Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Aug 1990, p. 32

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BUIESSOVAENNT Furniture.takes aultystpU. By Déborah Luchuk Sklar.Poepler Incorporated fur-ni- ture,,,i ld bh maýny residents of the aroa.and acras the coutry recline, has been creatcd in Whitby since The company had its beginnin ain Oshawa, Where the, tbree Mar brothèrs bad an upbelstering/furni- turoeu. nm. lai 1966, thej comnpany me ràtlh tie Pe pler btthm0f H an9 il nt., = M or om.caî "( d i i n r à m s t s ,c a b in e ts ). the ý,.'hitby poration, which pro- duceé',tbo upholstored furnituro; a Toronito operation, produclng motion flirniture (le. sofa bods),,. and the Haoe pe<"n, where the case 45,000.84. ft. showroom in Mis- Mmisaugalaued for display of fliri- ture, or doaders and -buu from fiurnituré stores, sucl as Nilson'sin Osbawa. The Whitby oporation employs 850 "voxy loyal" femployeea, director. of >-RAYMOND S'TEELLTD. ÂAL 0F OTAW .OTTAWA *WHITBY * GATINEAU * DARTMOUTH Cpdian1 sales Doug Dobbln told Th ree Promu, e workforce *belon~ to the United Steelworloers of Amineca union and the International *Woodworkors' Union. - Aithougli sales have droppodi n 1989, growth of the entire company. hansbeensi'gailiant. The parent com- faByPCC limited, has -purchasod a esissppi company, Ecru, that pro- duces the Ginison-SIater lino of fur- niture. Sklar uphelstery wiilbo sold there, exported fromt the, Whitby corn. pany. Ym trade has holped Sklar-Pep- nle_ Dbbi sadopenlng Up mar- J ýinteUntdStates. Sklar-Popplori a nw =in a "now !drcto"ith the estal mentof 'a "'aUey lUne" of furniturs. Tme furrnlture wiil be made in lirnited' -qantities, for exclusive sale in MM-opper allrie (aongthe linos of a KaufmnGallery), Dobbin Paid. The company ham a gallery ope- ration at the Furnituro Mail in Pick- orlng and Markham, and has recently opened another in Calgary. - Ilhere are 14 gailery doalors acrosa Canada. fIhe furniture for the galIeries lias «upgmradd"fabric and upholstering, over our rogular fine, and it la more 'ben-mad, comjared te mass-pro- duced on iUne,»Dobbin said.. Fr"*trade wll show the. company toast up gglerles inthe United The company- bas aleo lanchèda contract fiurniture Un, ohtel and motel use. Tho Shorýaton Hotel in Calgi has boon suppliod with Sklar7-Poppler contract furniture, and the. company bas put forth a number of quotes for otheir compamies. ,Sales of thoeklar-Peppler product Win ho madoeaaier lu the futuurs by thecompanysrecnt slgingof a contract with Rydor Trucks te pro- vide a ful fleet of trucks& 1'hoy will provide a ful fooet of trudi;s.(for, distribution) lu Ontario" and. oastern Quéec, with the Skar name on the .truck,- and« Skiar uniornis for the drivèe,"» Dobbin maid, adding the. compang hopes bo oxpand-sales luto the Maritimes with the. fleet. Fashionab ly p rivte By Grog MacNeil Prlvacyis the. main resson peop le put upfenes, says Dallas Wye. C1 sbudknow, for bis company, Wbitby Fonce, bas been building fences and dockasince 1983. Wye almoat considers it ironie tbat lu an era tbatssemen the world's most netorlous fence, the Berlin Wall, come tumbling down, he's busy ;building fonces s6tbe peeringeeof a neighbor can't se into tLh enfxt yardl. As' an extreme example, ýWye is currently constructing -an 11-11. blgh fonce for -a customer who isnserous about bisprivcy Even though meut people want a fonce for -pnivacy pupo e yey there are many d efeotdsigns te also make the structure look oodf Currently, the mout oula fnce la flve foetof boards with a fofo to f lattice at the top, a design Wye says, ho's he1s personally getting sick of soeing. Ho says with such. a wide range of dosigns possible theros no' reason te copy everybodyr eloe. "Any design you can tbink of, we¶l do it," promises Wye. Many customers corne into Wbitby Fence unsure of wbat style fence te bave put up. Wyo saye heuà able teoffer suggestons as te the niost appropriate design. 