Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Sep 1990, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WTBYfl P PEgWEDNESDAY, 519 AMEfIY INERNATIONAL An Amnesty International meeting will ho held Wednesday, Sept. 5,ý 7:30 pmat -St. Luke's Church, Park Rd.and Rossland, OÏhaws. Free admission. Al welcoene. For more information, oeil Janet Barton at 579-1943. .à ~1 [0 ]ONIX Mayor Bob -Afttersly ha. Prcm ed Setember as 'ArhriisMenth in Wbitby., enored o supot thre valuable comrmunity *Sek adthe. Arthritis Society. Awyoe wiaing te ass*st in tire' *gnMy Caliltire Artmrtis Soit~y et 434-7221., FLEAARF St. John'. Anglican Churcir will hold a fiea market on Satur- day, Sept. 22, 9eam. to 2 pm., at the church hall, crner 0f Brock St. S. and Victoria St. For more- information cail 668-4535. CANADIAN CLUB Gary Polousky, Durham. Col- *lege presidont, will be est s ef&r at a meetingofrthe Canadian Club of gDurham Ron Tuesday, ilpt 1 6:30 p.m. Frreservations, call NancyMcKnight at 668-4522 or Lenore Hawley at 640-4481. CESAEAN TIre Cesarean Birtir - Support sud Education ou will be meBeting Monda Sept.10Oat 8 P.m. et 397Rosmunt Ave., Oshawa. To ic for discusion: Vaginal Birth after Cesaean, Thre group provides information sud education te parents sud profoasiongas stiaing cesaresu birtir or vgnlbirth, sud the options av inluthe Durham Region. For more information, contact Lisa Weston 576-0562 (Oshawa), JilI Bosson 655-386. LA LECHE La Leche League Oshawa will hold its regular mee ting on Sept. 5. Mothers and nursinq babies are welcome. For more informa- tion including location, call 723- CHA4PTER NIGUIT Thre newly forined Durham chapter of tire Capie-Canadian Assoéciation Of Production sud Jnventory Control, comritted to excellence'in manufac n~ope- rations;will hold 'Ch=apter t, in September ini Whitby. Edlmund Pat~y at'1 420-1389 or 723-S for I h7eýrdetails EPHEP5Y Epilepsy Oshrawa and Area chapter wil1 meet on Tuesay, Sept. 11, 7:30 p.m., at the Kins- mon community centre, 109 Col- borne, St. W., Oshrawa. Guest speaker is socilogist Dr. Barry Brookor. Ail welcome. Admission is $1 for members, .$1.50 for non-members. For more informa- tion cail 436-3152. CRAFT SH[OW A craft demon4tration will b. held at Westminster United Church, 25 Manni M R., Whitbys on Moniday,Se 24j, 8 p.m. Prizes, lunch furp 3.- TIckets are available by calhing 728-7666; 576-8218 or 576-2615. FOLK ART Tire Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre, lu co.operation with tire Durham Board 0of Education, la offerng a course lu folk art at tire centre on Tiiursday mornings fromt 9:30 te 11:30 a=m. Instructor Barbera Vickett 'will teacir students te prepare wood sud pon on it with acryic paints. I h work will b. used according te tire designs are traced onte wood sud supplies can b. purchased from tire instructor. If luterested, caUltire centre at 668-1424. YOM CARE The Whitby Seniors Activityr Centre will agaiu b. offering foot car clinios for seniors lu Whitby. Tie service luvolves tas nail cutting sud treatinent of corus sud calluss. To book an appcintment cail the centre et 668-1424. Colleen Ackford Tammy Badali Jessica Beckçford Ryan Bekkevold Ian Carter Shaun Devenul Mfichael Feret Bradley Greenland Jetfrey Greenland Sarah, Janson Dean Krasevec Sabrina Lansing Thre first faÙI meefingof the Firat Oshawa Club ITO wil ho held at thç Hong Kiong Restaurant (fornerly Philipe), 89 Simcoe St. SR, Oshawa, on Tusd, Sept. 11. Feilowship.6 pan., dnner' 6:30 pan. Cost for diner i.- $11. Thenie i. 'Rebirth Into Reality! 'Giests or new members are welcoene te, attend. For information oeil 436-0302 or' 725-9179. Abi>lONS Tire County Town Singera, under the direction of James Ashley, will hold full choral audi- tions starting Wednesdays, Sept. 5 and 12, 8 pjn. at St. Paul'. school, Garrard Ikd. For more information call 655-8766. NEWCOMERS CLUB T7he Newcomers Club of Osh- awa-Wbitby welcomes all mein- bers and new residents to, a meeting on Sept. 11, 8 p.m., im the green room o! thre arts resource centre behind Oshawa city hall. For more information eau1434-4636 or 668-0552. KWS ON THE BLOCK Training of volunteersfor Kide on the Block, a troupe of disabled sud non-disabled puppets de- ned toteach children what is like te, have differences will begin Set. 8. For môre inorma- tion call -eatirer Wha ley at 668- 2174 (evening) or, CaroiHatton at 576-0597 (ays>.' MUSEUM IWR Thre United Empire Loyalists; Aseociation. 