Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Sep 1990, p. 17

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WHITY FREE PRESS WDNESDAY, mrPTEMBE 19, 199, PAGE 17 New rules _for, lodgig h.omepopsdi <By Trudie Zavadovicu Durbam Region bas propbsed new b ylaws that municipalities can adopt for lodging houses. 1Ambiguons provincial legisla- tion and complainte into some operating, practices sparked anl inetgton b the t*on's Departent of Hiealth and Social Services as to how lodging houses were run. The investigation began 18, months ago."D.SphnGl .According toDrStpeGod acting medi1a offioer of bealth for the. Region, there are several lodçing house operators in the region who appear to be profiting unduly at Se eense of the disaclvantaged. By Trudie Zavadovicu A.Whltby resfident says he may bave bast a sale of bis home because the Town--reneged on construction of a noise bannier te drownoutthe noise generated by, the new Consumers-Road. Bill Owens owns on. of about, six bouses* directly affected, by' the construction and traffic that wiil -be generated from the *new ,Xoad.- Construction of the road resurned Sept: 4- Owens says he bas bad te dop the sale price of bis home by $2,0.An interested buyer decided against the bouse atr ch ec i g wt h o n and be cntutdt rw u h noise. The investigation led. the De partmnent of Health to'corne up with a list of proposed .bylaws that could be adopted by area municipalities as guidelines for lodging houa. operators and resi-' dents. The bylaws were, endorsed by regiona council before tbey _closed for summer hiatus, and* Whitby council approved aà im- piemnented the bylawsi on Sept. 10. Whitby is the only area muni- cipality whicb already bad beaws regulating the operation ofits four lodging bouses. To update its bylaws in accordance with- the recQmmendations Owens bas lived in bis bouse on Green St. for the past -18 months. "When we, bougbt our bouse, we were told there would be a sound barnier. Now workers are saying there won't b. rnuch traf- - fic and that there won't be ,a Sound barrier.» Owens says that with the. changing-off-ramp from the 401, and the proposed new hotel in the. area, , ne feels there will b. inr aseltrafic., "My understanding'is that this road was not te b. started until next spring. It looks 1k Frm t telos a sale because of Owens says that no on. at the Town bas returned calîs placed .Mitchell zoning tabled By Trudie Zavadovice' Zoning for, a home improve- mont centre pr ,, oposed for north Whitb il .allowed only if tho developer can-satisfSr con- ditions set out by the Ministry cf the Environment. The application by Donald Mit- chell for a property at Hwy 12 and âpencer Rd., opposite Grove- side cemeteny, was met with opoition b y area residents when proposed. I. generation cf other -puch applications in the area, and the resulting increased traffic envirnmental probiems anc1 quality cf water supp1 were some- of the objections fidgedby residents in the. anea. The. Miistry cf the Environ- ment bas expressed concern over tbe size cf the' proposed septic system and indicated tbat if the. system is more than 4,.500 litres Talent auction at Septemnberfest Burns Presbyte!ian Church in Asbburn will hold 'September- fest' on Sàturday, Sept. 2. Events begin at 11:30 a.rn. with lunch (sausage-on-a-bun, hot doge, a pplie) , bake sale, viewlng cf taent auction items, and pick-up cf bidding number and hist. The talent auction begins at i* p.m., examples cf items up for bld are gourmet dinner for two, pre- pared by local chefs; sorneone te, do a 10-heur pai-nting for the bigh bidder, someone te, take the highest bidder for a daYs drive; a sweater knitted te, thelhighest bidden's specifications; babysit- FMuds naised go toward carpet replacement at- the chunch entrance. For more information call 655- 4652 or 655-4825. in capacity, it will bave te con- form te the ministry's "reason- able use Policy.» In adrdition, the ministry's approval cf a nitrate impact assessment, te demonstrate that there would b. no impact ,on rondwater, would b. required bore appnoving an amendment teallow the proposed develop- ment. An additional bydraulic report, indicating whether the septic Eystem meets requirements, is alo needed. On Sept. 12, the application was tabled by Region planning committee for Sept. 26, te aibow the applicant te meet the minis- try's requirements. The property is currently designated major open space in beth the Region and Town offi- ciai plans. brougbt about by -the De part- ment of Heaith, changes h ave been made i'lutie area of per- sonai car.. "It-covers the individuals that' neeci some kind of medical.care,»" says Brian Devitt, director of environmental healtb services 'with the De pa#ent- of Health for Durham Rein Devitt saystat the operator of the lodging bouse would,. in effeet, draw up a service contract with the lodger, spelling out ser- vices be/she could expect -,to recoive. 