Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Aug 1990, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WHI'IY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 29.199 Curt Brw Electric wi»ns squirt titie 73,attend Whit1by's f irst soccer * camnp Regular season play eaded for the 300 plaMers the squirt division of WB n July 26. Division winners. for 1990 were Kinsmen Club and Fitzgerald Carpentry. The. end of season double- knock-out tournament comnienced July 30 with 20 teame participating. Play over the next two weeks was hot- and furious with several close contesta and extra inning games t. determine who would- advance. By Aug. il ail -but seven teains had been eliminated. Saturday at 9 a.m. saw action at two diamonds at Peel. Video World advanced over Merrick Homes while Optist Club did the saine over Bekord Service Centre.. 1At 1 p.m. the. two undefeated teaxas were matched in a gaine which saw Curt Brown Electric hand Sorichetti.Corporation their first lose of the tournainent. 1 Meanwhile Video World and Fitzgerald Carpeaty were fighting for their lives in the tournament. After the duat had cleared and an extra inning had been played, Fitzgerald'advanced t. the next gaine against Optimist Club at 4 p.m. Again two wel-matched teains faced off and again at the end of regular play the, teaxns were tied. In the extra inning Fitzgerald Carpentry managed to score more ruas than Optimist Club and advance t. Sunday morning play. Sunday left thre teams in contention for the ciiampionship. At 9 a.m., Fitzgerald Carpentry and Sorichetti « Corporation- met, with only one. teain- able t. advance. At thé end of the gaine Sorichetti Corporation had earned the righits t. again test Curt Brown Electric. Tii. 1 p.m. gaine saw an aggressive Sorichetti. teain tamn the. tables' on. Curt Brown, haiiding tàem their first- defeat and fori,(g an ultimate and final gaine. In the. second gaine Curt Brown becaine much jnore aggressive, and! woni the 1090 squirt houa. league championship. During the. week cf July 30 - Aug. 3, Premier Soccer Academy conducted a soccer camp for the Wiiitby Iroquois Soccer Club at Peel Park. The. filf-day camp (8 a.m. - 4 pm)a eto 18boManUd girls /experienced iiighly àsiled training in tiie art cf Playin soccer. Tii. pogran was oranized so. that Mon a sd Tuesday featured. rigorous skil devebopmeït, Wednesday was for practice sud reviewi, Thursday was for testing of ail skiis, sud Friday featured a day cf fun, includi19g a gaine betweea tii. instructors sud Whitby coaciies. Parents were aise encouraged t., corne sud se.tiie group demonstrations sud tiie concluding' awards presentation on Friday afternoon. This was Whitby's first attempt to bring la an outside orgamuzation, Premier Soccer Academy, t., rua a soccer clinic for the. club'. youngsters. The 1990 soccer camp proved averwiielmingly successful, witii 73 bc"s and, girls la attendance. This was the. largeat enrolnent in any summer soccer ca mp held- by Premier Soccer. ,Academy in 1990, and attesa t ttiie high exteat cf intéreat in soccer and soccer skiil development in Whitby. Thei. parents wiio were la attendance during tiie camp were ail enthuoiastc supporters cf the. camp ,saprograin. -Orgarnization, supervision, prograin content and dedication of tii. instructors were a prais.d very highly by the. parents. Tiie Wbitby Iroquois Soccer Club runs an active houa. league ànd rep program for the. Whitby cornrunity during the. suminer with 106 volunteer coachies and 1,416 registered players B' s fai to Burlington CONNE rCHN et Wbitby was me ci the Gemini Gymnastics Club members& who pefee ceently at the Oshawa Centre. Pet« TRWM nphtgo Peewees win .2, lose 2 .Whltby Bey Sports peewee Il teain won two gan..sud bot two in thei. Ontario lacros. provincials played this weekend ia Oshaewa sud Whitby. Whitby bt the. operning gaine t. BurLngtn 13- - 0, but rebounded t. defeat Hamilton 6 - 3 sud Bramnpton 7 - 5 before losing their final gaine t. Milt.n 4- 1. Darryl Lewis scored four goals for Bay Sports. Brent Lazary, Paul 5.111. sud Brisu Vinent added two eacii with Mark Casquenette, Blake Caza, Chris McLean and Bradley Leed each scoring on. goal. Kurt Kirner had four asssta, Joël Johnson two, Caza, Christisu Foresteil, ]Rysu Hatrris, Lazary, Lewis, McLéean sud Rysu Peacocke on. eacii. The. Whitby novice B