Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Sep 1990, p. 24

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O*i. of -thi. iiust youlîgbase& -Whitbyrepoewos dfea ureof Onfarlo' top, teamu te wm tbi ME tunmn rmrty suid tbpii were- narr*-: eds et ~ h~provincal, fiasover the*~pt wêekend. lii. *W-hitb em ihout- tadn¶pitch&ý;iogicâoly four -gz" li-seamon-two of th b-Y scoresof4-Saàt theprovincialsi Kitebener. .11. «We had three iqjuries at the. c~ptreUN Ibasebi lâeli saicomh M~mil1Thoms o! the. 'lest two bases, hi de sâd' Ktbn,.. "But*we ot th r@my d d l-clubs!' sud Guelph (».5-3). .But -among those» - r&wsBrad Ne11W-Por wbleone cfMPer beatpituhers, Ken. Calwayhad a -ý,sors armn after ODmuc action in the past twoë weeks. At the ONE -tournam~ent Whitbr w un>dd<eted. C4Waystealing stratégy -of several smakedttieehome runsii fiveopg sa s» pmswlie AamThmpon eCNE Whtbydefeated nmed the hurnament'sat Toronto - Playgiounds 11-4., Mli-- ýîàluàbIe -layer, iehd 1 ia o 30 oot rewQ51 hicbrding~even <loubles.,K&tch ner53sd Nio aFas Coac:homsn ay is. club 1- itefnl bas-n my-o~dt eh-boh t Whitbhr alsowontournamente th"Ii plttu nlfn e n -Cobourg and iaraFs ectinmay -b. Josh minée, ai lnse S EO eham 1&;;àdrec-4y Tompson as the Pl"D. On. of 'their other-loases best pee-wo'ecatcher in Ontario. was mn the finalo! ahothertour.- isrèputation- for throwing D- ament eutrunnerswiped-out the. base- Team members were Raiiv U(andtÉ, i«remy Sho Ken way,lGreg roy pt Davl Partlow, Chris Gor- iiodi m Tiièmponi ýD arryl 3enninp sud W... - ery. doaches- were Marshall ThomponCdorge Schott--and Joh fmryr manager was- Gregý >Sev en mmeso i.team will:go,'on to baiýnambasebali neit seasoxQ. hNxjquois- No occerv ]D"mp1g1 matthow iwuan BailsyBIgV Ebuampac 8cou"i -sioPuft4 &uekflardware O adluTim 3 hun aun ftuke d.k -5.fluilh Savm P«» -47 matthsw Nop1 . 37 ]DamwCaw1 '-. 153 dmd Balà0il 31Ilm< DvId truibe_ -«<"19 PaulGraclk -:17 EjNiabo 18 -Brn" ar il PingloC. Plat. CJ B. BqNichols2 SsoILdgght.m DuM d Pio2 Ahomth 0opdlbt aub 1s e ahNn IOA I. iparpg1u.7 ý1 1 t emâa t 4 0=~It2 Dürh Do«'*2. 0o 1-.1I Kiugqd Ato iGmnri'CIL 6 A& 2 OSda,.iWéb2 - amWbb 4 aU MA 3 MmMsbiwý A~30. MatthswJurdfa5 1't.oeMwha.i2 D$nnOmuvilb- - 6Durh.m Dome NiharImk8 Hum co1ffàinw Imunks Cuit Junig Bafr OWdo 1S pat BolayCha 8aE.lturWoe1d I&,bâ udmàai.2 NatlunWbhm' i mDlm& o Opdim Chaid, i DeviltPrud BnUAàdriww, - D.nnCohu Yowm gofer win, awards Sciioîarsiiips valued,.at, up hi $4,000 ssci iave-bien' awarded hi, outstanding academie achievers sud junior gofera for the 1990l1 academic year, -the Canadian G olf F>tmdation ând RtoyvalLePaàge ' Réel Estate Services Ltd. nounced recently. The sciiholarabipa are.,awarded, hiCaads tudentà' wio graaduate frein higihool o rar atteding imiversity or ýcollege. To qualify each recipient m iuat b. su ioe~ academc ciever, ai xcletgolfer sud atieM- Huoandao!sudnts av applied te h.scolrsi Réyal >LePage is the principal sjPensorco!the pr<gram, baving, comimitted $300,000 .,.over a .ix-year periodL. The grant bas enabled, the ,,foundation . hi quarul i. numbjller ,.o! sclolésbfs warded annuàllyi Young Canadians i univeraity or undergradi: The- &&o%0& hipp rOs -Whitby Peacock Sports with- stood,' a, late, rally, by Peter- borough In the- final gaine to capture the Ontario pewee lacrosse championship :t Iro- quois Park.Aug. 25-26. - It -was the second provincial championship for a WhiÏtbK lacrossete moer the weektenZ. *as the-týyke k squad aIso defea -ted , a'Peterboruigh, team to winM the. titI.., Tthï"'fleeeea.'Coached by jim Bisep, werë leadinàg-10-7i-tii. final. Peterborou-çh stormed