Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Jul 1990, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1990 Obituaries Former Trafalgarprincipal dies A former principal of Trafalgar Castle School, WMhy, Dr. Reginald C. Davis died at Whitby on Friday, July 13, 1990. He lived at 1210 Radom St., Pickering. A son of the late John Rateliffe Davis and Dora Jean Macklam, he was born at Toronto an Oct. 10, 1916. Dr. Davis graduated from Bloor Street Collegiate Institute, Taranto, in 1935 and from the Toronto Teachersd College the following year. He received his B.A degree from: the University of Ottawa in 1941, MA. in 1943 and Ph.D. in 1944. He! received7-i Master cf Music derq from the University of Rochêster (Eastman School cf Musi4ý) in 1950 and a Master of Education ldegree fi-rm'the Univerity a Toroto Ini190 If? received an A.T.C.M1. degree inpxano in 1938. Dr. Davis was head of the music department cf Danforth Technical School, Toronte, fram 1949 te, 1954; principal cf Corvette Public Schoal, Scarborough, framn 1954 te, 1957 and inspecter of publice choals at Branitford, Ont;. froin 1957 te, 1960.: He was principal of Cobourg Collegiate West froin 1960 te, 1963 and Cobourg Collegiate East from 1963 te 1965. The winner af the Peter Periy Award as Whitby's outstanding citizen af 1977, Gertrude Luella Drew, <ied at the Whithy General Haspital on Thursday, July 12, 1990. A resident of Wbitby ail her life, she lived at 417 Euelid St. A daughter of the late Franýcis George Rogers and Sarah Lily Wbiftfield, Mrs. Drew was barrinir Whitby onà a farm on Palace Street, on July 10, 1906. On Jari. 7, 1931 she was married at Toronto to Frederick Wallace Drew, who <ied on Aug. 1% 1960. Atýr attending school ini Whitby, Mrs. Drew went te, work at the age of 16 at Patterson'sà bakery and later purchased the bakery anid operated it for five years Fromt 1931 until 1943, she and her husband operated Drew's Restaurant and Ice Creani Parlor on Dundas Street West. The restaurant also served as an agency for Gray Coach bus Unmes ini Whitby. After she sold the restaurant, Mrs. Drew worked ini the dining room at the Royal Hotel, Whitby, 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trusi " Farnily Monumecnts " Granite or Bronzte Markers " Ccz-nccry Lcucering " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Fiuuas St. E.. Whiiby 668- 3552 4AfTç. ot .44, <czr 11;13 Dr. DavAs was educational superviso'r ai instructional programs for West Vancouver fromn 1965 te 1968. Prom 1968 te 1979 he was principal of Trafalgar Castie School, Whitby,- which was then know as the O>ntario Ladies' College. He was also a meinber of the school's Board cf Directers. During bis term as principal, the school celebrated its centennial in 1974 and a provincial histeric site plaque was dedicated. Dr. Davis was a member af the Branitford and Suburban Planning Board, conducter ai the Port Hope and Conununity Mfaie Ch~orus, a former member'ai the baid ai directersqcf the Cabourg YICA and a pa4 president ai th Communitý' Concert Aisociation ai Cobourg. He was a past vice-presiderit ai the Brantford, Symphoniy Orýhestra Association. J)r. Davis was a member of the WIltby Rotary Club anid fourider and first diretor af the Whitby Rotary Chair. Inl1986 he was named aPaul Harris Fellow, the highest honar in Rotary. Dr. Davis was a lecturer for the school principali? course at Queen'sUniversity, Kingsten and a~~~~ mmeaiheOntario Ministry of Education comnittee which prepared the Manrinl Society until she retired in the 1950s. Mrs. Drew was best knowri in Whitby for ber many acts ai kidriess for the ill, the lonely and thé needy, lover a periad ai more thznr 50 ye"r. She cared for mariy senior citizens in the tewn, driving tbem te the docter, doing their shopping and laundry, and vieting theni when they needed belp. In selecting ber for the Peter Perry Award, thejuges said they chose Mrs. Drew b4Zause ai her fine cammunity su rt and ber res*diness te help anypne in need, regrdess ai color, creed or ntnality.'f I 1984, Mrs. Drew was U reserited with an Ontario icentenrui Medal for ber services te the community. Mrs. Drew was a iounding memiber of the Cood Campanions Senior Citizens Club at Fairview Lodge and spent many years dcing vnluriteer wark at the GER¶TE course af study fqr grades il and 12. He was a past president of the Bay ai Quinte Secondaxy School Rleadmasteri' Association and an honorary life member ai the Scbool Inspecteri? Association ai Ontario. Dr. Davis was aso a past president ai the Oshawa Music Teachers Association and a past president of the Canadian Association e'f Principals ai Independent Schools for Girls. He was a înenber of Davis T. Campbell Lodge, Wbitby, where hie held the position aorganSt. He was a npamber cfPh Delta Kappa P. f.aterpiity and of St. Mark's United Church, Whitby. Dr. Davis was a memnber af the Ontario Registered Music Teacheri? Associagon. His biagraphy was published in the Canadian Who's Who and by the Americari Biographical Institute. On Jurie 29, 10956, Dr. Davis was