Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Aug 1990, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WHiTBYFREE PREMS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 199 OPP: »if estanded s'tay. in -your --car "Stay imid. your vehicle!" Tbat's the. advice Sgt. Peter McGuinness offers to.-stranded "If your vehicle breaks down, put on yu four-way fIashers, maya theprovincial crime prvntion offioer, for the. Ontario Pý%vJnéial ftlice (OPP).,1. 1"Next, w, recoimmend that you tie a whiteocbjectsm'uch as atowel or handkerchief ta thei. antenna." Motoristàamar cautioned ta return ta the .safe tycof their -car as qckly os possibe.. Onceinde ock ail doors. "If a etranger-,uproaches and I Monday - Frlday I I 230 Dundee SL E.s Whltby - 666-3361I 1onern offèesta hèlp, lower the. window - a few inches only - aïk the. person ta oeil thieOPP. Neyer get out of your car," says McGui nness. Nor should you lift the. iood. A stranger could disable ,your, vehicle completely. Mototatravelling at ,nigiit are urged ta, tac. the. foilowing precautionm, -. i ,f you, think youre beig, foilowed, drive tha>1thei. nearest OPP station oarý a service centre. *lock'Yu r. >Car wien stopped at a serice centre for food'or the. use cf a washroomn. * as you .approah .your vehicle haveyour keys in hand. Always loindebeforne entering. *if s'omeone susicius ,15 hovering around ýyour vehicle, retutn tti. sservice c entre. Don't go near your car. *neyer pick up hitchhikers or sto t iel a strandedunknown, mctcat i Xnd the.neareat piione and oi police, giving the. location and description ý cf the.vehicle. Tahe police wil * assist tii. motoeist. *ensure your car is road- worthy by gassing ùàp and ciieci ng ,the.oci, etc. befor. startngout.1 SAFELY. with RANDY RANDY MoLEANIS A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER WHO SPECIAUZES IN-TRAFFIC SAFETY. MVr. McLean has .reviewed thousands, of Individuel motor vehicle accident reports 'and his' close iiWrkng relatlonshlps, wth police agencies, govemmdents, safety associations, Indu8try and the. public. have given hlm a true overview of traffic safety Issmes, problemsa and solutions ln Canada. ENJOY TM EDRIE HOM? Holiday w.ekends always remind us cf the potential danger. cf driving. Tii. foilowing iieadlines were published aller omre cf tii.earlier iiôliday long weekends this year ' rail cf Fender Benders,' 'Accident'To11 Mounts,"Weekend Accidents Claira 18 Lives These iieadlin.s are not meant ta scare you. Ind.ed a fijghten. driver is almost always -a poor driver. B1ut* y should reinforce the. need ta, drive defensively. If you really are the- worlds best driver,* that means that everyone elme out tiiere i. worm.tiian you! And one cf tii. key principles of defensive driving is 'Don't let soneone else involve you in tiieir accident." Preventing, or avoidin&'accidents require an umderstanding cf why'accidents occur. Only a few Arme. really and truly unavoidable - rock slides, iieart attacks, seizures, etc. A larg number are caused by essentially deliberate careleos or reckless driving. But many, if not mnoot, are tii. remuit Of simple mistks overaights and err in judgment. When are we. most likely ta mû. miatakes? Think about lotiier activities in your life, at home, work or school. If youre 11k. itie you mont frequently make mistekes, when youZr.tired«orin' a hurry. And, youlre ahlioet guaranteed to inake, à t least 'on. mistake if you're tred and, iiia, huriy.ý Unfortunately,afe a long holiday'. weekend, many, many drivrsiare th tired and' in,,ahurryl DiMver fatigue -is on., of. the.mont mer ouoand -mont underemÎphaied saey oncern. on our highways. If you stray ,over tii. centreline toôward, ýan oncomingveilt matters very litie whether youwr.simpytiréd or impaired by, alcohol. Accident iaiod ned not b. mow dramatic. At the. veiy leasý fatigue means you wiil think lower and react;ulower than ilmial. Drisin.1a hurry tond ýto spe.d, Itaiitep make improper ian. hanges and gênez*rinve in what inplielreferred to a a risk-proe manner. Setrameic cogestion ùsuafly prevent anyone from acthulygetting nyhe m a hurry, theme drivers often become fufrtd and .more risk prone as the.ttip goes on. Summer long- weekends .probably -combine' more tired'drivers, with mure dlrivers 'mn a iiuriy, with more tired and hurried drivers than, any, other ýtimes during thé. year. How do ýyou reduce »ow risk cf accident? The bestadviceis-,plan.toeqjo "htripstoand from the. cottage as well asmtthe Ume: mbetween, plan, being the. key word. Mû. OUM 'you.,finme quiet time tor i eor o tatyu drive. Tell OurseIf that the. ro d w.Ib. crowded, and don't be srpisedý when you flndo àut you- were right.