Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Aug 1990, p. 16

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PAG! 16, WR1TY MPIPSSWEDNBSA, AGýU 9T 19W Trucks coflide at intersection, OPP called- the Whltby fire depsrtment te, the icone of a vehicle collision at ThickSon Rd. N. and Hwy. 12 on Aug. 22. A medical oxygen vehicle owned by Burro~gsC.o Toronto, was on Thickson Rd., approaching Hwy. 12. It apparently ran a stop Oaigu and rainmed mnte a 1986 vani-style truck travelling nortiibound on Hlyh*>P called the fire depart- ment in the event of an explosion *from the oxygen transported in the truck. It teok the ffir. departmnent 90 minutes te célear up the mess at the side of tii. road and in the ditch. Both trucks were demol- ished. .Charged with runn r a stop <igu is a Port P.rry rosidet Tykes fal short -FROMPAGE23 despite a' valhant coeneback attempe Scoring in the. tournament were: Gary Kitamura (two goals two amst); RyanMeaney (thre goals); ,JustinBenet(onegoal, two assista); Jeremy Fishor, Vincent Cafr, Jo Whitmarah and Bradley MIater with one go11alapiece. Atho gthe early eitin the provmcial was a letdonthe. team performed exceedigl w.ll durmng the seaon. After reàcliing the. finals in the. Whitby tournaments, the. team won siand championahips in the. Lýý M -and Orangville tournaments. Peterson Prom.lsos GO trean.. tol Peterborough By Mke Kowalukl, Durhamn Reg*on commutera stranded b fe eral government rail cutbacksbave bien rescued by the Ontario government. Premier DYavid Peterson announced Tuesday that GO train service will b. extended te Peterboro h4 and other Ontario centres within the. next year. Tii. expansion lnvolving $11.9 million in capitQ 1coite and $3.2 million in net annual operating coîawil.nearly double Ontarioiexisting commuter rail network. Both morning, and .vening rush hour service will b. pro- vided on the Peterborough route servce illfil the.gap government cut VIA Rail- service on the. former Peterborough- Havelock-Toronto route lait y.ar- Peteraon's announcement was welcome news te an "«ecstatic" David Lester, exécutive directer of the. Toronto-Peterborough- Hav.lock Lin. Passenger Asso- ciation. - it looka ike our hard work lia finally paid off," said Lester. 'Tm disappointed with tiie itart-up date bit he made the. announcement, tiiat'à the main thig.» Leëster's group had been press- ing the. govermnt for a commit- ment on GO sêrvice te Peter- borough aince! lait spring's Ontario budget., The passenger association had set in motion ýlans for a pri- The cniae fSe Duham East a Tum *Waw Rd of NDP. GCffl Uffl P- Kirk K.np Liberal- Mriyn Pe.ss COR -HAMtyTobrwpg FamIIy Coali tion - ¶lm CrookaUf vate1y-operateâi commýuter rail network for southern Ontario but the budget effectively derailed their proposai.ý The government said GO ser- vice wouId b.extended to several communities but that only the Peterborough route woiild b.itu died furtiier. Lester's group claimed the goverument was obligated te pro- vide GO service te Peterborough And made it an election issue in ridins along the route. Twvice last -week passenger association president ý aul ,Pag- nuelo aredthe m atter durinig éection camýipaîgn events. He questioned Durham East candidates during an election forum and confronted T)ranspor- tation Minister Bill Wr ye outs de Durha m East Liberal candidâte Marilyn Peailce's Bownianville office. 'Wrye said no decision wouldbe made on Peterborough until the study was cémpleted later this year. "I guess our political pressure paid off the lâst couple of we4ks, the. message lgot thirough te Mr. Petersoni adLester. Duiham Centre MPP Allan Furlong was not surprised by Peterson's announcement. "We knew it would ultimately be done, w. just didn't know if it would be part of the. campa«Ig 5Ie deni hat an oinion pol, released tii. day beforeý w uih indicat.d a dropi Liberal BUP- port, iihad any beatring on te 'le annôuncement was pro- pared last weeL *The preU-Mier 'Wosnhm Bra*itford today (1'ue- day), so, we knew