'Many people make the inistake of doahing with an luexperienced person whoofton puts Up fonces lu bie spare time, and can only offor simple dosigna. Thoreforé, Wye, says, many just don't know that many decorativo dosignsamareavailable. "Weé do a scallop fencing& with eliptical shapes on the tep," Wye ponts out, for. example. Wood fonces are primarily made eut of codar and prossure-treated wood, with codar being the meut poplai. "I de more cedar dock and odrfonce work now thon ever before," Wye says. Cedar's attractive appearance and durability are the rossons for its popularity. In additioù te wood, Wbitby Fonce instahls chalu link and tubular-wrought ibon fonces. At" the moment, Wye's staff. is instahhing chain link sud iron fonces for two new schools lu teown. Wbitby Fonce is> alÎmo ýKuOwn iit doeckwork, whether around ,a, pool or the raised porch type. In' addition Whitby Fonce has beon commlssioned te build thingu like gazobos' andi cabanas. Basicahlyif Îit'made out-of wood anît's for.the yard, the. staffa Wbitby Fonce can-büild it. As wellWbitby Fon ce in an indpenentdeaerfor inàdahi Cedar Surou.Wye maya the product cornes frm British Columbia lu a it form. 'Customers can either assemble it themselves, or bave Wbitby Fonce do it for them. Wyosays tiiose bavig urbaed the. minroonis are extmely happy with thom, espocially in the winter. The unit consiste of glass Ini a cedax frame*or.k. "There are man diffeèrent aizes and styles avai=ale," according tu Wye. -A M catlge and even an aseimi1i suuroomcan ho found lu the. showroom. Wyo's two .junior partners are Paul Scimone and Toàny Caneuico. Energizing business By Grog Macol KWS bas; been providing its customers lu Durham Region with energy services ince 1977. 'Tt takes a long time ,te, build a naine up," maya Bill Skribe' of the» business .ho rua along witii wife Cathy and' partuer Andrew Wong. Skribe maya lu a vez'y competitive marketplace, ho dependa on the. larg liMt of clients hel. acmulatsd over the. yeara te belp pans the. word along tu other businesmes tbat could use bis servces. There are impressive naîns on that lits4à.uch as Andrew Canade, AK. G.Simpson, Duplate as well as the Town of Wbitby and the. Reglon of Durham. KWS En.rgy Services provides the comamrial and industrial sector witii vetiaton hieating and air conitix~lg istalaton and maintenance. Installcai is the mainstay at KWS, but Skrhbe maya the. prvniemaintbenance aspect- la the Doiezt bgsttbiug, as tiiey are alào a mu-erie'contractor te many copais Although the. bulk of the. work dne la for business or ludustry, sevce work ina alaoavai*llalote rosidential customors. With so many companies locating or relocating te Whitby, KWS has been able te increase their client list cousiderably. "Wo bave great confidence lu Durham Region because of the growth potential and the actual growtb tbatIs going on rigbt now," maya kie Tat growth wiiich- the area bas, exoiUdver tiiO ast few years la acting as'a safoguard te the curnt ocouomic .downturn. "We're *very fortunate," maya Skrle. The developiÏent, of the now Whit1by recreation contre and the. now W!it1w Hlydrobuilding are just a couplee of o xws providiug its ,servces te 'a new oeparato achool lu AJxb boyond 'the bordera 'of Duba Region. "W do a letofwoMrkmi Toronto, too," maya Skrlbt- Even en, tii. oempany's on.cloc tio a502 Hopdns St. lamorethn adiquate te smve ats ustmrs, wbether. tbey1re lu nDurbam orfartiier away. - KWS ' dovaswith ich wefl known brandnae as Tran d Lénnox. .~ d~ w-w~wwu~m~ ~ ~oeoeu~~ ~.wW~oe1,~u ~ w~ - ~ ~ . * ~ M QUAI.ITY COMPONENTS for« CANADIAN INDUSTRIES IOPTHOUSE DRA05$ MflnUPBCTURlnG TD 310. Hopkins St., Whitby M lý

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