WIUIBY REE PIRES%, WEDNESDAY, SPEBR19,2lm, PAGE 15 More trees to0* be pla nted Byl Trudie Zavadovica Green. will even -b. 'more in fashion in. Whitbyi parts and along streets as 139 more trees thani oriinally anticipated will b. plantd Aiow tender, approxmately- 40 per cent below bu tinthe supply and planting of park and street trees, has enabled the operations committee te recom- mend the extra trees. Seventy-five trees will be pla- ced in various parts around town and the remamning 64 wilIlimne Manning Rd. betlween Anderson St. and Thickson Rd. Eleven of 20 compaies. pro- vided tender - submissions. Ontario Landscaping Ltd. in Keswick was the low tender at $37,861, and $12,762. Two s3ets of tenders, were reqired due te the differences in requirements and locations involved between parks and recreation and plan- nÜing departments. Areas scheduled for- tre. replacement are the Downtown -Business- Improvement Ares, Optimist Par, Forest Heights Park, Greenfield Parkette iro- cpiis Park CentrlPakand Glenyr s.à . ; i on. Because of the low tender, the commite. ecomended increas- ing the amount by $25 754 te ailow for the additionaf trees. thus taking advantage of pre- GST pricing, reducing the, defi- ciency*of trees and allowing for the pl anting of trees on Manmng Rd. between- Anderson St. and Thickson Rd. ,The, estimated -project cost with the' additional trees is $63,615, within the original budget estimate of $64,090. Ail drapes are custom m'adeé Hundreds of smpesP cooefmfeat uring: rolor» KIRSCH Levi Sale starts September 15/90. Walkway.finis-he.d.,.. A boardwalk providing access te, Lynde Creek bas been completed. at--tii. Lyxide Shores Conservation Area in Witby. The project was- developed by the Durham Angiers' Association and the Central Lakce Ontario Conservation Authority. (CLOCA) wi-th'partil funding from. the Sportsamen's Shows (of Canada) and-labor assistance from the Environmentui Youth Corps of Ontario. In, addition te improving safety in the ares, by redirecting anglers (in spring, suimmer and autumn) and akaters, in winter from a nimaWby.'roadside.. the ioardwalk, aio provides angling opportunite for the pbysically As wéll it provides nature viewng, photography, and eductionopportunities, is a canoe-iaunching facilityr, and bas already beén used as a Vantage point by artists. -At Thursday's official opening- of the boardwalk the cbair-man of CLOCA will be assisted by representatives of:the Dure Anglers' Association and- the Sportsmenls Shows in a ribbon-cutting ceremony. BRANDOM iRcit~ir'y The Rotary Club of' Whitlby recntly announced the Whitby reiints of $500 bursary Recipients are Tammy Ca pn- ter, Aniderson CVI, who will tae social sciences at the University of Westerni Ontario; Tanya Dev-. ries, Denis -O'Connor High School, sciences at Western, and Claudia Luddeman,. Henry Street Hýigh School, sciences at Dalhousie. BRANDOM KITCHENS' 3 "R's"110 HOME IMPROVEMENT MENOVATE MBEtORGANIZE MEVITALIZE When it cornes to rernodelling the answer to ail y-c cabinetry needs is Bra-:ndom Kitchens. Our-hu ge se classic oak and conternporary cabfnetry make it e, plan your renovating proj ect.* Cor-ne in for your fret comput 'erized'-sketch, which allows you to see your before it's ordered. And, you don't have to be a whl 'rithmatic" to see our prices can't be beat!' Visit Brandorn Kitchens to renovate, re-orgar and revitalize your kitchen today. DuRHAm sAvE-A-IEART chairman Heather Met- calfe picks the winning tickets in a draw held as a fundraiser. First prize, a weekend iMtaway at Pinestone Inn, was won by Sharon Diknson of Blackstoclq second prize, a^ Krebs certificate, went to P. Misas of Whitby-, third prize, two pizzas at Pizza Peteg went, to JohnNObtJPrDêwg. 0f.t .f 432-o32'À. 1732 BaslineeRo d Courtice MON - TUES -WED - THURS FR1 SAT SUN HOUR5 lection,0f asy, to e kitchen iz in .ize 8 a.in. - 5 r.m.. 8 a.in. 5 p.ni. CLOSED NCXON 4 p.m. 210-40% off Harýd'& SftWindow- Coverin.gs- FREE CONSULTATION- and IN-HOUSE ESTIMATES.., BetrIda on rmValeo Drapery -~ i 4 4 4, 4, 1 4 4 "i 40 NKRA