married at Taronte te the former Eleanor Ethel Michel, who survives him. He is aie sug-vived by one daughter, Kathryn Efleen Davis, of Tarante. Dr. Davis was at the W. C. Town Funeral Chi4pel, Whitby. Rev. Brian Cee and LRv. Dr. S. M. Barron conducted the funeral ,ervoce at St. Markes United Church, Whitby, on Monday, July 16, 1990, followed ý>y interment in Mount Lawn Memorial Gardens, Whitby. Lodge. Ini 1984 she waf; presented with a certificate, by the Town ai Whitby for ber - service te the Whitby Seniors 4ýctvit;y Centre, af which she was a founding member. Mrs. Drew wîýs a member of the Whitby G,4neral Hospital corpration and a life member of the bospital's auxlliary. She was algo a member oi the Whitby and Oshawa Historical Societies, and ai the local branch of the Ontario }lumane Society, where she aiso' did voluriteer work. Ms. Drew pairticipated in the twinning exchoriges between Whitby and Longueuil, Quebec, froni their foundir_,g in 1969 uritil three years ago wbxen poor health prevented ber fropi travelling te Longueuil. 1 She enumerated at élections since she was aId'eriough te vote, anid opened ber haone for many years as a polhing station. She was also a prominent worker for the Progressive Conservative Party. Mrs. Drew is éurvived by orie sister, Mrs. B. F. Fuiord (Goldie) ai Tarante; a cousin, Bea Wiskin of Oshawa and three hali-nieces, Isabel Moore, Betty HFEU, and Helen Widdicomb. One brother, John Cordon Rogers and one sister, Hazel Rogers, died before ber. Mrs. Drew wae at the W. C. Towri Funeral Chaptel, Whithy. Rev. Henry Dyck conducted the funeral service at the Whitby Baptist Church an Moriday, MuY 16, 1990, followee by interment in Mount Lawri Memorial Carderis, Whitby. f. desired, cant4ibutions ta, the *c ai your cce would be ilated. DIL ILC. DAVIS Kathleen Fairman Kathleen Margaret Fairmari ai Fairview, Lodge died at Whitby General Hospital on J une 3 1990. She was 74. She was barri in Wihitby on August 25, 1915, dau-ghter ai David E. (Dick) and ËEmily M. (Willis) Heard., She married Thomas Gordon Fairman on September 28, 1940, in Whýitby. She lived mc st ai ber lufe in Whitby She and ber husband, inth e Canadian air force, were s tationed in several locations in Canada. She worked in the Canadian Imperial; Bank of Commerce in Whitby and was also a s ecretary at Henry Street High School until ber retirement. She was a- member of St. Aridrew's Presbyteriari Church and a charter member ai the Eastern Star Lodge, Chapter 248. She is survived 4y a brother, James L. (Bud) Heard,^, sister- in-law Isabel, nieces and nephews and great-nieces anid great-nxephews. She was predeceased by ber husband in 1954, and by ber parents. The furieral service was held from the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel on June 7, 1990, Rev. W.J.S. McClure canducting. Interment at St. Johni's cemetery ini Port Whitby. Vohmnteers needed The Oshýia and District Association for Community Living required the assistance ai volunteers te support individuals witb developmk. tal handicaps in the cammunity. eeded are: 1) sam eneir assist a young lady in larnng basic readingf Idlîs, so she is able te, read recipes, grocery lists and other items useful in day-to-day living.d 2) a volunteer who coud support someone at bingo gaines one evening per week, 3) a volunteer te, drive a gentleman te work froni Harmnoey/401 te Harmony Conservation area and back. Ho starts at 11:15 a.m. and finishes at 2:30 p.m. This is for summer only anid mileage will be paid. 4) someone wha wanta ta become a friend >te a gentleman. We would prefer someone wbo spezks Italian sirice bis farnily spealca little English. If interested, call Suzanne Burton, ca-ordinater, community relations and volunteers, at 576-3011. Summer Fest plcmned PROM PAGE 4 participating in the day physi- cally or fmaiciaIli Te service clubs are the Lions Club ai Whitby, the Witby Jay- cees and Jaycettes, the Knights ai Calumbus - St. John the Evangelist Council, the Optimist Club 'ai Wbitby, thie Rôtary Club ai Wbitby Sunrise, and the Kiwanis and Kinette clubs ai Whitby. Tim anid Brown say that many of the local businesses have in- dicated they will pitch in with donations, but that mare are stili needed. Narth Çnd Burgers and M&M Mit - have donated hamburgers ',iêi.the.daât.Vai Heminen Tires and Sales bas donated money ta pay for the publicity, and a sign bas been made by Signet Signs ai Whitby. 'Whitby fire department meni- bers wil be there witb their robot doô, ad St. John Anmbu- lance will take part in the day. im and Brown welcome any business wantirig te make a donation or -te run a booth for Summer Fest. 0f the 194 residents at Fair- view Lodge, 104 ai theni have cognitive inipairments showirig Alzheimer-type signes. There are many more people in Durhanm Regiori wbo suifer from cognitive impairments and wha would beriefit from this dlay progrpm. ~'aif.hopî tWhav&è.'uiig Gertile Drew was formvier Peter Perry award winner m«mwm@mý a- gr V 10 »WWWýWýv W *Au te"" mwe

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