back with two goals mn the Isat two minutes and alobit.a cross bar before IWhitby "IevaIbed_10-9. To - reach t e final, WIhitby defeated Scarboouh Beaches 13-3,Peterborogh 8-asd Gueph 19-2. Patý Jones scored- eiàht goals and hadl 0 assistasfor Whitby in tii. four. gâmes, WhiWe Gain Prout had four goals sud 10 assiste.,- Br*yan Power scored seven WhitbýyBay'Sp6rts.peewees go anssd .had -three assitswontP(sdbato nB pay Sevwýe -Voituk had six,,gaIs sd ILeis ad four goalfr tiiree asisisto Jason Ward five wwh Sr By mals four i6reçeas±dt, al aay, P aul wih twofrodBrant Web orgoals andtwo' assista, Vinent. Pu ra Go. Nàhtwo =goals'aid eight --'BobDucy Id five goalsi asita David -Staie -two oa, ta e' àmsfoi"the.Wib andfour assisaBiy=..McNairtetni which won. on. sud ÃŽost, togoJýalsd an aîi. ssat sund -toW - e. Richrd 4ftiee Steve Death a egoal and.two,-, u 'ameW.ag4rearnedaý - assite. - hutout in,.the teamrs 4-0vit * Derek Suddons hadm»yen af85 -vrBunntn ista-wieArh W aîey su goaie Tyler_ Derks 1eaëhhad, two assista. *Damien, Buntama a'.Ise d ~ t i goalfor Whitby. Solid' i onBeen- were. Dan àRiciansd ue f McKaày. Cory Hgasawas unable hi ~aitheï-weekend finals, dej o in m n Spatan cîaimed the.-B chamn- pinp, Scborouàh, , the C Whitby Wowok ndr1 chamýpionsbiip.and Maràham the rep i~ oaidbrE hn Ddivision-honora. in other.wn neetdh hMhào pewe fnas t rouois.NwJrsyturnament to ta»a flIUw paw uvKle needs newplayers The Whitby Badminton Club., 1"2 -wloesnwoesa the new, M2 season begins on Monday, Sept. 17. The club bas playera o! a àbiIity,ý -from recreational tô' S .compétitive, and pàrticipates in severàl tournarents a-,sudthi Central - Ontarie Badminton cmonsips at ti' ,BC levels. Instructon is avaiable for -0O1Wer emÈbe sgenierally play doublées or niixed doubles matches -only. attending -, The s'enior section plays on. tiates;* Mondays, 7:30 hi* 10:30 p.m.; Mrm alo Wednesdays, 8 te 10:30 p.m., -sud receves-fàiancial asistance fromù the Roýra1 Canadian.Golf Association '(tii'. Canadian Open), The- Canadian Ladies Gold- Assocation, the. Canadisu .Golf '.Industr-y Association- andý -Prospec losesii soccer -Prospect 'o! Whitby feil 4-1 -,to Global Teciim'ILoor. t Leagù. mescompetitive soccer Whitby, witii theircoipa- Ingdue hi a payrsotego teir only goalm tefrtia Tii. GlobalTech oltne tiiwarte mny,,Wii oi chances.- Anone frein Whitby inter- -ýe seipIa»yingfÃ"or, à ca «H ci 623-78179 or 497374 Sundâys ý2, t i 4:30 -.p.m-.. Sunday badminton wili commence Oct. 14. Membership is linited hi 120.- The. president i orelln vice .prosident -Pau Bnü hgtn ýsecreptary Sra Houghon freau'r Rse ay.Chu, t là rameont drcoaGn Cu Sharon'- Bennigton and Brad Hyasoc1idirecors Barb FItzgerald, and CarnieMcen trophy. director,. Peter Brma publiciydirectors ý:Joe Mikula and Ju2y Palmateer. For more information cil Aflan at 666-3465, or IHoughton at 668-1116. Motor Cit sO.b.TuroI 1510 2,3 81183 2 16 8 3 6 848 S21 0&L.Ba W 17 8 5433 283M ab*W Tmé 6 8 44 36-39'3 0 Wa,âdnws157 7234 27185 Adtla 16 6 6438'1 10 Ohly 1256 26 2 15 15 Pdbe~17 7 9129 41 15 Pickuing 1 6 7231 30 14 WMItby 15 4 -88 319 2811 -O.Uvtud-le16 105612 42 7 1'eWuu150984843 Playing i1 mwured plaiy.rsi theywôn meb nce" 5121, 2- ad -0o., Goabcoews w. e OMM&r El-B.haiiy t m-oevn, Jeu Dîâion, DWd.Ki ng end ien, Btcb ita e &d S~g Perfraàos e given .by gpale Béby Marrisa 'su deencmenKyle Gadiner, Other teain- ebmwe J KerY, ai Tcn Jasa Liscomibe,,Derek,.Co'laéuonmesu Jason Johunton. ~_ THAT'S HO CANADIN LAWN, BO )W MANY NS ARE' Y' MW hitbybats.,,Péèterborough town ntaiochapnshi p

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