PAGE 26, W!YM tE WDESAY UGWr 1,>lm, Offie Hors: Whltby Ffree P ess 0 68-0594 Offlie H urs:Monday to Frlday, Ã:00- aril to 5:2.0 pm Fax 668-0504 -- - - - - 4~tL~i~r~. ~' ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS TrHURS.,.AUGUST 2 - 6 P.M. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTER --LINDSAY Brand new brand name chester- fieldIs, bed chesterfields, love seats, chairs, sectionals, mattress & box. springjs, solid wardrobes, new solid oak 'bedrooà m suites, tables, >chests, 'dressers, bookshelves, 'end,- tables, night tables, lamps Don't miss this quality new furniture selling wth no reserve. PLUS complets contents of Mr., ROY EGGO (giving .Up housekeeping): provincial modern bedroomn ste. (like new) with twln beds, dl. walnut desk wth bail & claw feet, corner china cabinet, bed chesterfield, swivel rocker, white console sewing machine, walnut console- table & chairs, qualfty, coUe -&' end- tables, chromfe* dinette, 6 Royal Doulton figurines, china cabinet, walnut armoire, dining ste., curio, retriger or, stove, auto washer, dryer, freezer, electric organ, John Deere rlding lawn mower, 20 h.p. Chrysler outboard motor, framned Trisha Romnance prints, plus' repossessed 1980 Olds 4 door Cutlass, glass, china' pusabut .20 used bicycles, small house traler. 6 p.m. 'sharp. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS ORVAL & BARRY McLEAN, AUCTIONEERS 324-2783 PETHIOK AUCTION BARN SAT.9, AUG.-Il AT 10:30 A.M. PERCY MOUNTJOY FARM., HARMONY,.RD. N., OSHAWA To include: Livestock equipmont, show wagons, and harness. Plus lots of collectibles. EQUIP. to include 2 Ferguson Tractors, 3 P.T.H. ploug hs, disk,- cuitivator, scraper, blaci, Gehîhammer mili, 2 show wagons, 1 on rubber, 1 high wheel, .2 buggies,,2 wooden wheel wagons, severalcutters. Quantity of work horse harness, several. sets of show harness for heavy and light horses, lots of- show collars, bridles, drapes, haimfes, harness box, cast seats, rope makers, wiff le trees, neck rokes, horse drawn equip., plows, sieighs, etc. LIVESTOCK: 2 yr. Percheron Mare, 3 yr. Percheron Mare, 15 yr. Percheron Stallion (registered), p lus 7. yearling cattle. Some household f urnit ure also to be sold. Partial.list only Lots of small horse & equipment related items to b. sold. Term s are cash or- cheque with l.D. Lu nch available. For more info., caîl: GARRY K. POWELL, AUCTIONEER 1-416-263-4252 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUES;, UG. 7 AT 6:30 P.MK Walnut china cabinet, French provincial chesterfield & chair., walnut'buffet, blue chestorfield &, matching . loveseat, microwavo, oven, oéval mraple dining- table, coffee & end tables, occasiônal chairs, 4 pc.. modemn bodroom. suite, 2, key electric organ, Commodore S.P. 9000 computer, modern dressers &chests .of drawers, .waterbed, chèsterfields, chrome kitchen' suite, large quantity of modem furniture, chinaà ,,glass & household items. DON -ANDGREGi'CORNEIL R.R *#1, LITTLE BRITAIN (705) 786-2183 > PETHICK AUCTION BARN SAT., A UG. 4 & -MON., AUG. 6 10:30 A.M. BLACKSTOCK ARENA Large 2-day Auction Sale for the Estate of the late Bruce Mountjoy of, Blackstock. W. have to be soki numferous collections 'of antique cars, parts, &.'mfanuals, gama- pho»nes,, 1cylinders &recoirds,'old radio collection& parts, old ,calendars,-, buggies, .cutters parts, 'woodworking equp toS, mechanics tools, dcocks, tele- phonoes, homemade tractor w/1924 Indian air-cooled motor, gardon tool' s, furniture, qlass; & china, books, mechanics,,mranuals, phemera collection, over 500 old licence plates. This sale representS» almoist ai century of'collecting and promises, to 'have.something for everyone. Partial-listing of larger items includes: 1929 Ford A Sports Cioupe f',running), 1929 Chrysler p ue,.