Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Aug 1990, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WIff'BY FREE PRE.SS, WNESDAY, AUGUr15 MJMM Union ad1r ipoverty gitoups- pieket ,Linberal pick By MikKowaiski Tlhey. came to spoil David Petersons fun but Onitarios pe mier was nowhere to be found.r A handful of demonstrators from two different grouýps atten- ded a' Liberal party picnic near Orono last Thursday to proteat Ontario government Pohlcy. Representatives of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) and te Ontario Public Service Em ploee Union (OPSU)fomeda amail picket lime and passed out leaflets to those attending the picnic. The demonstrators had hoped to confront Peterson to press their demanda but a change i the prenier'a achedule meant eterson had to forgo this year's festvities.-* (The picr>ic is an annual event held on the f'arm of Mac Bans- berry ealth Minister Elinor Caplan represented Peterson at last week's gatherig) OCAP meëmbers handed out leafleta attackting the govern- ment for its recrdon poverty. itled 'The Poverty Premier,' the leaflet accuses Peterson of ignoring Ontariols poor. "Hun-dreds of thousands of Ontarians face a goigcii of hunger, home essness cand >o verty. Almost 200,000 a month (over 40 per cent of them chli- dren) have to use food banks to PROTESTORS PASSED out leallets to thoseatedg Iast weekls Durham East Uberal icnic. Both the Ontario Coelitioe Againat pINwerty and the. Ontario Public Service Employees Union dmnsrtdoutside. the pieic grounda. stay alive,» states the leaflet. "Par from poverty diminishing, the Peterson years have been a tim (of)jreatl3r increased suifer- 'The leaflet goes on te state that as part of his "yuppie» elec- tion strategy, Peterson is staging a series ,of splashy "premàier's picnics.» «Many can't put food on the table but this man can organize these lavish ffisplays to pat him- self on the hack on the 'fine job' he's doing. We fmnd this appal- he leaflet oe on to caîl for an' mcrease~ in the minimum wage to 65 per cent of' the average idustrial wage or $7.20 per hour. <OCAP also demande increased social assistance payetmr non-profit houshiïad moresub- sidized daycare or families in need. OCAP spokesman Deborah O'Connor said her organization is -a coalition of church, labor, senior citizen, native and dis- abled groups based i Ontario. She naid OCA? plans to follow Peterson on the campaign trail to draw attention te their cause. «After some improvements, in «89, this year's budget had nothing for welfare reform a said O'Connor.1 "«We wrnt them to' cotitinue with weYére reform.n O'onnor sétressed* that OCA? la non1-prtisan. >"If the- Liberals agree,.tý6"what' we're looking for well -go I home and eelebitate.» SWhile' disappointed that;Peter- son was iýot'a t the pi cnic, Y'on- nor said «we'll catc ,u with hlm," adding tha the pfremier was scheduled to be iCbourg the next day.1 OPSEU spokesman Doug Lloyd said his ',members i were picking1upfrom .where thèy left ofast year, dog after ôeter- son as he makesh e is smmer forays across Ontario. Only this time OPSEU làsthe benefiof an election ca=-pig top ress its case, said Llo1y4. «W'ehere to,ý ask' èero why he. called the electiobi, why spend millions. of, dollars?"- askeïd doyd n sid OPSEU la upset with the government over its policiesof contractiq out* union jobs, overcrowded jaila,muf- dient tafflng- and poor woirking c ndéitin s for those emplôyed in P's'cliatrie hospitals. loyd nàid the governmnt's polcy f «downsizing"Ç_sychiatric hospi ta means that patients SEE PAGE 26 D hiurham East Tory attacks government tax record' By MlkeKowalsid saidKemp. A 31-yvear-ôld Bowmanville- "David Peterson and Ben area apple farmer will try te Johnson are in a league of their kaep Durham East riding Trory own - Ben, the fastest runner in blue on Sept.. 6. the world, and David, the fastest Kirk Kempj was acclaimed on spendar.» Wednesday râst week as the Pro- Kemp said the govermnent has prasive Conservative candidate lost sight of the fact that Canada in Durham East for next month's is i a global economy, and i provincial election. tbree jears Ontario has become A vice-president of the Tory one o f th e most expensive areas ridinj association, Kemp la mak- in North America te do busiess. ing lie firat run for public office. Refarring te Peterson7s caim He j'oins a number of other that bis government needs a new candidates in the race te replace mandate te addrass Ontario's iretiring_ MPP Sam Cureatz at problema, Kemp concurred. Queens9Park. 1"He just mightbe right when Scugog Township councillor 'ho says that the Ontario govern- Marilyn Pearce was officiallyv ment needs. a new mandate te nominated as