Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Jul 1990, p. 6

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PAGE 6, wEITBY FREE PRIESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 19W I sPY If you -can identify this picture, submit the entry beloW to the Whitby Free Press, 131 Brock Street N., Whitby LUN 5S1. The winner will be selected next Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. This week you can also enter at the display at the National Trust located at 308 Dundas Street., W. LOCATIlON. Name. Address. Phone No.. A Summer Contest of Architectural Identification Take a stroll and see what heritage Whitby bas to offer. Each week until September, the Whitby Free Press will publish a picture of an architectural detail of a building in Whitby (includirig Brooklin, Ashburn and Myrtie). Each correct identification will be entered in a draw to win a weekly prize courtes y of Whitby LACAC.* The weekly winner's name and correct identification will be published in the following week's issue of the Whitby Free Press along with -another mystery photogr-aph In addition there will be a Gxrand Pnize given on Heritage Day to the person submitting the most correst identifications out of nine. Sponsored by Whitby's *Local Architecturai Conservation Advisory Committee to encourage an awareness'of cour local architectural heritage. Get ready-for the LACAC activities on Heritage Day, September 15, 1990. LAST WVEEKS WINNER: fCrawfo 145 Brock St. Se Current Bowman and Gibson building This low, brick building which today houses. Bowman and Gibson. Insurance Agents and Realtors was built in 1883. It was operated for many years as a "Coal, Wood and Feed Store" under the ownership of both John Blow and Son, and James H. Downey. Sunday shopping - yes Sunday shopping. Why flot? Untli an appeal af the Ontario Supreme Court ruling is heard ln, September, this summer has become a triai perlod province-wide for Sunday shopping. Thé decsi- sien ta open pr not rests with store owners - thé way it shouid be. Théré may bé those who wouid prêter ta bé ciesed Sunday alter a tive-day or six-day wark week, but wha fééi they fia choice but ta open. Shouid thé court ruiing bé upheid, and as Whtby's business sectar continues ta grew. In what is naw known as thé urban sprawi at thé Greatér Tarante Area, Sunday opénings may bécamie, for somé store owners, a tact of business. ln Whitby, most af thé grocéry and departméent stores and somne smaiiér merchants have been open Sunday. For thé mast part, they are open becausé théir competitors are open. Salés are fiat averwheiming, théy are normai. Shappers. althaugh pérhaps flot In g reat numbers, are takIng advantage af thé extra day ot open haurs. Tliey might tind it more convenlent ta shap Sunday. Just as same businessés - convenience stores, movié theatres. fast food oulets, ta name a f0w - were open proviausly on Sunday, now there are more. The consumer benêt ts. and theie has been fia gréat disruption ln the social labrlc af thé community. There Is the apportunuty for mare émpioyment. parti- cuIarly for students. and store owners recognize that regular empioyees need flot woslc Sundays il they dan't wish ta. How Sunday shopping goes over mai vary tram municipality ta municipality. In the next few months, municipalilties wiiI adapt, bendlng ta community wilii consumer désire and the business climate. Camé September. Sunday shopping may be regarded as thé preferred option In Whitby. I. Seniors will have to gét out thé snow boots and dust off thé snow shovel as a result of thé insensitive décision te discontinue clearing snow fromWitby sidewalks. This décision could literally bé a heartache -for rnany. Thé ldérly were .aise ovérlooked by this insénsitivé council, by net expanding much-needed recreational facilities that are now overcrowded. The reason is thé lack of funds. It is surprising there is neyer a lack of funds when it cornes te voting for a pay raise for councillors Secretly, for 1991 they gave themselves 6.5 per cent in advance, for .1990 another 6.5 per cent, and for 1989 the whopper of 29 per cent. There is no lack of funds for the $10-nullion (plus) four-foot deep CDSi'Bugelli puddle on Roeland Rd. The. effort te save taxpayers money is adm~irable but thé saving of $29,000 is probably lèss than thé arnount wasted on fuel and manpewer by our ridiculous Whitby Transit as they haul tons of empty buses around tewn éach day. A better décision, perhas would have been to give this "economy ick"e more thought. For example, an address registry could bé set up, to provide snow clearing to ail résidents, let's say, age 55 and over. Thèse residents. could obtain snow--cléaning services. As in thé past, to qualify, they must not have any1 individual under ýage 55 living in thé same household. A program such as this would coSt littie. Many a snowfall would onlY require a few shovels of sait, one truck and twe men to do a route. I hope thé senior citizens of Whitby take advantage of their grey power by convincing council they made a mistake. It may bie summér now,- but it could bé a long, hard winter and lives, could bé at staké. Mce,,oundil te 1havea heart. J. ]ELPiest Whitby Wake'up Whitby before it's too late To the edfitor: As a former résident of thé Whitby ares, I find it very dis- appointing thatthé Town may %v p its natural sites (such as )rcPringrle Creek overpass on ~Bok St. S. at Whitby harbor, and Lick Pond). iIs Wihitby' content toe héa satellite of Toronto, or will it show distinction' and conserve its sense of cornmunity? Surely Whitby council can find a way te retain natural areas while allowing economic develop- ment. There's a sayig that sums it up well: You don't know what you've got tili it'sg9 One. Sincerel.* Ron Corlies Kingeton, Ont. I -PROVINCIAL EEC TIQN j UR4AI ENTRE Published every Wednesday Maurice Pif her By 677209 Ontario Imc.< Editor .,. Phone: 668-6111 Larry Cook l bToronto Lino Advertising Manager I~IDoug Anderson Alexandra Simon, ~A.JIiiHI .LJPublisher Production Manager 131 Brook Street North, P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. 2nClBPSa peut Asso %The only Whitby newspaper Independently ondadoeae yU S ___________________ Whitby residents for Whitby residents. ......I . . *~ ......... Counil snows seni.lors To the editor. 1

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