lacrosse s.ason carne t. su end as the provincials la St. Catiierines last weekend. Wiiitby, sponsored by tii. Durhain Regional Police Association, bast its first gaine Frday t. Pelhain I by a score of 6 Wiiitby's next opponent bat. Friday night was the. home teain Spartans. WVhitby won 8 -5. With littbe sbeep, tii. teain was up early Saturday morning t. play Hamilton. nla ahard-fougiit dliff-hanger. Wiiitby outlasted Hamilton-8?,7. Wiilitby's last1 gaine cf the tournament- was againat Burlington.' Whitby went down 8 , 5 to thei. eventual tournainent champions. Whitby team. memnbers- are Scott Wylie (goalie), Shari Bryksa (goale), Mike -Heffering, Shainnon Phillips, Niciiolas Owen, Barrett Ciiurcii, P4ay Wllkins, Mike Gallas, Mike Hamiliton, Sammie Sciieepers, Kelvin Coates, Dani Hobe, Coiy Reed, Brad McNaugiiton, Ryan Boyd, Mike' McIvor, Mary Gallas (coachi), Tom McNaugitoa (coachi) and Wayne Churcii (coach).' Dobby scom8 21 .,: in Whitby victoey.,-. Steve Dobby, scored- two- goals."' as Prospect of Whitby deféae: Pickerimg Strikers 4-2 in senOr men's competitive. soccer. recentby. It -was, the.fifthi win of.tiie season or the. Whitby teain which hau three ties sud seven Iosses:in the 12-teain Motor City ,Soccer Leagu. for, men, aged ,19 uad over. .Nigel Farrow sud Ken Hug- ",.also scored for Whitby, aý fts-erteam. . Whitby bowl team first at Actifest A team fiom the. Whitby Seniors Bwling Lauwsfirat et Actifest '9A *ein nOnt. recenti. : Tii'. htby ýeaxn , representn Durhiam district .13, was ma.de up of Fred Clarke., Mr Wilson, B e YNel, Betty McRobert sutM e M~ Tiieydefeated 37 otiier teains from ail over Ontario. Hockey çoahi*ng clinie. in September An Ontarié Minor Hocke Associ«ation coaching cinie wlll b. iiebd onS iudâyqSept. 29 and Sunda, S t. 30,8 am. to5 p.m erey Hall, Iroquois' Pakarena. Cost lu $55.4 »ring skates, stick sud gloves. Pre-registration in a Jirred. Dance y t 728.. 0550. Foster 1is, 3rd. Figue kater Tiffani Foster of Whitby earned e bronze et the. Central Ont;arýo Summer Skate' in Thorahflli reMàently. ,sl- aiguv,.imAh. Crime Stoppers and Durfham RegiorWal Fm ceare appealing for the publics help inms îgdRmage to stop 0mg n e oh Whitby area. .Somotime prior te 2 a.m. en Affg. 16, stop agna at- seven separate locations were knocked down. Iheée mclude the intersections cf Brawley Rd. and Dufra Rd., Brawley '-and Cedarbrook Tail, Country iane and Asbburn roads. Intersections witliout stop signa e a b.e «dmely dangerous for drivers and can causeme collisions. ft would appear that thei. ro f a vehicle waa used to knock down signa. Police, suspect that the. vehiclrenle may b. an older Chev Ci toposiby light blue i colo. Héaveo any idea uho knocked tii... signe domn? Have you heard o it might 'have been? Hlave yoez heerd amwone talk about e incident. If so you can oeil Crime Stoppers You'll nover et. give urn ameore mcourt. A r 7wardof p t0$ 1, 0 =l - flÊea=dfe infirmation leading the. arrest cf thi e --- responaile. The. Crime S phoný9 inumber in 43-847 (thats 436-TIFS. Long e alc a ciiena* ithei.crime So pr cm f which there are now o«e 850 in North Amzia reward money lu raised dedctbl donations wich may b. sent t. Punham Crime SboppersP.O. Bar 54, Oshiawa, O)ntario,]Lii A c - ze s' bardad.0 iserstheCri e ..-per e... e f*wichthee .a e woer-850 i Nrt £ eî. Ther .0rd oneyîs aisd trgh S dedclilS onaios wichmaybeS. - lDurha Reginal rim *Stoper e P. . Bx5,i saa elbiïe CORPORATION Cr THE ... .. TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION Street Name Change The Cauncil af the Corporation af the Town ai Whhby Intends ta pasa a 1y-law ta change the name af Cassan Street ta Wallae Drive. The change ln street namne wllii aply ta ali Casson Street an lReâlstereki Plan 4PM- 1586. as shawn below. MOSANN IG lis Le The Planning ad DvlpmetCbmrrttee af WhIlby Caui wili meetan the evening ai Tuesday. Septerrie 19,I ha Meeting Hall of the Municý ipal BmM >75 RossiandRaad East, Whitby, for the Ourpose aofihae,1ng any persan wha claln their larid wi be adveey affected by the by-iaw. Any persan wlshlng la meet with the Cammltee le asked toa oevlee the TawnClerk accordingly na later than Thursday,!August 30, 190. Danald G. McK. Cierk The Carpattani1he Tawn ai Whstby 575 Rassiand Road East '"Ph hffi141) 668 5mg 1

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