the Liberal candi- deal with the rapidly changing date last nigUht (Tuesday) while world aconomy. Gordon Mis. of Orono was "We need a new mandate, a expected te raeceive the New Conservative mandate, that wil Democratic Party nod last nlght. freeze taxes, reduce bureaucratie Also running are Confede- red tape and inspire investment ration of Regions '(COR)pat from the private sector. Thle candidate H Tnbrdg of Liberals are taxing you and me Brooklin and Tim Crookall of te death and we have had Courtice for the Family Coalition enough.» Party. Kemp lanibasted Peterson for Durhatn East includes Whitby calling an election after juat and Oshawa north of Taunton three years, saying the election's Rd., plus Scugog Township, the $40-million cost could be better Town of Newcastle and ManversÎ spent elsewhere., Townsi. He said the money could' be Kamphopes te keep Durham used te fund health care;1 impie- East a Coniservative stronghold. ment a blue box recycling pro- The veteran Cureatz stunned bis gram in rural areas; reduce edu- constituants last month by decid- cation funding imposed on muni- ing not te seek re-alection. .ciabtie or ratrain workers laid Àlthough the outcome of the obteclinological change. meeting was a foregone conclu- 0 te premier was awaka at sion (Kemp was the only the switch for the p ast three declarad candidate), more than years we would not lie i this 150 Tories came out te the Bow- predicament," said Kemp. manville racreation centre te Turning te local concerna, hear their man indulge i some Kemp *is worried about the pDro- Lïberal-bashing.pod Highway 407 te run from Invoking a prominent cam- arkham te Orono. naign theme asvoused by Ontario "Where la the consultation MCleàder Mie Harris, Kemnp with the cmuiis The pro- attacked the government for * u- posed corridor je toofa souths posing 33 tax increaseasi81nS wlll the -highway destroy your 1987. good farmlandr" He said Liberal tax policies are Kemp said 1 the alternative driving business out of the pro- routes seiected for the highway vince and sending Ontario into a will have «grave reerusins"' recession. on both theé nvrom-t and &'MTe premier la beconnng m- rural cominunities and cailed for famous as a world clasa taxer, extensive study. befora actual almost a' new tax for every work begins. month ha bas, been-i office.7 Mdreý paohe~otol DURHAM EAST Progressve Coeservative candidate Kirk Kempý right, aoees0osgrtuaton 'fma suappoeter foilowing his neintoeast week. Kemp is orne of five candidates running t replace foemer MF¶> Sam Cureatz. controversial issue, Kemp po mised te flght amy propos ite, build a iandfill site for Metro Toronto garbage i the area.. "I will send a message loud and clear te Queen's Pa-rk and Matro Toronte that wa will look ~after t owngaxrbageý afià'don't you dare aven think about send- mng our garbage te Durham During bis remarks, Kemp pald homage te his pradecessor "Everywhere I have travelled in this riding ..-. there has beau ý#--ut-vr'am-fior: the: tra- mendous job Sam has done over the past 14 years. "It has been broughIt te ýMy attention many timesthat I have big shees tefl, but I assurejyou that I have big feet and they- are stili growg. Kemp told ,reporters, followIng the meeting that he has knocked on aimost. 1,000 doors in ,the riding and received anz excellent roe~s are fed uwith the election cali, they feelthia lai completely unecessazy."I However -deapite, their annoyance itemp said.votera are aware of tle issues and want a change. "They feel the government bas gotten to fat andlasspendig to much money.» Although Cureatz has repre- sented Durbain East since 1977, Kemp is not concerned that bis acclamation. means other1 poten- tiai candidates, felt the riding could be loat. "Don't take this the wrong way but I had su pport from day one from the full executive and -the membership igeneral. Frm sure there were others intereated but they probably sensed the support I had.» As for the outcome i Durham East, Kemp said, "It will be, a challenge but I have all the confidenice i the world that we will keep it. Kemp also believes the Tories are capable of pulling an uIpset provincially despite the, opinion pols favorng the government. «The Liberal are ifor a b'g surprise, the onqly poil that means anythiïig la on -election day. While pleased with Keipp"s nomination, Cureatz teld The Free Pres he found the lack of other contenders asurprising."w Cureatz said that owing te the strength of the Tory organization in Durham,,Est. "rfelt the pesnwho got the nmnto would be successful in the élec- tion., WThe only tbing iceaai there sesto be a, >Maaise about rlitics and, politicians in

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