Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Aug 1990, p. 6

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PAGE 6. WHRIBYF1ME PRESS, WPDNESD)AY, AUGUST 1, 1990 VOICE O I4EOUNTY TOWN The only Whitby newspaper independentIy owned and operated by' Whitby residents for Whitby residents. Ji IPubiished eVery Wednesday MaurIce Pifher m r6729noln cEdto 668-6111 Toronto Line 421-1 834 DouglAndorson Publisher 131 Brook Street. North, '.0. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. LiN 5S1 ReglstraUon f05351 Larry Cook Advertising Manager Alexandra Simon Production Manager. 2nd CiaisPostai MI I P I sPY A Summer Contest of Architectural Identification Take a stroîl and see what heritage Whitby has to offer. Each week until September, the Whitby Free Press will publish a picture of an architectural detail of a building in Whitby (including Brooklin, Ashburn and Myrtie). Each correct identification will be entered in a draw to win a weekly prize courtesy of Whitby LACAC.* The weekly winner's name and.correct identification will be published in the following week's issue of the Whitby Free Press along with another mystery Inoadgition there wilI be a Grand ýPrize given on Heritage Day to the person submitting the most correst identifications out of nine. Sponsored by Whitby's *Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee to encourage an awareness of our local architectural heritage. Get ready for the LA CAC activities on Heritage Day, Septemnber 15,1990. If you can identify .........this picture, submit -the entry below to the Whitby Free Press, 131 Brock >-Street N., Whitby Ils LIN 5S1. The ..... winner will be selected next Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. This week you "can also enter at the' display at the Nat *ional Trust located at 308, M ............Dundas Street, W JOCATION >;ame Uddress They can take t, but they can't dlsh it out. Thatl may seem backwards, but fittlng when referring to our1 provincial government's attitude towards takIng and gh.ýlng money. The- most recent evîdence of their heavy-handed sleight.ýof-hand Is ln the predicament we now f mci ourselves ln terms of weiffare. Rislng lInterest rates and failing businesses ln the shadový of an impendlng recession resuhtec ln 10.408 people 1throughout the region finding themselves on the receivlig end of wefare payments last month, a 58.2 per cent Increase over last year. Meanwhile, as the Region is holding emergency meetings, scrambiing to juggle funds to meet a $600,000 dot icit ln payments, the Province is sitting back on Its laurels, to the tune of half-a-million dollars ln committed weifare payments to the Region, crying broke, yet caliing for a $40-million election from the other side of. its mouth. How utterly absurd. Forty million dollars would heip a lot o! people who flnd themselves at the mercy of the province's whims. The Regl 'on Is going after Its money, money used In extra administrative costs because o! the, extra workload ln ternis o! caseloads and work created by the provincial computer system. The regional treasurer has made It clear that we are not In an emergency situation. In !act, we are ln better shape than Hamilton/Wentworth, Metro, Peterborough and Windsor. In terms o! Increases ln weif are payments, however, we are the third highest at 51.6 per cent whIch, including administrative costs, mounts to 93.5 per cent over last year. The caseload Increase is 2,116. StilI, the Province doesn't recognize an emergency until 4 per cent o! the population Is ln the demoraiizIng position o! depending on the provincial handout. Not an emergency situation? Corne on, now. Why not ask the 10,408 people who are not sure where their next dollar is comIng ftrom, or ffit is coming at ail. i The sad saga of Mr. Phillip Branton in your July 25 issue, 'Boat owner, stranded, is fined by police,' bas prompted me to reply to bis plight. Obviously he was 111 prepared and iM informed, a dangerous combination when mixed with water, before he set off into the lake. I doubt if he has heard of the excellent boating courses offered, by The Power Squadron, community colleges such as Durbam College, etc. nor bas he read the Safe Boating Guide paid for by the taxpayer and available from the Coast Guard, Customs, most marinas, tbe rescue boats a.nd some sporting goods stores. I would tberefore say that he was tbe author of bis own misfortunes, sort of self-inflicted wounds. As for being left stranded by the police, I doubt it very mucb. Here we bave two very different points of view, one a novice in marine matters, the other very much more experienced. I know these officers and rmn sure that they would neyer leave anyone stranded. They kniow tbe procedures for oltaining a rescue boat if needed and have used them on previous occasons. As a member of the COMIRA crew I can attest to the long hours searching the lake for the "Mr. Brantons" that put to sea without the proper equipment and know-how; to say nothing of the vast amnounts of fuel used on these searches. It seems to be a great Canadian pastime to do your own thing until'you get stuck and then expect instantaneous, no-cost salvation. The old adage "Two turns of the screw (propellor) and you are on your own!" is as true on the lakes as it is on the ocean. It would appear to me that Mr. Branton paid a small price - some hnmlation, some frustration and $50, for an invaluable lesson. rm pleased to hear him tell so volubly of his experiences as it may be a. deterrent to others. Yes, indeed, Mr. Branton. it was a smal Drce as you could have so easly paid with your life. G. G. Reed Whitby Coumcil kcks seniorsl To the. editor-i I would, as a Wbitby senior, like to add MY ITOU said it, buster!" to the letter submitted by J. H. Priest, regarding the local council's approacb, or lack of such, to the needs of seniors. While serving in the forces in World War II we bad a grand inspection. Just prior to this inspection I found a "foreign substance" on -tbe parade ground. An officer trained ta make vital decisions directed me ta "Kick it around until it was lost." It would seem that our council had adopted this policy towards senior citizens. At the rate of the present progress of meeting our needs, we shall al bave been Icked around long enough ta be dead. So, think my niiddle-aged friends. These plans being made are for you. They are your expectations, not ours. Therefore, members of dur esteemed council, "Scoop tbe-Poop," quit ickingit around. A. Roy Nethercéit ________whitb. y1 -- - - -------------------~ ~ ~ Pass the buck LAST WINNER: WHITBY Ashburn School House now the. Coinmumity Centre William Pearson, a Scottish stone mason built the school between 1861 and 1880 as a test piece to show off his style of stone masonry. hone No. ..*.*.*................................ ........ . ............... ...........*.......*.***.................. I..... .......................... . . . . ..... . Boatowner hs only hmself to blame 1 To the editoir -'l

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