ý129Fr A Sodan,ý. 1928 Ford RFQadster,, 1903- Hôrsè,lessý Carriage; (Wood body), plu.s lôts 0of, wire wee .bugy,4 cutters & 'a$s, harness, ýe)tra wheels. mny ô ld radios, cases, receivers .& 1 ts of, 'extra -parts, Rplayer . 0î"amapJOres,. byà Edison, RCA Victar,',olumbia Grafanota,, approx. 200 bylinders, over »200 78 records,' -extra parts,- hons, cases, record cptalog uosi,,,gpwer , tools, band: saw, Jat ho, di IF'pr,oss, SIl saws, rot ers;, grindeBrsi mechaniics floor tool box, hand tools, paint sprayer, many old tune-up tools. COLLECI'LES include: .wash- bôards, 'chuïch peWs,-aId *working washing machines, butter boxes, bearnr .,dîills, blacksmith. bellows, lanternis, carbide lamps, -antiqu clothes,. ýmantle, wall & cabne dlocks, telephones -- woode*ri waIl mo.unted '&,small switchbà ard, lots of, pa.rts, weigh scales, imtplemfent seats, gardon tools, chain s'aw. FURNI11JRE ' -includes: ý. ýýoak side/side, marble top side board, comb. Oak bookcase/writing desk, p ress-back chairs,- 2,sottees, spool bed, -extension tablei, tea wagon, pantry'- cabinet- W/hutch, filing91 cabinets, beds, dressers. CHINA & CRYSTAL .. includes: -Pi-nwh'eil, Waterdrd, .,*,Depression, Nipponi, Oc.cupie'd*, .,Rdyal. ..Devoh~, Royal Dà uiton. Large CA LENDAR display'0fmany local business dealers, dating back to the 1800s.ý B«ecau*se of thé sizeo0f this sale, we will bo startinq at '10:30 a.mi. n bbith' daysi.. Viewing from., 9,' sale. day'only. We.,will t ry to.1pseIi some faIl the items listed on both days with the larg or items to b., sold on Mond1y. Terms,, choque or Visa. AIl out-of-town choques must have letter 'of credit from banks, verifying funds on account. Lunch avaîlable. Motels are available in the area. For more information, caîl: GARRY K. POWELL, AUCTIONEER 1-416-263-4252 or FAX 1-416-263-4459 ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS SsATU RDA'Y, AUGUST il GIANT REA4 ESTATE AUCTION of TRILLIUM HOLDINGS - QUALITV BUIIT HOMES 12 NOON - BOîLDER/-A NDYMAN SPECI AL - KJRKFIELD, Cty. Rd. 6 just south .ýf Kirkfield. Approx. 1,700 sq. ft. ynfinished 3 bedroomn bungalow wý h attachod 2 car gaae geJ.125" x 200' lot. Cornpletely tricked- & finished on the outslde, 11l maintenance free - you finish the inside. 1 P.M. - .U INSHED- 3 BED- ROOM !BUNGALOW - BALSAM LAKE DR., Hwy. 48 east of- Shallimar to 3alsamn Lake. Dr. (ses signs). Approx. 1,600 sq. ft. bungalow pus attached .2. car garage.' Lg ~. 100' x 300' lot. Completely rickod & finished on outside. You finish'the inside. 2 -P.M. NEW 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, North Boundary Rd.,' Feneloni Falls oast of village tumn north onto North Boundary Rd. 2 miles (ses signs). Approx. 1,382-sq. ft. home plus -attached 2 car garage. 1 acre lot. Beautiful home completoly finished & ready* to move into. Custom-built cupboards with oak trim. 5 year HUDAC warranty. Close to town. ,, 3 P.M. - PIGEON LAKE WATER- FRONT, at Cowans Crescent, Cowans Bay. Hwy. 7 east of Omemee north onto Emily Pk. Rd. left.-et Cty. Rd. 10 & 14 over bridge (ses slgns). 2 bedroom bungalow plus master 'bedroom, full base- ment, walkout to wrap-around deck. Great for boating & fishing. Al properties sold as is* subject to a reasonable reserve.- Ternis: $5,000-deposit ci sale. Balance in 30 days. AI properties shown by qipointment. To view or forflye, call:- ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS (705) 324-2783 LINDSAY OR 799-2033 DO YOU HAVE a special service or product? Cali the classifieds and find out how to ssii it. Whitby Free Press, 668-0594. AUCTION SALE nKAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" - every WedJnesd a t .610 p.m. located on Brock d0Pickerng3 miles north *of Hwy.. 401 (Exit #399. Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine, furniture, glass, china, colectibles, primitives, anci the unusuals. So loin us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's "Tue"j5 Auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. wConsigniment & estate solling our seciat. Cali us today. Previews from 1:00 p.m.- KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 I DI. KRIS Chitale of Madras, India,ý a cit five million with..only 200 hospital beds for Children IV« guest .sp eaker at a recent meetngof, thq Rotary Club of Whitbty and RotaryClub of-,hity Sunrisè. "The Riotay Club of Whitby contibue $9,600 toward DR. Chitale's Child 1'rus Hospital in Madras. ]%Mr T'Ooebln photo Newcontract.for, sehool board s ecretra st aff By Trudie Zavadovica At a ýspecial, meeting Monday. night, the. Durham Board of Edu-> ca.tion ratifled -a- one-year con- tract that will give moat secre-, tarial and administration staff a 6.5gér cent pay hike. Tei agreement affects 300 ele- mentary. and seondary sehool secretaries and, administration office staff. ýI "Ii. contract expfred June ý30, and by JuIy'3 the basis of the contract hadbeen'reached," said' chairman;Ian Brown. The. contract covers on. year from, July 1, 1990 tO June 30, 1991 with a 6.5 per cent-increase for the majority of job classifica- tions. Brown says there are currently 12 employees who, are gettig more than thefr job classification allows; so their increases> will faîl under, the 6.5 per, oent increase level. He s'aid that in addition to the. pay increase, the pay e.quit;y'plan was axnended so ail adiustmnents' would b. retroactive to January. 1990. Tlhere was also a minor adjustmnent of 35 to 40 cents in shift premriunis, the dental plan was updatèd -to the 1989 fe.' scheduie, and in December employees will have pay cheques directly deposited into the bank. Brow*n also said, that employees wiIl now get four weeks hoiidays after nine years Of service rather than the pre- ývious ten-year ý period. Anid aill jobs wili now b. posted. < Tii.increase will costa'toà tal Of "43',760é" "It lu an excellent con#tract,» *said Cr-e udn h a j5.o CIJPE .-'À 2a18. War extremely satisfled with it. It's the. firut tim~e we've settled a contract shortly after it expired. UJf was -a very good set of negotiations. lhe reiationship, between the secretaries and the boa:rd is -the best it's ever been.» Bro6wn said that'he feels it is a -teWas"îâ some concern over ÃŽte size Igiveèn. the curent economic situation.» No drinking on board .Anyone who reaches age 19 in Ontario. is IegaIlyý entitled to consume alcohol, but not ail persons are ' capable cf handling the responsibility that cornes with the . priviiege. On a typical, holiday weekend,. mà ny people choose to, ,ignore the Iaws related to alcohol ond'fm4d temselves in trouble. Inisp.eBiii Wicklund, :OPP traffic and ; xezine bran fch,* has a remindeiý. This Civic Holiday ,weekerid, _police fwila , ain b. obevng for impaired diyivng, ,operating..a.boat whie impaired. and- consuming alcohol in a public place.' "D]3rinking on boartd a. boat is lawful oniy if the vessel is mobred and 'qualifes as a residence. It must have a wà shroom as -well as eatin andsleeing -facilities," Wicklundsays. K, Iii Ontarîioi aicohol-tranporSted ýýa, vehicle.orvesselmust' be in a coecotain*' ~Ldisplayed toý pu.lic view aidno tradily accesbe:"".DÃïîxilcg 1nfot pefmitted at a roadaïde park, pInmc ame or at a beach. 3 Ple'ase RecycleThis Newspaper-