., Whitby. CLUB hMEETING The Durham Business & Pro- fessional Women's Club will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 26, 6 p.m., at the .Thunderbird Goff and Country Club, Ashburn. Guest speakers will be Mary-Ann Roman president of the Down- town business & Professional Women's Club, and Shelley Craig, executive director of the Durham Industry/ Education Council. Rteservations must b. made in advance. Caîl Marjorie Green at 686-2085 or Karen Gra- ham at 427-2443. EUCam The Ladies Aux'liay Branch 11 Wbitby Leion,11 yo St. S., will hold a ouchre on Thursday, Sept. 20, 8 p.m. Admission is $2. ORIENTATION Big Sbisters Newcastle-Oshawa- Whitby ,(NOW)- invites potential volunteers to attend orientation nigit on Wednesday, e pt. 26, 7 ta, 9 p.m., at, the offce, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Cail 436- 091for more information. OFEN BOUSE The South Durham Unit of the eanadian Cancer Society will hold an open house for volunteers Sunday, Sept. 23 fiom 2 ta 4 p.m. The open house is part of a volunteer recruitment drive. The unit is looking for volunteers ANNUALBMETING The commiuniity advisory board of Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital is hosting its seventh annual meeting on Sept. 28. This is a lunchoon meeting and will ho held in buildin 30 on. the hospital grounds from noon until 2 p.m. Dr. Peter Cha»ng, chairman of the implementation committee of the report of -the cornmunity programis work group of the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital Redevelopment Project, will ho guest speaker. Members of the public are invited ta, attend. There is no registration fee. Cali ta 4onfrm attendance as' seating is limited1. Cail the conimunity advisoiy board office at (416) 430-4022 or (416) 668-5881, extension 4022. FALLEVENT A 'Fail Event' will ho, held at BneyHouse in Brouga on Sept. 22to raise fund for the Head Injury Association Of Toronto Activity Centre. There will ho a garage sale crafis, tea garden, horseback rides,. eve'nig bonfire and barbecue (#10 a per- son). Cal 428-7928 for more in- formation. MeDTATION Classes 7-in basic meditation began this week aboya Pro- menade Bookstore at -Pearson Lanes,. Whitby. .. For more information and târegister cmli 430-1642. RUMMGE SALE Rummage sales are held every Wednesday, 1 ta 2:30 p.m., at St maries United Church. BIROWN BAG MEDICATION At the Whitby Seniors? Activity Centre on Sept. 20 at* 1:30 p.m., Tony Caglese, a pharmacist from the ShoppesDugMart in-the Whbithy Mail, will counsel seniors on the vase use of-medications. Put ail medications in a bag and bring them ta the centre. The pharibtst will meet with seniors privatoly ta discus. their medications. Cail the centre at 668-1424 ta reserve space. NEAIRLY NEW SL Durham Parents of Multiples CIub'-gint nearly new sale of kids lothLes, tays and baby needs wiil ho held on Saturday, Sept. 22, 9 a.m. ta noon, at Kingsvxew United Church, Adelaide and Wilson, in Oshawa. For more information, cali 623-8460 or 436-9058. WORKSHOP Parents who are in the process ofsprMo or divorce often find ,they are emotionally stretched andneed help for themselves rand their children in copingwith the difficulties which may arise. This two-sesson workshop for parents with children up te age 12 wil .im t_ he-lp parents he-lp i

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