'Tis would, b. in. matters relating to services provided, rates paid, admission and 'dis- by ho and hise wife. Ho says he feel that the Town i&, just trying to rush the work through with a minimum of com plaints. He says that his neighbors are also upset by the fact there will be no noise barrier. Besides the noise factor, there is a safety factor. The road goes right by Owens' backyard and becomes a dangerous area for cbildren- to play. Kathleen Rowe public sehool is! also in the vicinity As fa as noise goos, Owens says there is already enough' noise. «"W. et enough noise from the 401. With the ramp being changed, we are, going to have trucks and cars back and forth on a four-lane road. They w11lb. ingright at thebac ofrny bakyara. We have enough pollu- tion from the 40 1. "AIl were asking for is to have our own privacy..- We want sound barriers. They're tryig o. e this job done so nothing can b.- done (about it).» Town planning director Bob Short says that the plan does- not caîl for any noise barrier in that area. However, hoe added, «We will b. investigating to see what options are available.» Councillor Lynda Buffett raised the issue at last week's Town council meeting. «I would like to ask the Pro- vince and petition them to instal a sound barrier along Consumers Rd.» Be Part of the "WINNER'S CIRCLElf The War Amputations of Canada ~ ~u. ~ w', oeçqm ~ m g u iF R M I ,1E , i àflE2i .1 HWY4 12C UOOOCENTRE. Selon "The Salon ThatCaters To Your Whole Family" Tues. to Fni.: 9am - 6pm Saturday:8am to 2pm 655-4201 MsTETOYBOUTIQUE MAsTEcTOMY BOUIQUE Alrwy Qamp -'Amoena Jaes- Nearfl *Ungerle * Purses - Casuai Wear CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT Bue. 6554U6 Rs. 686-2062 charge.'? <'Eacb lodging house operator, would draw up a.contrâct » sdys Devitt. 'Mhe Mnsry f heanýb would review the contracts to make sure *they were fair. We don'lt want to et too invoived but we do. want opoetthe people.m Accordingto Whitby Town élr a1on cay, alilthe bylaw changes have been implemented. «Weareocertainl h appaout it,» says MK ver we can do to protect the lodgers we aie- happyt do it. As this carne from the Mlmnstry of Health, it is a ste p florward." McKay said that, it is impor- tant that thie regulations are not toc stringent becaùse there has te be some incent;ive for people te provide this kind of housing. DURHAM The four odging houles ln WHitby are Byron ILodging Houée, Dundas 'Rest Home, John Howard Society of DunbaÏn and -Whitby Al Saints- Resi<Ienoe cor p. Devitt says that epct that by year-end ho will 'have met witb al müucipalities and that they would be movin toward, inipiementing bylaws gby that time. BEC YCLINVGi 1 CONSERVES MA TURALj jRESOURCES, HjELPS -.IMPROVE THE IENVIRONMENT AND SCREA TES NEW JOBS.1 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALiITy 0 F DURHAM NOTICE 0 F PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Regional Planning Commttee wiII' ~consider at a-meeting to Wo held on: Tuesday, Sept. 25, 1990, at 1000 A.M., PLANNING DEPARTMVENT BOARDROOM 1615 DUNDAS. ST. E., wHITBY 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER, WEST BUILDING,. WHITBV MAL AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM' REGIONAL OFFICIAI PLAN AND THE OF1FICIAI PLAN, 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBV The amenidment, as submfitted, by the applicant, proposes the development of a homne improvement centre within the site indficated on the map below. Subsequently, the Regional Council will consider the recommenclation of the Planning Committee at a meeting to be held on: Wednesday,-jOctober 3, 1990, et 10 :00 A.M. GObUNCIL CHAMBERS REGIONAI HEADQUARTERS BUILDING' 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EASTr WHITBY. The report related to the propo sed amendment is available for ' inspection in the offices of the Planning DepartmIent, 1615 Dundlas St. E.,-4th Floor, Lang Tower West BuiIdiný, Whitby Mali Whitby, or -by calîing Kay Dryden,' Pânnp Department <Whitby) 728-7731 I Requasts -to make a presentation before, the Planning Commikttee '.concemning the proposed amiêndment must ho forwarded to Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P., Comrnissioner of Planning, 1615. Dundas St. E., 4Wh Floor, Lang: Tower, West Building, Whitby Mail, Wýhitby, Ontarlo, 114 M:g3, and should be received by Friday preceding the meeting. Requests to make a presentation before the Regional Council conceming the proposed. amendmnent must ho forwarded to-thç Regional.Cîerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland FAoad East,' Whtby, Ontgarlo, LiN 6A?, and' should ho received 48 hours prior to the Regional Council Meeting. FILE NO.: OPA 89-006 Gary Herrema Regional Ciiairman C. W. Lundy, A.MC.T., Regional Cîerk pire-ven.Lted hUcnse sale 88 k,

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