A....y............ 1982 DODGE' RAM, pick- up in excellent condition, $2,600. 430-0643. 1984 PONTIAC ACADIAN, 4' door hatchback, 4-speed, good condition. Leaving 'country - must selI.. $1,500 or- best offer. 430-9029, leave megsage. 1984 BUICK ELECTRA, loaded, excellent condition, $5,306. Cal 668-4104. 1983 -PIONEER travel trailer, 13 ft. - fridg e, stove, furnace, sîeeps 4, excellent condition. $3,200 or" best off er. 723-4390. 12 FT. FISHING BOAT & 6 h.p. Evinrude, $925; electric trolling motor, $125; 10 ft. sai.îboat, $600. 430-0643. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor- driving record, or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phone 666-2090. LARGE, BRIGHT, CLEAN ýone bedroom, basement apartment <RobsslandlTaunton) -fi replace, drapes, kitchen, shower, share laundry. Non-smoker- preferred. $650/month,, utilities included. Cali. 725-7474., BROOKLIN - 3 bedroorn apart- ment, November 1, close- to ail amfenities. Ront $735sincluding het&hydro. Cal 430-7341, 98É-0856. 1 BEDROOM BASEMENT apart ment. Private entrance. $450 -' $500 per mont h. References- available. October 1. Cal 666-8487. PILLER: Nothing for sale here. If rou had advertised here, 1000's liyou would be reading this now. 668-6111. WHITIBY, CENTRAL 3 bedroom house, also 3 bedroom near Whitb- Marina. Available immediatelx, $800 monthly, plus utilit ies. 668-0370 Frank, o r George 434-1311. RENT FREE until Oçtober 1, Whitby - Cochrane/Dundas. Nice & .clean 1 bedroom basement apt. in quiet home. Fridge, stove, laundry, separate entrance and parking, $675 ail inclusive, f irst & last. 668-5802 or 668-4815. DUNDAS REST HOME,. 425 Dundas St. E., Whtby, 668-0813. -I Vacancies. Excellent care bw ~55 'I trained nurses, doctors and social workers. BLUE SPRUCE ' now [is the time for planting. $15, $25& $35. Phone 655-8088. BUILDING SPECIAL clearance. 20x2Oft., $2,900; 24x24ft., $3, 100; 28x36ft., $4,500;,32x36ft., $4,9-90; 36x48ft.,- $6,900; 40x6Oft., $8,800. Caîl 985-7930. ::: ... :....:.......... SHOP F~OR RENT or storage for cars &' boats, Brooklin. John 723-2158. OFFICE FOR RENT. Downtown Whitby at 4 corners. Second floor. Suitable for lawyer, doctor's office, accounitant, etc. Caîl 623-5524. CLEAN & QUIET& comfortable. Private washroom, f ull. use of famnily room & basement, laundry facilities. On town bus route. 668-8343. ROOM FOR RENT - in ver dlean south Oshawa home. Everyhing incl uded (cable, phone, hydo) Non-smoker preferred. leaV message. - BACHELOR AND SINGLE, f urnished roomns in Pickering Village $90 and up. Bachelor $550/month. Uilities shared. Available September 1. 427-6811 . . ... .. .CO..TTA.. GES.. .. BUCKHORN winterizedl cottage for rent. 3 bedroom. AIl amenities, $600 wekly. Call 668-6339. MT,. ZION UNITED CHURCH - Yard - Bake - Craft Sale. Saturday, Septemnber '15, 8 - 3. p.m. 1- 1/4 miles:west of Lakeridge Road, Con. 8, Pickering. GIANT YARD SALE - Saturday,' September 15,> 8*30 a.m. - 4:00 C.. 110 Baldwin St., 'Brooklin. Bab -articles, 'lurniture, a well, Frump, a brand new-bath tub and ots of other q uality stuff. 205 PERRY ST., WHITBY, Garage Sale -' Saturday, sept=e 15, 10 arn. to 4 p.m. Sponoe by Sweet Adelines. YARD SALE 1 QUEEN ST., Brooklin, Saturday, Septemnber"15, 9 arn. - 3 p.m. Clothes sale: infants, children, and toys. Rail date Sunday, Septemnber 16. SAT. SEPT. 15 - 9 to 3p.m. at 20 lelemington Court, Whitby. Toys, household items, some furniture. 