0f Canada, Upper Canada Brandi, wil tour &MMgo Shrores Museum at 5 pati. Ou Thursday, Sept. 20p followed )y a Thankseiving Country Fare Turkey Supper at 6:30 pair. on Scugog Jland. Guest spake 1 Jane Goddard, U.E. atofo Hans Waltimeyer, whoee ancestor re1ped ,to found the city of Belleille200 go. In attedane r4 Musical entertainrent wil ho Déja Vu, tire alumni 0f tire Oshawa Festival Singera. An are welcoine. For tickets, $10 escli telephoeie Donad D. Fox, at 576-3175. Meghen NMcDermott Scott Moore . Ncholas Sorenson Paul Vanderbruggen Tamara Wiesiolek LZGAL AID JnfoemaIor Wiy, at .405 Dunda t. W. in Whithy, offers a legal aid clinic fio= 7 to 9 p.m,9 tii second Tuesday of the moitb, septebe to June. Tii. service in =vamiale. te an e ansd -there is no Charge. Teclinic in not intanded for in-depth legal cous.Dng utbrie! information la frMn adabouzt legal prttlemns 668-0552 or drop by ini person te make an appointinent. The. centre.hmmr are Monday te Thuuda, 930 a.m.- 9 pam.; Fridq, 9.30 .m -6 P.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5 pa..Clents reomW a private and confidential 20-minute appintment with a Iawyer poviak ythe.Ontario Te «W Aid Office lu Oshawa. SODA SHOP BOP Big Brothers of Oshawa-Whitbhy is hosting its second annual Soda Sirop Bop P50s and '60s dinner/dance on Frday, Sept. 14, fm 8 p.m. te 1 a.m. Tihe dinner/dance will b. held at the Lviv Hall (St. George's Ukrainian Hall), 592 Albert St. (corner of Albert and Jackson streets), Oshawa. There will ho a buffet dinner featuring CanadiantUkrainian cuisne and musid will b. prvide by a dise mékeye P uad spot pzies wrl prizes for the best 'SOs and 6Os costumes..ilckets are $15 per persn aud. are available ly cafling.579-2551 or dropping by the Big 'Brothrers Office at 44 Willam St. W. (Faith Rlace), Oshawa. SUPPORT GROUP hpaut children o!aicle maechangeluntheir lives by providing tire ueeded information sud.spr. Tire format wïll b. shor taksvideos, andgop discussion. Tihe Family Eduaie Resource' Centre o! Durham House- la offerug this 12-session eru t Durham House, Tursday Sept. 20, from 6:45 te, 8:-45 p.m. For more information and te register cailthe. centre at 579-2021 or 686-43M. or cacvtes on page t o have. memFrldySt pmy For.th e doe prsosi needof haingmthigfsn orThey HelpEahonther page onhat n.cSt. Ade Pre nterian hurchWhitb a po. Ail widowed persansare wee. t he inetmeetfingdii oiformationpcal 66-268.tE (They for3 ta meeting spwUaNy ew' oals.' pTii ealh o wi SRe. JondSenor an Aglia ries ho has had a cunefing N wG. h TOUAL DECALTH WORS [OP àe Soemd piryscalheeltir, harmony lu humnan reatianah" sud emotional nraturity are b WSsiop,' te b. held et Henry Street HigirScirool, uesdys, 7:.15 te 9 p.m. starting Sept. il (for 8 weeks). Tuition is $25. Includes tire text entitled ' Rays of tire Dawn.' For registration sud Information eul6)8-5M3. YARD SALE Agist yr ale wiUll hoheld atM7out Zionited Church on Saturday, Sept. 1-,8 -a-.- to 3 p.m Pocedsgo te the renova- tin utd for tii. church, located on Conicession 8, .Pickering, about two kilometrès, weet -od Liakeride Rd. <Diraàm Rd.23). i library Repitation for tir. Whitby Public Llbaryfalrorme Winl ho held Oct.3 aditrim.t ilu-th. ffrPro- nes beçin tire week after aeimg.Thora are'Story- time'progmse for ages 4 sud 5 on Monda , Tueda o wds- day.sud Thrdys; 'Babytimne,' for childrenup to 23 months, on Mondays (erogram starts Oct. 22, no registration); 'Tales for Tots,' for, age 2 sud 3, on Wed- u esdays aud -Tirursdays; * 'ogetirer Time,'. for ail ages, on Tiiursdays (begins Oct. 11, no regisjýtrtion). FAIRYTALdESON TRIALý The. Whitlhy Public Library will hold an after-school drama ,pro- Ta,~airytaes on Trial, on s,4 te 5 p.m., from sept. 13 to Oct.1 18. The fun poram, for ages 8 to 12,, wil mclu de researéch on favoite fanrytaes and mock court cases Mèere HÏa;'sel and Gretel 'to blame for the witch's nasty atti- tude?). Registration begmsi Sept. 4 at the llbirary.ý O ~S T qI aiuê LAHJ, ERiauT *, . o.,Y t The Whitby Free Press would like to. wish Happy Birthday to al its carriers with SE PTEMBER birthdays! \%it - f k.Alow**eý

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