PAGE 18, WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUS T 8,1990o Pest controi, aunaturiel By the Canadian Garden Coundil Many Canadian -gardeners inquire about the relative safety of various pesticides they use in their garden. For up-to-date information, the Candian Garden Coundil sought data from the, Crop Prtection Institute of Canada, specifically the lawn and garden section of the Institute. The institute bas a new pamphlet entitled 'Q & A on Pesticideis for your Lawn and Garden.! The pamphlet answers 16 commonly asked questions about lawn and garden pesticides. For exaniple, one of the most common questions in gardeners' rninds -has to dowmith just what an "organic or natural pesticide" is and the difference between "oarganic or natural" roducts vs. the chemical pesticides. ThIe pamphlet states: " Organic' or a'natural' pesticides are terms generally applied te organismns and chemcials found naturally in the environment. Although it may be perceived that these products are safer than those produced synthetically, this is flot necessarily the case. Many synthetie cheniicals are less toxie than those that occur naturally. "Both synthetically produced and organic pesticides-require the sanie extensive* and stringent federal govemnment evaluation and approval. For example, nicotine suiphate, formerly used to control (garden) insects, is a highly toxic, naturally occurring product which is no longer registered for use as a pesticide." Another frequently asked question about garden pesticides has te do with contact by children and/or pets. The new pamphlet has thé following te say about such exposure: "There is no such thLn&,as zero risk. Every time you e a pet, play a sport, cross the street or ride in a car, there is risk. By talding reasonable precautions and followang instructions, we can nmnmze unncessar risk with pesticide use. "Keep children and pets out of any area during pesticide application and until the area is dry, which may b(o up te, 24 hours. "In ail cases, applicaters should avoid sin contact with pesticides. Sldn shoultd be covered with protective cloting such as rubber gloves, long-sleeved shirts, long pants and boots." .Having received the answer about children and pets, gardeners often ask about the potential hazard fr-om 'pesticides te, birds, worms, bees, and non-target plants. The new pamphlet explin: "Ail pesticides must be biologically active to, do their job properly, so, they may, affect non-target plants and animaIs. Careful observance of label instructions will minimize an y hazards te other species." Since the introduction of phoephate-free laundry detergents, some gardeners are concerned about the pollution of water by pesticides. The Crop Protection Institute says: "Home and garden pesticides and fertilizers are used in aniali quantities. When used according te directions, they will not perclate through the soul into dri nn water or groundwater. It is still up te, us te, eliminate any posibilty of is sfe huma errr ýroug ste handling. To help minimize harm, avoid spraying near water PREVENT ACCIDENTS AND ENHANCE ENJOYMENT 0F YOUR POOL SIMPLE, WORRY-FREE OPERATION The LIFE-ALERT Pool Warning System operafes on the some principle as similar intrusion alarm systoms designed for business, industry and the home. Photo- electric colIs located in the docorotive pillars omit a harmloss, invisible beam of light which surrounds the perîmetor 0f your pool. When o child. or other intruider onters the socured area, tho boom is broken triggering an oudible alorm in ond out of doors. The alcorm înstantly alerts you thot someono hos ontored the immodiote pool area while it acts as a waming f0 the intruder not f0, procoed, Wts the worry-froe way ta protoct you ond your family against occident ond liability. ATTRACTIVE FEATURES The LIFE-ALERT Pool Waming Systoms is on attractiveo addition f0 vour outdoor londscope ' too Globe lighls croato soft illumination while furthor enhancing pool sofoty and security. Constructed of sturdy plastic. tho,LIFE-ALERT Pool Waming System wonîYlnrust or corrode And, photo- coîl placement is fully odjustable f0 moot your noods. EASY TO INSTALI The LIFE-ALERT Pool Wamning System is 50 easy to instal No complicated wirîng. no complox assombly With just a few simple. tools you con instaîl if in minutes thon, plug if in f0 any indoor or outdoor ouflet f0o nîoy beaulîful poolsido illumination, safety and socurity FULLY GUARANTEED 5 Vear Warranty Help to protocl you and your famîly agaînst poolsido mîsadventure Instaîl a LIFE-ALERT Pool Warnîng System and enjoy tho peace 0f mind thal comos from knowîng your backyard pool is sale and worry-free .4' -rîr~ -e ~LJ ADVANCED DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Maie of stu'dy. snace oge piosfic. ft)e tIFE-ALEI Pool Wcrning Systom Incoporales I" foiesti n deign iechnoi4ogv Io giveyoSyeoof pooiside proieciion Ithos con'pieiely soe and moIntenonice tme A Gobe iighiing B WotodIgiht ploiic bneand nioctuicoi assembiy C Photoeiectic cell fuiiy odlusotle Io acconmodate dctited placement of D Decoçative. %poceo ge plcntic plla F Non corrossive System con also bo utîlized for onground and abovo-ground pools The LIFE-ALERI Pool WormIng System Is sutoble for both lnground and qbove ground pools. POOL WARNING SYSTEM Designed and Manufactured in Canada by: LIFE SAVER POOL GUARD SYSTEMS INC. 717 FINLEY AVE. #3, AJAX ONT. (416) 428- 1222 (Financîng Avalable) We've just had a Life + Alert Pool Waming System installed in aur backyard. If you hear the siren, please look in our yard to see if any children are inlithe pool area. The children could be yours. Thank You. Mr. &Mrs. ______ and do not wash containers in streanis or lakes. Ail. empty containers should be rinsed three times within the treated area, and disposed of in regular garbage." *The word biodegradable lias become a buzzword today, and gardeners occaaionally ask about the biodegradabililty of pesticides. The new pamphlet explains it thus: Testicides and fertilizers aIl degrade in the environnient, but the rate of breakdown varies with each product. Somne compounda may react with moisture in the soil or in plants, or they may be broken down by sunlight if they remain on the plant or soul surface. Yf not overused, the nutrients in fetlzr will be used by the plants, and none will persist in soil or leach te water. "However, most pesticides degrade as a result of the normai metaboic processes cf plants or soil bacteria. The degradation" ultimately leads te the formation of harmless substances such as carbon dioide and water. The pamphlet 'Q & A on Pesticides for your Lawn and Garden' is not a publication of the Canadian Garden Coundil. Free copies of the pamphlet, and another, 'Science and Sensible Gardening -- The Balanced Approach te Pest Control,P are available from the Crop Protection Institute cf Canada, 21 Four Seasons Pl., Suite 627, Etobicoke, Ont., M9B 6j8. LITEWOOD DISTRIBUTION INC. DOORS â WINDOWS e SOLARIUMS* SKYLIGHTS Showroom: 274 Bloor St. W., Oshawa ___ 725-6868 IINLINIE PATIO DOORS, SOLARIUMS AND SKYLIGHTS ____________________ Now the patented oVision Control" touvre design, can offer n you the ultimate patio door or solarium. These rigid louvres m of aiuminum profiles are moujnted ripht between thie FREE ESTIMATES QUALITY INSTALLATIONS- ihsLfidthg glaSs..' 0 fr a 6$ Nouil 1* 4 t *e *0 $6 $é