Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Sep 1990, p. 3

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Furlongdmnst be judged, on the record By MikoKowaiski Allen Furlong adrnite it's tougher the second time around., iding thé province-wide wave of support for the Liberals in 1987, the 48-year-old lawyer was the first MLPP to b. elected in the newridïingof Durham Centre. Three- years later bowever Furlong muet successâlly defenJ not only bis performanc but that of his goernment if he is t ho retuirn ador another term at Quoon's Park. 1 qI knew it would bo twuger, I have ta defend our record and that rm prepared to do,» says t Furlong. And acording ta Furlong, that's exactly how Durham Centre residents should base their votes -- on the record. Itsimportanit that this area romain on the govenment ide," saFlongGO train didn't -come here by accident, PRIDE grants and boueing projects didn't corn by accident, it ail happened because w. worked at it.7 Furlong willingly accepte the traditional "give and taWe that is part of evory election, but saYs some accusations levelled at hlmn i this campalgni were very un- fair. In respý>nse. ta bis Conserva- tive opp-oient' charge that lie han not iaeked' a quesion i the l1gislature, Furlong is succinct. 'Ney a7n I going ta stand up and aek a question at'quoen s Park and wase the Houe.s time, whon I cen ta]k ta the minister at any tire. d get the. answei'Z" As -for i absence fr-om the House durn third readng, of the governm nt's automobile ini- surance bll Furlong was under subpoena to ein court that dây. '?his is a zian (Tory candidate Jim FlahrtY) whois trained to ray attention tao detail and i ts campaign hes failed," says Furlong. (Flahierty is a lawyer by profes- sion.) Furlong concedes there was some hostility among voters in- itially ta an electioni only tbree years into the governmentps mandate, but says that feeling has abated. "Most people understand that the opposition'. charge that were wastig $4ù million is nonsense. «Mf we lhad waited until next yea it wýuld have been $45 million bi4t no one. would ho saying ÎiVi*wagte of money.w Furlong ýttaàs9both the Con- servativés *and New Democrats for not having workable solutions to Ontario's problems. "The Tories say they'll freeze taxes and at, the saee tirne increase services, 'but they won't tell us how they)re going ta do it.» As for the: NDP, Furlong says that party's spending program will add$2-$3 billion to Ontarios deficit.' "I can't believe people are ready ta accept that we float along like the federal govern- NDP's Drummond White: Voters fieel sense of betrayal By Mike Kowalski Although buoyed- by public opinion poil resulta, Drummond White is net ready ta, predict an upset i Durham Centre. The 39-year-old social worker is the NDP: candidate hong eta, unseat Liberal incubn la Furlong. uînMa 1.'ie won't ho the cakewl (Premier David) Peterson was expectin<g. rve heard it at the doan-the polsa are becking it up. Were seen* as being tfhe viable alternative," says White. White says that if theré is a ny on. issue which has dominated the, élection campaign it is a - sense ofiè trayal' on the part of the governrneit. "In 1987 P'eterson promisod ta, lower car insurance rates and stop free trade. Now he's don. a flpflop on the sales tex,» says "At least last time hoe was willing ta, buy our vote, this time be's trying tarent it." According ta, White, Durham Centre voters are aise concerned about the economy, taxation and the environment. White says free trade with the United States has cost Ontarie thousands "of jobs whule the government has don. nothing ta, offset it. Ho oinst the closing of Cobi FodSmith & Nephew and Hervard Industries as local "What effort bas beon made ta, slow down the pant closures and give workers re-training?» Turning te the envirnment, White says Whitby b as the potential. tao thesiteof another. Heesile tire fire disaster. (Enlier this year a ire burned eut of control for almost on. month at a Hagersville, Ont. tire dump.). DRUMMOND WRT Vhite notes that a major tire dump is also located i north Wbitby ad wonders what stops have en taken te prevent a similar incident. (The governrnent posted security guards et the Wbitby site soon after thé Hageville fire erupted and lies dreftod legielation eimed at cleening up tire dum ps.) "Out of the million of dol lars collected