Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Jul 1990, p. 5

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WIUBYFEE ¶WS, WDNEDAX JUY 1,190,PAQE 5 Mount ierbeit, P.U.t. USpecIaI thanke to thé Vree Press): I arn itting in a epacous ountry-sized kritchen, i this bouse in upper Mont Herbert. S *read out before me are the usual tour maps and b hures. W. have ticked off the.obligatry visits-. Cavendish Beach, Green Gables, 1'downtown Charlottetýiwn, Aunts Lois and' Joyce, Uncle Lorne. But firet I arn wnitinrf this column. 'Dont forget to put in Mount Herbert,' says our host. "Mount Herbert neyer makes 1t into even the Island newapapers." "That's likely because nothinever happons here.", Wich is tilie. It ie a village i the true- sense. Rather a collection of house spread out over, a mile or so of pot-holed Island road. TIhe collection centres on the pioneer cemetery. --1» "N&othing is not true. You could alwaye put in the bit about the caif." The evenig before.we had watched fr-om the same itchon as five people i the adjacent field, tried in vain to herd one nmble two-month old Hereford caif to the barn. Every time they. trapped the caifi a fence corner the crittor would show hit; beels. And while grown Herefords can onLplod al;ong ladon -down with their beethurgor fianke, this young fellow could run. "News item of the mntaseeone jested. 'Mount*' Herbert, P.E.I. - showing groat speed and eads-up plannig, Junior Beefburger today blanked the farmeisfive ,and avoided aIl efforts to tag hie ear.' But'I avoidod the temptation to start -out like that. Besides, wbo in Whitby would be interestod in a Mount Herbort caif? But my hast was adamant. "At least put in about Mount Herbert, even if you don't mn lioth. calf," lie smid 'Trouble iS, if I mention éither thore would ho no transition from that to travel tipe, which je what I really want to write about." "0h." So trveltipeit is Sees juet bMing here on the Island requiros an WITH OUR FEET. UP by Bill.Swan » Travel Tips invostment of some menteen or eig3iten hours Of steady driving. People arrive hore fromal sorts Of places, to, ho greeted by a crow of students wbo caeu ly pry. each ffinger, one at a time, frocm the steering wbeel. And wrap them arouind a tour guide book. Justýbeing bore qualifies y u ta, give travel advioe. Tip #1: Don't takie a late lunch. Example: Suppoeing you planned ta stop for lunch before travell*ig tbrough a city. Say Montreal. And the person driving didn't. And thon when you fina]ly pulled off the expressway you can't find antbing recognizable. Becauso the signe are all in French. The conservation might omiething lbke this: "That way'e east." I know. I donWt wanta go east. I wanta eat." "Donft ebout." 11I ddnt. "That way is east." 'BUT WHICH WAY IS FOOD?" "Thore. Soo. You are shouting. Things could get so bad the. drver niigbt turn ito a McDonalds. The arches look the saie in Frenchi. Ip f2: Makte resorvations. Example: You miglit find, if you don't, that you pull, into Reviere du Loup at nine o'clock to'find the firet two motels full. The vacancies are at ninoWy dollars tho night. Yýoumight- at that point have . motel #1 contact Edmoýnston,, only to find that that,:botel,, two hours drive away, je also full. Thus, if you. don't make reservations you mnight; end up staying the night -in a rooming bouse two traffic lights east which bas two beds, a bath down the hall, and a decor which would. be fitting in a brothel. For tbirty-five dollars the nigbt,' or ten dollars the, bour, take your pick. Tip #3: Do stop at Silverwood Restaurant in Fredericton. (Beet turkey sandwiches on the Trans-Canada Higbway). Tip f4: Make sure your navigator bas proper certification. Exmple: You've eaten the world's best -clam cbowder on the Island ferry. You've driven througb the fast-food strip in Charlottetown. -Now all yùu'vo got, to do is follow Uncle Lorno's map to Mount Herbert. But, suppoeing your navigatoir confuses left and right on the inap. Or misses the sign for the left turn right after ihe sbould, bave turned there," you might say, after reading the highway signe in the rear-view niirror i the &dark.. "Fine then. So turn." 