ý Allow eough time for th. trip. Don't try tu, mû. up im bydrving M..,a -rr. fyou really believe yur a.franapotm tcnie -thei. consequences cf being iim an acicident Expctothr rivroto m. n nstaks tey -wU o't let-them involve yoez intheir accident If-yo are 'tireéd Ior havev ben drnking let tuomeon.e lme drive. You've juat had two-days, two weelks or two months of reat andi relaxation, don't let two hours cf driving spoil yoâr. whole mood. No on. plans ta b. in an accident but Véry few cf us plan not to b.in an accident.' Relax. EWoy the. drive home. Drive al. ADVERTISEMENT G;M-service technicians Witii advanced technology and higiier auto- motive standards being set at a rapid pace, today's service technician iias ta b., in tune witii the times ta keep your vehicle on tiie road. It is with ths in mmnd that Nurse Chev 01dm congratulates msvice techniciens Day. Dugan, AI Rose Paul Fredericks and Hugèh Dixon, who receiveci their 1990 master technicien awrd. This is an achievement that requires bard work, long hours and a strong commitment ta, their clientele. Tiiese technicians r.cently received their awards at the Prince Hotel in Toronto. Presentations were made by Kirk Tingley, directar of central region for General- Motors, and Doug Airey, senior business development manager. To receive tbis award, each teciinician muet NURSE CBEV OLDS general service m anager Bill Waller- (lf) assistant service manager len Wiiit (second from, left) and customer service, représentative Bruce Liebman (right)e write a montbly exam and have an extremely high percentage on their final exam. chool s neyer ont for these Nurse Chev Olds teciinicians who keep ahead of ciianging autonýotive trends and technology-. Technicians from GM dealersiiips across Canaa muet write tuis exam which has existe4 for seven years. Bi' Waller, g[eneral service manager, a cklnwledges the onpoing efforts of hie ~ans along with lus staff whicii includes Len Wrifiit, assistant service manager, and Bruce ehman.. customer assistance representative. Aciieving tiiese, high standards is a group commitment ta the consumer from the entire staff 4t Nure iev 01dm that they will b. at their lgiest evel ta help serve client's neede. fil*recipients of master t1ecbiîcian awa*'ds (holding aiwards, frontLleft) technical shop supervior AI 4oe, Hugh ýDixon, Paul Fredeoricks, anâ Day, Duggan. Dundas & ThiCsn CHEVROLET *e QLDSMOBILE * C AEID U)ILI ~ ~ ' ~ ~ T ~ ~ - - - - - - Cruising Classiesl FROM PAGE 19 made ortrip secWalwhere becamne oy a minor pecoe from ail ýwalksflife ,would incavninc. don't kniow how came up -and, start &kn aus many people tii. mechanlcs about1 the. arpa, -the local phoued, but ail the. time w. were« inteèresta, and themaelvem and tii. thr. men from otiier local cars tiiey remembereéd. businms would drap in, asking, When our- 1960 Ciievy .la "Wheres tins truck ure heard fliied, ea taing it straigiit about?" 0f course they ail stppe ]ot cf the. rage and down ta, te talk for a while, tas, andwe California. Ti. irpîmnes are a were actuaily sorry ta leave the. faster trip, but look at eveything. shop. w.d miss alng he ay. On.ecftii.e car associations we !f youlre an old car fan, one belongtIo publisiies a directory cf thingyou shouldn't' miss la the car enthusiastm àcross the. parade and car show ta b. hbeld at contient and wrhenever. we the- Orona Fair on Saturday, Sept. stopped, we would pick -out a 8. lhe paradewhichfleaturem a name i tha totwn and Sni. In number cf aidcars leaves ýti. Terra Haute, Iniidan4% we phoned forthi end cf the viilage at 11:3 0 the. flrst number in the book W. a.m. and . travels ta the show. et Bd Miller and N. asked if the fairgrounds'Tie show runs 'were any shows in the. area.- from 1 to 5 Pm. Not today, said Ed, who iiad If you would 11k. ta enter your u.er. met us befie, but why car (1976 and older, no vans or don:% you came by my houa. and motorcycles) in tiih praeor vint? show, or bath, oeil AI Canad at W. must havespntw hours 416-983-9703. There is no chatting with Ed and his family, rgsaton f.., there wiIl b. door aotcars about work, mostly prizes and trophies, and the first about prices. (For the recordsgas 150 Cars wiIl receive dasii plaques there waa 94 cents a gallon, a and coffée. muge. foir-bedroom houa, on a one-amr And if I ever get 2,800 miles lot was $130,000, and 24 botties wortii cf bugs off tii. front cf my et 'Canadian-made beer was truck, II b. there, too.ý- Tlan Ed invited us ta him Bik Back liS friend's houa., mo w. piled into hime 196 Plymouth and drove down . the. street to acaes, wher. w. i s c s spent a few more hours tallring SUC.S and, checking ont Jack's 1940Il 198, a bi cde idenfifiction Chevroet. It was midnigiit before =r1Mi as<nce by the. wegot bock to ur motel roam. fuham Rtegional Police force. 0matter> wiere we stopped, Within twoyar. the BMe even' at red ligiitsý, people were Bak ror M s noperatioei =aling 'Hello' and pkig abou ogout Durham Region and thel truck and wiiere we were financed by ail cf the Optimiat gig.Onej.cf the. more, curico clubs in the. ares. waM a rz1dtoothleas oldiman The Bih.Bacc program ma i à, barb,,cm e restaurant who unique as it. enables a bicycle wore ýfllthy coveralae and1 to d us owner ta, registm er bicycle wlth about- the Sltudebaker or " 10 h. the police at no cont. Bicycle* once. owniqd. H. then 1.1]tii. registration applications cen b. restaurant! and got! behbin- thei. obteined &t any, poice station and whoel ecf his 1990--Ihýcoln 1mont bicycle shape. CàntinentiU! .CompletedregisIiration forma W. at Sbaertown, 'a metb.ta or malled> to y 19th-oen religioihs settlement satin>luturji, thit pplicant> Chrcul wshome cf the .wllb.aeda oy 'fthe ]Kentucky ~and y in e en pmpleted -registration ada Gracélan althoug wedldn't nmee identifîalioin stickertoi 4~JW '~p~ .~be Mc4 Aleh.fr1ame et m»- .4 i m i mâ Fr* 1

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