from the tire taxe what's been don.? The programs are net in place or they're hot effective,» says White. As for the taxation issue, White says voters are fed u with paying higher taxes eacf year *hile some corporations do oplean don't mind paying their fair share but not a mas- sive amount when they know full wvell $12.9 billion *in corporate profits are net taxed.» White dismisses àihoral dlaims that bis party's proposal for a minimum eight pr cent tax on corporations will drive bueiness eut of Ontario. "We're talking about a tax on profits, not on oporating costs,» says White, adding that some of the companies on the NDP "Mit liste are major contributors ta Liberal party coffers. Turning bis attention ta the Conservatives, White notes that Tory leader Mike Harris has promised te freeze taxes and review government spendin Harris has aise criticizel the number of civil servants bired in Ontario during the past five To White that cen enly mean one tbing -_ job cuts in the civil service. The cniae fir Dàrh.m Centre UnelameWhkàby, am" .1 Tmudcm Rd. Lu)" l-Aflan Forkg (nUUbO! PC - <Bm Rabaly NDP - Drummmnd Wbite FamibyCSo im nols COR - PhulWyutt Green Party - Davi Hubl "Who will lose thoir jobs? Tea- chers? Hospital workèe? High- wyemplgyoeesrh asks. Amarriod father *of three chli- dren, White ie makng hiefirst attempt at publicefie Ho is prsident of the Durham Rogionbraeh of the Ontario Assocation of Professional Social Workers. ALLAN EUULONG ment andadd ta the deficit.» Furlong adds that NDP pro- posais ta increase the minimum wege will hurt smeall business wbule a minimum tex on cor- porations could'force some com- panies ta move out of Ontario. «It bothers me that they (NDP) can make ourffus commente knowingrtheX wil nover forrn the government. Furlong saLys there is stili mucli work left ta ho done i Ontario and points to the environment as an exemple. Ho says the governmnent has effective progams Ji place aimed at reducing ecid rein and pollutionbu it can only go so «W. need ta have a national- international convention so other provinces, states and countrios cane in lino. but cahestop pollution bore btif f<1><on' .j itin Buffalo it won'twork. Pollution dosen7t kn ow boundaries." *Furlong also says that more effort muet ho put into Ontario's research and development field. Ho says- Ontario is lesing its manufacturing capability, and new methods muet ho found to replce ut-mdedtecbnology.. re4 eear2m00,d85 per cent of the tecno" elb.ueing bas yet ta ho luvented. W'egot to taxe the initiative ~d bem a leader in this area.» a du -9- - e - - M-e. AL±.L ...L.......A aLI. i oure isa Up wI M»fl flsrIgf UU5 fmlURGUN 1fl15.. Thanks ln part te NDP-suppjortd tex grebs, Ontario le new the highiest taxed jurisdiction ln North America That's costing us jobs as industry meves te more cempetltlve climnates and #.%P-____ i^A&r u'ea- 4ka IdfD ia na nirvif iarInteci. would const emali and medium-sized businesses an edditlonal $1 .8 billion and resuft ln the loss of 100000 jobs. NDP govemments just don't work ln an economy like ours. Un every poic whem Uie NDP have talen pouirIhey have mlsed ta s substantally. Even ln Ontario, where the NDP have nover fermed a government, they voted for 10Oof the 33 Peterson tex grabs. NDP-supported taxes have: increased provincial incarne tex; ralsed the cost of single famlly homos; added te the ppce of wine and beer, and, hiked up the cost of drivlng a car. Wlth a 132% increaso ln our taxes and a Peterson golenment spending ed aims double the rate cf Inflation, the people of Ontario have ne alternative. They have te, change the govemment. And, the NDP lsn't the answer. The NDP stands-for... hlghertaxs% fewer jolië and big goven L When you thlnk about It fthe Us onUy ONE ahematUv. e -e - M- WTAVI M 1 YjICAL CENTRE ~ k1 DR. ELIZABETH TROJANOWSKI wishes- to announde the opening of her practice in FAMILY MEDICINE at the WHITBY MEDICAL CENTRE 619 Brook St. S., Whitby 668-5835 THE LUNG ASSOCIATION DURHIAM REGION ASTHMA OUT-REACH PROGRAM. The Lung Associations New Asthma Out-Reach Program at. The Early Treatment centre 1614 Dundas St. E.,. Whitby will be offtciay opened by Councilor Dennis Fox on september 12, 1990 at 7:00 pm Medical staff on hand to answer al your questions about asthrna. Ail welcorne. Sponsored By GLAXO OLAXO CANAAN. 1

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