Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Aug 1990, p. 34

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X-rayvision-atAtlas..testingla By Deborah Luchuk Somewhat like a hospital, -Atlas Testi*gLaba and Services Limited uses X-rasto detoct problema hin industrial products and systemis. "W. do X-rayseon apipe, andso on,like an X-ray on a had or foot in a hospital"» aiea magnae Dennàis Norman @od the Free Pre. "W. deal i construction, domg non-destructive testing,includin g r7adio p*y,* ultra"smgei uatr idpenetrant and visuel testlng, and eddyý current," he added. Customers are froin acres. the con with a : rity of customors in the, ronto to ington area. -"W. assure the itegrity of, parts be*n fabricated, as- a third party. W basicaly offer prefabrication shopa withoùt an in-house quality as surance (testlng) tlýe experience te dgthe tesUin----- The main office of ýhe 20 car old comany is located in Oakvifle, and theW. tby b ranch was, established four years ago. During peak periode of business, Atla ploya 60 to 90 ppe, and Whtbylgeeralyemploys10.Th~ work fd re i. unionled, wth empfloya. divided between Local 46 andBus ý of the Boilermakers' Union. Buies ha. increased dramiati- caly or the buRt two years. Expaný- sion will depend on the future of the economy, Norman saicL Free tracle «la a good thing, sixply because the Americans dont have the smm systems set up for thia kind of wok. Te Americana are looking at the Canadian system of certilica- tion." "We probably could go into:the States, b ut there are' problema wlth taking equipment acrosa the bordr. However, w. can show them how to do it, (in a consultant' capacity),"e ho said. Douglas Steel, a > pillar of the comm"unity By Deborah Luchuk Wbitby homes and others in cen- tral0Ontario may be "held Up"wit a ioduct o Douglas Steel- Company Douglas Steel Company produces steel products for new hoe, such as fabrication beama and columne. Major customers include Greenpalk, Merrlck and 'Pemnbrook developers, developers from the south-central Ontario repin. Begun M-i Oshawa 12 years the offipany relocated to Whit;y seven years ago. Approxlmately 30 to 40 employees work at Douglas Steel, according te imarket demanda, sald administrator Harold Russell. Employees belong to the United Steel Workers Union. Growth in business sud profita has been steady since arriving in Whitby, Russell said, but in 1989, sales were down from previeus "high"in 1987 and 1988. "W. wiil have te tighten our boit for 1990, as the housing markoet ha. experienced a slowdown," ho said. Russell believes the slump la a resuit ofthe auticipated G&Su ad inflation. Foar of the ramifications orf-the free-trade deal ha. aise inspiredthe slump lu the housingnuàait. uCem- panes are relocatmng, sud although it *hwtrade)*doesn't afect us aýtthis point, the -(deal) hsa psycogical' sund yia effect on te everal (hosin mike. " Altbough Douglas Steel la netivolvod lu a "proigram ofe tr mjees loftoýver from biican àasent'toaacrap dealer for use in steel maldng. Douglas Steel in located at 1446 Hopkin St., Whitbv. Son. Communicationl Sony:central. Premium quality corded and cordless power tools, bu-it to professional standards, and supported by- a national service network. PRO GRESSING WITH By Grog MaoNeff Sony's operation in Whitby serves as the eastern distribution centre sud national parts depot for the éeoctronics giant. Semae *mauufacturing aise takes place at the Tricent Ave. fafflty, mainly in the areas of headphones sud speakers.ý Opened in 1983, Whitby was- chosen because of its desirable' geegraphic location, providing the company a central location for customers i the Toronto, Ottawa sud Montreal triangle. According te Deug Willox, So-ny of Canadae. vice-president of cerporate, communications, land that was more. oconomical compared with Teronte was also a factor. Just two years; ago, Sony expanded' its building by 100,000 square feet,ý sud now employees a total of 126. e e-only other distribution centre in Canada la in Vancouver wbich serves the western market fromn British Columbia th Manitoba. As welI, Sony has several regional offices scattored throughout the country. Although Son/s producta can ho: fouud almost anywhere on the globe,: Willox says the Canada -US. fre trade deal hasn't played suy. significant role for the'ý company's Canadian arm yet. Doscriig itself as the leader in consumer electronies, Sony has made its mark with such innovations as the now farnous sud much copied. Walkman. Wiflox says ether household electronic gooda that Sony ia responsible for introducing inchude the Handycm the worldis smallest; WHITBY C A, M 0& EA Manufacturers of: Sclair Polyethylene film, Dartek Nylon Film and Vexar Plastic Netting WHITBY SITE Whitby, Ontario cameorder, compact dise playera sund the Trinitron celer television. Sony i. aise a leader in the fieldof professional bruacs qupen used in television, radie sud production facilities worldwide. Models$ on the. i' BY Deborah Lcu Serving the automotive sud aero- space idustis Oshawa Patjern sd MdeIm, td desiga id sud certifies autommtive Isud -alMI modela1 p-atterna and tixture. Established in 1962, the. company works "idirectly for biq automolivo sud serospace comparues, tbrodgh supplying the automotive P as manufacturera sud founAres fodr aerospace facteries," off,i mn.... Pai -Vivian, said. These companies are both in Ontario sud the Uie States, Detroit sPecifa<v. ne$ Ioéal]y oiwned, Canadian, In- dopendent- employa 30, the. employee comlemntdown from, 56 employed ove9th12at few years, Vivian said, due te a slowdowu in the automotive industry. Laat year (1989) was a slow yma. «W. were the llrst te feel the remes- sien," ah. said. Howevor, busies han been sufficiont te warrant a move te larger fiadilitiesud -th. in- stallation of computerized. equipmènt oer the last five years.1' Vivisu «can't say fre. trade bas had su effoot (on Oshawa Pattern)."* "lt's difficult-.te predict. It May have a benefit, but it's the dollar velue that makos the difference.!* -As the cempany is'labor-intenalve, there isn't a'lot loft te recycle, Vivian said. Oshawa Patternand Model Limi- ted la located at 102 Industil Dr., Whitby. G;as works Superior. Propane, Whitby, rreesnaieo anaa.aigs propane company, sella propane gasý, sud services' and i-selle ',propane appliances for commercial, residential sud industriel use.A The Canadian owned (owned -by Norcen Energy) companys Whitby operation employa 20, sud« hires atudents in the. summer. The company was established as Superior Propane inthe early 60., sud prier te that, was a company owned privately, offie manager Daye Stewart said. Profits forethe company wore up between 15 sud 20 per cent in 1989, the increasing business duo: te increasing development in ail sectors of the community, ho saïd. The Whitby eperatien recyles motel cylindera, 'cardbeard, ýand paper- WW

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