'TII pull a yewie firet'chanco." "You could, pull i the.re." "And there."ý "Fine then. If youlre going to shout lile that, find it And if your navigator thon tears up Uncle Lorne's map into little pieces and eats it, whero does that leave you? Next week: Anne of Green Gables. (What els?)~ Water restrictions poesible this 'lstunm11er Durham residents imay ho limi- ted in their water consumption this summor. A report from public works staff says that rapid growth in the municipalities along Lake Ontario will acon outPacO the capacity of tho water eystem. StaLff fear it may fail short of meeting the normal summer wateridemand. Current plans to expand the Jewelr'y stolen An undetermined arnount of jewelry was etolen from Con- suimerDitributing iWhitby oarly Sunday morning after thiovos smashed out the front dooir and gained entry. Wliitby police- responded te an alarm at 3.49 a.m.,- July 8, and found the front front *ewlery s;masheà. door and the diepla y case Thore was $750 damnage te the dplycase. The cse i under investiga- tion. Thieves steal engine hoist Durbaro Regionai Folice are investigating te theft of a car engine hoiet from a north Whitby servce station last week. Police report that thieves removed a 1.5-ton capacity enuine it chained to a polo at Bridlewood Sunoco, 1600 Rose- land Rd. E. The hoiet is about six ft.. tal and red in colorn It is valued-at $1,000. The tbeft occurred sometime between laite Wednesday night and early Thursday morning. Ais'x water suppypatand reviews of thepOshawa 'and Whitby water supply plants will not accommodate this yoars needs.' Staff have. expressed conoern. about the increase in water usage wben temporaturos ris.. The increased demand mayý lower the saystem roservoirs ta sucli a level that there will not ho a reservoir eupply of water left to provide adequate fire pro- tection. The water restrictions would go nta effect if water levels in teireservoirs drop below 20 per cent with no immediate sign of recovery. Staff have been mestructed tai contact the supervisor should water levels drop to the 20 par cent danger love I. OfficiaIs would thon decide whether water re- strictions are n cessary. If restrictions- were put m place, public notices in local newepapers and on radio would ask. residents ta limit lawn watering and the washing of cars to evory second day- The scbedule would ho doter- mined on an, oddleven basis and reflected 4y home addroes& If roservoir levels continued at a low level, a coxwplete ban would ho placed on la*ni watering. AMADU eUSa'J -.1756 -SIMOO D andi STFAKHOUSE . 1180 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 436-9333 0 436-90656 New York Steak and Sbrimps n7 day. a week * Banquet Facilities Available -» A CHECKLIST 0F EVERYTHING-YOU NEED TO LOOK -AFTER YOUR POOL THIS SUMMER i0 LIOUID CHLORINE we ALGAECIDE de ACID Haveyou beon to y oo upy store Iately and had your water asyd? Vou ptrobyund that yu neodied shoc, 'ucks, boosters. s eixzrs, test lts and other producte too numerous to mention. At Swish, we believe you can KEEP IT SIMPLE. We have'a Fre Gutd. To Cure And Maintenance of Your Swlmmlng > £2L which wig'answer any problom you may have. The hewand soul of a simpl p19 n centres around emsh-Bute 12% lqdchiorine. t's 12% avaIabechrine and 88%o wator. There's no secimnt fo alga to f r ud or to g you!er filtors. Most publie pools in WIitby, shr and Necsle usoSis-rte exclusavely. You ike the convonience of pcs Consicder the Rolachem Automnatic Pool Chlorinator. . Swish-Bite eatmaticalty lted into yowr pool. Ail you have to do is change.he 9,ntaner evefy 2 weks or so. Swish-Brite le economicaL. t's less Qian a quarter of thé price of pucks, Corne on clown to the Swish Clean-It Centre and let us show you how to look after youw pool dhe easy way this'sLumer. MAINTENANCE LTDN 5OINH ST HTB1Y 666-1224 95 REG. $229.95 For a limiled time

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