oetmg was commng dowr iiipe," aid 'ur- lOJèteraon made the. announce- ment iBrantford, a citywhvich will also b. receiving GW ser- According te, Furlongthe. GO extension týes in with th egove'r- ment's overall decentr gzation objectives. lrecen$ montha the govern- ment has È4nnounced the. roloca- tion of varHousoffices and dé art- the toronttoarea. Peterboroughi willevenýualIy b. tiie new home of the. Mieistry of NaturaiRi seupmes. "It's part of tlÉe overaIL stra- tegy for decentralization,-e- said Furlong. "If you move people out of Toronto you have te, give f tiim Furlong îr aid 1ie was hiever opposed. te tii. Peterboroughi etenin u did not wanl it at tii. exesfGO epansion te Os)iwa ndBowmanvil Service te Oshiawa is .xpected te begin next montii, while Bow- manville is lin. for 1991. A goverm.ent apokesman said the. -Peterborough route would probably utilize track form.rly used by VIA trains. The. bulk of the. Peterboroughi line's expenses would b. for the purchase of new trains aaid the. Personali 0 31 Years of Age e Apple Farmer 0 Happily married to Sheila and proud father of son, Eric a Life long resident of the area communty Involvement 0 Director of Bowmanville Lions Club 0 Former Junior "C" hockey player 0 Director of varlous farm organizations Issues of Conoern 0 This election is needless and is wasting $40 million of your money 0 Peterson.has added 32 tax increases' -Conservatives will freeze taxes 0Sunday shopping chaos For Positive resuits on adl issues in Durhamn East, join the Kemp, campaign.' For Infomation, please cail OntaflOfi Bowmanville -- 623-8090 Port Perry - 985-9721 Newoestle --987-3622 Authoized by te CFOfur the Candidate of the Durham Esat PC. Association ONTARIO Transportation Miuter Bill Wryýe (Ieft) was in Durham Region Jast week with Durham East Liberàl candi- date lWarlyn Pearce.- Canddtes strut their stuif By Mike Kowalski Candidates for election in Dur- hiam East did their utniost last we.k te, try te convince votera who is beàt suited te b. the. ridinga next hMPP. But wiio wiIl b. chosen te iniierit th~e ienls'à Park seat of outgoimg Sam Cureaiz wil not be known for anotiier week. AUilfive contenders for cureatz' job teok p art in an ail-candidates fou eid at Durham Christian iBowmaile H~u200people h.ardftii. candidates discus a wide range Of issues praiigtebothth riding landFovince. facing Ontario wr. as viedas the. candidates tiiemsîves. Brooklin resident Harry Tozn- bridg.,represen *thiConfede- ration of R.-ons arty ;(COR), was the fit ipeak. Tunbridge claim.d COR is the, Greenpeace. "I felel1. a Greenpeace qguy 2y ear ao No on. took notice Ofhmtie but look at tiiem now.7 ___- According -te T1unbrdq% ti numiber on. probl.m facng the. country is that "mayrnty rul." lias diappeared in Otario and Canada.. 'Uet the. silent majority stand up and b. counted. The thre main political parties hiave taken WhilC.th..m'ay b home to, the. Beach By musical group, Tunbridesaid C anada lis tii. Weeh loyî -Mulrone.Peter- son and Bourassa. "They .do what th.y want but we'll (COR)do what you want..u S trssin1 that, "forced biingailimis wastngmillions of dolIlars annuallyTnbridge said employment must b. based on menit, 'not the. languaga you speak, the. color cf your km or publie issues as bi»i~aim abortion and capital punhent. Concern about soci.ty'i "declining" valuesfgrdpo minently- in Family Coalition Party (FCP) candidate Tim Croalapeningremr'. Rather than us. the.podum at the. front of the. lal, Crookal clutch.d the. micropiione.inbIse hand wiiile deliv.rmng bis mes- WeCourtice-area musician said a vote for the FCP. reqpre- senti a return tte values and in= g~no longer Ifound ithe~ 0Crooka11muéid the.FR P would .dprovincil fnig cf abor- tions and warned the. next stop aft.r legalized abortion is euth- -nam. He said senior citizens ithe Netherlands, for exampl., wee afraid te enter haspitals becaus. of that country's policy on .uth-' anâa., SER.PAGE 34 wenda on àach

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