87- RICE 'DRIVE, WHITBY, Saturday, Sept. 15 - 9 a.m. Bassett east of Gardenlsouth of ssland)., Freezer, silver, ladies bicycle, etc. STREET SALE- Clovelly Drive., Saturday, September 15 - 9 a.m. til aIl is sold. Collectibles, furniture, sports equipment, barbecue, lawn mower, bicycles and baby items. YARDSALE - SEPT. 15 - 9 to 5 p.m., 840) Lakeridge #23, north of Brawley. Furniture, dishes, antiques, gas stove, mýuch more. .A. ........... MATURE, RESPECTABLE Serson iooking for same to share a ouse in nort h Oshawa, $475 per month. Cal 723-1386. FEMALE TO SHARE large 3 bedroom apartment in Whtby, $325 mnonthly, non-smoker preferred. Caîl Brenda, days 427-6654 or 666-9639. CE DAR VALLEY RESORT, east of Orono, 4th or 5t1i concession line, 7 km. east HWy. 35/115. Seasonal cam pground, beautiful. $795. 1-416-786-2562. BED& BREAKFAST in beautiful Buckhorn this faîl or Thanksgiving. 1 hour from Oshawa. Caîl 1-706-292-5811. LARIGE,> MATURE white, short-haired domestic maIe cat, 9ý years old., at. ln the Fallingbrook area. Reward. Please caîl 666-9243.« FREE TO GOOD HOME: 1 Lab/Collie-mix, loves children, and' 1. Shepherd mix, good watch dog. Cal 576- 191.- BUFFALO SHOPPING Bus Trip with Prime Time Tours. Highwa coach transportation. Nov. 2 -.. Two nights, at the Buffalo Hiton. Escort. Cancellation insurance for medical. reasons. 4-in-a-rgom . ecil rice $116 per person. win $139 each, Single $186). ý'ayment by Sept. 21. Information 655-4652. CItAETSALEW& OPEN HOUSE 10 A.M. - 5 P.M.L Com'e a&d bro wse, throgh our selection of mnostlr handmade, affordable Victonan accenits, from our new handmade scented hangers, ii.ypillows& new koin dnieflwer accents, .to Just the right manufactured items for that- spécial Victonan look. 76 Winchester Raad Brooklin (acros from Grena) THANK YOU St. Jude for prayer answered with publication notice. GV. THE DIET 0F THE 90r. Don't waitl Lose weightl Feel greatl 10 - 29 lbs. in 30 days. SaWe, naturai, nutritious. Earn $$$ as-you los. *Cali: 430-8096 today. BAHA'IS BELIEVE: The essence of faith is fewness of words and abundance of deeds; he -whose words exceed his deeds, know verily his death is better than his Ide. Cal 668-8665. BRIAN, 1, miss youand'can't wait until you corne home. 1, love you.- Tracy, XXOO THANKS TO -ST; JUDE aMd the Sacred Heart of Jesus for.favours recerved. Ma ytheSacred Heart of Jesus b. adored, glorifiedi loved and preserved throùghout, the world now and forever. Oh -Sacred HeaMt of Jesus, pray foi, us. St. Jude, worker of 'miracles, -prgy for 1us. St. Jude,' helper of the* hopeless, pray for*us. Say this prayer nine times per day. B y the eig hth day, your.,. prayer, will be answered,. regard[ess of how hopeless your situation seems. Publicaion must be promised. CJ. WOMEN UN ABUSIVE reîationships. For help,, cai the Denis e House for women and children. Toîl f ree 1-800-263-3725 or 728-731t Confidentiality assured. (Formerly Auberge.) BIRTH CONTROL and family planning 'coÙnsellig. Frge, and confidiential, avail p.m.5Jnr ý Friday, 8:30 amn. to 4:30 . ic every Thursday 3:00 p.mn..to 6:00 p.m. For further information,,oeill 420-8781 or 433-8901. ST. JUDE thanks for. favour received. Most sacred heart of JJesus be adored, gîorified, loved and preserved throughout the world for ever and e9ver., Amen. MG. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OrTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE-OF, î" NOAýR SIIANLY DULMAGE, Ail claims anainst the Estate'of NOAR-SHANALY DULMAGE' late of the Towýn of itbyin'the RegionalMunicipaity of. Durham, Retured, deceasCd who died on or aboutthe, lOthý day, of April, 1990, must be filed wvith- the underslgned' personal repréésen- tatîves -on or before.-September 3Oth, 1990; thereafter. "the under 'signed.p will distribute ýthe assets of the said estate ha'ving' regardonly to the- claimà , then DATED at Whitby, Ontario this 31Ët day of August, 1990.» KEITH SHANLY DULMAGE, Executor, b his Soliciltors COATII, LIVINGSTONE 128 Byron St. North, P.O. box 327, - Whitby, Ontario LIN 5S4